I don't know if it was true or not, but back in the 80's when the Soviets were mired in Afghanistan they did not suffer terrorist attacks in the Soviet Union.
The story was, (again, I don't know if it's true, but it sure makes sense...) a terrorist attack had been perpetrated against Russia some years earlier and the Soviets responded by sending body parts of all the attacking regimes family members back to him in sealed packages.
Almost undoubtedly an urban legend, but Dayum! That's how you respond to an attack.
"Good Morning Sheik."
"Good Morning Halim, how is my beautiful harem today? I would like to see one of my wives."
"Uh, well there's some of Sophie right here, and a bit more of her over there. You can see a chunk of Mallory there by the roses and here is a tiny little piece of Suri."