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The Official Thread Dedicated to "Biden Destroying Us"

Tim Steelersfan

Flog's Daddy
Apr 17, 2014
Reaction score
Hopefully a mod will make this thread a sticky.

Post #1 - Biden plans to stuff his administration full of CCP-infected lackeys.

Blinken May Become Secretary Of State – But He’s Not Ours

Tony Blinken is Joe Biden’s choice to be Secretary of State. In one sense, there is no surprise there. Blinken has served in the past two Democratic administrations, including as a deputy national security adviser from 2013 to 2015 and as deputy secretary of state from 2015 to 2017. Blinken also has a long history with Joe Biden and was his national security advisor when Biden was Vice-President. More recently, Blinken has been acting as Managing Director of the Penn Biden Center for Diplomacy and Global Engagement that Joe Biden established in 2018 at the University of Pennsylvania.

If you understand Biden’s announcement to mean that it will be Blinken’s job to function as America’s top diplomat and represent our interests to the world, however, you completely misunderstand the situation. As Director of the Penn Biden Center, Blinken did not preside over some institute charged with educating Americans and helping them understand the world around us. He presided over an entity that was funded in large measure by the Chinese and which seems to have been dedicated primarily to pushing Chinese propaganda inside the United States.

Since its founding, the Penn Biden Center has received in excess of $70 million from Chinese donors. Until questioned about it, the Center reported none of those donations even though it was required to by law. In excess of $20 million is still categorized as having come from anonymous Chinese sources. One donation alone, received on May 29, 2018, was for $14.5 million.

Not surprisingly, then the Penn Biden Center steers completely clear of any topics, which might displease the Chinese and, in fact, focuses most of its attention on subjects and themes that dovetail nicely with Chinese Communist Party (CCP) propaganda worldwide. A great deal of time has been devoted over the last two years to bashing President Trump and blaming the Russians for most of the world’s ills. Not a single word has been printed or uttered by the Center apparently, about forced labor camps in China, live organ harvesting from Uyghur captives, the suppression of democracy in Hong Kong or China’s role in the ongoing worldwide pandemic.

In January of this year the Biden Center sponsored a China research symposium. Topics discussed included the future of U.S. – China relations and China’s role in the future of healthcare and biotechnology. The keynote speaker was the Chinese Consul-General in New York. The symposium culminated with a Chinese New Year celebration. As COVID-19 was spreading around the globe, the Biden Center wanted to make sure you had the opportunity to celebrate the rapid growth of Chinese bio labs.

The number one item on the Biden Center’s website is something called “Advancing the Cause of Globalism.” That tab opens to a large color photo of Joe Biden and CCP Chairman Xi Jinping walking along in China almost arm in arm. The entire tenor of the accompanying text is intended to encourage continued American Chinese entanglement and interaction and to oppose Trump era efforts to decouple and stress “economic nationalism.”

In June of this year Penn Global, the Biden’s Center’s parent organization, sponsored an event focused on what it called “Stopping the Hate.” Consistent with Chinese Communist Party initiatives worldwide, this event was based on the premise that any mention of the geographical Chinese origin of COVID-19 being Wuhan was racist and intended to be an attack not only on ethnic Chinese but on all Asian Americans. One of the panel discussions during the event was entitled “America’s Concentration Camps: Then and Now?”

Not surprisingly, the close financial ties of the Biden Center to China and its slavish towing of the CCP’s propaganda line has attracted a great deal of criticism. The National Legal and Policy Center (NLPC), an organization that monitors ethics in public life, has taken a series of formal actions in this regard. In one 12-page complaint filed with the Department of Justice the NLPC has demanded an investigation of the Penn Biden Center, to determine whether it is in compliance with the Foreign Agents Registration Act (FARA) for engaging in political activities on behalf of Chinese interests. The NLPC has also demanded that Blinken identify the Chinese donors who remain anonymous and has requested that the Department of Education order the Biden Center to comply with this request. For its part, the Biden Center has simply failed to respond to either the NLPC or the press.

Blinken is just the first of what it appears will be a Cabinet full of minions of the Chinese Communist Party. These are not patriotic Americans wise to the ways of the CCP and determined to protect us from them. To the contrary, these are men and women who are fully supportive of China’s ambition to supplant the United States as the dominant power on the globe. To the extent they concern themselves with the United States at all, it is to manage its decline.

