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Timeline of Trump/Russia corruption, cyber-espionage, obstruction and treason


Oct 26, 2014
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Wishful thinkers believe that there is nothing to see. Want to see something Trumptards?

If you still can claim there is nothing to see after reading this you are so brainwashed/stupid you just can not be helped. Trump is going down the only question is; will he go to prison?

So just what do we know about what Russia did or didn’t do involving the 2016 election and how the Trump campaign responded? Quite a bit actually, even though new Special Prosecutor Mueller has just started to get his feet on the ground.

I’ll tell you, when you actually lay it out all out item by item in chronological order a lot of patterns and actions/reactions become eminently clear. WIthout getting into classified or confidential data that isn’t yet public knowledge, what is public knowledge is already fairly stunning.

[This timeline has been continued with Vol#2 and Vol#3 due to length]

1985 — Australian government rejects a bid for a Trump Casino in Sydney because of his alleged ties to the mafia.

1986 — Trump attempts to gain a posting to Russia as part of the Reagan Administration and says he could sit down with Gorbechev to negotiate an end to the cold war “in an hour.”

1990 — Trump’s Taj Mahal casino, which is a favorite gambling spot for Russian mobsters living in Brooklyn, is cited 106 times in 18 months for violating money laundering rules, particular failing to report when someone wins and withdraws more then $10,000.

1991 — Taj Mahal files for bankrupcy protection, Trump sells his 50% share. After this and his other Casino bankruptcies most major banks no longer authorize loans to the Trump organization.

1998 -- Felix Sater a Russian born violent convict with ties to the Russian Mob — who are frequently used by Russian intelligence to do their dirty work and fund blackbag operations — gets caught up in a $40 Million stock fraud case but is only fined $35,000 in exchange for becoming an FBI informant.

2000 — Former KGB Agent Alexander Litvinenko defects to Britain.

GAO does analysis of Russian-American oligarch Ike Kaveladze and his involvement in starting 2000 shell companies which could be involved in money laundering.

2001-2007 — At least 63 Russian Oligarchs lease, rent or buy various Trump propertetes in South Florida spending upwards of $98.5 Million on them, many of these deals with Russian nationals in Manhattan reportedly are arranged through Bayrock Group LLC whose offices are located on the 24th floor of Trump Tower. Felix Sater becomes Bayrock’s managing director. Their first joint project together, in 2003, is building a Trump Tower in Phoenix.

2005 — TrumpCo puts together it’s first proposal for Trump Tower Moscow in coordination with BayRock LLC.

2006 — Alexander Litvinenko is poisoned by Polonium-210 and slowly dies of radiation sickness, he points to Putin as being behind his murder before he dies. His case officer with MI-6 is Christopher Steele.

2008 —Trump sells a Palm Beach Mansion to a Russian Oligarch for $95 Million after purchasing it just 2 years previously for only $45 Million.
Donald Jr. states “We get a lot to money from Russia.”
Felix Sater leaves Bayrock after his criminal record is revealed and goes to work for Trump.
Bayrock founder Tefvik Arif is busted and prosecuted for his connection to an underage prostitution ring in Turkey, he is eventually acquitted.

2009 — U.S. investor Bill Browder is expelled from Russia and his assets are used to setup a $230 Million tax rebate scam. Browder’s lawyer Sergei Magnitski discovers the scam and testifies to reveal it, he is subsequently arrested, tortured and murdered in a Russian jail, beaten to death by the guards.

2010 — A racketeering case is filed against Bayrock, Sater and Arif alleging they had been “substantially and covertly mob-owned and operated.”

2011 — Trump Soho a joint venture condo project by TrumpCO and Bayrock is sued for defrauding buyers with inflated claims. The suit is settled with a payout of $3.19 Million and a potential criminal case is avoided.

March 2011 — Trump begins his birther campaign against President Obama claiming there’s something wrong with his birth certificate. He also demands Obama's college transcripts alleging he didn't deserve access to Harvard, and claims that his best selling book “Dreams From My Father" was really ghostwritten by Bill Ayers.

May 2011 --
Obama authorizes the Bin Laden Raid, then attends the White House Correspondents dinner, Donald Trump is in the audience.
Obama reveals his long-form birth certificate and takes a couple shots at Donald, but Seth Myer brutalizes him from behind the podium. Myer's theorizes Trump decided to run for President right then and there in retaliation.

2012 — Obama signs the Magnitski Act following the jail house death of Sergey Magnitski after he was wrongfully imprisoned for investigation Russia corruption and laundering of money stolen from American businessmen Bill Browder. Putin responds by cancelling the adoption of Russian orphans by American parents. This act is strongly supported by Russian opposition leaders Boris Nemtsov and Vladimir Kara-Murza.

Exxon signs a $500 Billion deal with Russian Oil giant Rosneft for drilling in the Black sea.

2013 —
Russian mobsters renting property in Trump Tower just three floors below the penthouse suite are arrested for money laundering and running an illegal gambling ring at the end of a 2 year investigation. One of the attorney’s for the defendant Denys Katsyv of the Prevezon Group is Natalia Veselnitskaya, and the prosecutor is Preet Bharara, some of the stolen money is connected to Bill Browder’s investigation and the murder of Magnitski in Russia.

Several months later Trump holds the Miss Universe pageant in Moscow, the apparent money-laundering ring leader who remains at large is welcomed on the Red Carpet at the event. While in Moscow Trump reportedly meets with several high ranking oligarchs with ties to Putin, including Billionaire Russian Real Estate developer Arag Agalarov and his Pop Star son Emil who partners with Trump on the pageant.
Video shot before the pageant shows Trump at dinner with Emin and Aras Agalarov, as well as Rob Goldstone Emin’s promoter. Michael Isakoff talks to Goldstone who reveals that Trump has plans to license a new Trump Tower in Russia with Agalarov as the local builder/owner. Don jr. is in charge of the project and Ivanka goes on location scouting trips with Emin. Ike Kaveladze who works for the Agalarov family is also present.

2014 —
Michael Flynn is fired by the Obama administration as head of the Defense Intelligence Agency for his “odd behavior.”

