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The Official Dems losing their Effing Minds Thread


Pronouns: Your lordship
Apr 8, 2014
Reaction score
Picksburgh, PA
We have seen a near insane, over reaction to the election of Donald J. Trump. We are seeing even more of it over this whole Russian fiasco. To put it bluntly, Dems are losing their collective minds, and this phenomenon needs to be exposed, so they can see the folly of their ways/ It could be elected officials, college students, or your garden variety snowflake. Doesn't matter the source, explore the target rich environment. Maybe this thread will become a sticky at some point, since we don't see this wackiness ending ending time soon.

Let me start. Here is a clip of that wig wearing, moonbat herself, Maxine Waters. The Youtube icon, Mark Dice,shows us her lunacy. Enjoy.

We have seen a near insane, over reaction to the election of Donald J. Trump. We are seeing even more of it over this whole Russian fiasco. To put it bluntly, Dems are losing their collective minds, and this phenomenon needs to be exposed, so they can see the folly of their ways/ It could be elected officials, college students, or your garden variety snowflake. Doesn't matter the source, explore the target rich environment. Maybe this thread will become a sticky at some point, since we don't see this wackiness ending ending time soon.

Let me start. Here is a clip of that wig wearing, moonbat herself, Maxine Waters. The Youtube icon, Mark Dice,shows us her lunacy. Enjoy.

Hey maybe you can post some of Marco Rubio's tweets from a few days ago where he keeps quoting wacky scripture having to do with keeping your strength as the SHTF and calling for Americans to stay strong as we have survived worse.

Bwahahahah! Seems like "Little Marco" was in on the Senate briefings and knows Trump is done.
Hey maybe you can post some of Marco Rubio's tweets from a few days ago where he keeps quoting wacky scripture having to do with keeping your strength as the SHTF and calling for Americans to stay strong as we have survived worse.

Bwahahahah! Seems like "Little Marco" was in on the Senate briefings and knows Trump is done.

What is it exactly that Trump has done again?


Russia. Or won an election. Or something. There must be something, since TRUMP!!

Elfie proudly shares his political views and intellect with Maxpad Waters.
Hey maybe you can post some of Marco Rubio's tweets from a few days ago where he keeps quoting wacky scripture having to do with keeping your strength as the SHTF and calling for Americans to stay strong as we have survived worse.

Bwahahahah! Seems like "Little Marco" was in on the Senate briefings and knows Trump is done.

Diane Feinstein was in on the Senate briefings too.

Take away the car keys.

Pelosi speaks English as a second language. Gibberish is her native tongue.

******* elfie whines and weeps about Republicans, while he is perfectly happy with Nancy Pelosi's brain-damaged rants. MaxiPad Waters' insanity, Sheila Jackson Lee's blatant idiocy (SJL on the Malaysian airliner: "Why do we have the capacity, uh, to dismantle the transponders? Why wasn't the emergency call already in place that it automatically signals when a aircraft goes off its, uh, discerned or destinated, uh, destiny, uh and destination, uh, as relates to, uh, its flight pattern. Why does it have to be done manually?”), and Hank Johnson's warning about "islands capsizing" due to global warming or whatever, and Brianna Wu worrying that private citizens could travel to the moon on commercial flights because "rocks dropped from there have the power of 100s of nuclear bombs" since, she insists, moon rocks "dropped into our giant planetary gravity well that multiplies its kinetic energy."

Nope, those assclowns are not an issue to elfie, nope, not at all, they have a (D) beside their names and adults are running the country so those idiotic loons are like that crazy drunk uncle who boozes it up at Thanksgiving gatherings, says more stupid things in an hour than most in a year, before passing out drunk in the bathroom while puking in and around the toilet.

Ladies and gentlemen (and elftard) - the (D)umbass party!!
Dems are finished, they are falling apart at the seams

California Democratic chair race angers Berniebots

SACRAMENTO, Calif. (AP) — California Democrats narrowly selected longtime party insider Eric Bauman to be the leader of the largest state Democratic Party, angering and frustrating supporters of Sen. Bernie Sanders who threw their support behind an insurgent challenger.

The hotly contested race reflected the deep divisions within the Democratic Party, which despite a universal commitment to fighting President Donald Trump has not fully healed from last year's contentious presidential primary between Sanders and Hillary Clinton.

In the three-day California Democratic Party convention, Democrats drawn to Sanders' condemnation of money in politics pushed the party to reject Wall Street.

