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This is the next Democratic stronghold to crack like the Rust Belt


Regular Member
Apr 20, 2014
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WASHINGTON — Nigel works three jobs to make ends meet.

He is black, single, progressive politically and determined to live the American dream — “as long, of course, that it does not kill me first,” he said, navigating his cab through Capitol Hill traffic.

He moved here from California because of a woman but, “It didn’t work out.” Still, he stayed.

He lives on the fringes of poverty, in the economically challenged part of Washington within spitting distance of the railroad tracks that transport businesspeople to New York or Boston a couple of dozen times a day on the Acela Express.

The irony is not lost on Nigel. He understands, despite his economic struggles, that he literally lives along the Acela corridor, the famed connector of the highest concentration of the most elite people in America.

Nearly everyone getting on the Acela Express that day is either on their way up the ladder or, more than likely, already at the top; they are wealthy, successful, powerful, in the crosshairs or on the boards of what moves and shakes this country.

Yet, in Nigel’s neighborhood on the wrong side of North Capitol Street, prosperity and opportunity are not part of the narrative. He’s not envious, nor is he particularly interested in gentrification overtaking his neighborhood. “That’s just geography,” he said, explaining that it doesn’t solve the problem, just rearranges it.

Nigel voted for Barack Obama, twice: “It was a point of pride for me, as a black man, to cast my vote for the first black president. Wow! But it turned out he was no different than anyone else who held the office. Just another politician who could string together pretty words.”

No one has any idea what to do with the under-employed, high-school-educated people who once were able to carve out good, middle-class lives with their own hands.
In the Acela Express’ business class, your seat is big and comfortable; you can plug in your iPhone or laptop or use the club cafe to sip on a craft IPA or chardonnay.

Sit in first class, and you get to enjoy hot towels, newspapers and beverages. Meals and drinks? Well, they are served to you at your seat.

The ride is a jarring anthropological experience — that is, if you bother to look up from your digital device.

Not because it is too fast, or the curves are too sharp; the jarring effect comes from the visual decay of our country swooshing right before your eyes.

Outside, a different Acela corridor rolls by — one roiled by isolation, decay and societal changes, a world ghosted by technology, corrupt politicians and bad city planning.

Shuttered machine shops, refineries, steel mills and manufacturing plants near Trenton and Philadelphia slide past the window like a kaleidoscope of sorrow; scores of once-charming century-old houses are now covered in graffiti and dot areas in and around Baltimore, Newark and Wilmington, Del.

It used to be that the people who lived and worked along the Acela corridor were held in at least as much esteem as those in the urban bookends that connect them. They were the people who made the stuff that made this country great, mostly blue-collar, mostly union members, mostly middle-class.

Politically, they mostly have been New Deal Democrats, believing that government was there to hold together the social fabric; they depended on it as much as the government depended on them.

Until, like Nigel, it didn’t anymore.



jobs jobs jobs

Trump knew what to pound home
This is what the chatter must have been like on the deck of the Titanic an hour or so before steel met ice.

You guys really are wearing blinders as to what is about to go down....wow.
This is what the chatter must have been like on the deck of the Titanic an hour or so before steel met ice.

You guys really are wearing blinders as to what is about to go down....wow.
Dude. Give the Huffpo a rest. It is rotting your brain.
More Dem votes lost!

153 arrested in South Texas during 12-day ICE operation targeting criminal aliens

SAN ANTONIO — Federal officers from U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) Enforcement and Removal Operations (ERO) arrested 153 criminal aliens and others throughout South Texas during a 12-day enforcement action which ended Friday.

The operation began March 20 and ended March 31. ERO officers made arrests in the following San Antonio Field Office cities: Austin/Waco (24), San Antonio (62), Laredo (29) and Harlingen (38). Of those arrested, 138 were men; 15 were women

A 27- year-old woman from Mexico was arrested in Laredo March 20. She has a prior conviction for injury to a child with bodily injury. She was processed and removed to Mexico.

A 30-year-old man from Mexico was arrested in Austin March 21. He has a prior conviction for delivery of a controlled substance (cocaine). The U.S. Attorney’s Office is prosecuting him for illegally re-entering the United States after being deported.

A 48-year-old man from Mexico was arrested in Harlingen, Texas, March 24. He was convicted of intoxicated manslaughter with a vehicle. The U.S. Attorney’s Office is prosecuting him for illegally re-entering the United States after being deported.

A 46-year-old man from Mexico was arrested in San Antonio March 31. He was convicted of the following crimes: aggravated sexual assault of a child (first degree felony), 2 DUIs and assault. He is in ICE custody pending removal proceedings.

This is what the chatter must have been like on the deck of the Titanic an hour or so before steel met ice.

You guys really are wearing blinders as to what is about to go down....wow.

please enlighten the rest of us to what is about to go down.
I'll tell what's going to go "Down" Elfiero.

Should Sanders and his ultra liberal friends ever actually find reasonable political footing (a completely insurmountable task, mind you) and should they somehow threaten any kind of taxation program or significant Socialist Reform legislation that required any kind of tapping in to wealthy peoples' resources the very first thing that would happen would be the removal of access to all those resources by the wealthy people.

See, they'd hide their money Elfiero, because they're far smarter than you or any of us. And frankly Bernie Sanders and all his voting buddies will be hiding THEIR money too. That will leave what is left of America's already struggling middle class to somehow carry the entire burden of the country. This of course cannot happen. The very S.J.W.'s who so vehemently voted for guys like Sanders will very quickly become disillusioned when they realize that THEY are the new 1%. Suddenly the folks making 60 and 75k a year are the big wealthy folks and they have to pay 50% or more of their income to the government to support all the social programs for everyone else.

Immediately it becomes clear that it makes no sense for me to work my butt off to make 75k a year so I can be taxed for 1/2 of it and live at exactly the same comfort level as somebody who makes 30 or 40k a year. In fact that would be really really stupid of me. I'd rather do something painfully easy, take my 3 to 4 months worth of vacation and send my kids to "free college" so they can work as public employees as well. Doing anything else is ludicrous.

Meanwhile, the really wealthy folks who stashed all their money away are continuing to invest in those items and commodities that can't be taxed or otherwise siphoned away from them. They'll run "Non Profit" organizations that will pay for their travel and other expenses. They'll invest in offshore interests that allow them to retain their money and dividends.

No, I feel the best way to deal with the ultra wealthy is a straight across the board flat-tax for everyone with no loopholes. Of course liberals will complain that this isn't fair for the ultra poor as they can't afford to pay even a minimal percentage. But if you argue that, then you have to entertain arguments from the other side of the fence that it isn't fair to tax a straight percentage for wealthy people and businesses because there are so many potential write-off opportunities. (Which of course is true.) However, if you honestly want to even out the tax burden across the country and arrive at a taxable amount that can sustain the budget and fairly tax everyone - a flat tax is the only thing that makes sense and is sustainable over the long term, in my humble opinion.

But, I'm just a dude.