Eric Trump says in an interview when discussing the funding of Trump Golf courses “Well, we don’t rely on American banks. We have all the funding we need out of Russia.” Eric later denies making this statement.

Bayrock is functionally inactive, except for a few outstanding lawsuits.

Putin releases ***** Riot from prison for shooting a Punk Rock video in a Church.

The Winter Olympics takes place in Sochi, Russia.

Russia invades Crimea and begins sending Troops and equipment in the Ukraine to destabilize the Country, Obama rallies the international community to place Sanctions on Russia which crush their economy — plans for the Rosneft/Exxon deal and Trump Tower Russia are both put on hold.

2015 —Trump and his kids are named as witnesses in a $250 Million tax evasion case connected to Bayrock and Trump Soho.

Michael Flynn goes to Russia, meets and sits with Putin for dinner and is paid $45,000 for a speech at RT's 10th Anniversary Gala. He also receives $11,250 from Kaspersky Government Security Solutions, and $11,250 from Volga-Dnepr Airlines. He doesn't get prior permission from the Pentagon for this trip or the payments.

Taj Mahal is fined $10 Million for continued money laundering by Treasury’s FinCen unit.

Boris Nemtsov is murdered in the streets of Moscow in the shadow of the Kremlin.

U.S. intel captures discussion by Russians about Trump running for President, when he hasn’t announced his run yet, and talking about multiple contacts they’ve been having with Trump associates and planning to funnel money into the election.

June 17, 2015 -- Trump announces his run for President. He never releases his Taxes, his birth certificate or his school transcripts.

Summer 2015 —Cyber hacking contractors working with the FSB (Cozy Bear) begin infiltrating and extracting copies of documents including the oppo-research on Trump and emails from the DNC servers. Their previous successful attacks include the White House and State Dept. email systems.
They also penetrate some RNC emails accounts and attack various Republicans who oppose Trump in the primaries.

September 2015 — FBI detects the hack and begins trying to inform the DNC, but they start by going to their Help desk not simply calling Debbie Wasserman-Schultz.

November 2015 — Felix Sater emails Michael Cohen saying “I will get Putin on this program and we will get Donald elected... I know how to play it and how to get this done. Buddy, our boy can become president of the USA and we can engineer it... I will get all of Putin’s team to buy in on this, I will manage this process.”

Late 2015 — GCHQ and other western intel agencies from Germany, Poland, Estonia and Australia begin noticing contacts between Russia Spies and members of the Trump campaign. They attempt to notify FBI and CIA who are apparently caught "flat footed.”

January 2016 — Michael Cohen send an email to Putin deputy Dmitry Peskov trying to get talks regarding Trump Tower Moscow restarted.

March 2016 -— US Attorney Preet Bharara prosecutes Russian intelligence officer Evgeny Buryakov an employee of sanctioned Russia bank Vnesheconombank (VEB) of conspiracy to commit espionage in recruiting U.S Businessmen in Manhattan including Carter Page. Page had been cooperating in this investigation as an informant.

FBI receives memo alleging collusion between Loretta Lynch and Debbie Wasserman-Schultz to quash the Clinton email investigation — they believe this document is fake.

March 16, 2016 -— John Podesta receives a spearfishing email, his IT people mistakenly tell him that it’s “Legitimate” and his assistant clicks on the link and gives up his password compromising his account.

March 21, 2016 —Trump lists Carter Page & George Papadopoulis as part of his foreign policy team.

March 24, 2016 — Papadopoulis writes an email offering to set up “a meeting between us and the Russian leadership to discuss US-Russia ties under President Trump,” telling them his Russian contacts welcomed the opportunity.

March 28, 2016 —Trump hires Paul Manafort to handle the delegate process on his campaign.

April 2016 — GRU Russian military intelligence also attacks the DNC systems with Fancy Bear. The DNC discovers the intrusion and calls in cyber security firm Crowdstrike to address it, they discover both intrusions, briefly monitor them to confirm their ID, then shut them down.

About this time Paul Manafort — former advisor to Putin friendly ex-Ukrainian President Yanakovych who has a close associate with links to the GRU, and who had previous been paid $Millions to allegedy secretly promote Putin’s agenda by Russian aluminum oligarch Oleg Deripaska — becomes Trump campaign chairman.

The Kremlin gives Rep. Dana Rohrabacher instructions to stage a “show trial” in Congress attacking Bill Browder in order to alter the Magnitski Act sanctions on Russia. Rohrabacher is provided a Russian propaganda film against Browder by the Russian Prosecutor Generals Office run by Yuri Chaika, the same person who had jailed Magnitski.

April 27, 2016 -Trump gives his first major foreign policy speech at an event that had been largely arranged by Jeff Sessions Chief of Staff Rick Dearborn, Russian ambassador Kislyak is invited as a special guest, both Trump and Session briefly meet with him at a backstage reception before the speech at the Mayflower Hotel.

Trump campaign aide George Papadopoulos writes in an email to campaign manager Corey Lewandowsk he had fielded “a lot of calls over the past month” related to a meeting between the Trump campaign and Russia. “Russia has been eager to meet with Mr. Trump for some time and have been reaching out to me to discuss,” Papadopoulos says in a separate email to Paul Manafort.

May 2016 — US surveillance operations detects Russian Spies vowing to “Get Hillary Clinton” in retaliation for her criticism of Putin’s last election. A GRU Officer is recorded saying they are “getting ready to pay Clinton back for what President Vladimir Putin believed was an influence operation she had run against him five years earlier as Secretary of State”

They also detect them bragging that they have good ties to Michael Flynn and may be able to use him to “influence" Trump.

Obama admin attempts to limit classified information to Flynn.

Russian spies attempt to cultivate Carter Page as an asset, yet again!

FBI obtains a FISA warrant to monitor Page’s communications and possibly on a Trump server in Pennsylvania which keeps being oddly pinged by a server owned by Russia’s Alfa Bank and another owned by the DeVos companies.

Trump backs Brexit says “England is better off without the EU.”

Paul Manafort meets with his assistant from the Ukraine Konstantin Kilimnik, who has alleged ties to the GRU.

Trump releases an attack ad on Hillary claiming she’s “too close to Putin”, WaPo considers if the “Bromance” between Trump and Putin is over? But still Politico reports that Trump is “Putin’s Candidate.”

