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This doesn't fit the agenda


Most Intelligent Poster
Apr 9, 2014
Reaction score
Heaven on Earth

A new study confirms that black men and women are treated differently in the hands of law enforcement. They are more likely to be touched, handcuffed, pushed to the ground or pepper-sprayed by a police officer, even after accounting for how, where and when they encounter the police.

But when it comes to the most lethal form of force — police shootings — the study finds no racial bias.
Now news like this won't sell newspapers and add space on TV.
I doubt that. Just don't resist arrest. Cops will use some type of force during arrest, but it goes for anyone
I read the linked article, and found it interesting. I then read this portion of the interview the Harvard professor gave:

“Who the hell wants to have a police officer put their hand on them or yell and scream at them? It’s an awful experience,” he said. “I’ve had it multiple, multiple times. Every black man I know has had this experience. Every one of them."

The reference to the professor being manhandled by the police and yelled at by police "multiple" times then links to a separate NYT story.

So I read the linked story about Fryer being manhandled and roughed up by police "multiple" [his word] times. Guess what?

The linked story says no such thing, and instead focuses on Fryer's life and youth, including his drug sales and possession of a .357 magnum when he was young, his father (a poor role model), being "abandoned" by his mother, and how he changed his life when he saw his father arrested for rape.

In the linked article, how many times did Fryer mention being yelled at, roughed up or tossed around by the police? Zero ... yes, literally zero.

Look, the professor appears to be extremely intelligent, and a lot of what he says in the linked-to-the-link article is fascinating, but reality disproves an important claim he made in the more recent article.
I read the linked article, and found it interesting. I then read this portion of the interview the Harvard professor gave:

“Who the hell wants to have a police officer put their hand on them or yell and scream at them? It’s an awful experience,” he said. “I’ve had it multiple, multiple times. Every black man I know has had this experience. Every one of them."

The reference to the professor being manhandled by the police and yelled at by police "multiple" times then links to a separate NYT story.

So I read the linked story about Fryer being manhandled and roughed up by police "multiple" [his word] times. Guess what?

The linked story says no such thing, and instead focuses on Fryer's life and youth, including his drug sales and possession of a .357 magnum when he was young, his father (a poor role model), being "abandoned" by his mother, and how he changed his life when he saw his father arrested for rape.

In the linked article, how many times did Fryer mention being yelled at, roughed up or tossed around by the police? Zero ... yes, literally zero.

Look, the professor appears to be extremely intelligent, and a lot of what he says in the linked-to-the-link article is fascinating, but reality disproves an important claim he made in the more recent article.
So, in other words,...he lied?
Nobody cares - the agenda is set

So, in other words,...he lied?

Yes, he seems to have lied. What is odd is that in the original interview from a few years ago, he talked about how he was using mathematical analysis to dissect why African-Americans were doing poorly in school, and rejected a lot of convenient excuses. He pointed out in one study that African-Americans who did well academically in city schools were labeled as "acting white" and were bullied for their academic achievements. He is the professor who came up with the idea of a small financial reward for students to do well in school, to overcome lack of parental involvement and lack of respect for academic achievement among African-Americans in city schools.

In other words, he was not a race-baiter at all.

But he wrote that he conducted the study cited in this thread because he was "so angry about the Michael Brown shooting." Uhhhh, what? The evidence showed that Brown was charging the police officer when shot, did not have his hands up, was not trying to surrender, and the "hands up, don't shoot" meme is a complete and utter lie.
Black people need to understand they commit an way disproportionate amount of crimes in this country compared to any other race. I mean it ain't even close. So, of course, of the few issues each year with police interactions with criminals, you are going to have more with blacks. They chose to commit the crimes they do. The police don't make them commit crime. And, I have no problem with stop and frisk. It did wonders in NY for the reduction in crime when Giuliani was there. Now that they have removed it, you can guarantee crime will be going back up each year.
any self-respecting mod would delete this thread.

