Tibs, which writer reported this? Below is from DK Sports Dale Lolley (pay firewall) and includes Art2’s comments regarding separation of the two positions.
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“The GM position with the Steelers is somewhat unlike those in many other organizations around the league in that the GM and head coach are equals and both report directly to Rooney….
Rooney doesn't see that structure changing.
"I think a GM has a lot of responsibilities these days. We’ll be hiring somebody who can fill all of those responsibilities, which includes, obviously No. 1, being a talent evaluator and putting that draft together, but also everything else that goes along with being a GM in the NFL today," Rooney said. "Having said that, we’re looking for somebody that fits with the way we’re structured and our culture. We’re not really planning on changing our own structure here. It would have to be somebody we feel can fit that culture and that role."
That being said, the GM will continue to be an equal with the head coach. And Tomlin won't be assuming any additional roles.
"Mike’s role in all of this will most likely stay the same," Rooney said. "The new GM will step into Kevin’s role and fill that role in a similar way and similar set of responsibilities that Kevin has had. I don’t expect to make a dramatic change in those responsibilities, coach versus GM has worked well. We’re not really trying to make a big change there."
So it’s just my interpretation, but whoever replaces Kevin, it will be business as usual for DOPP/GM, with Kevin maybe having a lessor consultant role like what Bill Nunn had for several years after he stepped down.