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The reason the reccesion is coming


Well-known member
Jan 13, 2015
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There is a reason the recession is coming. Biden's polices have raised prices and he has taxed people too much, while given ten of billions to nations who don't help us and accepted millions of illegal immigrants. What about American's first?

But the leading indicator doesn't doesn't require a MBA from Harvard. The cost of living for families has gone way up, roughly about $500 a month which is about $6,000 a year before his taxes. The average USA family has about $3,000 in the bank. Many used to live pay check to pay check before the Biden economy. You do the math. This has caused American's to max out their credit cards. When the bill comes due, many cards and loans will default creating a major loan issue with credit cards, and mortgages. This will lead to a recession. Crime is on the rise, big time The news isn't covering this, but just wait the default is coming. Screw the Dems.
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The prices have gone way up in part due his policy and regulations. Go back to the way it was. The economy has been good to the very rich. It has killed this middle class. the cost of food, gas, and rent has gone way up under Biden. He is killing the middle class and my point in why the recession is coming is spot on.
Biden wants everyone in "affordable housing " ( small apartments). He wants everyone on public transportation. If you get an electric car where will you plug it in? You may be parked 4 buildings away from your apartment unit. Will the affordable housing complex provide plug in equipment to the hundreds of electric car owners? Will the cost of that electricity be 4 times the cost of residential rates as we see now? Why hasn't Biden had all electric cars use the same plug? How come batteries in cars can't be replaced (easily)? So many " new" battery manufacturers but so few battery salvage businesses. Will Biden supply fire extinguishing foam to municipalities to fight these " metal" fires? (That ain't paper or wood burning). So many questions. So few democrats with answers.
The cut and dry reason is that the mf’er cancelled a bunch of Trump’s policies on day 1. If he just stayed in the basement we’d still have Trump’s economy.
If not Joe, then a dog, a stick, Hitler, Neal Sedaka, you name it. The election was stolen by plan, and all that mattered is that the puppet played the globalist game, and the powerful get richer.
We're in a recession now...The books are being cooked. After November we'll be in the mother's of all recessions when the real numbers are released, and will amazingly be all due to the Republicans taking control of the House and Senate. The MSM will push that narrative 24/7. Times will be so bad and overemphasized by the media, Joe wins a second term,,,one way or another....

No doubt the chess masters have all the details ready for production with the end goal of keeping the Dems in the White House.
We're in a recession now...The books are being cooked. After November we'll be in the mother's of all recessions when the real numbers are released, and will amazingly be all due to the Republicans taking control of the House and Senate. The MSM will push that narrative 24/7. Times will be so bad and overemphasized by the media, Joe wins a second term,,,one way or another....

No doubt the chess masters have all the details ready for production with the end goal of keeping the Dems in the White House.

The quarterly report will show a decline. The big companies will make money, it the medium to small size companies that are in trouble. The cost of doing business has gone way up. Service has gone down, way down. Like I said once the credit card start defaulting WATCH OUT.

The republicans are not to blame for the recession, the democrats are in power now.
The republicans are not to blame for the recession, the democrats are in power now.
The knowledgeable citizen knows this. The 45-60% who are so detached and get all their info from MSM, late night tv, The Spew, etc will hear something far from the truth, and then be lockstep in accordance with their masters.
The cut and dry reason is that the mf’er cancelled a bunch of Trump’s policies on day 1. If he just stayed in the basement we’d still have Trump’s economy.
Bomma and His people are really running the government and tell Joe what to say and sign. I guarantee that Bomma was seething for four years because Trump whipped out that magic wand Bomma was talking about, reversed much of what He did, and things got better and people were happier. No one puts Baby in a corner and no one makes Bomma look bad and if He has to take down the rest of the country for revenge he’ll do it. That’s what narcissists do.
The prices have gone way up in part due his policy and regulations. Go back to the way it was. The economy has been good to the very rich. It has killed this middle class. the cost of food, gas, and rent has gone way up under Biden. He is killing the middle class and my point in why the recession is coming is spot on.
The breathtaking thing is that for years we have heard progressives rail against conservatives or Christians “imposing your values on the rest of society.”