June 2016 — Russian Think Tank controlled by Putin publishes a blue print to use cyber bots, trolls and social media to push anti-Clinton/pro-Trump propaganda to help swing the election.

Jeff Sessions Chief of staff Rick Dearborn who is an advisor to the Trump campaign writes an email to Lowendowski noting that he’d received and offer from someone referrenced as “WV” to setup a meeting between Trump officials and Putin.

June 2, 2016 — Hillary gives a major speech criticizing Trump’s closeness to Russia and Putin accusing him of praising “dictators like Vladimir Putin” and having a “bizarre fascination with dictators and strongmen who have no love for America.”

June 3, 2016 — Music Promoter Rob Goldstone emails Don Jr, and says he has information from the Russian Government about shady dealings by Hillary and DNC. Don Jr. says “I Love it” and plans to discuss it further on a phone call and eventually a meeting.

June 7, 2016 — Trump says that he’ll give a major speech about Hillary Clinton’s corruption in a week.

June 9, 2016 —
Donald Jr, Kushner and Manafort secretly meet with a prominent Russia lawyer Natalia Veselnitskaya at Trump Tower after being offered “dirt” about the Clinton Campaign and the DNC being funded by Russia. The information comes through their Miss Universe Moscow partner Aras Agalarov via his son’s Emin’s promoter Rob Goldstone who had received it directly from the “Crown Prosecutor” [actually the Prosecutor General Yuri Chaika] of Russia because the Russian Government “supports Trump.” They also discuss the Russian adoption program in the wake of the Magnitski Act, which is a law that blacklists Russian Human Rights violators.
Later that day Donald tweets for the first time about Clinton’s “33,000 missing emails.”

June 12, 2016 — Julian Assange hints that he’s soon release emails linked to Hillary Clinton.

The Pulse Night Club in Orlando is attacked and 49 people are killed by a frustrated gay Muslim man

June 13, 2016 — Trump blames the Pulse attack on Obama’s sympathy with “Radical Islam” and on immigrants even though the shooter was a native born American citizen born in New Hyde Park, NY.

June 14, 2016 -— Wapo Reports that the DNC has been hacked by the Russian government, DNC goes public about the cyber intrusion.

June 15, 2016 — Guccifer 2.0 releases the DNC’s opposition research file on Donald Trump.
Dana Rohrabacher’s scheduled “show trial” hearing on Bill Browder in opposition to the Magnitski Act is cancelled by his committee chairman.

Rep. Kevin McCarthy jokes behind scenes that the only people Putin pays are Rohrabacher and Trump.
June 16, 2016 — Guccifer 2.0 uses DCLeaks to reveal the first set of hacked DNC emails, they have Cyrillic characters and Russian urls in their metadata

June 17, 2016 — Putin says the Trump is a “bright” individual.[Actually the word he used translates more accurately into “Colorful”]

June 20, 2016 — Trump campaign manager Corey Lewandowski is fired after a controversy where he physically grabbed and yanked a Brietbart reporter away from Trump as she asked a question. At first Corey and the Trump campaign denies it ever happened, but it’s on video — then he claims he would’ve “apologized if he knew she was from Breitbart” but he doesn’t. She files a criminal complaint, but it’s thrown out. He goes to work for CNN while still being paid by Trump.

June 22, 2016 — Trump finally gives his big anti-Clinton speech over a week late, he complains about Benghazi, Free Trade, Temperment and that her “Deleted emails could make her vulnerable to blackmail by hostile states.” He doesn’t mention Russian money going into the DNC.

June 24, 2016 — Brexit Referendum Vote Passes.
Trump is in Scotland for the opening of his Turnberry Golf Course, he says he’s glad Scotland Voted to leave the EU — but they didn’t, England did.

June 27, 2016 — Bill Clinton meets privately with AG Loretta Lynch on her plane at the Pheonix Airport while they are both there during a layover. Reportedly they discuss family, golf and travel, but calls of “obstruction” and “undue influence” — even though there is absolutely no evidence to that effect — eventually cause her to defer any decision on the Clinton email investigation to the FBI.

July 2016 — Business Insider publishes a report on the Kremlin’s Troll army based in St. Petersburg. They pose online as Pro-Trump and Pro-Bernie Americans and incessantly attack Clinton.

Cyber attacks are also made on the DCCC in order to impact House races in Pennsylvania, New Hampshire, Ohio, Illinois, New Mexico and North Carolina.

Carter Page travels to Moscow, approved by Trump Natsec advisor JD Gordon and Corey Lewandowski, to give several paid speeches.

Former MI-6 agent Christopher Steele while working on oppo-research for a GOP candidate receives intel that Page also has secret meetings with Russian government oil firm Rosneft CEO Igor Sechin who allegedly offers him broker fees on the sale of 19% of Rosneft stock supposedly as a payoff for influencing Trump to drop sanctions on Russia. Page eventually denies all of this.

Steele begins writing memos to the FBI.

U.S. intel intercepts Russian Operatives discussing a request for “Help damaging Clinton’s campaign” from the Trump campaign which mentions Manafort.

July 5, 2016 — Influenced by false email intel generated by the Russians alleging that AG Lynch was “throwing the Clinton case”, and apparently the fact that she has suggested he called the Clinton situation a “matter” rather than an “investigation” — even though DOJ rules prohibit confirming an investigation before it is complete — FBI Director James Comey after announcing that the investigation of Hillary Clinton’s server is complete and no charges will be filed goes on to blast her in an extended public statement.

July 7, 2016 — Comey testifies to Congress about Hillary’s server and manages to debunk just about every Right-wing conspiracy about it.

July 18-21, 2016 — The Republican National Convention takes place during which Trump National Security Advisor J.D. Gordon torpedoes a platform plank supporting the arming of Ukrainian rebels against pro-Russian forces, then lies about it.

Kislyak attends and briefly meets Sessions again at a Heritage Foundation event, as well as Carter Page and J.D. Gordon.

