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The (un) electability of the 2016 Candidates


Regular Member
May 9, 2014
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LP in the burgh
Ok Barring a strong third party run, or republican funny business, we have 5 potential candidates... Here is my opinion on the electability of each:

Kasich... in a normal election he would be incredibly high on the electability list... he is virtually a democrat in a dozen issues and would pull a large section of the moderates, though he wouldn't energize the far right wing of the party at all. He also is far too nice a guy to mudsling with Hillary.... However the only way he gets the nomination is through a Brokered convention, and Trump would surely run as an independent in that case.... witch makes him virtually unelectable this year

Cruz... Well he plays well to the tea party crowd, but as a moderate who even shares a few of his viewpoints, I can say that his far right wing stances and obstructionist history will play poorly outside of the middle and southern states. Hillary would take the moderates vs him, and while some of Bernies anti establishment voters might swing over, the vast majority wouldn't agree with his conservative viewpoints.

Trump, Welll all we have heard is that he is unelectable... he has singlehandedly committed every faux pas in the book and is still trumping along... considering the amount of fed up and whacky people in the country Id argue he is electable, if it weren't for the surefire political sabotage that is certainly coming at the convention... after all the establishment cant go 4 years without one of their own in there...

Sanders... Look, he is doing as well as a open socialist can in a democratic world... the problem is, as it always will be, that he has an affinity to communism that he cant deny and that this country will ultimately reject... if Trump wins in November vs Hillary... it will be with a closer vote, but with a guy that can be painted as a communist... my gosh the Hardcore Hillary voters might actually bail to a third party person... Trump may be able to ride naked down 5th avenue on a horse kicking orphans in the head and still win. Remember... Americans hate communists... almost to an irrational sense....

Hillary... in this election ... any other woman with the credentials and political views she has would probably be a slam dunk, but her baggage and personality cause all sorts of issues for her.... read this... its everything Ive been saying for months, only from a rational democrat's viewpoint and much more eloquently assembled... http://static.currentaffairs.org/20...s-a-trump-nomination-means-a-trump-presidency

So there you have it... everyone is unelectable... we will have no more presidents :)
I would like to hear your views on Gary Johnson and his "issues" as you see them please.
Bernie Sanders is far from being a communist. That's such a stupid misnomer. He's a democratic socialist, a la FDR.
A "Democratic" Socialist? Is that like being an "undocumented" immigrant? He is either a socialist or he is not. He has supported Communism in his past.Stop trying to make things sound different than they are by using descriptions like that.
I just love how Bernie changed his tune from calling himself a socialist/communist (his own words) to now being a "democratic socialist". What a bunch of complete bullshit. The liberals are so blind. I will vote for any GOP candidate unless the GOP establishment pulls some crazy bullshit at the convention. If they do that, they will destroy the party. Trump isn't going to destroy the party, the GOP establishment is already doing it.
I just love how Bernie changed his tune from calling himself a socialist/communist (his own words) to now being a "democratic socialist". What a bunch of complete bullshit. The liberals are so blind. I will vote for any GOP candidate unless the GOP establishment pulls some crazy bullshit at the convention. If they do that, they will destroy the party. Trump isn't going to destroy the party, the GOP establishment is already doing it.

My secret dream is that one of the parties collapses and is broken into an extremist and moderate party, then the other will bleed its moderates into the new party and we will have an extreme left, extreme right, and central party that is viable ( the green, Libertarian, and constitutional parties should fill those roles but don't have the mainstream awareness to do so)
Why is the left constantly blaming "climate change" on lack of food and resources to overpopulated parts of the world that refuse to stop reproducing and constantly need aid from the developed world?

That is the biggest bunch of horseshit I've ever heard. Why not just send them MORE aid and food, let them reproduce MORE and then blame climate change so we can redistribute more wealth.

What a crock of ****.
Moonbats really do howl at the moon

Bernie Sanders: Climate Change is Directly Related To Terrorism

"In fact, climate change is directly related to the growth of terrorism," said Sanders.

Sanders said that 'climate change poses the biggest threat to America's national security and to security of the world.'


Well yeah, because terrorists come from the desert where it's hot and makes them miserable, and the desert was never hot until a couple years ago.
Why is the left constantly blaming "climate change" on lack of food and resources to overpopulated parts of the world that refuse to stop reproducing and constantly need aid from the developed world?

That is the biggest bunch of horseshit I've ever heard. Why not just send them MORE aid and food, let them reproduce MORE and then blame climate change so we can redistribute more wealth.

What a crock of ****.

Posted before but it bears repeating.

Go Bernie!

