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The real difference between the liberal mind and the conservative mind

Othering is when instead of us and we, it becomes us and them. It isn't us. It's them. The others. We are great. They are the problem.

I figured it was some bullshit like that. Glad you missed out on the prior 8 years.
Comparing Trump to Hitler. That's some real deep logic there.
This healthcare bill was better than Ocommiecare but not good enough. There will be a better one, this isn't over. Hopefully Trump and congress will mix in Rand's ideas. They might have to wait until Ocommiecare completely fails and even more demtards are voted out '18' but eventually there will be a better healthcare plan that will be designed with common sense and it will be successful. Helen Keller could've drafted a more competent plan than Oterrorist did.
That's crazy ****. My family lived through Hitler. They hid their religion for fear of death. They starved themselves to feed my mother who was born in soon to be East Berlin in 1945. 90% of the babies born that year died. Thry escaped in 1955 because my mom was being pressured at school to join the Hitler youth. They hid out in West Berlin for two years waiting to immigrate to the US. SS would come to the west side looking for escapees. Their fate wasn't good. You don't know **** about Hitler.
Don't be an asshats
That's crazy ****. My family lived through Hitler. They hid their religion for fear of death. They starved themselves to feed my mother who was born in soon to be East Berlin in 1945. 90% of the babies born that year died. Thry escaped in 1955 because my mom was being pressured at school to join the Hitler youth. They hid out in West Berlin for two years waiting to immigrate to the US. SS would come to the west side looking for escapees. Their fate wasn't good. You don't know **** about Hitler.

Fast forward to today, where college kids need safe spaces because of political signs.
Todays liberalism is a mental disorder. Cupcakes,snowflakes and foolishness. It's no real wonder why they're getting booted from office in the majority of the country.
Fast forward to today, where college kids need safe spaces because of political signs.

Things have sure changed. They also didn't receive any welfare when they immigrated. They were required to have a sponsor who helped them to find housing etc. Ah...progress.
Fast forward to today, where college kids need safe spaces because of political signs.

Or someone writes "Vote for Trump" in chalk on the sidewalk.... what a sad world we live in.

I just think it really comes down to how much government we want. I have so many friends that think Trumps cuts to the budget and all the "smaller parts" or government are literally going to end the world. The cuts to the EPA mean we will go back to just wiping out the buffalo and wolves again. It is just so armageddon to them.

I always argue with them that dollars don't mean impact. It's NOT about dollars. It's about smaller government. That is the real issue here. The EPA needs to prioritize what is important. The power and reach have gotten so great they have become kings in their own castles. They stop construction projects constantly with meaningless bugs and amphibians and reptiles and birds.

Every aspect of government needs to become smaller so they PRIORITIZE what is really important. When regulation starts to do that, we are on the way to recovery in this country. But that won't happen with the status quo. It has to happen with major funding cuts.
That's the new racism term for them. You're like Hitler. Who has much more in common with them than anyone. It's comical and very sad.

For liberals, it's all about control and that they are never wrong(in their minds). The never wrong mentality brought about the participation trophy culture which then branched off into all this PC nonsense which has multiplied ten fold. Now that Trump is in office, I hope the leftist-whining eventually settles down, it'll still be there. But they needed their voice heard through the election and as a result made a complete fool of themselves. Hoping for better times ahead
I'll just list one stark example of who is like Hitler...who wants, needs, demands that we disarm the populace? Who has been working towards this goal for literally generations? It's not the Trump voters. We can all agree on that.
Well let's be real clear. I don't think Trump is Hitler. I think he is playing the Hitler cards and you are the rhubs who bought into it because you aren't knowledgeable enough to see it. Wig clearly has a historical background. The rest of you can go back to Maurey and watching people fight over paternity.
While it is true that Trump, in his campaign, relied heavily upon American nationalism and you DO make some interesting points in your comparison of Trump to Hitler, you fail utterly to make the comparison historically of pre-WWII Germany and the American landscape today. Germany was decimated financially and in terms of morale after WWI. The people were downtrodden in the extreme. America on the other hand, is one of the most successful economic countries on the planet. Admittedly, WE don't necessarily see it that way, but in truth, Americans are far and away among the wealthiest and best cared for people in the world.

Hitler's rise to power was aided greatly by a German people in dire need of a leader who could give them back some self worth and dignity. Who could help them understand how they'd been so thoroughly trounced in WWI. You have to remember, not only did they lose, but they were widely regarded as the villains. This was a powerful blow on the collective psyche of the country and many of the people had a difficult time facing defeat. They wanted to believe that they'd been betrayed from within by the economic and manufacturing arms of the country who gave out before the fighting men and women. Thus when Hitler came along and turned Germany into the well-oiled manufacturing war machine that it became and further gave the people a likely scapegoat for their earlier failures, the jewish business class and bankers who had ultimately betrayed them in their earlier time of need and truly just before their greatest victory, well it was easy enough to turn ordinary people into head-turning ignorants who could look the other way at the very least.

Now Trump is in a different position. America is less financially down-trodden, less militarily beaten than it is corrupt, scandalized and bloated on it's own corporate scheming. Trump simply took advantage of the common man's growing disgust with how our political system has begun to fail us more and more. By pointing out the "swamp" as he so elegantly called it, he spoke to the masses who are tired of the glad-handing and me-first attitude of our senators and congress leaders. Can he accomplish anything? Perhaps, perhaps not. But the fact that a complete non-politician was elected to our highest office, unseating a career stooge with a gigantic lead in the polls speaks volumes.

True, confounded liberals everywhere are shocked, dismayed and up in arms about Trumps election. But a quiet and overwhelming group of voters is still completely sick of the charade of American politics. And the continuing theatrics performed nightly by our "news professionals" does nothing to help us develop a respect or appreciation for their reporting OR our leadership. There is very little hope at this time for American leadership going forward. I seriously doubt this country will ever find a leader that can begin to unite the people ever again. At this point the intolerance of the press and the public toward our public offices has reached a tipping point that likely can never be reversed. It would do little good to attempt to enforce laws about threatening the president or senators or congress ever again. How could we possibly expect our citizenry to respect our leadership when our own press open mocks them on public television?

The irony is. people particularly liberals, want to blame this on Trump. Truly it's the millennials and their complete lack of self control and respect that have brought about this predicament. They've destroyed their own country.
Very thorough and correct about Germany in the 20's and 30's. But ask yourself this. Who portrayed America in the way you just did and who portrayed it in disarray and total peril?
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No you ****** amaze me cause that is what you get out of it. Enjoy Obama care. All the winning starts when?

What the **** are you babbling about now?...you ***** are so good at jumping from one meaningless point to another to avoid getting nailed.
Hitler (circa 1939)........"This Jewish problem is yugge!. We gotta great solution. And it's final. Great and final..."
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