You only need to look at the main voices of the democrat party to know how deeply disturbed and incompatent they are. The enemy within the gates.
Take away the car keys.

What in the hell did she just say? I heard the word FACTS mumbled several times and then something about a honeymoon.
I'm not sure it's the Dem's that are losing their effing minds....

Republicans fearing for their safety as anger, threats mount

A growing number of House Republicans are facing physical threats from angry constituents in their districts, leading many to fear for their safety.

In the last few weeks alone, the FBI arrested a man threatening Rep. Martha McSally's (R-Ariz.) life, a woman pursued Rep. David Kustoff (R-Tenn.) in her car, and Rep. Tom Garrett (R-Va.) heightened security at a town hall event in response to death threats.

Other Republicans still holding town halls say they haven't felt physically threatened by protesters, but they worry about the depth of anger from some constituents in the polarized environment and what it means for political civility.

Scores of GOP lawmakers have experienced going viral this year with videos of constituents shouting their disagreement on support for President Trump and policies such as the GOP’s healthcare bill. Lately, though, Republicans have observed some furious constituents who appear to be going even further.

Rep. Dave Brat (R-Va.) described attendees at a town hall in his district last week who booed him down after he said people’s rights are God-given.

“They booed God. They booed the pastor. They booed the prayer. They booed the name of the church. They booed when I said rights come from God,” Brat recounted to The Hill just off the House floor. “That’s a fundamental tenet of western civilization. I mean, I didn’t think that was partisan.”

Further north in New Jersey, Rep. Tom MacArthur (R) faced pushback from a crowd when he began telling the story of his special-needs daughter who died at the age of 11. “Shame!” people shouted. “We’ve heard this story.”

“This child in 11 years has shaped my life more than anybody. So if I talk about my daughter too much, well then so be it. But this is the one human being that has impacted my life more than anybody,” MacArthur said.

Another person sarcastically yelled out MacArthur should write a book about it.

“Maybe I will write a book,” MacArthur shot back.

Still, not every town hall has veered into nastiness. Rep. Mike Coffman (R-Colo.), a top Democratic target in 2018, said his town hall attendees expressed their clear displeasure with his positions but remained civil.

“You know, they had the signs and stuff like that. But I thought they were pretty nice, I thought they were pretty respectful,” Coffman said.

“From the stories I have heard in other districts, I’ve got it pretty good,” he said.

But an increasing number of lawmakers’ encounters with constituents, even in deep-red districts, have gotten ugly.

The FBI arrested a Tucson, Ariz. man for leaving three threatening messages on McSally’s congressional office voicemail, in which he allegedly said her days “were numbered” and threatened to shoot her. A criminal complaint filed last week in the U.S. District Court in Tucson said the suspect told agents he was upset over McSally’s votes to back up Trump.

McSally represents the same swing district previously represented by then-Rep. Gabby Giffords (D), who was shot in the head in 2011 during a constituent meet-and-greet.

In Tennessee, a woman angry over Kustoff’s vote for the GOP's healthcare bill this month pursued a car carrying him from an event at a local university. Kustoff and a staffer eventually turned into a driveway and came to a stop. Then the woman approached the car, yelled at Kustoff and struck the car’s windows, according to local reports.

Meanwhile, Garrett spokesman Andrew Griffin said the freshman lawmaker has received at least three death threats over the course of the healthcare debate.

One constituent called Garrett’s Washington office and said if his healthcare is taken away, he would take Garrett’s life away. Another person sent a message to Garrett’s campaign Facebook page with graphic details describing how they would kill Garrett.

Griffin said investigating authorities have asked not to publicly reveal any details about the third case yet.

In light of all the threats, Garrett made sure to increase security at his town hall in Moneta, Va. last week.

A security presence at town halls hasn’t prevented some physical confrontations. A constituent angry over the GOP’s healthcare bill approached Rep. Kevin Cramer (R-N.D.), took dollar bills from his wallet and tried to shove them into the lawmaker’s suit pocket, the Bismarck Tribune reported.

Other times, the lawmakers targeted by the most extreme protesters don’t end up getting the brunt of the hostility.

Rep. Jeff Fortenberry (R-Neb.) wasn’t home when his young daughter found a sign on the family’s lawn last week that read: “Traitors put party above country Do the right thing for once, ********.”

“Attack me, protest against me, but do not frighten my children at their home,” Fortenberry said in an interview with Fox News’s Neil Cavuto.

“If we are going to be a true civil society that actually upholds the values of liberty and free speech, which means respect for differences and trying to work that out through the ballot box if necessary, but also through rational conversation.”

