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The "Blue Wave"


Well-known member
Jun 10, 2014
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I got into a really stupid argument with a co-worker yesterday. He is also relatively conservative, but he hasn't lost all hope that the country has been lost. (He's a bit young.) Anyway, we were arguing about whether or not a "Blue Wave" actually occurred after the last fauxlection.

He said "The media all predicted a HUUUUUGE blue wave, that the democrats would increase their numbers in both the house and senate massively." I said, well, I would argue that the democrats have control of the house, the senate and the presidency. How would you not consider that complete victory and a "blue wave"?

He said, but they didn't win by MUCH. I said, "So?" Does that change the fact that they control the house, the senate and the wh?

With the vice prostitute controlling the "tying vote" in the senate, they control the senate, because we know how often the democrats break rank. Obviously they have majority in the house, and now they have Bernie in the wh. (as in Weekend at Bernie's).

I'd call that a blue wave.
His big finishing argument was, "Well, if they control everything, why don't they just get rid of the filibuster so nobody can stop anything they want to pass?"

I suggested that perhaps they will, but honestly all they really need to do is hold on for 2 years until the next fauxlection and then they'll have juuuuuust enough majority to stop worrying about filibusters at all. People fail to realize, the democrats have played the long game and at this point they have all the pieces on the board and conservatives are left with 1 pawn and a king. Odds aren't good.
Did you point out to the guy that somehow in a country with 133 million registered voters strangely over 150 million votes were cast?
The fact that they cheated their way into power doesn't negate the blue wave.
Not sure what is more disillusioning, the number of votes cast vs the number of registered voters or the system that let it ride....I'm more pissed off about the latter. I'm to the point of saying why bother in states that don't have voter integrity laws in place (like VA).

The blue wave is really a communist red wave of destruction. They have checked off every single box on the tactics and objectives list used by them. Firearms are on the table now. Securing permanent power through the so called democratic elections was last. Which by far and away is the most damaging to our republic. If they pass that H.R.1, I fully expect that to go right to the Supreme Court. Which I've lost a lot of faith in. Period! They'll pack that court next If they get turned down.

So if they have the courts,all media,schools, house,senate and the presidency, it's pretty much checkmate.

Turning people against each other and dividing by race,class and destroying American culture has always been part of their platform when they seek more power. They had zero chance in this last presidential election up until our friends in China gave us covid in 2020. Zero chance! Our country was killing it. The democrats destroyed it just to attain power.

The last thing they care about is you or I. That couldn't be more clearer. A year of submission, fraudulent elections, massive spending with peanuts going to actual citizens. What is it like 9%? Of YOUR money. After a year of house arrest and forced economic destruction under the falsehood of it's for your safety. Oh,here is a few bucks, don't worry we will tax the hell out of everyone for that 9% you got. Thanks for that extra 91%, suckers.

The country has been conditioning for an entire year to submit to whatever Dr.Fuckhead says. Double masks after being vaccinated? I'd like to smack that little ****. Take his millions in salary he made and give it to the businesses he destroyed.

Yeah,it's a blue wave of tyranny,forced submission and bondage. Dissent is not permitted.

Every dumbshit I see wearing a mask outdoors,driving down the road,riding a bike,going to the beach. ****, I saw one lady with a mask on while swimming in the ocean. All from fear and misinformation injected into them over and over again... The government will find another avenue after this one dries up,which they have milked for as long as possible.

....rant over.
The democrats destroyed it just to attain power.
Wasn't the first time, won't be the last. They mixed in all the ingredients necessary to set up the 2007-8 collapse prior to the election and made these bailouts a normal thing to launder enormous amounts of money.

They may not have orchestrated the release of COVID (who knows, maybe they did) but they were damn well in the drivers seat in shutting everything down and keeping it down.

They may not have been behind 911 but I'm seriously wondering if the powers that be knew it was coming. Regardless, afterwards they damn sure saw an opportunity to crack down on all of us not just the ones behind the deed, and establish an endless war that continually refills the war coffers for many in the upper levels.

There's been some totally crazy **** that has happened in the past 30+ years. I guarantee most of it didn't "just happen". Look deep into what's been going on and the responses to same and you can start connecting the dots...
Talk like that will get you the label "Conspiracy Wig" around here...
Talk like that will get you the label "Conspiracy Wig" around here...
More like I've been paying extra close attention since we elected a marxist twice who promised fundamental change in America.

You pay attention to their actions before Trump was even sworn in,to the 2020 china covid gift ,riots,blm,antifa and finally the election.

Biden is so ****** up they won't even let him talk to the press. Hell, they have Harris overseeing his self made border crisis. 86 million to put some up in hotels,while they stuffed our national gaurd in a parking garage.