Now the progressives are completely and systematically imposing their values on all of us. Where we will live, What we will drive, where we will work, what we will eat, Our rights to defend ourselves, what we pay for energy, our healthcare choices, Runaway government spending, progressive “policing,” etc.

Liberals are blind to their seismic level of projection and ignorance.
The breathtaking thing is that for years we have heard progressives rail against conservatives or Christians “imposing your values on the rest of society.”

Now the progressives are completely and systematically imposing their values on all of us. Where we will live, What we will drive, where we will work, what we will eat, Our rights to defend ourselves, what we pay for energy, our healthcare choices, Runaway government spending, progressive “policing,” etc.

Liberals are blind to their seismic level of projection and ignorance.
Their party has been completely hijacked. The majority of the elites who are now in power are of the same cloth as the hippies who didn't want anything to do with government back in the day. They discovered there's gold in them thar hills and can't get enough of it now and will mow down anyone who gets in their way.

Government for the People by the People, my ***.
Their party has been completely hijacked. The majority of the elites who are now in power are of the same cloth as the hippies who didn't want anything to do with government back in the day. They discovered there's gold in them thar hills and can't get enough of it now and will mow down anyone who gets in their way.

Government for the People by the People, my ***.

The media will have to explain why the Democrats lost the way they did in the mid -term elections. The reason is the middle class is hurting badly. Union workers and Latino's at least those who were born here are shifting towards Republican. That a hard pill for Democrat's to swallow.
The media will have to explain why the Democrats lost the way they did in the mid -term elections. The reason is the middle class is hurting badly. Union workers and Latino's at least those who were born here are shifting towards Republican. That a hard pill for Democrat's to swallow.
The unions have been living for a while now with members who vote or at least lean GOP, but the leadership is solidly in the Dems' back pocket.
The media will have to explain why the Democrats lost the way they did in the mid -term elections. The reason is the middle class is hurting badly. Union workers and Latino's at least those who were born here are shifting towards Republican. That a hard pill for Democrat's to swallow.
The media isn't going to do **** to cast a bad light on their masters. They'll come up with some other excuse.
The media isn't going to do **** to cast a bad light on their masters. They'll come up with some other excuse.
The cost of doing business is going up because unemployment is low and hiring employees is more expensive. We've averaged 450k new jobs per month in 2022, so a recession is unlikely. Republicans don't want immigrants but our economy needs them, particularly with baby boomers retiring.
The cost of doing business is going up because unemployment is low and hiring employees is more expensive. We've averaged 450k new jobs per month in 2022, so a recession is unlikely. Republicans don't want immigrants but our economy needs them, particularly with baby boomers retiring.
The vast majority of retiring baby boomers had a skill set that won't be replaced by those walking across the southern border, but that doesn't fit your narrative, so carry on.
The cost of doing business is going up because unemployment is low and hiring employees is more expensive. We've averaged 450k new jobs per month in 2022, so a recession is unlikely. Republicans don't want immigrants but our economy needs them, particularly with baby boomers retiring.
When you close down millions of small businesses and jobs from a lie, it's time to get them back. The dollar is still very weak.
The cost of doing business is going up because unemployment is low and hiring employees is more expensive. We've averaged 450k new jobs per month in 2022, so a recession is unlikely. Republicans don't want immigrants but our economy needs them, particularly with baby boomers retiring.
Who said Republicans don't want immigrants? Just stop with that bullshit. We want LEGAL immigrants who will contribute to our culture and economy in a positive way.
Trump was reducing legal immigration as well. Not all baby boomers worked skilled jobs and not all immigrants come across southern border. We send many foreigners home who graduate from our colleges. Currently US has 11.5 mil job openings and under 6 mil unemployed and looking for work. When employers have to raise wages to attract workers, they in turn raise their prices.