I found these stats rather interesting. Black unemployment in 2016 for those over 25 is 6.3% a rather low number.
The unemployment rate for blacks 16 to 25 is in the 25% plus range. I don't have the stats, but my guess is the
16 to 25 age range is where the majority of crime is coming from.

Seems like instead of painting a broad brush and blaming black people overall, we should be focusing on this 16 to 25 age
group and discussing solutions to getting this age group into productive rather than negative uses of their time and lives.

A new study confirms that black men and women are treated differently in the hands of law enforcement. They are more likely to be touched, handcuffed, pushed to the ground or pepper-sprayed by a police officer, even after accounting for how, where and when they encounter the police.

But when it comes to the most lethal form of force — police shootings — the study finds no racial bias.

The cops shot and killed more whites than blacks. The media and the president does not speak out on that truth. Similarly the media won't address black on black violence which produces far more fatalities than the police.

I think part of the problem is the attitude and threatening ways of a person that are being arrested. Do not verbally insinuate or threaten a cop. It's unwise and makes them nervous. If the attitude of those being arrested can change, we'd see fewer tragedies for sure. I'm sure of it.

I also think the Black Lives Matter movement would be better received if they added a " TOO " to the end of their statement. And they should publicly should those taunting the police and address the #1 issues of shooting fatalities ( black on black crime ) as that seems to take away the most.

Yet the group remains silent on many issues. Leadership, where have you gone.

I found these stats rather interesting. Black unemployment in 2016 for those over 25 is 6.3% a rather low number. The unemployment rate for blacks 16 to 25 is in the 25% plus range. I don't have the stats, but my guess is the 16 to 25 age range is where the majority of crime is coming from.

Seems like instead of painting a broad brush and blaming black people overall, we should be focusing on this 16 to 25 age group and discussing solutions to getting this age group into productive rather than negative uses of their time and lives.

You confuse cause and effect. Specifically, the unemployment rate is high because the vast majority of such teenagers are unskilled in a profession and have very limited academic skills. These teenagers have grown up almost exclusively in single-parent households.

So if you are an employer, do you want to hire an unskilled employee with poor language and mathematics skills?

You want to find the cause - not the effect - of high unemployment among African-American teens, how about this?


Look at that, will you? In households with two parents present, the unemployment is about one-third what it is for single-parent households. So if you want to lower unemployment among African-American teenagers, keep them from becoming single parents and from being raised in single-parent households.

And yes, it really is that simple.

I found these stats rather interesting. Black unemployment in 2016 for those over 25 is 6.3% a rather low number.
The unemployment rate for blacks 16 to 25 is in the 25% plus range. I don't have the stats, but my guess is the
16 to 25 age range is where the majority of crime is coming from.

Seems like instead of painting a broad brush and blaming black people overall, we should be focusing on this 16 to 25 age
group and discussing solutions to getting this age group into productive rather than negative uses of their time and lives.

What do you propose? I'm listening.

Seems democrats have been talking about this issue for a while and their control of cities for two generations isn't doing much..... Unless you think it's all us white folk in the suburbs that are keeping your communities under thumb....
What do you propose? I'm listening.

Seems democrats have been talking about this issue for a while and their control of cities for two generations isn't doing much..... Unless you think it's all us white folk in the suburbs that are keeping your communities under thumb....

That is pretty much what Obama has stated. Whiteys in their suburbs are to blame:

Hillary’s rumored running mate, Housing Secretary Julian Castro, is cooking up a scheme to reallocate funding for Section 8 housing to punish suburbs for being too white and too wealthy.

Everyone in America is a racist!

Tell your kids, quick!

Obama: Every American Is Racist

“America, we know that bias remains. We know it. Whether you are black or white or Hispanic or Asian or Native American or of Middle Eastern decent, we have all seen this bigotry in our own lives at some point. We heard it at times in our own homes.”

