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The Fire Alarm Scandal


Regular Member
May 9, 2014
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LP in the burgh
So for those who don’t know ( because it’s barely being mentioned in the main news)
The Democrats were trying to stall the compromise budget vote for political purposes…

In the midst of this, a fire alarm was set off right before the vote…

Here is a photo of the Democratic congressman who did it… doing it… the police we’re looking for him to question him about it yesterday

Now his excuse was that he was trying to get to the vote and thought it would open the doors…

Here is a brietbert article with better photos of the actual alarm

Now this at best is a misdemeanor with a fine and potentially with up to six months in prison…

But if they could prove he was intentionally trying to disrupt an official vote, that is a felony and can carry 22 years in prison…
Tearing down emergency exit signs has to be a crime.
More details and inside scoop

Rep. Nicole Malliotakis (R-NY) describing what happened from the inside.

An attack on democracy by a socialist. I am just shocked. Will he be going into solitary confinement soon. No bail. I'm sure the house police are in route right now to take him into custody.

This kind of insurrection to prevent our representatives from doing their duty can not be taken lightly. I'm sure others colluded with him.

Man they have excuses for everything and their puppet machine is in full tow.

Let me go pull one in a movie theater and see my lock up time. Ooo my bad I thought it was a door.
Reading the X comments apparently this guy was a HS principal and he is trying to claim he doesnt know what a pull station does? I dont know how anyone could buy that BS.
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In fairness pulling the fire alarm should release any egress doors automatically. However his explanation is still BS and I am sure he didnt pull the alarm to get out.
I know what is going to happen. from my personal experience. detention
45 minutes writing lines at the chalkboard?
writing or doing?
In fairness pulling the fire alarm should release any egress doors automatically. However his explanation is still BS and I am sure he didnt pull the alarm to get out.
I wish I could punch you in the face.
I wish I could punch you in the face.
lol ok....i am stating from a life safety standpoint all of our egress doors have to release upon activation of the fire alarm.
lol ok....i am stating from a life safety standpoint all of our egress doors have to release upon activation of the fire alarm.
I totally agree with you that those doors should open as all doors should open when the alarm is sounded. And I don't really want to punch you in the face......much
In fairness pulling the fire alarm should release any egress doors automatically. However his explanation is still BS and I am sure he didnt pull the alarm to get out.
The point is. If I came to your nursing home, was in the locked memory support unit and pulled the fire Alarm “because I didn’t know,” my *** is getting charged.

Period. If anyone got hurt, or in this case lose of life, boom I’m gone for long time. Rules for thee……