Flynn delivers a speech at the Republican convention, joining in the crowd’s “Lock her up!” chant. “If I, a guy who knows this business, if I did a tenth of what she did, I would be in jail today”

Mike Pence also chants “Lock Her Up” over Hillary’s emails — even though she’s been cleared already — and he himself has AOL for his email for official business as Governor and his account had been hacked.

Flynn fills out his SF-86 form to reactivate his security clearance related to his being selected by Trump as national security advisor. Flynn fails to include that he had received $530,000 from Turkey or that he had taken another $45,000 from Russia in 2015.

July 22, 2016 — One day after end of RNC Wikileaks reveals their first set of DNC emails.

Russia Today, Sputnik News, Breitbart and other right-wing outlets begin doing incessant stories about every little negative revelation in them as well as numerous false and inflammatory rumors these are further pushed by bots and trolls on facebook and twitter until they trend.

The FBI begin to look into the Russia hack based on information from Crowdstrike, they don’t get direct access to DNC servers presumably as that would cause them to shutdown their entire email capability in middle of an election until a replacement set of servers could be installed [I’ve sent a question to the DNC’s Deputy Communications Director on this point, he hasn’t responded yet].

FBI is also looking into links to Trump due to Steele memos and concerns raised by CIA head Brennan.

July 25, 2016 — Democratic Convention starts, because of the brouhaha from the Wikileaks email dump, Chairman Debbie Wasserman-Schultz resigns and Donna Brazille takes over, RT/Sputnik heightened and amplified rumors swirl about the DNC “rigging the Primary” for Clinton and against Sanders.

July 26, 2016 — Roger Ailes leaves Fox News amid harassment allegations. Trump defends him.
Wapo reporter Sarah Kendzior asks a Kremlin official about the hacking of DNC emails and he refers the issue to Donald Trump Jr.

July 27, 2016 — Trump asks Russia to hack and/or release Hillary’s missing emails.

July 28, 2016 — Sputnik news claims Wikileaks proves the primary and DNC was rigged against Sanders.

July 31, 2016 — Manafort denies that the Trump campaign made any changes to the RNC platform. Various Trump affiliates will repeat these denials 20 more times before finally admitting the truth; Donald personally ordered the change in a meeting with Gordon during the RNC in which Sessions attended. [If this was done as a pay off to Russia to ensure their continued support in their hacking/propaganda efforts, it proves Donald’s direct involvement in a criminal conspiracy.]

August 2016 —Mikail Kalugin who was linked to pension payment scheme by Steele leaves the U.S., and is later confirmed to have been falsely posing as a diplomat while actually being a spy.

Kilminik again travels to the U.S. and meet with Manafort where they allegedly discuss the DNC hack.

CIA Director Brennen sends an “Eyes Only” private note to the WH for Obama and just 3 senior aids which states that “Putin has ordered a cyber attack to defeat or damage Hillary Clinton’s campaign, and elect Donald Trump.”

August 4, 2016 — Brennen calls his counterpart Alexander Bortnikov Director of the FSB and issues him a stern warning about the hacking and active measures.

August 9, 2016 — Flynn Intel Group, a consulting firm founded by Flynn, signs a contract with Inovo BV, a firm run by a Turkish businessman close to Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, for more than $500,000

August 16, 2016 — Manafort pushes a false RT/Sputnik News story about terrorist sabotage at a NATO base in Turkey. Trump also pushes the same false story.

August 17, 2016 — Trump receives his first classified briefing. Flynn is with him.

August 19, 2016 — Manafort leaves the Trump campaign amidst allegations that he accepted a $12 Million under-the-table cash payment from his former Putin friendly client, ex-Ukraine President Yanakovych. Pollster Kellyanne Conway, who is a Mercer employee, takes over.

August 21, 2016 -— Trump pal Roger Stone tweets “it will soon be Podesta's time in the barrel.” He later claims he was talking about Podesta’s “business dealings” not his email, although Stone had also been sending DM’s to Guccifer 2.0 the public face of Russia’s cyber hacking operation.

September 2016 — Reports are the Russian hackers have attempted to penetrate the voter registration systems in 20 States, 4 were successfully infiltrated.

GOP consultant Aaron Nevins sends a note to Guccifer 2.0 asking if he has anything on Florida Dems, 10 days later he gets 2.5 Gigabits of stolen DCCC data, which confirms the connection between Kremlin intel & Guccifer.

Roger Stone says on Boston Herald Radio that he expects, "Julian Assange and the Wikileaks people to drop a payload of new documents on a weekly basis fairly soon. And that of course will answer the question of exactly what was erased on that email server."

Obama meets Putin at a summit and personally tells him to “Cut it out” with the hacking​​.

Obama assembles Congress’s “Gang of 12” and informs them of the Russia hack confidentially and asks for a bipartisan public statement in opposition to the attack. Mitch McConnel refuses as he doubts the veracity of the information, no public statement is issued at this time.

Trump transition chair Chris Christie begins to recommend that Flynn be fired after his erratic behavior during a national security briefing.

FBI offers to pay Christopher Steele to continue his work investigating Trump/Russia links.

Jeff Sessions meets privately with Kislyak at his Senate Offices.

Guccifer 2.0 sends Roger Stone a link to a blog post on manipulating voter turnout.

Ignoring McConnel and other Republicans Sen Feinstein and Rep Schiff issue a joint statement revealing the Russia cyber attack.

One week later McConnell and other Reps issues a tepid statement warning state election boards to remain “secure from attack.”

October 2016 — The Russian Think Tank publishes another paper, this one saying the Clinton is likely to win the election, so the online influence campaign needs to focus on claims that the election was “rigged” or “stolen” due to voter fraud.

Trump starts saying the only way he could lose Pennsylvania is because of “Voter Fraud.” and mentions the information revealed by Wikileaks 164 times over the next month.

The FEC unanimously agrees to prioritize investigations into foreign spending.

Around this time before election day NSA detects that the GRU has launched a set of cyber attacks on state and local election registration systems. Some are penetrated.

Kushner Co receives a $285 Million loan from Duetsche Bank for their Times Square building that was facing charges for not stopping Russian money-laundering on the premesis.

October 4, 2016 — Guccifer 2.0 Post documents stolen from the Clinton Foundation.