Rep. Ted Yoho (R-Fla.) described protesters vandalizing his Gainesville, Fla. office and threatening his staff. One female constituent left a message on the office answering machine for the district director, saying, “Next time I see you, I’m going to beat your f---ing ***.”

He decided to only allow visitors into the Gainesville office who have an appointment after protesters kept showing up every week in the front lobby. The protesters subsequently complained that their representative was trying to block their access, but Yoho felt he had no other choice.

“They’re mad to the point where they’re cussing at my staff, pushed one of them, poured stuff on one of the staff’s car,” Yoho told The Hill. “If they start acting responsible and respectable, we’ll do the same.”

Yoho's recent town hall in the same town as his vandalized district office was a calmer affair. Attendees made it clear at times they didn't agree with him on the issues, but they remained civil.
"We had fun the whole time," he said.
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I'm not sure it's the Dem's that are losing their effing minds....

Republicans fearing for their safety as anger, threats mount

Is this something you are proud of, George? Conservatives were pissed for the past 8+ years but didn't cause any civil unrest anywhere close to this degree. My representative couldn't even be in the gym to watch his daughter graduate high school because he did not want to be a distraction.

Democrats should denounce the violence and physical threats but for the most part they have sat on their hands while their followers go nuts. Some have even advocated violence. Pretty sad group of lowlifes if you ask me

Senate Democrats called for Jim Comey to be fired Tuesday morning and then that afternoon demanded President Trump be impeached for firing Jim Comey. It's a sickness. If Trump came out in favor of Obamacare, the Democrats would move to impeach him for colluding with Blue Cross.
Is this something you are proud of?

Proud of what, that constituents around the country are pissed off at Trump and the GOP and are voicing their displeasure? I'm not necessarily proud of that, mainly surprised, more than anything, to see this level of participation in the political process. As far as threats and violence, I strongly oppose all forms of it. But I think it's a big mistake to write-off these angry citizens as Trump has done thus far, or to characterize them as fringe liberal groups wanting to start trouble.

The town hall protests appear to be driven by an authentic concern about the future of health care reform and troubling reports about Russian meddling in the November elections. Reporters who investigated allegations that paid protesters disrupted a recent town hall in Utah found none, and even some Republican lawmakers targeted by protesters in Iowa and upstate New York acknowledge the anxiety of their constituents is real.

In the words of Rich Lowry, editor of the conservative National Review: "In the normal course of things, it's not easy even for a well-funded and -organized group to get people to spend an evening at a school auditorium hooting at their congressman. If these demonstrations are happening in districts around the country, attention must be paid."

Trump and Republican leaders run a political risk in pretending millions of people aren't worried about losing their health care, and are ready to punish lawmakers who seem hostile or indifferent to their concerns. That leaves little room for Trump's dismissive attitude.

You call what's going on voicing displeasure? Letters to the editor, writing your congressman, having conversations at town hall meetings, that's voicing displeasure. What I have seen is mob violence and a lot of it has been ginned up by paid protestors. When the Tea Party had their grass roots campaign to voice their displeasure (peacefully), they were all deemed racist, dangerous whackaloons, and the media denounced or ignored them. Some Dems even called them home grown terrorists if memory serves.

Just like 90% of the protestors who show up at local town halls you don't live here so I'm really not sure why you give a **** but hey maybe Hungary will do something noteworthy and we can discuss how your country should handle itself.
. But I think it's a big mistake to write-off these angry citizens as Trump has done thus far, or to characterize them as fringe liberal groups wanting to start trouble.

Angry citizens my ***, paid punks is more like it.

False flag operations have long been common in politics, but these riots are poisonous to the electorate, intentionally designed to turn violent and stifle free speech.

This free speech-busting goon squad operation is directed by supporters of Hillary Clinton. It is paid for mostly by George Soros and MoveOn.org and pushed by David Brock at Media Matters for America. It’s also funded by reclusive billionaire Jonathan Lewis, who was identified by the Miami New Times as a “mystery man.” He inherited roughly a billion dollars from his father Peter Lewis (founder of Progressive Insurance Company).

A march and demonstration against Trump at Trump Tower essentially fizzled Saturday when only 500 “protesters” of the promised 5000 showed up. Infiltrating the crowd, I learned most were from MoveOn or the Occupy movement. Soap was definitely in short supply in this crowd. Several admitted answering a Craig’s list ad paying $16.00 an hour for protesters.

Paid To Protest, Some Homeless Almost Make A Living