There is perhaps nothing lower on the planet than the man or woman who betrays his or her country. We are about to see a government full of them.
5 Ways Hunter Biden's Business Deals Empowered China at America's Expense
By Tyler O'Neil Oct 09, 2020 2:32 PM ET

In 2016, Donald Trump notoriously warned Americans about the rise of China and the threat that it poses to America. Beijing’s malfeasance in the Wuhan coronavirus pandemic vindicated Trump’s fears and drew renewed attention to the Chinese Communist Party. Yet when Joe Biden was Barack Obama’s vice president, his son Hunter made lucrative business deals that bolstered China — often at America’s expense.

Hunter’s companies “invested in things that purposefully hurt America’s interests around the world,” M.A. Taylor, director of the new documentary RIDING THE DRAGON: The Bidens’ Chinese Secrets, told PJ Media. “He chose to invest in things that will kill American troops, that will transfer sensitive technology to the Chinese military.

“Americans are going to suffer directly because of the actions of Hunter Biden and by extension Joe Biden, and they already have,” Taylor added.

Riding the Dragon highlights five specific ways Hunter Biden’s business deals empowered China at America’s expense.

The story traces back to 2013, when Joe Biden arrived in Beijing, bringing his son with him. After the trip, China finalized a $1 billion business deal with Hunter’s new company, Bohai Harvest. The Chinese government provided the money.

The firm enjoyed “an unusual and special status in China, operating through the free Shanghai zone,” Peter Schweizer, president at the Government Accountability Institute and author of Secret Empires: How the American Political Class Hides Corruption and Enriches Family and Friends, explains in the documentary.

“The son of the vice president of the United States… got a deal in the People’s Republic of China that no one else had, and he got that deal after Joe Biden was appointed the point person on China.”

Wittingly or not, Hunter Biden’s firms advanced China’s interests at America’s expense.

1. Military technology

“In 2015, Hunter Biden’s Bohai Harvest joined forces with Chinese military contractor AVIC to buy American parts manufacturer Henniges,” Schweizer explains in the documentary. Henniges produces dual-use technology, which can be used for commercial and military purposes. The deal required Obama administration approval, and the Obama administration did approve it.

AVIC, a company notorious for stealing U.S. military technology, bought 51 percent of Henniges while Bohai Harvest bought the other 49 percent.

2. Military surveillance tech used on the Uyghurs

“Hunter’s firm, Bohai Harvest, also invested in military surveillance technology that the Chinese government would use to monitor and control the population in their own country,” Schweizer says.

The company, FACE++, developed technology the Chinese Communist Party used to identify potential terrorists, which helped result in the detention of over 1 million Uyghur Muslims in Xinjiang.

3. Rare earth minerals

Over the past few decades, China has dominated the global production of rare earth minerals, which are vital for consumer products, military technology, and the “green” technologies climate activists insist everyone must transition to yesterday in order to save the planet. Hunter Biden also helped China dominate this vital market.

Hunter Biden’s firm, Bohai Harvest, “helped China in its competition with the United States over so-called rare earth minerals,” Schweizer explains in the video. “A Chinese government-run firm called China Molybdenum produces rare earth minerals around the world, competing with Western firms for mining access.” China Molybdenum has even bragged about the military applications of its work.

In 2017, Bohai Harvest teamed up with China Molybdenum to acquire more than half of Congo’s Tenke copper mine, one of the largest copper mines in the world.

“While the Obama administration was competing with China in the race for rare-earth minerals, Hunter Biden and his firm were actually helping Beijing win that race,” Schweizer says.

4. Helping China get nuclear secrets

“In December 2014, Hunter’s firm became an anchor investor in a company called China General Nuclear (CGN),” Schweizer continues. CGN was wholly owned by the Chinese government, but it sold a minority stake to Bohai Harvest. At the time, CGN was under FBI investigation for stealing U.S. nuclear secrets.

“China has been trying to steal American nuclear secrets for a long time,” Schweizer notes. By “partnering with the son of the U.S. vice president,” it seems the country was “trying to buy them, too.”

5. Indirectly helping the Chinese military

Riding the Dragon also exposes Hunter Biden’s real estate firm, Rosemont Realty. The vice president’s son had no background in commercial real estate, but Rosemont Realty got lucrative commercial real estate deals in China.

