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The DOJ is going after Google. Again.

Tim Steelersfan

Flog's Daddy
Apr 17, 2014
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Justice Department Is Preparing Antitrust Investigation of Google
Probe would closely examine Google’s practices related to search, other businesses

WASHINGTON—The Justice Department is gearing up for an antitrust investigation of Alphabet Inc.’s Google, a move that could present a major new layer of regulatory scrutiny for the search giant, according to people familiar with the matter.

The department’s antitrust division in recent weeks has been laying the groundwork for the probe, the people said. The Federal Trade Commission, which shares antitrust authority with the department, previously conducted a broad investigation of Google but closed it in 2013 without taking action, though Google made some voluntary changes to certain business practices.

The FTC and the department have been in talks recently on who would oversee any new antitrust investigation of a leading U.S. tech giant, and the commission agreed to give the Justice Department jurisdiction over Google, the people said.

With turf now settled, the department is preparing to closely examine Google’s business practices related to its search and other businesses, the people said.

It couldn’t immediately be learned whether Google has been contacted by the department. Third-party critics of the search giant, however, already have been in contact with Justice Department officials, some of the people familiar with the matter said.

A Justice Department spokesman declined to comment, as did an FTC spokeswoman. Google didn’t immediately respond to requests for comment.

A Justice Department investigation would put Google—and potentially other tech giants—in an unwanted spotlight at a time when major internet companies already have seen their political fortunes turning, both in the U.S. and overseas.

The shift has come with multibillion-dollar antitrust fines for Google from the European Union. Facebook Inc. has come under intense fire over Russian use of its platform to meddle in the 2016 election. Policy makers also are increasingly skeptical of internet companies’ privacy practices, as well as their potential to create other public harm.

Alphabet, Google’s parent, typically is ranked among the world’s five largest firms by market capitalization, nourished by its powerful position in online advertising, a lucrative market that threatens to eclipse other forms of advertising. Along with Facebook, it has become a major player in the complex market. But other firms—notably Amazon.com Inc. —also have begun to compete for the business, raising competitive concerns for Google.

Increasingly, U.S. leaders have begun to question the size and dominance of some of the tech giants.

Democratic presidential candidate Elizabeth Warren, a senator from Massachusetts, called for the breakup of the nation’s top tech companies earlier this year, sending tremors through the large field of contenders for the party’s nomination and winning praise from populist liberal activists—as well as from Steve Bannon, a former strategist for President Trump.

Others candidates, like Sen. Amy Klobuchar (D., Minn.), a leading Democrat on antitrust issues, haven’t gone that far, but they have called for more scrutiny of big tech.

A recent letter from Sens. Klobuchar and Marsha Blackburn (R., Tenn.) urged the FTC to “take action” in response to antitrust and privacy concerns around companies such as Google and Facebook, noting the companies’ large market shares in internet markets such as search and advertising.

Some Republicans also have linked the companies’ size and influence to alleged stifling of conservative speech online—a charge the companies deny.

“If we have tech companies using the power of monopoly to censor political speech I think that raises real antitrust issues,” Texas GOP Sen. Ted Cruz said in an April hearing.

But Google would be a daunting foe for U.S. antitrust enforcers. Despite growing public concern about dominance by a few Silicon Valley giants, Google’s products remain highly popular with consumers, and the company has spent years developing a support network in Washington and around the country. It has been a funder of dozens of nonprofit groups active on antitrust issues across the political spectrum, including the American Antitrust Institute as well as several conservative think tanks.

The FTC created high expectations in its earlier Google investigation, but the company emerged largely unscathed. Some FTC staffers raised a variety of concerns internally about Google practices they believed to be anticompetitive, but they also said Google had strong procompetitive justifications for its actions and was focused on delivering services consumers liked.

The “evidence paints a complex portrait of a company working toward an overall goal of maintaining its market share by providing the best user experience, while simultaneously engaging in tactics that resulted in harm to many vertical competitors, and likely helped to entrench Google’s monopoly power over search and search advertising,” one 2012 FTC staff memo said.

The rise of big tech has seen three corporate titans that didn’t exist 30 years ago—Amazon, Google, and Facebook—suddenly amassing the power to sway large parts of the U.S. economy and society, from the stock market to political discourse, from personal shopping habits to how small businesses sell their wares.

With their enormous size and dominance have come network advantages, data caches and economies of scale that can make it challenging for new rivals to succeed. Many firms that compete with those giants in one sector also depend on their platforms to reach customers, and they complain of being unfairly squeezed.

Supporters of the big tech companies say there is so much dynamism in the sector that the giants are sure to be knocked off soon. However, their power and reach keep growing.

Antitrust leaders at the Justice Department and the FTC have publicly acknowledged the competition concerns and said those issues merit close attention.

