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This is who the left want as your next president...

That would be Ted Cruz and all the other capital punishment sadists on the right.

The Cuban-American creationist quoted Bible verses that he said described God’s hardline position on capital punishment. “You know, the Bible is so clear," he said. "Go to Genesis chapter nine and you will find the death penalty clearly stated in Genesis chapter nine ... God ordains the death penalty!”

He brushed off “all these people that want to come home with their violins to tell you, ‘Oh, we need to show mercy,'" declaring that the death penalty rightly shows no mercy.

What a twisted ****.

There is an upside to executing folks you know. None of this.... http://www.mercurynews.com/california/ci_25823444/santa-clara-county-judge-says-serial-rapist-be

Of course I'm sure you are a sympathetic soul who thinks that poor fellow is rehabilitated and deserves a 2nd shot. I mean 3rd shot.
This just cracks me up. Democrats have been famous for and completely over-the-top in smearing any potential Republican candidate. The examples too many to count. Yet when the shoe is on the other foot, it's Swift Boating. Not that the Swift Boat example was in any way wrong - Kerry was a punk *** traitor and deserved to be publicized for his pathetic actions "in the line of duty."

I do love though that when the truth comes out about people like Hildebeast, who have ZERO accomplishments any sane person can point to, it's "Swift Boating." Seriously, hysterical. Hypocrisy suits the Left to a T

What 'truth' came out about Kerry? That he won the silver and bronze star? That he was the victim of a smear campaign?

A smear campaign initiated because people of the reich wing think that military service, honor, and sacrifice are their province and they just can not accept EVER that someone on the left can be brave and heroic(Pat Tillman..cough....cough)

Kerry is a hero still serving his country to this day, so what that he's a liberal? And you are just another POS hater.

What about Tillman?..... it's in blood red hater.


He lasted all the way to pick No. 226 in the 1998 NFL draft, but started 39 of 60 games for the Cardinals and was a core special teams player. As mentioned earlier, Tillman received All-Pro honors from Sports Illustrated after the 2000 season. Following that performance, the (then-Super Bowl champion) St. Louis Rams offered Tillman a five-year contract worth $9 million.

Out of loyalty to the Cardinals, Tillman turned the contract down. Out of loyalty to his country, he would also turn down the Cardinals' extension a year later to make $18,000 a year as a member of the U.S. military. He successfully completed the Rangers training program, the Army's elite fighting squadron where only the best of the best are accepted. As a Ranger, he would be almost assured a spot on the front lines.

All this for a war he didn't really believe in.

While some tried to paint Tillman as a mindless drone, the Huffington Post reported that he didn't actually feel the United States had any business (or legal right) to be in Iraq—the country he helped invade.

While some held up a cartoonish caricature of Tillman as the ultimate red state poster boy, he was actually a liberal atheist whose patriotism went deeper than conviction or agreement with policy. Tillman was able to dutifully serve his Commander-in-Chief regardless of what he thought about his tenure as president.
There is an upside to executing folks you know. None of this.... http://www.mercurynews.com/california/ci_25823444/santa-clara-county-judge-says-serial-rapist-be

Of course I'm sure you are a sympathetic soul who thinks that poor fellow is rehabilitated and deserves a 2nd shot. I mean 3rd shot.

It's good enough for Mike Huckabee...but then he's probably a real Christian and a real conservative.

yes, the truth came out about Kerry. The ****** wanted a star for paper cuts, more or less. He's a ******* piece of ****. A snively little ******* varmint who doesn't deserve the accolades he receives. NONE of them. **** him. **** everyone who supports him.

oh, but wait ...

aren't you the snide ****** who says that American soldiers were cutting off heads of women and raping children and water buffalo in Vietnam because your dear, sweet uncle told you so?

Kerry was in Vietnam.

and you support him.

please refer to my first statement, you hypocritical jackass.

educate your dumb ***
yes, the truth came out about Kerry. The ****** wanted a star for paper cuts, more or less. He's a ******* piece of ****. A snively little ******* varmint who doesn't deserve the accolades he receives. NONE of them. **** him. **** everyone who supports him.

oh, but wait ...

aren't you the snide ****** who says that American soldiers were cutting off heads of women and raping children and water buffalo in Vietnam because your dear, sweet uncle told you so?

Kerry was in Vietnam.

and you support him.

please refer to my first statement, you hypocritical jackass.

educate your dumb ***

He already said he's Iroquios, his ancestors scalped people during war time as well. I'm pretty sure he's outraged.
so, while John Kerry was over in Vietnam submitting paperwork for bandaids...


