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Tibs will hate this letter

I'm trying to interpret your 3rd grade English. You began with the word Why and a comma. Why...what.

Why did the Archbishop say what he said?
Why did he call it a conspiracy?
Why did I like the post?
Why are you a never ending, colossal dumbass?

Please clarify.
Once again, you lost track of what you argued.

TIm: Watch Tibs and Trog will call this conspiracy ****.

Trog: Why, because the Archbishop himself calls it a conspiracy?

Or maybe you just do this as a diversion when you realize that your argument doesn’t make sense?
Once again, you lost track of what you argued.

TIm: Watch Tibs and Trog will call this conspiracy ****.

Trog: Why, because the Archbishop himself calls it a conspiracy?

Or maybe you just do this as a diversion when you realize that your argument doesn’t make sense?

For the third time...I'll let you know, I couldn't interpret your 3rd grade gibberish.

I originally posted, not addressing you. You butted in, replied in half mandarin, half retard...and now are trying to spin backward. So, in order to progress this conversation (if any reasonable person could call it that), please do answer:

You began with the word Why and a comma. Why...what.

Why did the Archbishop say what he said?
Why did he call it a conspiracy?
Why did I like the post?
Why are you a never ending, colossal dumbass?

Please clarify.
For the third time...I'll let you know, I couldn't interpret your 3rd grade gibberish.

I originally posted, not addressing you. You butted in, replied in half mandarin, half retard...and now are trying to spin backward. So, in order to progress this conversation (if any reasonable person could call it that), please do answer:

You began with the word Why and a comma. Why...what.

Why did the Archbishop say what he said?
Why did he call it a conspiracy?
Why did I like the post?
Why are you a never ending, colossal dumbass?

Please clarify.
It was literally the only thing you wrote, you seriously can’t figure it out?

Why (would Tibs and I call it conspiracy ****), because the Archbishop himself called it a conspiracy?

You apparently don’t understand the Archbishop either.
It was literally the only thing you wrote, you seriously can’t figure it out?

Why (would Tibs and I call it conspiracy ****), because the Archbishop himself called it a conspiracy?

You apparently don’t understand the Archbishop either.

I'm being 100% sincere. I have no idea from your gibberish what your question was.

Might I suggest...

I'm being 100% sincere. I have no idea from your gibberish what your question was.

Might I suggest...

View attachment 7495
You are sincerely as literal as a small child.

Let’s try this:

Why do you think Tibs and I will call it a conspiracy? Is it because the Archbishop himself called it a conspiracy?
You are sincerely as literal as a small child.

Let’s try this:

Why do you think Tibs and I will call it a conspiracy? Is it because the Archbishop himself called it a conspiracy?

I'm used to reading clearly written English. Do you mean "Why do you think Tibs and I will call it a conspiracy?" or why you and Tibsticles would call it a "conspiracy theory?" Two different things.

Two reasons you called it a conspiracy or conspiracy theory:
1). You two call everything you disagree with a conspiracy theory.
2). You two call everything you disagree with a conspiracy theory.

Me thinks in addition to getting English for Dummies, you invest in a dictionary.

  1. a secret plan by a group to do something unlawful or harmful.
    • the action of plotting or conspiring.
The Archbishop is accusing world leaders of "conspiring" to do something. You know, like when you and your coworkers (if you have them) conspire (to act in harmony toward a common end) to write something people could legibly interpret. Or when you and your family conspire to plan a trip to Florida during a pandemic.

So in its literal form (to use your word), he is indeed calling it a conspiracy. Conspiring is common. Not sure the harm in doing so. We've seen countless conspiracies throughout history, from the Nazis to Enron to journalists collaborating on talking points to destroy the media to Habitat for Humanity conspiring to make the world a better place.

If you are offended that he thinks people are conspiring towards some nefarious end, have at it. Many agree with part or all of what he is saying.