October 5, 2016 — Buzzfeed reports that Trump financial attorneys regularly meet with him in pairs so that there would be a witness. “...It’s always been our practice to make sure two people are present, and we don’t have a problem of people lying.” and “We tried to do it with Donald always if we could because Donald says certain things and then has a lack of memory.”

October 6, 2016 — The Access Hollywood Video drops with “Grab ‘em by the *****”. One hour later Wikileaks releases the first set of emails taken from John Podesta’s account. RT and Sputnik News continue to do daily reports as another set of emails is dumped for next 30 days.

October 7, 2016 — Homeland Security and the Director of National Intelligence release a Joint Statement on the Russia Hacking efforts saying it “was directed from the highest levels of the Kremlin.” FBI Director Comey had also originally signed on to this document, but refrained at the last minute due to the closeness of the election.

October 11, 2016 — Trump uses false talking points from RT to blame HIllary for Benghazi

October 21, 2016 — Hillary Clinton states during a debate that 17 Intelligence Agencies have confirmed Russia’s attempt to influence the election. Trump denies it, says “nobody knows” and it could be “China, North Korea or a 300lbs. Fat Guy.” which is also a Sputnik News Talking point.

October 23, 2016 —Christopher Steele, frustrated by the lack of response by the FBI particularly the New York Field Office which he says houses an Anti-Clinton Cabal (aka Trumpland), contacts David Corn of Motherjones who writes that “Russian spies have been attempting to cultivate Trump as an asset for 5 years.”

FBI rescinds their job offer to Steele.

Eventually with the help of the British Ambassador to Russia, his dossier of memos are passed to John McCain who physically gives a copy to James Comey.

October 26, 2016 — James Comey writes a letter to congress about the Abedin emails found on Anthony Weiner’s laptop several weeks earlier — it gets leaked almost immediately, presumably by Jason Chaffetz’s office. All hell breaks lose, Clinton drops 3-5% in the polls.

October 27, 2016 — Rudy Giuliani admits on Fox that he knew about the Comey letter from “former FBI agents” before it was sent to Congres and leaked.

October 30, 2016 — FBI obtains a warrant to review the Abedin emails.

November 6, 2016 — FBI finds that virtually all of the Abedin emails are duplicates that they already had in their possession from the Clinton server.

November 7, 2016 — 19.5% of Rosneft is sold to unknown buyers. [This seem to be consistent with the Steele Memo which predicted this sale as an payoff to Trump for lifting sanctions on Russia]

November 8, 2016 —Election Day.

Michael Flynn writes an Op-Ed in support of Turkey arguing that the U.S. should extradite a Turkish expat who President Erdoğan blames for the recent attempted coup. Seemingly Turkey has been paying Flynn and his consulting firm $530,000 — money which originated with yet another Russian oligarch.
Flynn does not disclose this or register as a foreign agent.

Russia’s Parliament erupts into applause when Trump is announced the winner.
Also four patents for various Trump Hotels and products which were applied for years earlier are simultaneously renewed in Russia.

November 9, 2016 — Wikileaks proclaims that Trump won because Democrats rigged system to have Clinton beat Sanders.

November 10, 2016 — Russia’s Foreign Minister Lavrov admits they had continuing communications from Trump’s “immediate entourage.”

Trump and Obama meet at the WH, Obama warns him not to hire Flynn.

November 11, 2016 — Chris Christie is dropped as transition chief, VP Pence takes his place.
Flynn stays on.

November 12, 2016 — Lewandowski quits CNN to work for Trump again.

November 28, 2016 — In an interview with Time magazine, Trump denies interference from Russia. “I don’t believe they interfered,” he said. “That became a laughing point, not a talking point, a laughing point. Any time I do something, they say ‘oh, Russia interfered.'” He also addressed the hacking: “It could be Russia. And it could be China. And it could be some guy in his home in New Jersey”

November 30, 2016 — The Justice Department informs Flynn that he is under investigation for his unreported lobbying on behalf of Turkey.

November —House oversight ranking member Rep. Cummings sends a letter to VP Pence about Flynn’s Op-Ed and his lobbying for Turkey.

When Flynn states he plans to schedule a meeting with Kislyak former Bush Pentagon Official Michael Billingslea warns him that any such communications with Kislyak are likely to be picked up by U.S. surveillance.

December —Trump transition does a background check on Flynn but doesn't fully vet him, they are also specifically informed by Flynn’s lawyers that he may have to register as a “Foreign Agent” because of his work for Turkey even though the Pentagon had previously warned him to get permission for such payments first, and that he was under investigation by the FBI because of it.

Watchdog groups file a complaint with the FEC over Russia and the Trump campaign coordinating.

December 1, 2016 — Flynn meets with Kislyak at Trump Tower along with Jared Kushner. Kushner suggests setting up a secure back-channel back to the Kremlin using Russian facilities that could “bypass the U.S. national security bureaucracy.”. Kislyak is reportedly “taken aback”. They also suggest having an overseas meeting but Flynn is considered too high profile to attend.

Both Flynn and Kushner don’t include these meetings on their security clearances forms and are at risk of Logan Act violations if this meetings are intended to undermine current U.S Foreign policy as both are private citizens at this point. Kushner later includes the meetings on future updates.

NSA discovers the details of this meeting while surveilling Kislyak as he communicates with Moscow.

At Kislyak’s suggestion, Kushner later meets with banker and FSB Academy graduate Sergei Gorkov who is head of Moscow based government owned bank Vnesheconombank (VEB), which funds special projects like the Sochi Olympics or` Trump Tower in Toronto and included Russian intelligence officer Evgeny Buryakov on it’s payroll, who was convicted in March 2016 by Preet Bharara of conspiracy in the case involving the attempted cultivation of Carter Page as an Russian asset. Gorkov is also former deputy board chairman of Russia largest state-owned bank, Sberank, whom had hired Trump’s attorney’s Marc Kasowitz to defend it.

December 8, 2016 — Page is back in Moscow to meet with “business leaders and thought leaders”

December 9, 2016 — Wapo reports that the CIA has made a Secret Assessment that the Russia government sought to interfere in our election in order to make Trump President, and that Congress was informed of this so they could make a bipartisan statement but Mitch McConnell refused.

