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The governmnet Shut down blows up in the Dem's faces


Well-known member
Jan 13, 2015
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Immigration Activists Are About to Go Off on Chuck Schumer

A trio of progressive organizations, including CREDO, is hosting an event on Tuesday night that will bring activists to the front lawn of Schumer’s home in Brooklyn.

They are also in the process of printing signs for the event which read “Worst negotiator in Washington. And Brooklyn. #SchumerSellout,” superimposed on an image of the Minority Leader’s face.

All right, while we are on the immigration topic....I would like to pass along an article that was sent to me this morning. We have long ( as long as I can remember ) supported aid to Africa. The poor starving little kid with the big eyes has been a heart mugger for decades. Well, what we don't know about the relief effort is the results. I personally never thought about it. Agree or not, I present for you today, a version of earworm for the brain.

Instead of giving you an ideological premise, I give you the last paragraph, the rest is optional. I know it surprised me.

How much morality is there in saving an Ethiopian child from starvation today, for it to survive to a life of brutal circumcision, poverty, hunger, violence and sexual abuse, resulting in another half-dozen such wide-eyed children, with comparably jolly little lives ahead of them. Of course, it might make you feel better, which is a prime reason for so much charity!

But that is not good enough. For self-serving generosity has been one of the curses of Africa. It has sustained political systems which would otherwise have collapsed. It prolonged the Eritrean-Ethiopian war by nearly a decade. It is inspiring Bill Gates’ programme to rid the continent of malaria, when, in the almost complete absence of personal self-discipline, that disease is one of the most efficacious forms of population-control now operating. If his programme is successful, tens of millions of children who would otherwise have died in infancy will survive to adulthood, he boasts.

Oh good: then what? I know, let them all come here (to Ireland) or America. (not forgetting Australia!)

Yes, that’s an idea.

“Cryin’ Chuck Schumer fully understands, especially after his humiliating defeat, that if there is no Wall, there is no DACA,” Trump wrote on Twitter on Tuesday night. “We must have safety and security, together with a strong Military, for our great people!”

Heh heh..
That's what happens when you get a new sheriff in town.
That's what happens when you get a new sheriff in town.

As I tell the Libs here and on FB all the time, Trump didn't pass any new immigration laws, he's just enforcing the laws we have. Most of which were passed by a Democrat-controlled Congress.
As I tell the Libs here and on FB all the time, Trump didn't pass any new immigration laws, he's just enforcing the laws we have. Most of which were passed by a Democrat-controlled Congress.

And the response of these same libs to that simple fact ...

The whole DACA nutroll is about garnering the DNC 3 million government dependent voters instantly with an amnesty with an unlimited supply on the backside through chain immigration. We must tie any immigration action to ending chain immigration and visa lotteries.
The whole DACA nutroll is about garnering the DNC 3 million government dependent voters instantly with an amnesty with an unlimited supply on the backside through chain immigration. We must tie any immigration action to ending chain immigration and visa lotteries.

I thought Bomma deported more immigrants than any other President?

The whole DACA nutroll is about garnering the DNC 3 million government dependent voters instantly with an amnesty with an unlimited supply on the backside through chain immigration. We must tie any immigration action to ending chain immigration and visa lotteries.

Oh it's the Dems gig fur shur 'D' but they had help in this one....



Here's my thoughts...

Flake and McCain have always been secretly pro-immigrant because they are from Arizona and those illegals keep wages artificially low and power their economies and attract businesses..

Don't let any bullshit conservative talk from those two swindle you otherwise.
Did it really blow up in their faces? Trump is about to give the Dems MORE than they asked for. Amnesty for 1.8 million. **** that. Wall or no wall, if Trump caves on this ****, I am done with the Republican party. Sorry sacks of ****, the lot of them.
Flake and McCain have always been secretly pro-immigrant because they are from Arizona and those illegals keep wages artificially low and power their economies and attract businesses..

Don't let any bullshit conservative talk from those two swindle you otherwise.

I have said this dozens of times.

Most people are economically illiterate so they can't grasp that though.
Did it really blow up in their faces? Trump is about to give the Dems MORE than they asked for. Amnesty for 1.8 million. **** that. Wall or no wall, if Trump caves on this ****, I am done with the Republican party. Sorry sacks of ****, the lot of them.


Can we deport 1.8 million people? I heard the path to citizenship would take 10-12 years, and if anyone is guilty of crimes, they are out.

But to get better border security, a " deal " like this needs to be made. Otherwise, this 1.2 million in DACA will grow to 3 million before you know it.

As part of the deal, I'd like to see future DACA people who came here illegally as minors under the age of say 10 have a path to citizenship, but not with the right to vote unless they serve in the military or something equivalent for four years.

But with a better wall, drone patrols, satellite imagery and sonar, the numbers crossing the will drastically go down, so its a win.

Dems lost the government shut down big time, they lost leverage. They can't do it again...
Before Trump came ran for office, the "dreamers" were already on the road to Amnesty and nobody in the country even knew about it.