Justice Department antitrust chief Makan Delrahim has said there is nothing wrong with a large tech firm winning its dominance through innovation, but he has said companies must compete fairly to achieve and maintain their position.

“Antitrust enforcers may need to take a close look to see whether competition is suffering and consumers are losing out on new innovations as a result of misdeeds by a monopoly incumbent,” Mr. Delrahim said last year in a speech about digital platforms at the University of Chicago.

U.S. Attorney General William Barr, Mr. Delrahim’s boss, voiced similar sentiments during his confirmation hearings in January.

“I don’t think big is necessarily bad, but I think a lot of people wonder how such huge behemoths that now exist in Silicon Valley have taken shape under the nose of the antitrust enforcers,” Mr. Barr told senators. “You can win that place in the marketplace without violating the antitrust laws, but I want to find out more about that dynamic.”
They need to break up Google and Facebook. They have too much power to control information and to censor.

Youtube is now banning people or de-monetizing their content. When you produce videos on youtube and you get enough viewers, they then place ads on your videos and you make money for it. Many people are now making their living doing this.

Youtube has been de-monetizing conservative content for a few years now. A channel like Prager U has millions of views and youtube de-monetized them.

Now they are trying to ban conservative comedian Steven Crowder because Vox complained. Vox is a left wing outlet given millions by NBC to produce leftist propaganda videos. Crowder then debunks pretty much every single one and makes them look stupid. So Vox is now trying to get Crowder banned and probably will.
I'm generally for the free market taking care of monopolies, but in this case these companies are trying to be like monopolistic utilities so let them be regulated like utilities.
I'm generally for the free market taking care of monopolies, but in this case these companies are trying to be like monopolistic utilities so let them be regulated like utilities.
Exactly. Just like healthcare should be available for delivery and regulated like the electric company.

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Break that **** up. Amazon too.
Google and Facebook. Need busted up.

Reasonable people realize they need some oversight. Liberals like Tibslodyte21 "enjoy" how they silence free speech and promote speech they support. This must not sit well.
Break that **** up. Amazon too.

It's on the horizon...

Amazon could face heightened antitrust scrutiny under a new agreement between US regulators

Amazon could face heightened antitrust scrutiny under a new agreement between U.S. regulators that puts it under closer watch by the Federal Trade Commission, three people familiar with the matter said.

The move is the result of the FTC and the Department of Justice, the U.S. government's leading antitrust enforcement agencies, quietly divvying up competition oversight of two of the country's top tech companies, according to those people, who spoke on the condition of anonymity because the government's work is confidential. The Justice Department is set to have more jurisdiction over Google, The Washington Post reported on Friday, paving the way for a potential investigation of the search-and-advertising giant.
Looking bad for all tech companies.

Google Should Be Afraid. Very Afraid.

(Bloomberg Opinion) -- This is the moment the U.S. technology superpowers surely knew was coming: The U.S. government is preparing to crawl all over Google to figure out whether it is an abusive monopolist. Google parent company Alphabet Inc. and the other tech giants should be quaking in their fleece vests.

Bloomberg News and other news organizations reported late Friday that the U.S. Department of Justice is preparing to open an investigation into Google’s compliance with antitrust laws. If it goes forward, an investigation will no doubt be broad, lengthy, messy, and impossible for Google and its investors to predict.

That should terrify Google and every other big technology company — because there’s no guarantee that the antitrust Klieg light will turn on one company alone.

This isn’t Google’s first antitrust rodeo. The U.S. Federal Trade Commission in 2013 closed without further action its own antitrust investigation into whether Google wielded its dominant web search engine like a cudgel to disadvantage rivals, drive up prices for advertisers and ultimately harm consumers. (Google did agree to some voluntary changes.)

And in recent years, the European Union antitrust watchdog imposed billions of dollars in fines after finding antitrust violations, including over how Google conducted business with its Android smartphone software and its internet shopping service. In the U.S. and elsewhere, politicians from all party stripes have sought to attack Google or other tech giants for various perceived sins, including being too big for the good of industry and consumers. Being Google has meant dealing with perennial regulatory and political nightmares.

This latest chapter of “As Google Turns” may have started in January on Capitol Hill. “I don’t think big is necessarily bad, but I think a lot of people wonder how such huge behemoths that now exist in Silicon Valley have taken shape under the nose of the antitrust enforcers,” Bill Barr, now the U.S. attorney general, said to U.S. senators during a confirmation hearing. The DOJ’s chief antitrust enforcer, who represented Google during a merger more than a decade ago, has expressed similar views.
Google and Facebook. Need busted up.

Well, they're all headquartered in the Liberal haven of northern California. That's simply who works for them and monitors content.
Here's a vid showing how YouTube, owned by Google, is now screwing with conservatives who make videos. Must be getting ready for next election.

Yeah but Russia meddled in our election.
Let the YouTube bans begin

