So does that make those on the left that had voted for Trump bandwagon fans?Politics has become very much a sport in this country. My team good. Your team bad. Stick with them even when they suck. Rub it in when we win. Get mad when we lose. The freak outs are very similar to rabid fan freak outs when the team loses.
If I had the skill, I would be inclined to do a mash-up video showing a mix of election loss freakouts and team loss freakouts. And the viewer would be asked to guess which is which. Hell, make it a game show! "Ok. Now, Brad, For $10,000. Is this an election day freakout? Ooorrr a sports loss freak out? (*timer music playing)...................
You have the skill...create a gif of Trump hoisting up a cackling Kameltoe and label it "Trump grabs another pu$$y".

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