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The Official Thread Dedicated to "Trump Winning"

Aliens for Trump!

'Trump 2020' carved into frozen Wisconsin lake in 250-foot letters

An unknown person etched a massive carving that reads “Trump 2020” on Wisconsin’s frozen Lake Winnebago.

A crew spotted the carving about two miles off of Garlic Island between the towns of Neenah and Oshkosh, NBC 26 Green Bay reported over the weekend. Don Herman, the owner of SUNK? Dive and Ice Rescue, shared photos of the carving, which he estimated contains letters about 250 feet each.



If that's real, the detail is impressive.
he has a white woman in the pic, Indy. clearly he's still unable to not be racist, sexist and misogynistic.
A sobering message, but one that shows how much we need Donald Trump right now.

Quietly the oil collusion mafia is collapsing... expect record low gas prices soon... maybe under $20 per barrel... all of opec is basically ignoring their own production restrictions... that was being covered by increased demands but now demand is expected to dip while all of them are still ramping up to compensate for already low prices... coronavirus is expediting it, but it was slowly happening anyhow... lol too many independent countries trying to industrialize based off of oil profits to keep that racket going...
Quietly the oil collusion mafia is collapsing... expect record low gas prices soon... maybe under $20 per barrel... all of opec is basically ignoring their own production restrictions... that was being covered by increased demands but now demand is expected to dip while all of them are still ramping up to compensate for already low prices... coronavirus is expediting it, but it was slowly happening anyhow... lol too many independent countries trying to industrialize based off of oil profits to keep that racket going...
Russia and Iran get ****** by the US Gulf State partner, Saudi Arabia, in a really awesome two-by-four to the noggin decision to up production.
What does this mean for all the US fracking biz? More competition.

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Russia and Iran get ****** by the US Gulf State partner, Saudi Arabia, in a really awesome two-by-four to the noggin decision to up production.
What does this mean for all the US fracking biz? More competition.

I was reading about that this morning. This price war may be good for gas prices but what will the impact be for the US?

Oil prices plunge as much as 30% after OPEC deal failure sparks price war

“This has turned into a scorched Earth approach by Saudi Arabia, in particular, to deal with the problem of chronic overproduction,” Again Capital’s John Kilduff said. “The Saudis are the lowest cost producer by far. There is a reckoning ahead for all other producers, especially those companies operating in the U.S shale patch.”

If there's a lot of cheap crude on the market, what happens to all our shale prices. It would be nice to be able to just buy up the Arab oil while it's so cost effective, but at what cost to our workers?

Makes me glad I'm retired and not responsible for anything past breakfast, lunch and dinner. Kinda makes me a Democrat huh.

New border wall blocks 90% of illegal crossings, up from just 10%


President Trump’s long-promised border wall is working.

The new chief of Border Patrol, which is under U.S. Customs and Border Protection, revealed that the parts of the new “wall system” are 90% “effective,” up from just 10% before it was built, replacing a ragtag of broken fencing.

“It changes everything,” said Chief Rodney Scott, of the 135-136 miles of new wall, roadways, and high-tech spyware. “There is a huge return on investment,” he added.

“This system is going to have a huge impact,” added Deputy Chief Raul Ortiz.

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Border Wall System update:<br><br>▫️ 131 miles completed<br>▫️ 208 miles under construction<br>▫️ 414 miles in pre-construction <a href="https://t.co/QdZVAdWRrj">pic.twitter.com/QdZVAdWRrj</a></p>— Chief Rodney Scott (@USBPChief) <a href="https://twitter.com/USBPChief/status/1234469765663596546?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">March 2, 2020</a></blockquote> <script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>

In the San Diego area, Scott said that the wall has essentially ended illegal crossings of humans and cars.

And, in an added benefit, it now requires 150 fewer border agents, a savings of $28 million in salaries and benefits, he said at a press briefing, his first since he and Ortiz took over CBP in January.

