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The Enemy of the People Thread

See, there's your problem. You've gone down the rabbit hole one too many times, suckered into believing completely unsubstantiated conspiracy theories. At this stage, you've lost your way and can't find your way back to reality. Or, maybe you don't want to.
Unsubstantiated because every court refused to hear the evidence. But let’s talk simple math 133 million registered voters but somehow over 150 million votes were cast. Keep telling that big lie because that’s all you’ve got you communist ****.
Unsubstantiated because every court refused to hear the evidence. But let’s talk simple math 133 million registered voters but somehow over 150 million votes were cast. Keep telling that big lie because that’s all you’ve got you communist ****.
The dream will never die. Like rainbows and unicorns... you fell for Trump's big lie. Poor soul.
See, there's your problem. You've gone down the rabbit hole one too many times, suckered into believing completely unsubstantiated conspiracy theories.

Says the dickbag raging on about a multitude of pure fiction, e.g.., white supremacy, armed insurrection, the glorious benefits of millions of unskilled streaming over the border, the benefits of lockdowns, the "peaceful protests" in Kenosha and Minneapolis, the glorious wonders of Antifa, and on and on. You slurp up lefty talking points like Cumula does semen on a job interview.
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The dream will never die. Like rainbows and unicorns... you fell for Trump's big lie. Poor soul.
You wouldn't be this complacent with voter fraud if it was your corrupt party on the losing end. But hey, you got what you want, the end of America! Viva la Corpse!!
You wouldn't be this complacent with voter fraud if it was your corrupt party on the losing end. But hey, you got what you want, the end of America! Viva la Corpse!!
There was no voter fraud to be complacent with, or not to be complacent with. But don't let that take the wind out of your sails.
Yep I’m an extremist just like George Washington. No I take that back, Washington would already be leading troops in the field if there had been the kind of blatant theft of an election in his day like we had last November.
He would without any doubt whatsoever. The British are nothing compared to what we're dealing with now. Just a spec of fly **** in comparison. The taxation,debt,corruption, getting rich from office,squandering money from the public treasury, allowing large government like companies to censor free speech, large standing armies in times of peace, standing armies and fortification around the capitol under fabrication of invasion, weaponized government agencies to go after private citizens and political dissenters. The ongoing attempts to disarm the population. The vilification and encouragement of attacks on those trying to enforce constitutional laws of the land. The senate and congress acting as monarchy entrenching themselves in government for decades.

The attacks on Christianity, the family, the murder of the unborn and the newest fun thing for boys are girls and girls are boys.

I'm sure I missed some. Do you think that would be enough for a call to action by them? Oh yeah.
There was no voter fraud to be complacent with, or not to be complacent with.

Yeah, the (D)ims investigated themselves and found no evidence of voter fraud, apart from the 1,000 statements under penalty of perjury, videos, poll watchers being tossed out, vote counters wearing Biden hats, ballots appearing by the tens of thousands at 3:00 a.m., and on and on.

In a related story, Andrew Cuomo investigated himself and found no truth to the allegations of sexual harassment.
Yeah, the (D)ims investigated themselves and found no evidence of voter fraud, apart from the 1,000 statements under penalty of perjury, videos, poll watchers being tossed out, vote counters wearing Biden hats, ballots appearing by the tens of thousands at 3:00 a.m., and on and on.

In a related story, Andrew Cuomo investigated himself and found no truth to the allegations of sexual harassment.
Steeltime makes a good point. Why are affidavits that were sworn under oath and were lies according to folks of Tibs ilk not being prosecuted for perjury? Perjury is a felony after all. It’s like something might be discovered in court if evidence was actually examined and we would find out these affidavits were not lies.
The government loves auditing everything the people do because we are incompetent, untrustworthy, cheaters. But if the people want to audit election results, we are terrible bad conspiracy theorists who need to be shamed into silence. Them auditing us is good and necessary. Us auditing them is silly foolishness.
I'm glad we got that cleared up.
Yeah, the (D)ims investigated themselves and found no evidence of voter fraud, apart from the 1,000 statements under penalty of perjury, videos, poll watchers being tossed out, vote counters wearing Biden hats, ballots appearing by the tens of thousands at 3:00 a.m., and on and on.

In a related story, Andrew Cuomo investigated himself and found no truth to the allegations of sexual harassment.
Uh, last I looked there were over 13,000.
Are you trying to say the legacy media is full of socialist hacks with an agenda rather than journalists?
Yes, they pretty much always have been. They just went full on commie fake news apeshit when Trump came down the escalator.
Cuomo busy instituting an order that kills thousands of old people? No interest by 60 Seconds.
Whitmer violates her own stay-at-home order? No interest by 60 Seconds.
Cuomo groping and slavering over female staffers? No interest by 60 Seconds.
Gavin the Clown dining out without a mask after his own lockdown order mandates general population can't do that very thing? No interest by 60 Seconds.
Drunk Nancy assuring us in February, 2020 that no reason to worry, come visit Chinatown? No interest by 60 Seconds.
Drunk Nancy tells us that failing to wear mask unpatriotic, horrible, defies lockdown via hair appointment, no mask? No interest by 60 Seconds.
Mayor Lori "Murder Capital" Lightfoot demands citizens stay home, gets her hair done in violation of her own order? No interest by 60 Seconds.
New York and California in a contest to see how many people they kill while destroying lives and financial health? No interest by 60 Seconds.
Florida, with massive elderly population, doing better on all fronts than Lockdown Michigan, California, NY? No interest by 60 Seconds.
Lockdowns not working? No interest by 60 Seconds.
Fauci changes his advice more often than he changes his underwear? No interest by 60 Seconds.
Multiple vaccines developed under special program enacted by Trump administration? No interest by 60 Seconds.
Desantis had Publix, which donated to Desantis campaign, help distribute vaccine? 60 Seconds responds:

CNN won't even cover their own news crew being assaulted at the riots because it makes the rioters look bad and crushes CNN's own narrative. What a **** organization.

Twitter banned James O'Keefe of Project Veritas over their exposure of CNN's lying bullshit. Man, they are all running cover for each other. how anyone trusts any of them is beyond me.

No big ******' wup sarge....they just don't care what we think.


And the looting will continue to be a source of shadow income because dem peoples jus don wanna lissen to y'all criminal white basserds.


Hey, remember the Russian bounty story? It was a lie. We knew it was a lie. Nothing new from our media.

WAPO doubling down, despite Raggedy Ann admitting it today.


"Hi, I'm Ginger Goebbels. Here to make Ogres stop liking gingers. Oh,
and I'm stupid. I'll have to circle back on how dumb because I'm dumb."
So.... here it comes that the so-called "Russian Bounty" was a complete farce. Bad intelligence, that was run by with political/money-grubbing media and then have to backtrack and sweep it under the rug.

Look, I don't normally quote or link to Fox News. And I have read other outlets issues on this:

No worries, Decaf and 21 will be along any second now to admit they were completely duped by the lying media. Just like they were duped for 2+ years about the Russia collusion lie, and about armed insurrection, and kids in cages, and Biden's mental competence, and on and on.

I recall Decaf raging on and on about the bullshit, phony "bounty to ISIS," posting articles citing no evidence about the claim. I have no doubt - none - that he will admit being a stooge for believing such bullshit, and parroting talking points for his betters like a trained seal looking for fish.