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The War On Police - Now Being Sniped

Tim Steelersfan

Flog's Daddy
Apr 17, 2014
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Ever since Trayvon "If I Had a Son", and Michael Peaceful Brown died, and subsequently Obama turned average Americans against law enforcement, and the wave led to the Black Lives movement, there has been a surge in law enforcement attacks, shootings and deaths.

Now...our police officers are being attacked by snipers.

Manhunt underway for sniper who shot Los Angeles sheriff's deputy

A sniper located in an apartment building in Los Angeles County opened fire on a sheriff's deputy just outside his station house on Wednesday afternoon.

The deputy, identified as 21-year-old Angel Reinosa, was shot in his bulletproof vest in the parking lot of the Los Angeles County Sheriff's Lancaster station by someone in the apartment building across the street, which is a government-subsidized facility.

The shooting took place in Lancaster, about an hour north of downtown Los Angeles, at about 2:45 p.m. local time.


Police search for the gunman after a sheriff's deputy was shot heading to his car in a parking lot in Lancaster, Calif., Aug. 21, 2019.

"Think about what happened here -- a sniper took out one of our deputies," Lancaster Mayor R. Rex Parris said at a press conference. "And the only reason that deputy is alive is because he had his vest on."

"He was getting ready to take that vest off," he added. "Had he done so, it would've been a much more tragic situation."

The suspect is still on the loose, authorities said early Thursday. Sheriff's deputies cleared the apartment building overnight and did not find the person. The suspect has not been named, and it is unclear if they are a resident of the building.

PHOTO: Police on the scene where a sheriffs deputy was shot heading to his car in a parking lot in Lancaster, Calif., Aug. 21, 2019.


Police on the scene where a sheriff's deputy was shot heading to his car in a parking lot in Lancaster, Calif., Aug. 21, 2019.
shooter yelling Trump slogan's I am sure.
BLM getting what they want
I don't know, stories about NYPD suicides up, water being thrown on them. and now this? Who'd wanna do this job? Way to go dimwits. More blood on your hands, but I'm sure it's the guns fault.
I don't know, stories about NYPD suicides up, water being thrown on them. and now this? Who'd wanna do this job? Way to go dimwits. More blood on your hands, but I'm sure it's the guns fault.

White supremacist. Or white nationalist. Or white something, requiring gun control and thought police.
I defer to my old bud Fred to clarify America's steady decline in all areas, including common sense. someone once mentioned the "Culture of Corruption"


Who the Hell Is Mitch McConnell Anyway?
And Why Would Anyone Care

Easy. Because Congress doesn’t matter. It really doesn’t. It is a bauble that fascinates the strange ingrown world of DC, but the marionettes are less important than those who pull their strings.

It may seem odd, but the national legislature has nothing to do with anything of importance. Consider the most crucial issues affecting America:

The endless wars. These kill millions who have done nothing to deserve killing, threaten America’s position in the world, and cost trillions. Congress does nothing.

The national debt, a form of counterfeiting. Its headlong growth encourages de-dollarization of the international economy with likely catastrophic results for America’s financial position. Congress rubber stamps it.

The opening of American borders. The influx causes fury that offers to tear the country apart and causes all manner of problems that urgently need attention.
Congress does nothing.

Racial disaster, especially, the dysfunction of the country’s Negros, their inability to function in a modern society. It has lead to tens of thousands of abandoned buildings, to rotting urban no-go zones infested by rats, to savage racial attacks on whites, and the annual loosing from the schools of millions of semi-literates who will never be employable. It is probably irremediable. It could be ameliorated, however, if Congress had the virility. It doesn’t, instead doing…nothing.

The rise of lawlessness. Groups like Black Lives Matter and Antifa attack anyone they don’t like, besiege government (in Portland, for example), beat reporters, and prevent access of speakers to their audiences. Mobs of blacks loot stores, kick whites into brain damage. America’s murder rates astonish the world.
Congress does nothing.

Corruption. In America it takes many forms, often legal. Regulatory agencies are controlled by the industries they are mandated to regulate. Medical care is worse and more expensive than in other developed countries. Wall Street operates cons like the subprime scam, and nobody goes to jail. The pharmaceutical companies rape the government and the public.
Congress does nothing.

So why pay attention to Congress? Of what use is it?

Aside from selling the country to the highest bidders, Congress works chiefly to avoid responsibility and to get reelected. So…what reason is there for knowing who Mitch McConnell is?

True, there is amusement value in the more prominent congressistas--AOC, Maxine Waters. These make the legislature seem an overpriced playpen for retarded marsupials. So why Congress? Wouldn’t it be cheaper to watch reruns of Jerry Springer instead?

