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Study confirms corporate profits going to executives and shareholders, not workers

I think you mean “borrowed”.

Oh so suddenly you're a deficit hawk? But let me guess, you were fine with Obama doubling the national debt in 8 years.

This is one of the reasons I don't like Trump by the way. Like all of them he's not all that interested in shrinking government. But you think Bernie or Hillary or Pocahontas are going to do that? No, their solution is grow the government even bigger and just take more and more and more of our money.

No thanks.
Oh so suddenly you're a deficit hawk? But let me guess, you were fine with Obama doubling the national debt in 8 years.

Democrats only care about govt spending and deficits when they're not in charge.
With the left it's all about envy and jealously. I do OK at what I do, but by no means do I consider myself wealthy, and that's also OK.
I have friends and neighbors that probably make twice what I do, and my thought is good for them, they worked for it and deserve it. But to the left they should be considered evil somehow.

My son made a lot of stupid mistakes as a teenager that bit him in the *** when he finally grew up and wanted to start being responsible for himself. Trouble was, when the market was tight, no employer was willing to take the risk with him.
He's now working, after being taught to be a fork lift operator in a warehouse in Phoenix, and actually making good money doing it, and being a productive member of society. This would not have happened 2 years ago.
This all changed as the unemployment numbers began dropping under the current administration.

I may not admire Trump as a man, but he is getting this country working again and it has effected my family personally, so I will continue to support him.

As for the left that continues to hate, I sincerely hope it does't require Xanax to get you through the day. You are blinded by hate, and not seeing the country prosper.
With the left it's all about envy and jealously. I do OK at what I do, but by no means do I consider myself wealthy, and that's also OK.
I have friends and neighbors that probably make twice what I do, and my thought is good for them, they worked for it and deserve it. But to the left they should be considered evil somehow.

My son made a lot of stupid mistakes as a teenager that bit him in the *** when he finally grew up and wanted to start being responsible for himself. Trouble was, when the market was tight, no employer was willing to take the risk with him.
He's now working, after being taught to be a fork lift operator in a warehouse in Phoenix, and actually making good money doing it, and being a productive member of society. This would not have happened 2 years ago.
This all changed as the unemployment numbers began dropping under the current administration.

I may not admire Trump as a man, but he is getting this country working again and it has effected my family personally, so I will continue to support him.

As for the left that continues to hate, I sincerely hope it does't require Xanax to get you through the day. You are blinded by hate, and not seeing the country prosper.

They don't care about policies (that are actually working), they only care about Stormy, grab em by the *****, immoral, mean guy stuff.
It is absolutely unfair.
You want to penalize someone for making more money than someone else, and you want to reward someone who doesn't make as much money as someone else.
It's also unfair that greedy rich people can hire legal and tax experts to find EVERY SINGLE loop hole, exemption, write-off, etc. to exploit and file to keep from paying as much taxes......in a progressive tax system we're set up on. By the way, our current federal tax code is the equivalent to 11 King James Bibles as far as word count.
The average American cannot navigate nor use to their advantage, they have to hire an accountant to try and do their best. Meanwhile, people who can afford can have lawyers and CPAs mull over their finances and use every advantage.
I want to do away with ALL of the above scenarios. It should not be this complicated. It should make sense and be FAIR to everyone. We should neither penalize nor reward anyone for anything. We need taxes to run the government. Everyone should kick in something. Your something is a percent. The same percent it is for everyone else. The more you make, the more they take. But it alleviates whining and crying and people the opportunity to be turds.

This is why a government funded by a consumption tax is the best answer. Basic essentials would be tax free, everything else is taxed at a fixed rate, FOR EVERYONE. Don’t want to pay the tax on a 100k automobile, buy a 20k one. Live within your means and YOU control your tax bill.
Democrats only care about govt spending and deficits when they're not in charge.

And they immediately start doing everything in their power to ensure they get back in power as soon as possible...if not sooner.

I think you mean “borrowed”.

I'm not borrowing ****, I'm keeping more of the money I earn. And there are less dead beats on welfare. Oh and by the way my 401K is the best it has ever been. My company gave us a bonus and a raise in the same calendar year for the first time in 10 years. So yeah **** is so terrible now since Trump became POTUS.
And they immediately start doing everything in their power to ensure they get back in power as soon as possible...if not sooner.


The stupid is strong with that one. Since her series of embarrassingly idiotic comments - Israel "occupying" Palestine, unemployment is low because people are working 80 hours per week, a 17-year old can walk into a gun dealer and purchase an assault weapon - along with her one accurate statement ("I'm not an expert on geopolitics") - the DNC has shut her down. They are hiding her to try and make us forget what an imbecile she is, and have her slink into Congress without tossing out more asinine, idiotic bon mots.
I can only add one thing: Direct taxation of income is inherently regressive. Only slaves don't own what they produce through their labor, our current tax code is slavery with extra steps.

We need certain things as a society.
Military, infrastructure, judges, etc.
No system is perfect obviously, but at least this is everyone chipping in.
Much like union dues ( and I do NOT believe in unions for today's day and age. They were absolutely necessary back in the early 20th century, but too many laws have been passed and they're obsolete now ), nobody would pay them, dues/taxes, if they were given a choice. With no taxes, the country looks like Idiocracy.
Hey, she also was correct when she said she was doing her best to "turn this state red". Keep on talking bimbo! LOL
Republicans only care about deficits and government spending when Democrats are in charge.