“If we are honest, perhaps we have heard prejudice in our own heads and felt it in our own hearts. We know that. And while some suffer far more under racism’s burden, some feel, to a far greater extent, discrimination’s sting, although most of us do our best to guard against it and teach our children better, none of us is entirely innocent.”



Hillary: ‘All Of Us’ Are Racist'



Everyone in America is a racist!

Tell your kids, quick!

Obama: Every American Is Racist

“America, we know that bias remains. We know it. Whether you are black or white or Hispanic or Asian or Native American or of Middle Eastern decent, we have all seen this bigotry in our own lives at some point. We heard it at times in our own homes.”

“If we are honest, perhaps we have heard prejudice in our own heads and felt it in our own hearts. We know that. And while some suffer far more under racism’s burden, some feel, to a far greater extent, discrimination’s sting, although most of us do our best to guard against it and teach our children better, none of us is entirely innocent.”



Hillary: ‘All Of Us’ Are Racist'




So now democrats are justifying their racism? Ok?....stoopid libs
Seems democrats have been talking about this issue for a while and their control of cities for two generations isn't doing much..... Unless you think it's all us white folk in the suburbs that are keeping your communities under thumb....

Fred just spells it out, it's about education man.

Walter Williams, Catholics, the Projects, and Schooling for Blacks: Something is Wrong Somewhere

Some time ago I read a column on the schooling of blacks written by Walter Williams, the black economist at George Mason University, who grew up in the black housing projects of Philadelphia in the Thirties. He reports that all the kids could read, and that classrooms were orderly and teachers respected. Today, by all reports, in the urban black schools the kids can’t read and chaos reigns. Black kids have not gotten stupider since the Thirties. Something is wrong somewhere.

In 1981, I wrote a piece for Harper’s on the overwhelmingly black Catholic schools of Washington, DC, and found them to be exactly as Williams described the schools in his projects: well-behaved, and all the kids could read.

I expected that liberals would applaud a piece demonstrating that black kids could learn far better than they did in the public schools. Instead, fury erupted. The success of the Catholics pointed up the incompetence of the teacher’s unions and the vacuity of accepted social theory. Whatever nits can be picked with the piece, whatever one believes about the relative intelligence of blacks, whites, yellows, and ed majors, it is obvious that black kids could do far, far better than they are doing. Something is wrong somewhere.

An obvious observation, which hardly anyone seems to make, is that blacks suffer less from racism than from poor education. Harvard does not reject black applicants because it dislikes blacks but because they are badly prepared. Blacks do not fail the federal entrance examination because it is rigged to exclude them but because they don’t know the answers. Equality of opportunity without equality of education is a cruel joke: giving an illiterate the right to apply to Yale isn’t giving him much.

The intelligent policy is to educate black children, something that the public schools of Washington manage, at great expense, not to do. In fact the prevailing (if unspoken) view seems to be that black children cannot be educated, an idea whose only defect is that it is wrong: the Catholic schools of Washington have been educating black children for years. The Catholic system has 12,170 students in the District, of whom 7,884, or 65 percent, are black.

Why do the Catholics get better results? One reason is that the students have parents who care enough to put them in superior schools. Another reason is that Catholic schools have superior staffs, with teachers generally required to have at least a B.A. in their subjects. Also involved are academic rigor — students are often assigned two-and-a-half hours of homework — and discipline. One disruptive student can reduce a class to chaos. Catholic schools, not being subject to educational bureaucracies and political pressures, can prevent disruption, resorting, if need be, to expulsion.

One may argue that in general the chief hindrances to progress for poor blacks are misguided racial policies and the attitudes of those who make them. Today the obstacle to racial progress is not Bill Buckley; it is Ted Kennedy. It isn’t the KKK; it is the NEA.