A company called Gemini, which has close ties to the Chinese military, bought 75 percent stake in Rosemont Realty, paying $3 billion. The real estate firm also carried out deals with COSCO, known as the “fifth arm of the Chinese navy,” and Kirin Global Enterprises Limited, which invests in mainland Chinese infrastructure.

In November 2017, Patrick Ho was arrested and charged with violations of the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act, international money laundering, and conspiracy to commit both. He first called James Biden, younger brother of Joe Biden. James Biden told The New York Times that Ho was trying to contact Hunter Biden.

While Schweizer and Riding the Dragon revealed a great deal of Hunter Biden’s corruption that helped China at America’s expense, the film’s director, M.A. Taylor, emphasized to PJ Media that “there’s probably more that we didn’t know about.”

“What is it that we don’t know, that we didn’t cover?” Taylor asked, chillingly. If Joe Biden wins the election in November, expect the Bidens to sell out the American people even more.

Coach Spike will post 250 responses in here before flip flopping to the other side.
Coach Spike will post 250 responses in here before flip flopping to the other side.

Spike is just the biggest attention ***** this board ever saw. I remember him always crying for karma for his posts. And how mad he would get if someone accidently posted up the same info he did prior. He would get all pissy and threaten to quit the board. What a vag.
Will Beto still be coming for our neighbor's guns?

My neighbor told me he no longer cares due to a series of devastating accidents.


Blinken sounds like one of Santa's reindeer.
Blinken sounds like one of Santa's reindeer.
i was thinking that he completes the trio:

Winken, Blinken and Nod.

Prizes for whomever can guess who Nod and Winken are. lol

Sent from my SM-N950W using Tapatalk
Will Beto still be coming for our neighbor's guns?

When the government comes for your neighbors guns it is time for you to use your guns on the government and help your neighbors.

Biggest destruction ever will be the destruction of our economy when the Harris Regime forces lockdowns. The Chinese gleefully look forward to this.
Biden looks even older and slower. Do pay attention to the people behind the Red Curtain.
When the government comes for your neighbors guns it is time for you to use your guns on the government and help your neighbors.

Is it safe to presume you guys are all lawyered-up at this point, given the numerous threats up and down this board regarding your 'end of times' vision of what's around the bend?

Perhaps Steeltime can volunteer his services, or maybe give Giuliani a call, see if he's available. Just trying to help.

Spike is right, Qanon is nothing compared to this board.
Is it safe to presume you guys are all lawyered-up at this point, given the numerous threats up and down this board regarding your 'end of times' vision of what's around the bend?

Perhaps Steeltime can volunteer his services, or maybe give Giuliani a call, see if he's available. Just trying to help.

Spike is right, Qanon is nothing compared to this board.

oh, no no no no no.
you spouted end of times bullshit 24/7, 365, for 4 long years. you showed us lower IQs how to properly protest the elected POTUS.
Here is what I am screaming and I would like our black members to tell me how this is bullshit.

I’ve already established solid evidence that Democrat politicians — even and especially Black Democrat politicians — have little to no interest in helping their Black constituents. But there is another side to that coin. The evidence seems to show that Black people themselves appear to not want to be helped. One definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again while expecting different results. So, are Black voters in these areas insane? They keep voting for the likes of Sheila Jackson Lee, Maxine Waters, and Kweisi Mfume, but expect these serial grifters to suddenly start working for them.


We’re all familiar with the cycle of poverty in Black urban neighborhoods that Democrat politicians have run for decades. Everybody assumes it’s because Democrats are so wedded to their policies, they keep throwing good money after bad. Maybe that’s not the problem, though. Maybe Black Democrat politicians don’t want to help these areas, and the citizens in those areas don’t actually want to be helped.

As usual, it takes mental gymnastics on an Olympic level to reconcile leftist thinking. Democrats have had control of these cities for decades and what have their policies brought their “people of color?” Misery, poverty, violence, and addiction. Obama and Biden had eight years, with two of those eight having the benefit of both houses of Congress on their side, but they didn’t come up with any miracle salve to soothe the troubles of the inner cities. What on earth would lead us to believe that this will be any different under Biden and Harris?
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Anyone who votes Democrat is a moron and an enemy of America.

book goes into detail how the Dems are doing what they're doing
Good to be in the club....
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