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Take steps to prepare for massive inflation


They killed Kenny!
Apr 9, 2014
Reaction score
The nearest Steelers bar.
Remember, you were warned - take steps to guard against inflation, and do it soon.

21 Countries to Drop US Dollar for Global Trade

This matters - A LOT - because if the dollar is the world's currency, the currency used for international trade, oil sales, etc., then the number of dollars is so massive that the United States' inane and profligate printing of money causes inflation, but in a manner that is VASTLY reduced. You know all those moronic stories about how "inflation in the United States is the lowest among the G7"? That is ONLY because of the fact the dollar is the world's currency.

The 21 BRICS nations and allies represent 50% of the world's population. Joe Biden is overseeing and indeed fostering the end of the American dynasty. His inane policies regarding Russia, Ukraine, energy production, the border, law enforcement, crime, education, and public spending are well on the way towards making the United States just another country.

Obama will be so proud.
The rest of the world has suffered from the high USD for several generations, facing massive inflation because of the US petro-dollar recycling.

Just to get back to normal pricing --- a sense of spending equity --- would cause a massive jolt to the US that could make the great depression seem very small; the reversion to the mean is nasty.
The rest of the world has suffered from the high USD for several generations, facing massive inflation because of the US petro-dollar recycling.

Just to get back to normal pricing --- a sense of spending equity --- would cause a massive jolt to the US that could make the great depression seem very small; the reversion to the mean is nasty.

Thank heavens the iPhone generation is absolutely aware of this undeniable fact and ready to take action!

If by taking action, you mean looking at their phone to watch Rihanna videos, ordering Uber eats, looking at Beyonce videos, and then checking in on the Kardashians.
So where do I stick my 401s? They been ****** since Sleepy has been in, this sounds like they be gone
So where do I stick my 401s? They been ****** since Sleepy has been in, this sounds like they be gone
Joke’s on them, I lost all my savings in the Bomma recession.
glad I retired from the sheriffs dept this year cause sits gonna get way worse and it was already bad.
Remember, you were warned - take steps to guard against inflation, and do it soon.

21 Countries to Drop US Dollar for Global Trade

This matters - A LOT - because if the dollar is the world's currency, the currency used for international trade, oil sales, etc., then the number of dollars is so massive that the United States' inane and profligate printing of money causes inflation, but in a manner that is VASTLY reduced. You know all those moronic stories about how "inflation in the United States is the lowest among the G7"? That is ONLY because of the fact the dollar is the world's currency.

The 21 BRICS nations and allies represent 50% of the world's population. Joe Biden is overseeing and indeed fostering the end of the American dynasty. His inane policies regarding Russia, Ukraine, energy production, the border, law enforcement, crime, education, and public spending are well on the way towards making the United States just another country.

Obama will be so proud.

I almost feel bad for the people responsible when the **** hits the fan.
I almost feel bad for the people responsible when the **** hits the fan.

Nope, no, never, nada, zip, zilch, nicht. I hope I get to assist in pulling the rope when those responsible for destroying the nation are strung up over light poles and strong trees.
Remember, you were warned - take steps to guard against inflation, and do it soon.

21 Countries to Drop US Dollar for Global Trade

This matters - A LOT - because if the dollar is the world's currency, the currency used for international trade, oil sales, etc., then the number of dollars is so massive that the United States' inane and profligate printing of money causes inflation, but in a manner that is VASTLY reduced. You know all those moronic stories about how "inflation in the United States is the lowest among the G7"? That is ONLY because of the fact the dollar is the world's currency.

The 21 BRICS nations and allies represent 50% of the world's population. Joe Biden is overseeing and indeed fostering the end of the American dynasty. His inane policies regarding Russia, Ukraine, energy production, the border, law enforcement, crime, education, and public spending are well on the way towards making the United States just another country.

Obama will be so proud.

In order to have a global economy, wouldn't you need to crash the dollar? Asking for a friend...
In order to have a global economy, wouldn't you need to crash the dollar? Asking for a friend...

Not only that, but a digital currency so our betters can monitor every purchase we make and even interfere with certain purchases.

For the public good, of course.
Unless drugs dealers and prostitutes get approved to take digital currency I doubt it happens. Cartels operate on cash. If thier cash flow gets threatened blood spills.
Don't be so sold on BRICS. It's a real effort and in time something like it will succeed. China's economy is a farce. Russia's is strangled due to a war. The BRICS money will also be fiat money, because they cannot buy enough gold to reach the level of the US economy. That being said, their efforts to preplace the US dollar is going to be helped by the idiots in DC who have no idea what an economy is, or how to make a good one. Inflation is coming, but it is because of the actions of the dipwads we elected, or were told we elected - not because of some new dollar substitute.
Don't be so sold on BRICS. It's a real effort and in time something like it will succeed. China's economy is a farce. Russia's is strangled due to a war.

Two points. China's economy has massive holes relative to deficits and some weakness in food production, but their underlying economic indicators - manufacturing, exports, GDP growth, inflation, interest rates - are quite good. Better than the United States, in fact.

Second, Russia is financing a war but has a miniscule national debt and massive oil revenues. In comparison, the United States has simply printed currency for wars dating back 21 years and is saddled with a crippling national debt and debilitating benefits in terms of social security and Medicare. Interest, SS and Medicare will consume a huge chunk of the budget by 2030 and that will drag this nation to the bottom. No way around it.
Two points. China's economy has massive holes relative to deficits and some weakness in food production, but their underlying economic indicators - manufacturing, exports, GDP growth, inflation, interest rates - are quite good. Better than the United States, in fact.

Second, Russia is financing a war but has a miniscule national debt and massive oil revenues. In comparison, the United States has simply printed currency for wars dating back 21 years and is saddled with a crippling national debt and debilitating benefits in terms of social security and Medicare. Interest, SS and Medicare will consume a huge chunk of the budget by 2030 and that will drag this nation to the bottom. No way around it.
The average normie doesn't realize the USA is already bankrupt.
The average normie doesn't realize the USA is already bankrupt.

No worries. Sloppy Joe - whom Kurt Schlichter calls "Grandpa Badfinger" - is all over the debt thing. He is increasing the debt this year by a mere $1.7 trillion!

That'll solve the problem!!
Don't be so sold on BRICS. It's a real effort and in time something like it will succeed. China's economy is a farce. Russia's is strangled due to a war. The BRICS money will also be fiat money, because they cannot buy enough gold to reach the level of the US economy. That being said, their efforts to preplace the US dollar is going to be helped by the idiots in DC who have no idea what an economy is, or how to make a good one. Inflation is coming, but it is because of the actions of the dipwads we elected, or were told we elected - not because of some new dollar substitute.
The US has slightly more gold than Mexico.
China has 15x the US in gold reserves, India and Russia both have double the US gold reserves, and Brazil has 50% more.

Who has the fiat currency?