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This is CHINA's fault, 100% - and they stand to profit immensely for their crimes.


They killed Kenny!
Apr 9, 2014
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The nearest Steelers bar.
First, let's be crystal clear about one thing - this virus came from China. Nowhere else. Anybody saying otherwise, including scum news reporters and communist propaganda from the criminal enterprise known as China, is a liar.

"Somewhere in China, perhaps in the southern Yunnan province, there’s a cave that may hold the mysterious origins of the deadly coronavirus that’s infected thousands [now hundreds of thousands]."


The coronavirus is believed to have originated from the Huanan Seafood Wholesale Market in Wuhan, China. The food market sells a wide variety of animals, including bats, which is one of the most common carriers of the COVID-19. The coronavirus is a zoonotic disease, which means it can be transmitted from animals to humans.


The coronavirus originating in Wuhan, China, is baffling experts searching for the source.


Second, some credible scientific analysis, from China itself, suggests that the virus was released from a laboratory in Wuhan, China. Repeat, Wuhan, CHINA. CHINA.

The deadly coronavirus “probably originated from a laboratory in Wuhan” that was conducting tests on hundreds of bats, according to a Chinese research paper.


Briand said scientists made the discovery after conducting further studies on the virus’s genetic sequence that Chinese health authorities were able to isolate and share on a public database. They found the new virus, which has been named COVID-19, is very similar to other coronavirus found in bats, she said.

But when scientists went to the seafood market in Wuhan, they “didn’t find so many bats,” Briand said. It “requires more research.”


In point of fact, the specific bat believed to be the source for this particular coronavirus - the horseshoe bat (image below) - is not sold in the Wuhan "wet market." The only place where the horseshoe bat could be found in Wuhan? The biological research lab in Wuhan.


Wow, no wonder the Chinese eat this thing. Yummy.

The report detailed the tracing of COVID-19 to the intermediate horseshoe bat — a bat that they confirmed was not available at the Wuhan wet market and did not live locally. In fact, the report noted that native populations were no closer than 600 miles away from the first known cases, making a natural transmission from bat to human appear more unlikely.

The only place those particular bats existed locally was inside a research facility — which was just several hundred yards from the Wuhan wet market — and the paper’s ultimate conclusion was that the coronavirus pandemic had likely been the result of a leak from the lab: “The killer coronavirus probably originated from a laboratory in Wuhan.”


Third, the Chinese government repeatedly lied about the Chinese virus - very possibly released from a biological research lab - by claiming it was not subject to person-to-person transmission, when they knew that was a lie.

WUHAN, China — The mysterious coronavirus that has killed at least four people and sickened more than 200 in China is capable of spreading from person to person, a prominent Chinese scientist said on Monday, adding to fears of a broader epidemic.

The disclosure increased pressure on the Chinese government to contain a growing public health crisis, just as China enters its busiest travel season of the year. On Tuesday, the authorities confirmed a fourth death from the illness in the central Chinese city of Wuhan.

The authorities had previously said the deadly virus seemed capable of spreading only from animals to humans in most cases, tracing the outbreak to a market in Wuhan.


Fourth, China is once again lying by claiming that its nation - the most densely populated outside of India, and with cities of 11 million (Wuhan), 20 million (Beijing), and 24 million (Shanghai) all within 700 miles of each other - has essentially "beaten" the disease it started and then lied about.

China appears confident that its coronavirus epidemic has abated

SEVEN WEEKS after cordoning off Hubei, the Communist Party is itching to declare victory over the novel coronavirus that has swept across the country from that central province. On March 10th the country’s leader, Xi Jinping, visited Hubei’s capital, Wuhan, for the first time since the lockdown. He spoke by videolink to patients at an army-run hospital there. He also visited a residential area (see picture) to see how Wuhan’s citizens—most of whom are still under orders to stay at home—are coping with quarantine. Mr Xi said the spread of the virus had been “basically” curbed.


Fifth, China is simultaneously mocking and criticizing the United States for its response to the virus, and the lackey commie media repeats this lie like Himmler's murderous ideological brethren repeating his most egregious lies.

Gordon Chang, Daily Beast columnist and author of The Great U.S.-China Tech War, noted the parallel narratives between America’s left-wing news media and China’s state-run propaganda regarding the coronavirus outbreak.


Media Figures Echo Chinese Propaganda on Coronavirus, Claim It's Racist if They Don't

Linking China with the virus that is now stirring panic around the world — regardless of the fact that it started there — is now being denounced as racist. Until recently, there was little doubt that the coronavirus responsible for school closings and the cancellations of reams of events first sickened people in Wuhan, China. China said so, over and over.

But now, China is bristling when it is linked with what is increasingly being seen as a global calamity. And so, too, are media figures who are repeating the Chinese Communist Party line.