Hitlery had and was, in some capacity, supporting/supported Mondale, McGovern and Goldwater. Oh, and Bomma. That string of insufferable losers shows me that she lacks the basic understanding of how to make intelligent choices.

and then there's this delightful read:

yep he's twisted by hitlery is a compassionate voice of reason.....who let a US Ambassador die

capital punishment is sadistic, but something tells me you are all for abortion "rights"

Bad Chicken- please addres the hypocrisy of being anti death penalty and pro abortion?

What 'truth' came out about Kerry? That he won the silver and bronze star? That he was the victim of a smear campaign?

A smear campaign initiated because people of the reich wing think that military service, honor, and sacrifice are their province and they just can not accept EVER that someone on the left can be brave and heroic(Pat Tillman..cough....cough)

Kerry is a hero still serving his country to this day, so what that he's a liberal? And you are just another POS hater.

"Serving" the country.....nice euphemism for "death grip on the public tit." Since you've brought this issue up several times now please provide some detail on Kerry's heroism and sacrifice.

He already said he's Iroquios, his ancestors scalped people during war time as well. I'm pretty sure he's outraged.

Scalping was actually one of the least egregious forms of native behavior.
See that Polo managed to deflect the subject.

Not that he is anywhere near the right candidate, but I think a Christie/Hillary debate would be fun to watch.
See that Polo managed to deflect the subject.

Not that he is anywhere near the right candidate, but I think a Christie/Hillary debate would be fun to watch.

Christie would lay down for Hillary, she has much bigger balls. The whole bridgegate debacle tells me all I need to know about him, he is a *****. If he would have gone after the reporters and asked "what the **** else am I supposed to do? I fired the guy responsible, I didn't promote him or shield him in any way. I also didn't send him to an Embassy and pull out most of the security detail." That would have shown me that he has a pair.
yep he's twisted by hitlery is a compassionate voice of reason.....who let a US Ambassador die

capital punishment is sadistic, but something tells me you are all for abortion "rights"

If you say so. It happens from what I understand.


Beirut Marine Barracks Bombing October 1983
Well **** Mike Huckabee. But thanks for finding another instance where a scumbag piece of **** should have been killed rather than imprisoned.

Well **** Jesus too! That's where Mike H. gets his ideas from.

No offense Jesus people just trying to prove a point about mental illness and conservatism.
yes, the truth came out about Kerry. The ****** wanted a star for paper cuts, more or less. He's a ******* piece of ****. A snively little ******* varmint who doesn't deserve the accolades he receives. NONE of them. **** him. **** everyone who supports him.

oh, but wait ...

aren't you the snide ****** who says that American soldiers were cutting off heads of women and raping children and water buffalo in Vietnam because your dear, sweet uncle told you so?

Kerry was in Vietnam.

and you support him.

please refer to my first statement, you hypocritical jackass.

educate your dumb ***

I'm not going down that road. Kerry was the victim of a smear campaign of nothing but lies, that's been documented.

What I would really like to hear is your opinion of Pat Tillman.

All I'll most likely hear though is crickets.
I'm not going down that road. Kerry was the victim of a smear campaign of nothing but lies, that's been documented.

What I would really like to hear is your opinion of Pat Tillman.

All I'll most likely hear though is crickets.

I'm not sure precisely what Pat Tillman has to do with this.

My opinion on this is that he was accidentally killed. I do not believe it was intentional. I say that since each guy standing next to you is supposed to have your back. I didn't serve, but from hearing talk from those who did, regardless of political leanings, those deployed together would look out for one another when they were on a mission. I believe Pat Tillman's death was due to "friendly fire" and the cover-up of it was a complete cluster ****. How far that rabbit hole of cluster extends, no one but those directly involved will know, and I will not pretend that I know.
I'm not sure precisely what Pat Tillman has to do with this.

My opinion on this is that he was accidentally killed. I do not believe it was intentional. I say that since each guy standing next to you is supposed to have your back. I didn't serve, but from hearing talk from those who did, regardless of political leanings, those deployed together would look out for one another when they were on a mission. I believe Pat Tillman's death was due to "friendly fire" and the cover-up of it was a complete cluster ****. How far that rabbit hole of cluster extends, no one but those directly involved will know, and I will not pretend that I know.

Tillman was a liberal atheist so my point was about the right,s delusion that military service is their province i.e. 'they own it' and liberals are cowards which is just not true. I didn't ask about Tillman's death, I asked about his heroism and sacrifice.

That's why they are just not able to comprehend or accept that Kerry earned his silver and bronze stars, it goes against what they've been brainwashed with. Can't do it.

To also address your earlier point that I'm a hypocrite because I support Kerry and at the same time talk about atrocities committed by American troops in Southeast Asia, so what?

In your public school educated mind(I assume,It's got all the familiar symptoms) to support the troops you have to support anything and everything they do? Only someone that's been brainwashed with dogma similar to Nazis in the 1930's would conflate that situation.....Oh yeah.....Repugnican/ tea party right?