Think about what he did. He made an issue out of (for all intents and purposes) something already decided and will gain countless gains for the conservative immigration policies in the process. He is "conceding" an issue that WAS NEVER AN ISSUE to start with (both sides and most of America agreed on DACA).

We talked on this board all the time about Trump's ability to negotiate and there are still a few straggler liberals that don't see the light (yet), but this is a PRIME EXAMPLE of what we are talking about and many of us talked about it the minute he revoked Obama's executive order on the DACA issue.

Remember, 4 years ago the debate was about ALL 11 MILLION illegals getting amnesty, now Trump has made it about (maybe) 1.8 million mostly children and teenagers. AND he is going to eliminate the ability of chain migration. AND add $25 billion for border security and walls. AND he is going to change (fundamentally) the total amount of legal immigration into the country.

And he did this by giving up practically nothing. Something congress was already going to do anyhow.

The Democrats are going to spin a "win" on DACA but that issue was decided years ago. All they really did was lose, lose and lose on everything else.

Can we deport 1.8 million people? I heard the path to citizenship would take 10-12 years, and if anyone is guilty of crimes, they are out.

But to get better border security, a " deal " like this needs to be made. Otherwise, this 1.2 million in DACA will grow to 3 million before you know it.

As part of the deal, I'd like to see future DACA people who came here illegally as minors under the age of say 10 have a path to citizenship, but not with the right to vote unless they serve in the military or something equivalent for four years.

But with a better wall, drone patrols, satellite imagery and sonar, the numbers crossing the will drastically go down, so its a win.

Dems lost the government shut down big time, they lost leverage. They can't do it again...

You do not reward criminal behavior and you do not use national security as a bargaining chip. And if you honestly think that this won't happen again, you are a fool. How many times has the Republican party agreed to some sort of amnesty in exchange for border security only to see that border security never materialize? Give me a ******* break. Trump will give them what they want, and will get nothing. Bank it. Better men than Trump have lost that fight to the Democrats. Trump will give in and claim victory, and the Democrat party will continue to thumb their nose at our laws and our constitution just like always.
You do not reward criminal behavior and you do not use national security as a bargaining chip. And if you honestly think that this won't happen again, you are a fool. How many times has the Republican party agreed to some sort of amnesty in exchange for border security only to see that border security never materialize? Give me a ******* break. Trump will give them what they want, and will get nothing. Bank it. Better men than Trump have lost that fight to the Democrats. Trump will give in and claim victory, and the Democrat party will continue to thumb their nose at our laws and our constitution just like always.

I understand the skepticism, but we're talking about a wall here, not some flimsy promise to do better on border security.
Shutdown #2 is officially 2 weeks away and this time the debt ceiling needs raised again as well.
There will be another shutdown, and I suspect this one will last a tad longer.
Shutdown #2 is officially 2 weeks away and this time the debt ceiling needs raised again as well.

What we need is an actual budget that spends less than we take in and 40% across the board budget cuts along with elimination of a whole lot of alphabet agencies and those 800,000 "Non-Essential" government employees. Only fools want to dig the hole deeper.

Can we deport 1.8 million people? I heard the path to citizenship would take 10-12 years, and if anyone is guilty of crimes, they are out.

But to get better border security, a " deal " like this needs to be made. Otherwise, this 1.2 million in DACA will grow to 3 million before you know it.

As part of the deal, I'd like to see future DACA people who came here illegally as minors under the age of say 10 have a path to citizenship, but not with the right to vote unless they serve in the military or something equivalent for four years.

But with a better wall, drone patrols, satellite imagery and sonar, the numbers crossing the will drastically go down, so its a win.

Dems lost the government shut down big time, they lost leverage. They can't do it again...

You do not reward criminal behavior and you do not use national security as a bargaining chip. And if you honestly think that this won't happen again, you are a fool. How many times has the Republican party agreed to some sort of amnesty in exchange for border security only to see that border security never materialize? Give me a ******* break. Trump will give them what they want, and will get nothing. Bank it. Better men than Trump have lost that fight to the Democrats. Trump will give in and claim victory, and the Democrat party will continue to thumb their nose at our laws and our constitution just like always.

I say deport any of them with a record! But how can a child who was moved by adults really be guilty? I think Trump is being very good here. He knows he can't deport them all, so he says they can stay, but only with a boarder security bill with a real structure / support around it.

The victory here is the future, not the present. As for the present, immigration has been way down since Trump took office. Zero illegals is impossible, stopping millions with a better boarder wall and security is not.
Coach, everyone that is here illegally already has a record. They broke the law entering our country illegally. It isn't my fault that a child's parents broke the law. That child shouldn't be here. Period. I know that sounds cold, but if you keep making exceptions, and our politicians always do, where and when does it end? All it does is encourage more. And look at where we are because politicians are more worried about votes than defending the laws they are sworn to uphold. Our representation in Washington is what is broken, not the immigration system.