December 12, 2016 -—While in Moscow, Trump’s former campaign surrogate Jack Kingston meets with Russian businessmen to discuss what they might expect from a Trump administration. “Trump can look at sanctions,” Kingston says. “They’ve been in place long enough.”

December 13, 2016 — Trump says he doesn’t need a security briefing everyday. “I’ll get it when I need it”.
Trump nominates then Exxon CEO Rex Tillerson — recipient of the Russia Order of Friendship personally from Putin who had been seeking a waiver on Russian/Crimea sanctions to proceed with their $500 Billion deal with Rosneft for drilling in the Black sea — as Secretary of State.

NBC News’ Richard Engel reports from Moscow on Trump’s secretary of state pick, Rex Tillerson. Former Russian Energy Minister Vladimir Milov tells Engel that Tillerson was a “gift for Putin.”

Steve Bannon joins Flynn and Kushner for a separate meeting with the crown prince of Abu Dhabi, Sheikh Mohamed bin Zayed al-Nahyan, who makes an undisclosed visit to New York.

December 20, 2016 -— Jared Kushner brags to Forbes magazine about the data-mining and voter micro-targeting operation he helped setup for the Trump campaign with Cambridge-Analytica which is owned by deep pocketed Trump pal Robert Mercer, who also bankrolls Breitbart News.

December 21, 2016 — Lewandowski doesn’t get rehired by Trump, starts a lobbying firm.

December 29, 2016 —Obama hits Russia with Sanctions for their hacking and involvement in the Election. Flynn talks to Russian Ambassador Kislyak, mentions “We’ll review everything” when Obama’s new sanctions are brought up. This conversation is recorded by the NSA/FBI.

The Obama Administration tries to save the intel data with a trail of bread crumbs for Congress to track.

December 30, 2016 — Putin states he will not retaliate to Obama’s newly imposed sanctions and the expulsion of 30 suspected Russian spies. Trump praises his lack of response.

A PHP web shell called P.A.S. created by Ukrainian Hacker Profexor is identified by DHS as being used in part of the DNC hack. He eventually contacts the FBI himself as he had no knowledge his worked was being used in this manner.

January 5th — Former CIA Director James Woolsey leaves Trump transition team because he is alarmed by Flynn's stance on trying to have Erdogen’s opponent Gulley “snatched up” and shipped off to Turkey.
Trump tweets a storm of attacks on the Intel community and claims of Russian hacking.

January 6th —U.S. Intel agencies publish their report on the Russia Cyber efforts to influence the election. Obama, Biden and Trump are briefed on the report, Trump claims it proves Russia didn’t “change the vote” even though the report doesn’t attempt to answer that question.

January 10th —Jeff Sessions testifies during confirmation hearings that he doesn’t know “any Trump surrogates who were in contact with the Russians” ignoring the question he was asked which was “What would you do if you discover surrogates coordinating with Russians?” Apparently the correct answer is “Nothing.”

Buzzfeed publishes the entire Steele Dossier online.

CNN reports that Trump was specifically briefed on it during the Jan 6th briefing.

Trump transition team does full court press to deny this briefing occurred, not only denying that anyone verbally described it to Trump but also there was a 3 page summary at the end of the full Russia report.

Flynn meets with Susan Rice over a plan to arm the Kurds against ISIS, Flynn vetoes the plan as the Kurds are considered terrorists by one of his financial benefactors Turkey.

Paul Manafort calls Reince Preibus to deny allegations in the dossier about him

January 11th — At his first press conference of the year Trump says he himself “didn’t meet with any Russians” during the election even though he did.

Erik Prince, former CEO of Blackwater, giant Christian Supremacist, Mike Pence supporter and brother of

Education Secretary nominee Betsy DeVos has a secret meeting with the UAE on the Seychelles islands to establish a back channel to Putin which is noticed by FBI. That meeting is chaired by the Crown Prince of Abu Dhabi who had previously met with Bannon, Flynn & Kushner secretly in New York, and seems to be a follow-on to Kushner’s meeting with Kislyak at Trump Tower.

Politico issues a report indicating that Ukrainian-American Alexandra Chalupa who consulted for the DNC had gone to the Ukrainian embassy to gain information about Paul Manafort’s links to Yanakovic.

January 12th — NBC news confirms that Comey personally briefed Trump about the Steele Dossier revealing yet another transition team lie.

January 14th — Reports surface that U.S. Intel agents have warned our allies like Israel not to share sensitive intel with Trump transition team due to the Steele dossier and the risk he might share it with Russia and hence their ally Iran.

January 15th — Trump says “We should trust Putin” while lambasting NATO and Angela Merkel.
Former CIA Officer for Moscow states that Steele dossier deserves support: “This is exactly how the Russians operate.”

January 20th — Inauguration day.

January 21st —Sean Spicer does his first press briefing and spends most of it lying about the Inauguration crowd size, then takes no questions.

Women’s march crowd dwarfs Trump’s crowd by 3 to 1.

Trump WH officials soon begin pushing State Dept to remove all Russian sanctions. Alarmed State Offiicials Melinowski and Fried begin to contact congress.

January 22nd — Comey attends an event honoring Law Enforcement at the WH, tries to avoid being noticed by Trump, but fails.

January 23rd —Spicer claims Flynn didn’t talk to Kislyak about sanctions, even though he did.
Later Mike Pence goes on Meet the Press after talking personally to Flynn and claims “Flynn told me he didn’t talk to Russia about sanctions.”

January 24th — Flynn interviewed by FBI, again he apparently says he didn’t talk to Russians about sanctions but they know better. He also claims that he didn’t get any foreign money and the $45k and $530k came from “U.S. companies” having omitted the true information on his SF-86 Security form.

January 26th —Sally Yates goes to the White House personally and warns WH Counsel McGahn that Flynn may be vulnerable to “blackmail by the Russians” because he’d lied to the FBI & Pence about his contacts with Kislyak.

Trump is immediately briefed by McGahn but does nothing about Flynn.

Former Bush Ethics Atty Richard Painter files complaint with Government Ethics Office that James Comey may have violated the Hatch Act by releasing unsubstantiated information about the Abedine emails.

January 27th — Trump signs a travel ban against 7 majority Muslim nations.