Plus, with a better border road, vehicles that once fell apart at 40,000-60,000 miles now last to 100,000 miles before they are auctioned off.

“There is return after return,” said Scott.

The wall is especially good at stopping trucks and cars, he said, because it takes too much time and effort to saw through several wall bollards needed to make an opening that is big enough to drive through.

“The border wall system all but stopped that completely,” he said.

As a result, drug cartels have changed tactics, building expensive tunnels and trying to sneak drugs in on vehicles passing through border entry points. But that isn’t effective, he said.

“It shut down that entire threat. Anywhere we built the border wall system, the first thing it does is shut off those drive-throughs. The second thing is, it shuts off massive amounts of people coming through at the same time. So, it’s forced the drug cartels, especially El Chapo’s group, Sinaloa, to shift tactics,” he said.

And, in some areas, such as California’s San Ysidro land port of entry, the wall and the safety it has brought has been an economic boost. Scott said, for example, that in San Ysidro there is now a factory outlet mall that creates $6.6 million in local tax revenue and a pricey housing development.

What’s more, the beachfront Tijuana River National Estuarine Research Reserve, which suffered during the drug wars and human trafficking, is improving.

“Near the beach, it’s safe. That whole area is coming back,” said Scott, adding, “The entire ecosystem ... is coming back.”

And in areas of Texas with the wall, Ortiz said border agents are reporting similar success. He said that in one area of South Texas with 55 miles of new wall, just 4%-5% of illegal trafficking passes through. Before, he said, 90% got through.

Federal Agency Sees More Than Half Its DC Staff Quit After Trump Order

More than half of the Bureau of Land Management’s Washington, D.C. staff quit their jobs after being told they would be transferred to Colorado and other western states to be closer to the lands they manage.

“New internal numbers from the Interior Department obtained by The Hill show 69 employees have left the agency rather than accept the new assignment. Another 18 left after the plans were announced but before they could be reassigned,” The Hill reports. “Those 87 employees outnumber the 80 who have agreed to the move.”

“The BLM move would uproot nearly all of the agency’s dwindling Washington staff out West, leaving just 61 of 10,000 employees in the nation’s capital,” The Hill reports.

The move is part of a Trump administration initiative to place regulatory agencies closer to the people they are supposed to serve. Most of America’s federal lands are in the western mountains and deserts.

Liberals have howled over the move, publicly admitting regulatory positions will be less likely to be filled by professional D.C. bureaucrats and more likely to be filled by people with direct ties to those affected by regulations.

Former top-level BLM employee Steve Ellis bemoaned the agency’s move, complaining it “removes BLM from the sphere of direct influence in the nation’s capital and critically weakens the agency’s ability for career leadership and their staff to collaborate across disciplines and work closely with other key agencies.”

“It will weaken the agency by marginalizing leadership in a relatively small western community,” he added, overlooking the fact those are exactly who know best about federal lands.

“The Trump administration is destroying the Bureau of Land Management by mistreating its staff and politicizing its mission and then lying to Congress and the public about the damage it’s causing. This is what happens when you put fossil fuel industry lobbyists and anti-public lands extremists in charge of government agencies,” complained House Natural Resources Committee Chairman Raul Grijalva, an avowed ecosocialist and advocate for total D.C. control of western lands.
Former top-level BLM employee Steve Ellis bemoaned the agency’s move, complaining it “removes BLM from the sphere of direct influence in the nation’s capital and critically weakens the agency’s ability for career leadership and their staff to collaborate across disciplines and work closely with other key agencies.”

“It will weaken the agency by marginalizing leadership in a relatively small western community,” he added, overlooking the fact those are exactly who know best about federal lands. “The Trump administration is destroying the Bureau of Land Management by mistreating its staff and politicizing its mission and then lying to Congress and the public about the damage it’s causing. This is what happens when you put fossil fuel industry lobbyists and anti-public lands extremists in charge of government agencies,” complained House Natural Resources Committee Chairman Raul Grijalva, an avowed ecosocialist and advocate for total D.C. control of western lands.