Tweets from media figures supplied a prompt rap across the knuckles to anyone using a term they decided was racist:

Just astoundingly gross to call it the Wuhan Virus. https://t.co/cMrsA59xTH

— Chris Hayes (@chrislhayes) March 9, 2020

It’s racism

— Molly Jong-Fast (@MollyJongFast) March 9, 2020

FYI: Calling #COVID19 the “Wuhan Virus” is racist.

— David Gura (@davidgura) March 9, 2020

Sixth, Trump is more responsible for saving lives in the United States than any other politician and this ******* issue IS NOT CLOSE. Oh, and he was called a racist and lambasted for doing so. Remember? I do:

January 31, 2020: Coronavirus: Trump Bans U.S. Entry by Foreign Nationals Who Have Recently Been in China


Trump also banned travel from Iran, and later Europe (excluding Great Britain and Ireland), and then finally all of Europe, including Great Britain and Ireland. Liberal response to the travel bans, which UNDOUBTEDLY saves hundreds of American lives? Called the President a racist:

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Liberal media pundits want you to think referring to the coronavirus as the "Wuhan" or "Chinese" virus is racist.<br><br>Here's just a few of the times the liberal media did just that. <a href="https://t.co/ss3kV5smSP">pic.twitter.com/ss3kV5smSP</a></p>— MRCTV.org (@mrctv) <a href="https://twitter.com/mrctv/status/1238186498433966081?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">March 12, 2020</a></blockquote> <script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>

“This is no time for Donald Trump’s record of hysteria and xenophobia — hysterical xenophobia — and fearmongering,” said Biden the day after the travel restrictions were imposed.


So China is responsible for the virus, either through eating habits and food handling they allow to happen despite the obvious, overt hazards (******* SARS originated from the same goddamn area, people), or by incompetence in a biological lab that allowed the disease to escape, lied about, refused to let medical professionals into the country, helped spread the disease worldwide by encouraging travel into and out of Wuhan while the virus was burgeoning, Trump takes the one step that saved more lives than all other politicians put together, is called a racist for doing so, China is overtly lying about the origins of the disease, their role, and their current situation, liberal media hacks repeat the lies and act as the communist dictatorship's loyal and lying lapdog sockpuppet, America is being torn apart economically, America is portrayed as the villain, China paints itself as the hero, and the stupid media laps up the disease-ridden verbal diarrhea spewing from China.

Result: America is weakened, possibly irrevocably, China gains standing in the world community, and the media continue their inexorable march towards tearing down the greatest nation the world has ever seen.

And at this rate, will ever see.
China lied about the severity
China lied about the transmission
China lied about the start dates
China lied about the recovery
China lied about the death totals
China lied about the treatment
China bought up and hoarded tons of medical supplies
China is Buying discounted American stocks their virus crashed the value of

you can go back and correlate chinas numbers to a viral spread program and it has a 99% accuracy rate... its never tgat precise.. ever... all of the western responses were from taking the Chinese data at face value

China needs a time out from the world... they need booted from the global picture till they quit **** like this... treat their people as people, and stop making toxic and tainted products...
China needs a time out from the world... they need booted from the global picture till they quit **** like this... treat their people as people, and stop making toxic and tainted products...

This ^^^

But the grotesquely ugly and undeniable truth is that politicians are making millions off China and doing everything they can to carry their filthy water. For example:

Congressman Matt Gaetz Introduces “No CHINA Act” to Prevent Funneling of COVID-19 Relief Funds to Businesses Owned by Chinese Government


Why is such a bill needed? Because Chinese companies are now eligible for relief, to the tune of millions of dollars. So we would expect Congress to leap as one to enact the Gaetz recommendation, right? RIGHT? Yeah, no. No support at all from the (D)ims and the flaccid Rino's, all too busy worried about their Chinese sugar daddies.
You know what... states should enact term limits on their own... make politicians ineligible to appear on a state ballot for the same function for more than 2 terms or after ten total years of service, whichever is longer...
Vote them all out.. every damn one of them

Oh, no worries, the (D)ims have a bright new candidate ready to take the reins. Young, fresh, full of new ideas, exuding energy and competence:


He is ready to hold these truths to ... you know, the thing. And he holds things other than truths, yessiree, bob:

"Chinese virus" is racist. Gimme a break. What should I call their food then? "I'm hungry for Corona Food." ???
China Was Buying Up Global Stock Of Medical Gear Weeks BEFORE Admitting Coronavirus Was An Epidemic

It has become increasingly clear that this was deliberate. China knew that it was serious early on and did nothing to warn the rest of the world. Instead, it appears that China was hoarding medical supplies and using a government-backed real estate company to do it.