Hillary announces her running mate

Bernie Sanders is far from being a communist. That's such a stupid misnomer.

On Tuesday night in Miami, the Bernie Sanders who once boasted of his status as a "radical" met up with Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.), the formidable major-party presidential candidate.

After the debate's organizers aired a three-decades-old clip of Sanders praising Fidel Castro, the communist Cuban dictator who came to power in the 1950s, some really might have expected trouble. In response, Sanders tried to remain true to his socialist principles in praising Cuba's universal health care and education systems, but he made mention of Cuba's authoritarian, undemocratic government.


It began for him when [Sanders] joined the Young People’s Socialist League while a student at the University of Chicago, from which he graduated in 1964. What was the mission of the Young People’s Socialist League?

It was spelled out in the preamble to its constitution: “The Young People’s Socialist League of America calls upon all young people who are interested in the emancipation of the working class from the chains of wage slavery to join its rank and through it and its associated organizations of the International Socialist Movement, to work for the overthrow of the present capitalist system in all its social and economic ramifications, and for the establishment in its stead of a worldwide socialistic cooperative commonwealth.”


Hmmm ... "establishment of a worldwide socialist cooperative" and the destruction of capitalism. That sounds like ... why, communism!!
..while a student at the University of Chicago, from which he graduated in 1964.
Anything more recent than fifty years ago? lol It doesn't matter actually. As with everything, the far righters have their heads in the sand, as usual. Obama is a Kenyan muslim radical. Bernie is a card-carrying communist. Have it your way, believe what you will.

ps - the huge difference between communism and democratic socialism is that communism is based on the notion of state ownership of basically everything. Under communism there is no private equity, no stock market, no private enterprise. Thus the failed states of USSR and the former soviet bloc.

Democratic socialism, which Sanders adheres to, involves no such thing. It calls for a more just distribution of tax dollars a la FDR's New Deal. But carry on, please.
Go Bernie!

Kick Hillary in the crotch some more!

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Democratic socialism, which Sanders adheres to, involves no such thing. It calls for a more just distribution of tax dollars a la FDR's New Deal. But carry on, please.

But who determines what is 'just"? If you disincentivize people to be more productive with more taxes and regulation then you don't create as many jobs or as much wealth to grow the economy.

Bill Clinton just slammed the Obama Presidency while stumping for Hillary... equated it to Bush's ... that's a way to get some good votes for her...lol... Mickey mouse might honestly be our president by the time these numbskulls all rip each other to shreds...
So, Hilldog has hitched her wagon to a third term of Obama over the past couple of months. She couldn't stop gushing about how great he has done. Now, good 'ol Billy comes out yesterday and says what an awful legacy the last 8 years is. You just can't make this **** up. Instant commercial for Trump and the GOP.
So, Hilldog has hitched her wagon to a third term of Obama over the past couple of months. She couldn't stop gushing about how great he has done. Now, good 'ol Billy comes out yesterday and says what an awful legacy the last 8 years is. You just can't make this **** up. Instant commercial for Trump and the GOP.

Big dog looked like he was having a stroke as he was talking - I can't imagine Hillary can be any healthier
Democratic socialism...calls for a more just distribution of tax dollars a la FDR's New Deal. But carry on, please.

ha ha - he's a bum! a parasite! a leech!

Bernie the Bum!


Lived with his mommy till he was 40, never had a real job, makes a living stoking the flames of jealousy and envy of those who work hard and are successful

Bernie Sanders a Bum Who Didn’t Earn His First Steady Paycheck Until Age 40 Then Wormed His Way Into Politics

So, Hilldog has hitched her wagon to a third term of Obama over the past couple of months. She couldn't stop gushing about how great he has done. Now, good 'ol Billy comes out yesterday and says what an awful legacy the last 8 years is. You just can't make this **** up. Instant commercial for Trump and the GOP.

Frankly the economy was a ton better under Bill. He had the good fortune to run into some lucky timing with the tech boom but at least he had the good sense not to screw it up.
Trump, Welll all we have heard is that he is unelectable... he has singlehandedly committed every faux pas in the book and is still trumping along... considering the amount of fed up and whacky people in the country Id argue he is electable, if it weren't for the surefire political sabotage that is certainly coming at the convention... after all the establishment cant go 4 years without one of their own in there...

Trump had a high level meeting with the party in DC recently. I'm thinking the talks went well. If the Republicans try to block him, they are really saying we want Clinton. A common ememy can unite people at odds and get them to trust each other. The press has an agenda to make it look worse that it really is.

Trump says he can make a deal. I think he just made a big one.