We have no idea who this guy is, there is a mental facility next door to the apartments. Could be just a messed up person, someone who was arrested before, could be a black guy, mexican guy, white guy, not really sure this has anything to do with the war on police like some other instances.
Snipers taking out cops just cannot happen They better find this person fast.
Ever since Trayvon "If I Had a Son", and Michael Peaceful Brown died, and subsequently Obama turned average Americans against law enforcement, and the wave led to the Black Lives movement, there has been a surge in law enforcement attacks, shootings and deaths.

Richard Poplawski and Robert Bowers (among others) ask that you kindly go **** yourself for suggesting such a thing.
I was 17, drunk, crying and running to my bus stop. A cop happened across me. He yelled stop. I kept running. He yelled stop or I'll shoot. I stopped dead in my tracks with my hands up. He figured out why I was crying and sent me on my way. The people who say it has nothing to do with resisting are idiots.
Richard Poplawski and Robert Bowers (among others) ask that you kindly go **** yourself for suggesting such a thing.

Sounds like Tim struck a nerve, you snarky ******* douchebag.
Richard Poplawski and Robert Bowers (among others) ask that you kindly go **** yourself for suggesting such a thing.

Trying to figure out what exactly you are questioning...

Are you questioning that Obama turned Americans against law enforcement?
Are you questioning that Obama said if he had a son....
Are you questioning that Obama used the Michael Brown incident to fan the flames of racial divide?
Are you questioning that out of these two incidents, BLM was born?
Are you questioning since then that there has been a rise in attacks against law enforcement?

Do tell.
Trying to figure out what exactly you are questioning...

Are you questioning that Obama turned Americans against law enforcement?
Are you questioning that Obama said if he had a son....
Are you questioning that Obama used the Michael Brown incident to fan the flames of racial divide?
Are you questioning that out of these two incidents, BLM was born?
Are you questioning since then that there has been a rise in attacks against law enforcement?

Do tell.

Pretty sure Flog just hates law and order. Enforcing laws is racist.
I was 17, drunk, crying and running to my bus stop. A cop happened across me. He yelled stop. I kept running. He yelled stop or I'll shoot. I stopped dead in my tracks with my hands up. He figured out why I was crying and sent me on my way. The people who say it has nothing to do with resisting are idiots.

You were drunk in the am at 17 going to school? Sounds interesting
Trying to figure out what exactly you are questioning...

Are you questioning that Obama turned Americans against law enforcement?
Are you questioning that Obama said if he had a son....
Are you questioning that Obama used the Michael Brown incident to fan the flames of racial divide?
Are you questioning that out of these two incidents, BLM was born?
Are you questioning since then that there has been a rise in attacks against law enforcement?

Do tell.

When white nationalists like Paplowski or Eric Frein ambush or snipe black cops, the coward Tim will sum that up to be a random, isolated nut job. But when a black guy snipes a white cop, the coward Tim blames a supposed movement started by the black President. Imagine if Obama had called law enforcement corrupt like the orange President did.
When white nationalists like Paplowski or Eric Frein ambush or snipe black cops, the coward Tim will sum that up to be a random, isolated nut job. But when a black guy snipes a white cop, the coward Tim blames a supposed movement started by the black President. Imagine if Obama had called law enforcement corrupt like the orange President did.

Trog you ignorant Slut,

There is a difference between politically motivated attacks on police and attacks perpetrated by nut jobs. Crimes motivated by DNC Pols claiming that police are racists oppressing minorities are not equal to crimes motivated by delusions in the criminals head.
When white nationalists like Paplowski or Eric Frein ambush or snipe black cops, the coward Tim will sum that up to be a random, isolated nut job. But when a black guy snipes a white cop, the coward Tim blames a supposed movement started by the black President. Imagine if Obama had called law enforcement corrupt like the orange President did.

Damn you are a brainwashed Progressive. Racism just rolls off your tongue. Far too easily.

When I posted this article, I didn't know (still don't as I haven't followed up) the color of the skin of the attacked officer OR of the shooter. Which destroys your attempt to paint my position as racist.

Not one thing about me starting this thread has a thing to do with race. It's about the escalating violence against police officers. All police officers. Regardless of color you race-baiting prick.

Nice attempt to change the discussion.

Now back to the rise in violence by citizens against LEOs....
Not one thing about me starting this thread has a thing to do with race. It's about the escalating violence against police officers. All police officers. Regardless of color you race-baiting prick.

Nice attempt to change the discussion.

Now back to the rise in violence by citizens against LEOs....

LOL! The whole story was made up. Fake News!

And “Not one thing” other than mentioning the surge in police shooting and the BLM movement in the same ******* sentence. Sure.