They knew exactly when it started because it was an escape from a lab in Wuhan. They stocked up on emergency supplies before announcing the extent of the problem.

China hoarding medical supplies as it unleashes a virus on the world, after lying about it, and then lying by blaming the United States for a virus that certainly came from Wuhan, and possibly originated in their biological weapons lab.

**** China.
You can just take incubation periods and infections rates from other countries... apply them to the numbers when the WHO got involved and generally guestimate early November as the first symptomatic case... so late October was the original escape...

Thats assuming that China hadn’t been burying cases already .. this could have been going on since September...

Its outrageous and they must be held liable for it

Absolve all holdings from china and cancel any debt they hold... tell them when they start treating humans as people not slaves, they can be part of the world again...
Thats assuming that China hadn’t been burying cases already .. this could have been going on since September...

Its outrageous and they must be held liable for it

Absolve all holdings from china and cancel any debt they hold... tell them when they start treating humans as people not slaves, they can be part of the world again...

(1) Boot them from the WTO.
(2) Boycott any goods made in that country until it pays a set amount - say, $50,000 - to the family of every person they killed with the virus and $10,000 to anybody they forced to be hospitalized.
(3) As insomniac says, force them to end slave labor and compete on an even field with the rest of the world.
(4) Until they do that, they are not welcome in the WTO.
THIS is the reason above all else why DT must be the next president. I would expect nothing else, no one else to hold their nutts to the fire. To hold other counties dealing with them to the fire.

They are directly responsible for the crushing of the entire worlds economy and countless lives.

When. When folks. We get past this. We will walk outside, feel that sun on our face and breath again. We will rise again. We will reach out and look for revenge. Time China is put in there place. This isn’t a military comment. This is crush them financial. Pull everything. Everything. I would say Americans are woke now.
Disgusting what China did, has done, and continues to do.

Oh, that buttmonkey China lackey in charge of the WHO, General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus (who [not WHO] is NOT a doctor), is polishing Chinese turd and French kissing China's ***, while blithely ignoring the fact they killed thousands with their lies and coverup and very possibly biological weapons testing.

Why? This:

World Health Organization (WHO) Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus won his post after China backed him in the May 2017 election.

Now, Tedros is leading the WHO, an arm of the United Nations, in providing cover for China’s oppressive regime as it attempts to shirk responsibility for the global coronavirus pandemic. Despite all evidence to the contrary, Chinese authorities are weaving a false counternarrative in which China was actually the victim of a foreign virus that it quickly moved to contain. And the WHO is helping them do it.

Tedros has praised China’s “transparency” and held up the country as a model response — even though the communist regime covered and then concealed the severity of the outbreak.

Chinese authorities forced scientists who discovered the virus in December to destroy proof of the virus, U.K. newspaper The Sunday Times reported. The Chinese regime also punished doctors who tried to warn the public in the outbreak’s early stages and suppressed information about the virus online. A Chinese real estate mogul who criticized his government’s response has since gone missing.

Approximately seven million people left Wuhan in January, spreading the virus all over China and all over the world, before China restricted travel to Wuhan on Jan. 22, The New York Times reported Sunday.

One study found that “if interventions in [China] could have been conducted one week, two weeks, or three weeks earlier, cases could have been reduced by 66 percent, 86 percent and 95 percent respectively – significantly limiting the geographical spread of the disease.”


******* guy is a lifelong politician. Head the World Health Organization? What qualifications do you have? Doctor? No. So what can you offer? Oh, you are an expert at polishing repressive regime ********, lying about disease, covering up murderous medical decisions by totalitarian governments? And China backs you (no surprise there given the qualifications)? Congratulations, non-Doctor Tedros, continue your good work by licking China's disease-riddled, crusty *** while ignoring the facts.

******. Thank God our ever-watchful media is all over this guy and revealing the brutal truth about murderous China. Right? Yeah, not so much.

NBC praised China for its medical supplies. Turns out, Chinese COVID-19 tests don't work, masks are defective.

NBC News showered praise on China last week for shipping medical supplies and coronavirus test kits to countries now grappling with the coronavirus pandemic.

Ditch the fake news ==> Click here to get news you can trust sent right to your inbox. It's free!

"As U.S. struggles to stem coronavirus, China asserts itself as global leader," an NBC News headline blasted.

The story said:

With Italy in dire need of medical equipment, an economic superpower stepped in to help. No, not the United States. It was China.

But as it turns out, the majority of COVID-19 test kits and N95-like masks manufactured in China and shipped to countries in dire need are defective.

The Netherlands announced on Saturday that they were recalling more than 1 million defective Chinese-made masks, which were nearly deployed to the Dutch medical workforce.

