Trubisky reminds me of another qb we signed years ago that also played for the bears Mikey tomczak… if he gave us what Mikey did that’d be great! I always thought bears didnt use trubisky right… he was a good running qb that was perfect for rpo offense… use a simple offense like the packers and trubisky probably do ok but a big grandiose offense with a thousand plays twice as many options he’ll fail. I like packers offense they have like one pass play “throw it to 17” they threw it to 17 170 times! He caught 123 thats like 75% completes. they power run just to keep defenses honest. Nothing fancy, with the rules its impossible to stop a good physical receiver like adams. Sign trubisky, run a little rpo, hand off to Harris, throw to claypool 170 times! a line of DMoore, Big Dot, hass at center, green at RG and haeg at RT Muth at TE and a juju at wr #2 and watt at fullback rotate with ray ray on pass downs I’d take my chances with Trubisky. This team has talent no excuse for this offense to be so ******.