Here are the Archbishops "conspiracy" words and those from the article:

From the prelude:
The archbishop has issued a Christmas letter to the United States that is unusually blunt about what he sees as a conspiracy underlying the handling of COVID.

From his letter itself:
DEAR AMERICAN PEOPLE, DEAR FRIENDS, for two years now, a global coup has been carried out all over the world, planned for some time by an elite group of conspirators enslaved to the interests of international high finance. This coup was made possible by an emergency pandemic that is based on the premise of a virus that has a mortality rate almost analogous to that of any other seasonal flu virus, on the delegitimization and prohibition of effective treatments, and on the distribution of an experimental gene serum which is obviously ineffective, and which also clearly carries with it the danger of serious and even lethal side effects.
Last year, when many still had not yet understood the gravity of the looming threat, I was among the first to denounce this coup, and I was promptly singled out as a conspiracy theorist.
One of the elements that unequivocally confirms the criminal nature of the Great Reset is the perfect synchrony with which all the different Nations are acting, demonstrating the existence of a single script under a single direction. And it is disconcerting to see how the lack of treatment, the deliberately wrong treatments that have been given in order to cause more deaths, the decision to impose lock downs and masks, the conspiratorial silence about the adverse effects of the so-called "vaccines" that are in fact gene serums, and the continuous repetition of culpable errors have all been possible thanks to the complicity of those who govern and the institutions.
Now, as we see what is happening around us, we understand how mendacious were the promises of progress and freedom made by those who destroyed Christian society, and how deceptive was the prospect of a new Tower of Babel, built not only without regard for God but even in direct opposition to Him. The infernal challenge of the Enemy is repeated over the centuries unchanged, but it is doomed to inexorable failure. Behind this millennial conspiracy, the adversary is always the same, and the only thing that changes are the particular individuals who cooperate with him.

He himself doesn't call it a conspiracy theory.
I'm used to reading clearly written English. Do you mean "Why do you think Tibs and I will call it a conspiracy?" or why you and Tibsticles would call it a "conspiracy theory?" Two different things.

Two reasons you called it a conspiracy or conspiracy theory:
1). You two call everything you disagree with a conspiracy theory.
2). You two call everything you disagree with a conspiracy theory.

Me thinks in addition to getting English for Dummies, you invest in a dictionary.

  1. a secret plan by a group to do something unlawful or harmful.
    • the action of plotting or conspiring.
The Archbishop is accusing world leaders of "conspiring" to do something. You know, like when you and your coworkers (if you have them) conspire (to act in harmony toward a common end) to write something people could legibly interpret. Or when you and your family conspire to plan a trip to Florida during a pandemic.

So in its literal form (to use your word), he is indeed calling it a conspiracy. Conspiring is common. Not sure the harm in doing so. We've seen countless conspiracies throughout history, from the Nazis to Enron to journalists collaborating on talking points to destroy the media to Habitat for Humanity conspiring to make the world a better place.

If you are offended that he thinks people are conspiring towards some nefarious end, have at it. Many agree with part or all of what he is saying.

Here are the Archbishops "conspiracy" words and those from the article:

From the prelude:

From his letter itself:

He himself doesn't call it a conspiracy theory.
First of all, we never called it anything, you said we’d call it conspiracy ****.

Secondly, a theory that people conspired to do something is indeed a conspiracy theory. Negative connotation of the term don’t change that.

You are hopelessly detached from reality.
Negative connotation of the term don’t change that.

You are hopelessly detached from reality.



May I again suggest English for Dummies?

God the entertainment here never, never ends. I thank you for that.
I'm trying to interpret your 3rd grade English. You began with the word Why and a comma. Why...what.

Why did the Archbishop say what he said?
Why did he call it a conspiracy?
Why did I like the post?
Why are you a never ending, colossal dumbass?

Please clarify.
I’d love to laugh but I’m the worst one here when it comes to grammar. I do acknowledge that however.
Prove him wrong.
Raised catholic, did the stretch. As time went by the whole church thing slipped from our family as us kids grew.