Race has become an industry. CETA, EEOC, OMBE, and other forbidding acronyms with huge payrolls exist by presiding over the status quo. Various freelance acronyms, such as NAACP, SCLC, ACLU, and PUSH, derive their importance from appearing to galvanize the governmental acronyms. Politicians and influential subcommittees thrive by conspicuously giving their attention to racial matters. The Democratic party retains blacks as a largely docile voting bloc by maintaining the flow of money for racial programs. Billions of dollars, countless jobs, and the political balance ride on keeping things as they are.

They have all but silenced opposition with their insistence that He who is against me is against blacks. This argument, repeated often enough, results in something close to censorship, so that it is currently almost impossible to discuss racial programs on their merits — i.e., on whether they work. Whether, for example, the welfare system needs revision isn’t considered.

The racial establishment also discourages the imposition of discipline in the schools, without which teaching is impossible. The problem is horrendous in some of Washington’s schools. The students need protection against marauders from outside, and the staff need protection against physical assault by students. Teachers tell of being attacked by students with knives, of being afraid to go to certain parts of the school. Vincent Reed recently voiced his concern over security. “When I have kids being shot in schools by outside intruders and teachers being mauled by outside intruders — last year we had a young girl ten years old taken out of the building and raped — I don’t have time for rhetoric.”

Finally, the absolute unwillingness of the racial industry to police itself — to make sure that money accomplishes the intended results — has made racial programs a synonym for corruption, waste, mismanagement, nepotism, and undeserved preference. It is hard to find a racial program that is not grotesquely abused.

Corruption and mismanagement inevitably lead to resentment among whites whose money is being wasted. This resentment is currently called “white backlash,” which has a comfortingly vicious sound and implies that it is someone else’s fault. (In the race business, everything is someone else’s fault.) Antagonizing half the country by shoddy performance is abysmally stupid politics, especially given that the nation would probably have few objections to sensible programs that worked. I find it hard to believe that many people would object to giving a black child a good education at a reasonable price.

I found these stats rather interesting. Black unemployment in 2016 for those over 25 is 6.3% a rather low number.
The unemployment rate for blacks 16 to 25 is in the 25% plus range. I don't have the stats, but my guess is the
16 to 25 age range is where the majority of crime is coming from.

Seems like instead of painting a broad brush and blaming black people overall, we should be focusing on this 16 to 25 age
group and discussing solutions to getting this age group into productive rather than negative uses of their time and lives.

Bring back the military draft. Targets that age demographic perfectly and you learn discipline and/or a skill whether you want to or not.
Everyone in America is a racist!

Tell your kids, quick!

Obama: Every American Is Racist

“America, we know that bias remains. We know it. Whether you are black or white or Hispanic or Asian or Native American or of Middle Eastern decent, we have all seen this bigotry in our own lives at some point. We heard it at times in our own homes.”

“If we are honest, perhaps we have heard prejudice in our own heads and felt it in our own hearts. We know that. And while some suffer far more under racism’s burden, some feel, to a far greater extent, discrimination’s sting, although most of us do our best to guard against it and teach our children better, none of us is entirely innocent.”



Hillary: ‘All Of Us’ Are Racist'




As I states in a long post... this is the wrong way to fight racism.

Bigotry is NOT racism. Some bigotry is justified and the starting point to question injustices and wrongs in communities, cultures and racial/sexual/gender groups.

Racism is an ACT. Bigotry is not.

If the goal of this country and our political leader is to get rid of bigotry that is NEVER going to happen because you can't gloss over and expect intelligent people to accept cultural/racial differences that are just plain wrong or immoral.

The goal should be to prevent the ACT of racism. The ACT of harming another person based on bigotry, stereotypes or prejudged, incorrect conclusions.
Bring back the military draft. Targets that age demographic perfectly and you learn discipline and/or a skill whether you want to or not.

I've been thinking a lot about conscription into the military as a requirement for our youth.

I'm of the opinion there might be a system that could work that requires every able-bodied young adult to join the "Army" or something more similar to the National Guard for 12 or 18 months between the ages of 18 and 25.