McGahn calls Yates, she returns to the WH where he asks “why does it matter if Flynn lied to Pence?”

Trump invites Comey to dinner at the White House, allegedly asks Comey if he wants to “keep his job” and to pledge him his “Loyalty”, Comey offers his “Honesty” and takes copious notes.

Kremlin arrests FSB officials Sergei Mikhailov, his deputy Dmitry Dokuchaev, and Ruslan Stoyanov, the head of cybercrime investigations at Kaspersky Labs (who had paid Flynn $11,500 in 2015) for treason and illegal hacking apparently for sharing intel information with the CIA.

January 29th — London Mayor Saddiq Khan says that Trump shouldn’t be allowed entry into the UK while his Muslim ban is in place.

Trump signs EO that places Steve Bannon on the principles committee of the National Security Council, the DNI and head of the Joint Chiefs are relegated to "part time" participants.

January 30th — Sally Yates orders the DOJ not to defend Trump's Muslim ban executive order in court as she doubts it is legal or constitutional.

January 31st --Yates is fired by Trump allegedly for refusing to defend his Muslim ban executive order.
Flynn stays.

Roger Stone goes on Russia Today to push the conspiracy that murdered DNC staffer Seth Rich is the "real hacker.” This is his fifth appearance on the channel.

Deutsche Bank is fined $630 Million for $10 Billion in money laundering transactions involving Russia.

February 2nd — Putin opposition leader Vladimir Kara-Murza is poisoned for a second time in Moscow.

February 3rd —Federal Judge Robart blocks Trump's Muslim Ban echoing Yates issues with it.
Reports surface that Trump is still using that same vulnerable unsecured out of date Galaxy S3 Cell Phone to tweet with during the campaign while in the White House.

February 6th —Rep. Maxine Waters states “Trump is moving towards Impeachment.”
Trump attorney Michael Cohen and Felix Sater negotiate a deal to end sanctions against Russia by stopping the violence in Crimea with a Ukranian named Andrii V. Artemenko. They supposedly deliver a copy of this plan to Michael Flynn’s desk, but there is no evidence he ever reviewed it or passed it on to anyone.
When this is revealed Artemenko is looked at for possible Treason charges by Ukraine. [Exactly who came up with this idea and tasked them with this? Does anyone believe they went rogue?]

Februray 7th -— Sens. Cardin and Graham — alerted by Fried and Malinowski at State of Trump efforts to scrap sanctions -— author bipartisan legislation to require the approval of Congress for all changes to sanctions.

February 8th — Washington posts asks Flynn if he discussed sanctions with Russia, he says “No” twice.

February 9th —Flynn’s spokesman issues a correction to Wapo that he “doesn’t remember” if he did or didn’t discuss sanctions.

Trump talks to Putin by phone and criticizes Obama’s Start II Nuclear deal with Russia. Flynn is there for the call.

Judge Robart’s national block of the Muslim Ban is upheld by the 9th Circuit

February 10th — Trump is asked about Flynn talking to Russians about sanctions and says “This is the first time I’ve heard that.” Note: He had already been personally told about this by White House Counsel McGahn immediately after he was told by Yates on Jan 26th.

February 12th — Reports emerge that the Intel agencies are considering holding back highly sensitive intel from Trump to prevent leaks to Russia.

February 13th — Flynn is fired immediate after Wapo report proving that he lied, allegedly he’s let go because he lied to Vice President Pence and caused him to be embarrassed about what he said on Meet the Press. WH secret push to cut sanctions goes on hold.

February 14th — Comey & Sessions meet Trump in the Oval for a counter-terrorism briefing. Trump clears the room and gets Comey alone to complain about leaks asking him to prosecute some reporters over it and ask if he can just “Let Flynn go” Comey interprets the request to only be about Flynn not the Russia investigation,

Comey notes this and discusses it with FBI leadership.

The NYTimes reports that Trump aids (including Flynn, Manafort and Page) had repeated contacts with Russian Intelligence according to the NSA and that the FBI had requested they “collect as much information as possible about the Russian operatives on the phone calls” and go through their archives for more information.

February 15th — Intel Agencies with access to foreign intercepts say “Trump Will Die in Jail.”
Comey laters asks Sessions not to leave him alone with Trump again as it’s inappropriate. Comey’s memory of the event is hazy, but he states later Sessions doesn’t really respond. [During later testimony Session claims he repeated back basic DOJ protocols to Comey, which doesn’t answer his concern over why Sessions failed to follow protocol the previous day.]

February 16th — CBS reports that Trump screamed at CIA Director Pompeo over reports that Intel is being withheld from him because of fears he might leak it to Russia.

Pompeo denies any intel is being withheld from Trump.

Trump rage tweets that “Russia” is a made up story by Democrats as an excuse for losing the election.

House Democrats submit bill to prevent removal of Russia sanctions without Congress approval.

February 17th — Trump calls the Press the “Enemies of the American People.”

February 21st — Artemenko talks to a Ukrainian News outlet and reveals that he’s known Michael Cohen for some time since Cohen has an ethanol business in the country, which is also where his wife was born, and that his meeting with Cohen and Sater on Feb 6 wasn’t their first. According to Artemenko, he discussed the “peace-plan” with Cohen and Sater “at the time of the primaries, when no one believed that Trump would even be nominated.”

February 25th — FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe — who began his carrier with the New York Field Office while Trump surrogate Giuliani was Mayor — goes to the White House and in direct violation of DOJ protocols buttonholes Reince Prebus to tell him the NYT article on contacts “Is Bullshit.” [Later reporting seems to hint that the FBI’s objection to the report is the claim that certain contacts were confirmed as part of “Russian Intelligence”, not that the contacts didn’t happen because those were confirmed by James Clapper.]

February 26th —Preibus calls McCabe back and asks him to inform the Press about this as an “anonymous source”, he refuses.

Preibus call his pals Devin Nunez Chairman of the House intelligence committee and Richard Burr Chairman of the Senate Intel Committee who are each former Trump surrogates who are heading up investigations of “Russia” — they do it for him.

Former Bush Ethics Atty Richard Painter files complaint with Government Ethics Office that James Comey violated the Hatch Act by publicly disclosing unsubstantiated information about Abedine’s emails prior to the election.