That being said. As I grew that fact I didn’t go to a building didn’t removed me from my faith. I can do that without. A movie quote from Stigmata sums it for how I live …
The kingdom of God is within you and all around you. It is not within buildings of wood or stone. Split a piece of wood and you will find me. Look beneath a stone and I am there……

I think as generations like me are more and more removed from faith, this is the outcome. The belief of fake gods, call it Govt, their ******* phone, tic e tok…etc.

Respect for man kind is the sole basis of any (cough cough yeah not that one…) religion.
Respect for man kind is the sole basis of any (cough cough yeah not that one…) religion.

Love. Love for man is the basis of any religion. Love one another.

It comes in different shapes and different forms. Too many to count.

You give up your seat on the train, you are being religious.
Open the door for someone.
Help them pick up something they dropped.
Offer to help a neighbor raise a barn.
Be there for family when they are sick.
Comfort a friend who ails or those who are down.
Lift someone up when they need it.
Give a buck or a hundred or a thousand when you can when someone else needs it more.
Bring food to a funeral and hug people.
Mentor a kid or two.
House people who don't have a place to sleep for the night.
Stop and help someone who has a flat tire, or jump a car for a stranger.
Buy or prepare someone a meal.
Call your mom when you haven't for awhile.
Comfort your kids when they cry.
Help your elderly neighbor rake their leaves or shovel their walk when it snows.
Run an errand for a neighbor in need.
Donate money to a Go Fund me for a good cause.
Send a thank you card when someone does something good for you.
Pay it forward for someone who's helped you.
Bring a gift when someone invites you into their home.
Hug your dad when his dad dies.
Perform a eulogy if you are ever asked to do so, it is the greatest honor.
When you physically work with someone else and they are tiring, pick up their slack if you can.
If your mom or your dad or your sister calls you, call them back and just be there.
Volunteer for whatever you can find time to volunteer for.
Send kind messages on social media.
Thank others

Religion...is that and so much more.
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I don't see your article about Colin Powell dying after being double vaxed and dying?

Religion aside. It’s common courtesy to be respectful of peers. Once again the left has shown their true colors
I don't see your article about Colin Powell dying after being double vaxed and dying?

Dying after dying? I do see you being redundant and redundant.

If the priest was 32 years older and had cancer you’d have a valid comparison. But you think age and co-morbidities were only relevant to Covid deaths before the vaccines, right?
Dying after dying? I do see you being redundant and redundant.

If the priest was 32 years older and had cancer you’d have a valid comparison. But you think age and co-morbidities were only relevant to Covid deaths before the vaccines, right?

A death is a death Floggy. Ya'll words. Last year, when people accurately said Covid was killing basically the elderly and the infirm, and the rest of us should live our lives, y'all **** your collective pants.

Now, funny how the tables do be turn. I thought it was news when 'anyone' died of Covid?

Everyone also knows, death from Covid - vaxed or not - increases with age.

In the meantime, prove to me those who are vaccinated and dying are only 80 and sick.

I'll wait.
A death is a death Floggy. Ya'll words. Last year, when people accurately said Covid was killing basically the elderly and the infirm, and the rest of us should live our lives, y'all **** your collective pants.

Now, funny how the tables do be turn. I thought it was news when 'anyone' died of Covid?

Everyone also knows, death from Covid - vaxed or not - increases with age.

In the meantime, prove to me those who are vaccinated and dying are only 80 and sick.

I'll wait.
I already provided articles that included doctors saying that in addition to the majority of hospitalizations being unvaccinated, the vaccinated hospitalizations they do get tend to be older and sicker.

You’re simply in denial.
I already provided articles that included doctors saying that in addition to the majority of hospitalizations being unvaccinated, the vaccinated hospitalizations they do get tend to be older and sicker.

You’re simply in denial.

In the meantime, prove to me those who are vaccinated and dying are only 80 and sick.

What you offered isn't what I asked for.