Meanwhile, both Spain and the Czech Republic, which purchased rapid COVID-19 test kits from a Chinese bio company, found that few of the tests actually detected the virus.

The Washington Free Beacon reported:

In Spain, which currently has the fourth-highest number of coronavirus cases in the world, the government purchased 640,000 rapid test kits from China and South Korea as it fights the pandemic. Experts soon discovered, however, that the tests it purchased from Chinese company Bioeasy were only correctly identifying coronavirus cases 30 percent of the time, according to Spain's El Pais.

The Czech Republic also purchased 150,000 rapid test kits from China, and have likewise found problems. One doctor using the tests found that 80 percent of the kits were faulty and has reverted back to the conventional lab tests, which are significantly slower to process.

Turkey and the country of Georgia also had similar issues with the Chinese test kits, according to the Daily Beast.

Lol. China products don’t work or break.
But, but, but, . . . . racism!!
China intentionally dumped defective **** on Western countries. The stuff they keep at home works, you can believe that.

As to another post as to why their biggest cities have no cases. They have the vaccine/cure. Book it.
And when did China know that there was a serious problem and potential for spread of the contagion? January 20, when they warned of a possible pandemic? Or January 23, when they issued a lockdown order for Wuhan? Yeah, no. Much, much earlier. China knew about the disease in November, saw considerable spread in December, and then issued a lockdown of their military universities in Wuhan on January 2 weeks before any warnings to the rest of the world:

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">This is really a bombshell. Naval University of Engineering in <a href="https://twitter.com/hashtag/Wuhan?src=hash&ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">#Wuhan</a>, one of the five comprehensive military universities of PLA (official info: <a href="https://t.co/Z05Fx1yo4k">https://t.co/Z05Fx1yo4k</a>) issued a lockdown notice on Jan. 2, 18 days BEFORE the gov. admitted there was an epidemic, 21 days BEFORE.. <a href="https://t.co/ZmiwDXQ7LE">pic.twitter.com/ZmiwDXQ7LE</a></p>— Jennifer Zeng 曾錚 (@jenniferatntd) <a href="https://twitter.com/jenniferatntd/status/1228435515776667649?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">February 14, 2020</a></blockquote> <script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>

China knew their country had a potentially dangerous, communicable disease. China told the world that the disease could not be spread person-to-person. China allowed 5 million - repeat, FIVE MILLION - people to travel into and out of Wuhan between December of 2019 and January 23, 2020, the date of the lockdown of Wuhan, China:

Officials finally began to seal the borders on Jan. 23. But it was too late. Speaking to reporters a few days after the city was put under quarantine, the mayor estimated that 5 million people had already left.

It's really starting to look intentional. At the very least they wanted to test it out. Things just don't randomly escape from labs like that.

I bet we already know given our great intelligence community. They should pay dearly.
I don’t know it was intentional, but I feel pretty strongly it came from that lab. I can’t imagine they would release this on purpose. They aren’t that evil, are they?
And with apologies to SNS, may I ask, why the hell am I lodging this report, tying together the research from China in late December indicating it came from a laboratory error, with evidence that the horseshoe bat is not even present in the Wuhan "wet market," that China hoarded medical supplies in early January, that China shut down its military university in early January, that China was outright lying about person-to-person transmission as of late December and early January, that China is selling defective **** to Western nations, and that China is spreading grotesque lies about America supposedly being responsible, with the help of the slavering, biased, corrupt liberal media in the United States ... ?

Oh. I get it now.
I don’t know it was intentional, but I feel pretty strongly it came from that lab. I can’t imagine they would release this on purpose. They aren’t that evil, are they?

That is a fair question, Sarge. Would China do this on purpose?

If as Ironcity suggests - and I wonder as well - China is not suffering hundreds of thousands of deaths in the squalid, cramped cities of Beijing and Shanghai, where citizens are stacked on top of each other like bats in a cave, indicating that they damn well may have had a vaccine the whole time that they mass administered months ago, consistent with this being an intentional action, then ...

I go from angry to murderous rage, because they did so to topple the United States and become the world's superpower. A few hundred thousand die worldwide? A million perhaps? Pffft, a fraction of a percent of one of their larger cities.
I don’t know it was intentional, but I feel pretty strongly it came from that lab. I can’t imagine they would release this on purpose. They aren’t that evil, are they?

A test. Science experiment for the real nasty one.
I don’t know it was intentional, but I feel pretty strongly it came from that lab. I can’t imagine they would release this on purpose. They aren’t that evil, are they?

They could be.
I don’t really trust the CCP.
I feel like they don’t care about their own either. Honestly it’s just weird times we live in now
Ted Cruz comments on possible laboratory origin for the disease.

In summation, "Don't know, kinda suspicious, we are investigating."