February 28th — Trump who had essentially called Hillary a “murderer” over Benghazi blames the Generals and Obama for death of Navy Seal in Yemen during raid he himself authorized.

March 1 —it’s discovered that Sessions met with Kislyak twice, in July at the RNC which he attended as a Trump surrogate along with Carter Page and JD. Gordon and in September in his Senate Offices. Nobody notices that he also met him in April.

Sen. Franken asks for Sessions to come back to the Senate to explain, he declines and sends a letter which claims he didn’t understand the question he was asked and didn’t think he was “acting as a surrogate” when he met Kislyak.

March 2 — 100 Democrats demand that Jeff Sessions resign as Attorney General. He doesn’t.

March 4 —Session recuses himself from the Russia investigation.

Trump blows his top that weekend screaming at his staff, throwing Priebus and Bannon off Air Force One for his weekly Mar-A-Lago trip.

March 5th — Trump tweets about being “Wiretapped in Trump Tower by Obama” that morning based on a report from Breitbart and Judge Napolitano on Fox News — Narrative shifts away from Sessions.

James Clapper denies that “Obama Wiretapped Trump.”

March 6th -- Trump issues a revised Muslim travel ban, which no longer blocks immigrants and refugees from Iraq.

March 7th —House Intel committee invites Sally Yates and James Comey to testify about Michael Flynn and Russia.

Michael Hayden denies Trump’s Wiretapped by Obama claims.

Sen. Franken says Session committed perjury.

The Guardian reports that SLC Group and Cambridge Analytics methods of generating micro-targeted alt-news webiverse using data provided by AggregateIQ were used to meddle in the Brexit Vote to encourage “voter disengagement” and “to persuade Democrat voters to stay at home”:

March 8th — British media reports more of the specific contacts by person and date alleged by Steele dossier have been confirmed by independent surveillance, but they do not yet confirm the substance of the conversations.

Flynn finally registers as a foreign agent.

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Pumpkin beers are starting to hit the shelves. What is your pumpkin beer of choice?

Instead of hijacking the thread which is just burying your head in the sand, read.

Don't be a jackass just because you don't like the truth.
Pumpkin beer is awful ****.
I saw pumpkin frozen waffles at Giant Eagle the other day.
I find pumpkin beer to be too sweet. I'm not a fan of cinnamon either, which tends to be prominent in pumpkin beer. I'm pretty much all about IPAs and ESBs right now. Once we get into the winter months I'll be on a stout kick. Maybe some smoked porters too.
For those who like pumpkin beers, Schlafly puts our a good brew. For all others, try the pumpkin Special K. It's pretty good. Anyone in the Burgh, send me some pumpkin pancakes from the Dor-stop in Dormont.
I find pumpkin beer to be too sweet. I'm not a fan of cinnamon either, which tends to be prominent in pumpkin beer. I'm pretty much all about IPAs and ESBs right now. Once we get into the winter months I'll be on a stout kick. Maybe some smoked porters too.

I'm an admitted lightweight. Very few IPA's that I like. Stouts and porters are out for me.
Speaking of pumpkins,,.i hear that the rage this Halloween will be the Elfie Jack-o-lantern. You just cut one hole and stick your dick in it.

Or in the Elftard's case, you cut a slit in it and trib the hell out of it.
Daily Kos?


Liberal garbage dump, complete bullshit

meanwhile, Trump is President and ready for his 2nd term and Effies days are numbered....."Trump will be gone in 7 weeks!".....tick tick tick
I find pumpkin beer to be too sweet. I'm not a fan of cinnamon either, which tends to be prominent in pumpkin beer. I'm pretty much all about IPAs and ESBs right now. Once we get into the winter months I'll be on a stout kick. Maybe some smoked porters too.

Highly recommend Troegenator Double Bock from Troegs Brothers Brewing if they sell it in Indiana. My all-time favorite beer. Malty but hoppy at the same time.
Highly recommend Troegenator Double Bock from Troegs Brothers Brewing if they sell it in Indiana. My all-time favorite beer. Malty but hoppy at the same time.

I shall scout for that. Thanks for the recommendation. As a return favor, if you ever find Dreadnaught by Three Floyds, buy it. It's by far my favorite beer.
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I still go for a wheat. Shock Top and Blue Moon being great staples. Nothing to me beats a great German hefeweizen where you literally can see a quarter inch of wheat sitting at the bottom of the bottle. Must be the German in me.

No way in hell I'd even try a pumpkin.

Had a friend pass me a six pack of Old Bay flavored beer. Live in Maryland. Blue crabs ya know. That was some awful ****. Like reading Elftard's paranoid posts.

By the way, anyone know...is the Tard a Jew today or a ghetto speaking black? I forget what ze is. There's usually a pattern but it's been a long day and I'm off my game.
I've seen that one on the shelf. Wasn't exactly sure what a double bock was. If it's hoppy I'll give it a shot.

Double bock is kind of its own thing. Anything from Troegs is great though.
FYI, Troegenator is like 8.5%.
Old Bay Beer? Old Bay is awesome when steaming up a bushel of crabs but as an ingredient in beer I'll pass.

It really is. I put Old Bay on tons of food. It is god awful in beer.
Double bock is kind of its own thing. Anything from Troegs is great though.
FYI, Troegenator is like 8.5%.

Thanks. I've had their IPA and it was very good. I think it's called Perpetual IPA.

Ever try Firestone Walker Double IPA? That's a good hoppy beer that's not too sweet. It's around an 8%
I still go for a wheat. Shock Top and Blue Moon being great staples. Nothing to me beats a great German hefeweizen where you literally can see a quarter inch of wheat sitting at the bottom of the bottle. Must be the German in me.
I think wheat beers are great in hot weather. You don't want Troegenator after cutting the grass on a hot day or you'll be face down in said grass real quick.
Had some stuff at my bud's house two years ago on July 4 called Hop Crisis, comes in a black can, 10% and thoroughly dangerous **** because it doesn't hit you until later. I drink but I don't get drunk...knowingly...Mrs. Burgundy had to drive home because I couldn't even speak. Same thing happened to my friend's brother.