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The War On Police - Now Being Sniped

Trog you ignorant Slut,

There is a difference between politically motivated attacks on police and attacks perpetrated by nut jobs. Crimes motivated by DNC Pols claiming that police are racists oppressing minorities are not equal to crimes motivated by delusions in the criminals head.

Ignorance is thinking numerous viral videos of questionable if not criminal police shootings had nothing to do with it. But why miss out on an opportunity to use tragedy to politicize something? You and Tim should co-write an op-Ed.
You couldn't pay me enough to do that job in NY,Chicago, DC,Detroit,Baltimore, philly and pretty much the entire west coast. I commend anyone who does. That's no easy task and the prior president had his hand in movements against all of you. A good many law enforcement deaths his hands have blood on.
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Craziest thing about this story, other than the one that perpetrated it, is how it even became a story. A rifle shot to the chest, even with the vest will leave evidence.

I have no idea what the motivation would be, closest thing I can think of is fire fighters starting a fire so they can be a hero attempting to put it out.
Nice community values<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Just another day in Bill de Blasio’s NYC. NYPD officers in Bronx are trying to arrest a robbery suspect who is resisting arrest. <a href="https://t.co/3EhttROvK6">pic.twitter.com/3EhttROvK6</a></p>— Joel Fischer (@JFNYC1) <a href="https://twitter.com/JFNYC1/status/1165656441404952576?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">August 25, 2019</a></blockquote> <script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>

If black lives really matter, maybe prioritize NOT BREAKING THE LAW! and RESPECTING AUTHORITY!

Just a thought. Probably a super racist one at that.
LOL! The whole story was made up. Fake News!

And “Not one thing” other than mentioning the surge in police shooting and the BLM movement in the same ******* sentence. Sure.

The rise in BLM DID contribute to the surge in police violence. See Micah Johnson in Dallas. It's increased since.

Obama DID sow the seeds of distrust towards law enforcement after both the Martin and Brown incidents.

BLM formed after this. BLM is on video, numerous times, advocating for violence against police. Michah Johson was BLM inspired. There have been numerous calls to label BLM a domestic terror organization due to their document violence and calls for violence.

To say these factors did not contribute to this rise in violence against police is to be willfully obtuse.

By the end of the year 2015, 86 police officers were killed in the line of duty. These deaths encompass all line-of-duty deaths including traffic accidents and rescue-related deaths. By the end of 2016, that number rose to 135 killed in the line-of-duty, an increase of 36% from 2015.

In 2015, 41 police officers were killed by criminal gunfire. In 2016, that number rose to 64 officers killed, a rise of 53%.

In 2015, eight police officers were killed in ambush-style attacks which accounted for just under 20% of police officer deaths that year. In 2016, the number of officers killed in ambush attacks was 21, a rise of 62% from the previous year.

Violence against police officers in Tennessee is on the rise, according to a new report by the Tennessee Bureau of Investigation. The Law Enforcement Officers Killed Assaulted (LEOKA) report found 2,313 victims last year, including one officer who was murdered. It's a 27 percent increase in just three years, TBI said.

I don't have more recent data, but it's not an argument that violence against police, including ambush attacks, is on the rise.

You can say I'm being racist by pointing out facts, but that would just make you a lemming Liberal to do so.
Anybody who does not recognize that Obama purposely stoked race and class divisions is not observing with clear eyes. You don’t even need to cede his Marxist motivations to have seen it.

It was the Russians