Maybe in cartoon form you'll be better able to absorb the similarities. Remember don't be compassionate like Hans, they might call you a liberal.

Machine gun them at the border, isn't that the mantra I hear on this board?

Observe the eerie similarities.

Tillman was a liberal atheist so my point was about the right,s delusion that military service is their province i.e. 'they own it' and liberals are cowards which is just not true. I didn't ask about Tillman's death, I asked about his heroism and sacrifice.

That's why they are just not able to comprehend or accept that Kerry earned his silver and bronze stars, it goes against what they've been brainwashed with. Can't do it.

To also address your earlier point that I'm a hypocrite because I support Kerry and at the same time talk about atrocities committed by American troops in Southeast Asia, so what?

In your public school educated mind(I assume,It's got all the familiar symptoms) to support the troops you have to support anything and everything they do? Only someone that's been brainwashed with dogma similar to Nazis in the 1930's would conflate that situation.....Oh yeah.....Repugnican/ tea party right?

Maybe in cartoon form you'll be better able to absorb the similarities. Remember don't be compassionate like Hans, they might call you a liberal.

Machine gun them at the border, isn't that the mantra I hear on this board?

Observe the eerie similarities.

You keep making the point that you feel that Tea Party folks are equivalent to Nazi's. Tea Party wants less government control. The left wing folks (you) want more government control. The Nazi's were socialist (like America's liberals). Did the Nazi's want more or less government control?
The public is that stupid .

of course they are , they elected a community organizer for president - and we all know what a huge failure that has been

Barack Obama's presidency is spiraling downward

by Charles Lipson, political science professor at the University of Chicago

The Obama administration, which had few serious setbacks during its first term, is now engulfed by them:

the disastrous rollout of the Affordable Care Act
the unraveling story about Benghazi, Libya
the IRS targeting of conservative groups
the casual (and ignored) red line in Syria
Iraq's disintegration after America left abruptly
al-Qaida's resurgence
the secret waiting list and falsified data at the Department of Veterans Affairs
and the Taliban prisoners swap.

The president's defenders have explanations for each of them, but the problems are cumulating. One obvious theme is that Obama is a poor manager. He doesn't pay attention to crucial details, surrounds himself with sycophants and doesn't hold anyone accountable.

The low point came when the president embraced Sgt. Bergdahl's parents in the Rose Garden. Thinking the public would cheer Bergdahl's release, Obama took a victory lap.

Bad call. The administration has been showered with tough questions instead of confetti. Why did Obama release a murderers' row of Taliban generals? Why did he refuse to tell anyone in Congress beforehand, as he was legally required to do? Is the president floating a trial balloon to empty Guantanamo? Could the newly released Taliban plan deadly attacks? Will the swap encourage Islamic terrorists to kidnap other Americans? The White House is still fumbling for answers.

You keep making the point that you feel that Tea Party folks are equivalent to Nazi's. Tea Party wants less government control. The left wing folks (you) want more government control. The Nazi's were socialist (like America's liberals). Did the Nazi's want more or less government control?

The Nazis wanted lebensraum(elbow room) you know like we don't want any brown people here(not enough room) and pushed their troops into all kinds of savage behavior in this imperialist goal.

You know like when Steelrlynne told me "don't question the troops or what they do" It's that type of twisted mentality that infests the right.

The Tea Party wants less government control and have no foreign policy. Let's hypothetically assume they controlled everything from White House to Congress. What would you think their reaction would be to the smallest threat or perceived threat?

Let me give you a clue and answer your question.

of course they are , they elected a community organizer for president - and we all know what a huge failure that has been

Barack Obama's presidency is spiraling downward

by Charles Lipson, political science professor at the University of Chicago

The Obama administration, which had few serious setbacks during its first term, is now engulfed by them:

the disastrous rollout of the Affordable Care Act
the unraveling story about Benghazi, Libya
the IRS targeting of conservative groups
the casual (and ignored) red line in Syria
Iraq's disintegration after America left abruptly
al-Qaida's resurgence
the secret waiting list and falsified data at the Department of Veterans Affairs
and the Taliban prisoners swap.

The president's defenders have explanations for each of them, but the problems are cumulating. One obvious theme is that Obama is a poor manager. He doesn't pay attention to crucial details, surrounds himself with sycophants and doesn't hold anyone accountable.

The low point came when the president embraced Sgt. Bergdahl's parents in the Rose Garden. Thinking the public would cheer Bergdahl's release, Obama took a victory lap.