Latest forecast has federal deficit at 1.5 trillion per year by 2028 and interest on that debt approaching a trillion a year.
Awhile back there was a car maintenance commercial with the tagline "You can pay me now or you can pay me tomorrow"
That tagline will apply to taxes in the future, since we are deferring them today, we are going to pay a lot more in the future.
This generation seems to be banking on dying before this occurs so their children and grandchildren can pay their debts for them.
It's probably the most irresponsible action in American history and could lead to the countries downfall.
Libtards just hate low taxes. The fix is to cut out all the wasteful spending. That requires more Republicans because the Dems aren't smart enough to know what is necessary and what is not. They think it's ok to spend a billion dollars studying how spotted owls screw. Not to mention giving billions of dollars to terrorist countries, billions to horseshit climate groups, arms to ISIS... you know, that kind of spending. The debt would be paid off very quickly if we just got back to basics.
Republicans only care about deficits and government spending when Democrats are in charge.

Latest forecast has federal deficit at 1.5 trillion per year by 2028 and interest on that debt approaching a trillion a year.
Awhile back there was a car maintenance commercial with the tagline "You can pay me now or you can pay me tomorrow"
That tagline will apply to taxes in the future, since we are deferring them today, we are going to pay a lot more in the future.
This generation seems to be banking on dying before this occurs so their children and grandchildren can pay their debts for them.
It's probably the most irresponsible action in American history and could lead to the countries downfall.

I care about deficits, always have. The difference is I don't believe the answer to deficit problems is confiscating more money from people. I believe it's spending less money.

When I have a deficit in my own household, I don't decide to keep increasing my spending every single year and just steal the money I need from other people. I find ways to spend less.

We now spend almost 40% of GDP on government. I don't care if that money is coming from corporate fat cats or poor people, that is an absolutely obscene number. And Democrats think that's not big enough...and they want to spend more on everything and take over higher education and healthcare too...truly delusional.
I care about deficits, always have. The difference is I don't believe the answer to deficit problems is confiscating more money from people. I believe it's spending less money.

When I have a deficit in my own household, I don't decide to keep increasing my spending every single year and just steal the money I need from other people. I find ways to spend less.

We now spend almost 40% of GDP on government. I don't care if that money is coming from corporate fat cats or poor people, that is an absolutely obscene number. And Democrats think that's not big enough...and they want to spend more on everything and take over higher education and healthcare too...truly delusional.

And guaranteed housing and living wages for everyone. We would be Venezuela within two years.
We have a Republican in the White House, the Senate and House are controlled by Republicans, so when does reduced spending begin?

The Republicans are one trick ponies, their only economic policy is cut the payment of taxes and increase spending ( the accumulation of taxes).
It's the same as a family taking their credit cards to the max. Life's good, until the credit ends and the US government is reaching it's end soon.
Jamie Dimon of Chase was saying yesterday he sees US Treasuries hitting 5% in the not too distant future. We caught a break with low interest
rates on the debt, but that is ending and storm clouds will be getting darker. Not sure a Dem will be able to fix it this time.
Man, I have been down this road with him 10 times. Never replies, just keeps posting the same ****. Spending is the problem. America takes in TRILLIONS and tax receipts annually, yet we spend trillions more than we take in. It is beyond ridiculous. The answer, at least recently (Last 20 years or so), has been to reduce the rate at which the government increases spending. Politicians call that a spending cut, even though spending increases every year. Cut the spending, especially the wasteful bullshit, and you will see deficits decrease.
We have a Republican in the White House, the Senate and House are controlled by Republicans, so when does reduced spending begin?

In November, when we pick up enough seats in the Senate to pass budgets without needing the socialists votes.
We have a Republican in the White House, the Senate and House are controlled by Republicans, so when does reduced spending begin?

Never, because Democrats would scream bloody murder at any hint of cutting spending.

"Dey comin' for da children, dey comin' for da elderly...."

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Never, because Democrats would scream bloody murder at any hint of cutting spending.

"Dey comin' for da children, dey comin' for da elderly...."
There are people out there who are proud that they voted for that idiot.
Libtards just hate low taxes. The fix is to cut out all the wasteful spending. That requires more Republicans because the Dems aren't smart enough to know what is necessary and what is not. They think it's ok to spend a billion dollars studying how spotted owls screw. Not to mention giving billions of dollars to terrorist countries, billions to horseshit climate groups, arms to ISIS... you know, that kind of spending. The debt would be paid off very quickly if we just got back to basics.

You’re completely clueless. Our deficit and debt has very little to do with the catch phrase “waste” and everything to do with Social Security, Medicare, defense spending, and interest.
There are people out there who are proud that they voted for that idiot.

In many Congressional districts all you need to do is win the Democrat primary by being more Leftist than the other guy.
There are people out there who are proud that they voted for that idiot.

Yeah well, at least he isn't worried about Guam tipping over. thinks Russia invaded Korea or that we have to pass the bill for you to find out what’s in it.

at least there's that
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Yeah well, at least he isn't worried about Guam tipping over

What made that one was that he was trying so hard to sound scholarly and intelligent.

"It's gold Jerry, GOLD!"
You’re completely clueless. Our deficit and debt has very little to do with the catch phrase “waste” and everything to do with Social Security, Medicare, defense spending, and interest.

I would imagine the interest is pretty high on $20-some trillion.