God, I love when the light of truth hits those leeches and burns them to dust. Stupid mother@#$ers are bitching because they now have to live near what they ham-fistedly control?? And whine about the "loss of power" in the whorehouse known as Washington, Douchbags Consolidated? Oh, and the "fossil fuel industry" is forcing those miserable fleas to get out of their office and, oh, I don't know, LOOK AT WHAT THE **** THEY ARE ACTUALLY DOING?!?

**** them and the horse they should have rode in on but instead were taking the metro to work.
So im not always onboard with trumpian policies, but some are gems... I personally despise the (income and) payroll taxes as inefficient methods that simply stifle economic growth... but earlier this week i was arguing that the federal government should axe that to incentivize business to offer paid leave for contagious illnesses... and it looks like he is doing just that... and that it may be sparking the stocks again

Good job Mr Trump.
If you saw int'l news today Mad, All of the central banks are dropping their interest rates.

Yesterday tweet by Donald J. Trump
Our pathetic, slow moving Federal Reserve, headed by Jay Powell, who raised rates too fast and lowered too late, should get our Fed Rate down to the levels of our competitor nations. They now have as much as a two point advantage, with even bigger currency help. Also, stimulate!

Trump is marginalizing our fed reserve bank. They've become a tentacle of the swamp that takes our money and gives it to wtf knows. Trade deals, tariffs, mfg., USMCA, supply chains. All are changing the way money moves, and the fed is a monolith anchor to our economy with NO foresight but their own interests. See what happens Friday when the Fed meets. If they drop a point, expect a gradual uptick in the market thru summer. If he gets the payroll tax holiday, Katie bar the door.
If you saw int'l news today Mad, All of the central banks are dropping their interest rates.

Trump is marginalizing our fed reserve bank. They've become a tentacle of the swamp that takes our money and gives it to wtf knows. Trade deals, tariffs, mfg., USMCA, supply chains. All are changing the way money moves, and the fed is a monolith anchor to our economy with NO foresight but their own interests. See what happens Friday when the Fed meets. If they drop a point, expect a gradual uptick in the market thru summer. If he gets the payroll tax holiday, Katie bar the door.

When I owned a small business the FICA payroll tax was one of my biggest expenses every month. That 7.65% FICA deduction in your pay stub is only half. Your employer matches that for every employee.
When I owned a small business the FICA payroll tax was one of my biggest expenses every month. That 7.65% FICA deduction in your pay stub is only half. Your employer matches that for every employee.

The media is negligent in explaining to the American people where governments really get their money. The hyperfocus on "income tax" is dereliction of duty in my opinion.

The federal government's revenue is around $3.25 trillion. State/Local revenue (in total) is around $2.5 trillion.

Only about $2 trillion of that comes from "income tax". We are taxed is so many creative and (arguably) unfair ways that it is ridiculous. Many taxes double-dip or triple-dip on the same "earned" dollar.

Simplifying the tax code has NOTHING to do with income taxes but the idea of how we tax everything else in a "big picture" analysis. It's one of the main reasons of taxation inequality between rich and poor and one of the main reasons democrats constant "tax the rich" rings hollow to me. They are often the same group that wants to tax the hell out of "sin taxes" that disproportionately tax middle-lower class individuals.
Don't get me started on the tax system which is unconstitutional. property tax, car tax, title tax, income tax, state tax, county tax, city tax, gas tax, medicare tax, unemployment tax, marriage license tax, social security tax, telephone 911 tax, telephone universal service tax, estate taxes, sales tax ETC... I wasn't done but I'll stop. Washington would want another revolution if he were alive today. We tax ourselves much much more than the British ever did.

Over taxation is robbery. We have way too much federal and state government control and man power. Entire agencies need to be closed. Dept. of education, dept. of energy ETC. should be closed down.