Bad call. The administration has been showered with tough questions instead of confetti. Why did Obama release a murderers' row of Taliban generals? Why did he refuse to tell anyone in Congress beforehand, as he was legally required to do? Is the president floating a trial balloon to empty Guantanamo? Could the newly released Taliban plan deadly attacks? Will the swap encourage Islamic terrorists to kidnap other Americans? The White House is still fumbling for answers.


Maybe you guys can find another ****** actor to run and also to project your fantasies and desires of having a larger penis upon.

Two for one we nail the Cliven Bundy fan club and their mythology of Reagan and 'small gov.' in
this one.

I think you're confusing "holy **** we need to stop this tidal wave of illegals" with "I hate brown people". I know liberals can't grasp that. Because dollars and cents don't matter to your side. "**** it, we'll tax our way to prosperity! We need to let Mexico and Central America continue the mass exodus cause they'll vote for us!". Defending your borders isn't some nazi dream. It's what most countries do when a neighbor invades. And when the neighbor invades with automatic weapons and drugs the problem is more pressing.

We spend too much on illegals. We spend too much on the war on drugs (supplied in huge part by illegals). We spend too much domestically on bullshit that isn't infrastructure. We spend too much around the globe playing cop with folks who don't like us. Stop foreign aid, stop occupying around the world, defend our borders.

If all that seems like a Nazi dream then I'm a Nazi.
Last edited:
Hey polo, i like the color "blue"

Now sit back everyone, polo is going to tell us all how evil and stupid it is to like the color "blue". Surely its a terrible thing, right polo?
Hey polo, i like the color "blue"

Now sit back everyone, polo is going to tell us all how evil and stupid it is to like the color "blue". Surely its a terrible thing, right polo?

Usually not till you add red and white to it.

I'm out for the weekend kids so I'll leave you with some Charlton Heston patriotic philosophizing and some Clutterbusters music, both which I'm sure some of you teabagger/militia guys/gals will relate to and enjoy.

Yeah i'm sure you love the red, white and blue, its so evident in your posts. God have mercy on your kids
I think you're confusing "holy **** we need to stop this tidal wave of illegals" with "I hate brown people". I know liberals can't grasp that. Because dollars and cents don't matter to your side. "**** it, we'll tax our way to prosperity! We need to let Mexico and Central America continue the mass exodus cause they'll vote for us!". Defending your borders isn't some nazi dream. It's what most countries do when a neighbor invades. And when the neighbor invades with automatic weapons and drugs the problem is more pressing.

We spend too much on illegals. We spend too much on the war on drugs (supplied in huge part by illegals). We spend too much domestically on bullshit that isn't infrastructure. We spend too much around the globe playing cop with folks who don't like us. Stop foreign aid, stop occupying around the world, defend our borders.

If all that seems like a Nazi dream then I'm a Nazi.

No I'm not. One of the posters here SteelChip I believe talked about 'interlocking angles of fire' or some similar tactical term, even I know what that means.

I'll try to find that post before I leave.
Tillman was a liberal atheist so my point was about the right,s delusion that military service is their province i.e. 'they own it' and liberals are cowards which is just not true. I didn't ask about Tillman's death, I asked about his heroism and sacrifice.
you presented a question in which either way I answered, I would not address the specific point you wanted addressed. You asked "how do you feel about Pat Tillman" whereas in the course of this thread, you've made it a point to bring up his death. Thus, I figured you wanted to discuss his death. As for Pat Tillman, the person? I think that dude was a ******* hero. To walk away from football and join the Army to defend this country against any and all invaders home and abroad? Hero. As for his religious leanings? I don't concern myself with a person's religious leanings unless they're wearing a sheet with a ticking belt underneath.

That's why they are just not able to comprehend or accept that Kerry earned his silver and bronze stars, it goes against what they've been brainwashed with. Can't do it.

To also address your earlier point that I'm a hypocrite because I support Kerry and at the same time talk about atrocities committed by American troops in Southeast Asia, so what?

In your public school educated mind(I assume,It's got all the familiar symptoms) to support the troops you have to support anything and everything they do? Only someone that's been brainwashed with dogma similar to Nazis in the 1930's would conflate that situation.....Oh yeah.....Repugnican/ tea party right?

Kerry didn't earn a ************* thing except the contempt he gets presently.
want to talk about a guy who earned more than Kerry? We can discuss Kyle Carpenter. MUCH more of a man than you and John Kerry rolled into one and sealed with a band-aid could ever dream of being. Much, much more. Carpenter deserves more than a medal, IMO.

Machine gun them at the border, isn't that the mantra I hear on this board?

Observe the eerie similarities.

Register all guns. Make a national database of all sales. Use any and all psych evaluations and treatments to determine if someone should be allowed to own a gun.

hmmm...where have we heard something like that before? oh, yes....



please go **** yourself.