This would be separate from what I would consider "professional soldiers" who now would be required to enlist for a 3-year tour of duty initially (and 2-year increments thereafter) and gain the considerable benefits of becoming a veteran. These "professional soldiers" would be more the front-line troops in conflicts and get considerably more training that just "basic training".

The conscription/National Guard service would be under the umbrella of the military and used more as support tasks and homeland security. They would be deployed to war zones but would be in a more supportive roll. Logistics, food preparation, maintenance, building, etc. They would also be used for domestic projects and emergency relief.

I think the Army could find use of millions of "hands" to help in a supportive roll both domestic and abroad of our professional troops. And I think it could be a great benefit to our youth to have to go through that type of regimented lifestyle and training for a small portion of their lives.

I'm still working out all the details in my brain and would love to hear thoughts/ideas on the topic, but it's something that might work.
Everyone in America is a racist!

Tell your kids, quick!

Obama: Every American Is Racist

“America, we know that bias remains. We know it. Whether you are black or white or Hispanic or Asian or Native American or of Middle Eastern decent, we have all seen this bigotry in our own lives at some point. We heard it at times in our own homes.”

“If we are honest, perhaps we have heard prejudice in our own heads and felt it in our own hearts. We know that. And while some suffer far more under racism’s burden, some feel, to a far greater extent, discrimination’s sting, although most of us do our best to guard against it and teach our children better, none of us is entirely innocent.”



Hillary: ‘All Of Us’ Are Racist'




Then Obama is saying he's racist too.

Gee, who would have guessed a man who raised on Islam, with a best friend born in Iran, and ties to Louis Farrakhan can be one?

Who would have guessed a member of a very racy black church in Chicago and a person who shoots first and aim later in police cases, often without the facts is biased?

Obama with his one way of presenting thing has actually worsened race relationships. When a cop shoots a white person ( Cops shoot and kills more Whites than blacks ) he'll never speak up. But when the reverse happens he rushes to a media judgment, without the facts and is often proven wrong in hindsight.

Congratulations Mr. President, I believe you this time.
I've been thinking a lot about conscription into the military as a requirement for our youth.

I'm of the opinion there might be a system that could work that requires every able-bodied young adult to join the "Army" or something more similar to the National Guard for 12 or 18 months between the ages of 18 and 25.

This would be separate from what I would consider "professional soldiers" who now would be required to enlist for a 3-year tour of duty initially (and 2-year increments thereafter) and gain the considerable benefits of becoming a veteran. These "professional soldiers" would be more the front-line troops in conflicts and get considerably more training that just "basic training".

The conscription/National Guard service would be under the umbrella of the military and used more as support tasks and homeland security. They would be deployed to war zones but would be in a more supportive roll. Logistics, food preparation, maintenance, building, etc. They would also be used for domestic projects and emergency relief.

I think the Army could find use of millions of "hands" to help in a supportive roll both domestic and abroad of our professional troops. And I think it could be a great benefit to our youth to have to go through that type of regimented lifestyle and training for a small portion of their lives.

I'm still working out all the details in my brain and would love to hear thoughts/ideas on the topic, but it's something that might work.

I do not think we need a draft. A draft is only needed in a major war that has high casualties.

What is needed is quality. The Air Force ( Brightest of the group, with the hardest entry test ), Marines, and Navy are top notch. The Army is just so-so

I'd like to see the Army have a special recuritment program for young people who are bright, physically capable, and willing to offer 5-year commitments. Say an extra 50,000 people. As it stand now, the Army accepts too many reject types.

In return, pay these A-list types more than the typical enlistee makes, give them better benefits by offering them a higher initial rank( Private first class or specialists ), and offer free education ( College ) or an apprenticeship on a vocation of their choice after their tour is over.

Currently, the USA has about 500,000 active soldiers, but most of them are support based.
