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The Crooked Hillary Thread


Well-known member
Jan 13, 2015
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Trump threw and landed the first punch. The moniker fits perfectly, and Hillary can expect to hear more unless the FBI gets to her first.

Hillary Clinton meet with James Comey, the head of the FBI not so ago. The FBI has 90+ people on this case, and Comey who I have seen in an interview on 60 minutes is a man of towering integrity.
Crooked Hillary indeed


Bernie Sanders and Hillary Clinton began attacking each other as unqualified Wednesday as Bernie kept winning primaries while Hillary kept adding to her delegate lead. Bernie Sanders has won eight of the last nine contests. If this keeps up, Hillary's going to be president two months ago.


Thought for the day..............

Bernie's supports are saying " Bern the witch ".

1 in 4 Sanders supporters says they will never vote for Clinton. If this is true, Clinton is losing 25% of her likely vote.
I am sincerely anticipating the start of this Presidential election cycle, I may wish it was over soon after but I think it will be a hoot for awhile at least, The Hildebeast has so many targets of opportunity for Trump to hit, even his missed attempts will be classic.

Sanders is trying to get her to release the transcripts of the speeches she gave to Wall Street audiences. Why? “When everybody agrees to do that, I will as well, because I think it’s important we all abide by the same standards.” What bullshit. Democratic primary voters see the obvious: Hillary is hiding behind a standard she invented.

What the other candidates have said to bankers isn’t the issue. No one expects Donald Trump to have been anything other than fulsome in his praise of Wall Street. He probably spoke mainly about himself anyway. What Sanders wants to know is if Clinton said one thing to the financial services industry and another to the public.

It’s also a question that Clinton could settle rather easily in her favor. Other than the most committed of Bernie Bros, does anyone really think the Hildebeast offered to sell her soul to Lloyd Blankfein, at least on stage? The transcripts won’t contain bombshells but platitudes—thank you so much for having me, it’s great to be here, Bill and I really appreciate the socially conscious investment and work you’re doing for young people around the world, diversity, inclusion, hot sauce, Chelsea built a clinic in Haiti, climate change, I’m a grandma, blah, blah, blah. You won’t be shocked by what she said. You’ll be bored.

The act of concealment transforms the banal into the insidious. I sometimes wonder if the Hildebeast does this just to give her rather humdrum and lackluster public life an infusion of excitement and danger, or to goad her enemies into overreaction. Well Trump is the right guy for that job, overreaction is his middle name. Thus the result of Hilde’s actions may turn out to be the very opposite of her intent.

“It is a vicious circle.” And the person responsible for keeping the circle going is none other than the candidate herself: circumspect, wary, so damaged by her years in the public eye that she trusts no one. And receives no trust in return.( wrote Sarah Ellison last year in Vanity Fair)

Just think, If Trump wins the election it'll be the first time in history that a billionaire moved into public housing vacated by a black family! jus sayin'

Because it's not your thread, they won't move it.

we need a Hillary thread devoted to her shameful ******* nasty ***.
that, and like you said, Spike didnt start the thread, so there's no need to move nor merge it.

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I coulda been rich!

Pro-Hillary PAC Spending $1 Million to Hire Online Trolls

A pro-Hillary Clinton political action committee (PAC), is spending over $1 million on online trolls in order to 'correct' Sen. Bernie Sanders supporters on social media sites.

According to Correct the Record, the task force will “combat online political harassment,” boasting that it has already “addressed more than 5,000 individuals who have personally attacked Secretary Clinton on Twitter.”


I coulda been rich!

Pro-Hillary PAC Spending $1 Million to Hire Online Trolls

A pro-Hillary Clinton political action committee (PAC), is spending over $1 million on online trolls in order to 'correct' Sen. Bernie Sanders supporters on social media sites.

According to Correct the Record, the task force will “combat online political harassment,” boasting that it has already “addressed more than 5,000 individuals who have personally attacked Secretary Clinton on Twitter.”


What the **** is the deal with liberals and their insatiable inability to withstand opposing views??

Bernie pays people to protest Trump and get into shouting matches with Trump supporters; Hillary pays people to argue with Bernie supporters online; Obama is renowned for paying people to argue with internet criticizers.

Grow the **** up and stop being such narcissistic little crybabies.
Tibs does disappear from time to time. I always wondered what he was doing at that time. Talk about moonlighting for the other side...
Oh look, a crooked Clintonite abusing power to help her get elected -
Gov. Terry McAuliffe signed an executive order Friday restoring the voting rights of 206,000 ex-felons, a sweeping action the governor said was aimed largely at rectifying Virginia's "long and sad history" of suppressing African-American voting power.
The move, coming in a presidential election year, outraged Republicans who accused McAuliffe of abusing his power to help longtime ally Hillary Clinton win a battleground state by putting more likely Democratic voters on the books.


Hey good job on electing that piece of ****, Virginia.

These ******* do it all in plain sight. Email servers in the closet, obvious lies about a video in Benghazi, executive order allowing felons to vote.. just amazing.
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It would be pretty awesome if these asshat libs are doing all of this and Trump still wins VA.
If Bernie wasn't such a putz, their race might be a little closer

Bernie - "I'm losing because of poor people!"

Bernie Sanders has built his campaign on a message of combating income inequality, but that message doesn't seem to be resonating in many of the states with the highest levels of income inequality in the country. In fact, of the 25 states with the highest levels of income inequality, 17 have held primaries so far, and Clinton has won 16 of those contests.

When asked why he thinks he's losing in those states, Sanders responded, "Well, because poor people don't vote. I mean, that's just a fact."

He is losing because a great many democrats wont vote for someone they believe is communist... That is a reoccuring theme i hear from a good portion of my democratic friends.
Annie Oakley returns to Pennsylvania

“I want to be really clear about this, because I learned how to shoot a gun behind our cottage in Lake Winola,” Mrs. Clinton said. “And I know how important gun ownership and particularly hunting is here in northeastern Pennsylvania.”

“I want you to know that we can’t ignore the Second Amendment, and we can’t ignore that 33,000 people a year die from gun violence,” she said. “I think we are smart enough to figure out how to do that.”



for the eleventy billionth time - THE 2ND AMENDMENT HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH HUNTING
Annie Oakley returns to Pennsylvania

“I want to be really clear about this, because I learned how to shoot a gun behind our cottage in Lake Winola,” Mrs. Clinton said. “And I know how important gun ownership and particularly hunting is here in northeastern Pennsylvania.”

“I want you to know that we can’t ignore the Second Amendment, and we can’t ignore that 33,000 people a year die from gun violence,” she said. “I think we are smart enough to figure out how to do that.”



for the eleventy billionth time - THE 2ND AMENDMENT HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH HUNTING

Wait, Chelsea said Hillary has a remarkable record on gun control. It's almost like Hillary says whatever she thinks the audience wants to hear. Nah, people wouldn't be stupid enough to fall for that.
Wait, Chelsea said Hillary has a remarkable record on gun control. It's almost like Hillary says whatever she thinks the audience wants to hear. Nah, people wouldn't be stupid enough to fall for that.

Nah, no way she would try to fool people like that, just like she would never claim ( " I learned how to shoot a gun behind our cottage in Lake Winola,") to have shot a gun and not know one end of a gun from another. Just like she would never claim to love riding a subway and not know how to get past the gate or ,,,well you get the idea.

