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Transgenderism - A Thread of Its Own

Tim Steelersfan

Flog's Daddy
Apr 17, 2014
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I just read one of the most well thought out articles on this transgenderism wave sweeping the world. Incredible, concise arguments, and thoughtful. Spot on.

Slow-Motion Trans Wreck​

The ghastly fad of genital mutilation will end when the lawsuits begin.​

In January of 2022, the San Francisco-based law firm Girard Sharp, which specializes in class action lawsuits, announced its investigation into the adverse effects of puberty blockers on transgender-identified children. These adverse effects can include low bone density, psychological problems, and potentially, per a July 2022 FDA warning label, pseudotumor cerebri, a condition which can cause brain swelling, headaches, nausea, double vision, and permanent loss of vision. Across the Atlantic, as of August 2022, the U.K.’s Tavistock Centre, a gender transition clinic, is expecting a class-action lawsuit from at least 1,000 families of children who were prescribed puberty blockers. Meanwhile, Sweden’s National Board of Health and Welfare released in February of 2022 new guidelines on transgender medicine, recommending that doctors not prescribe puberty blockers outside of “exceptional cases,” as their use is built on “uncertain science.” The reality that so-called “gender-affirming” medicine is not safe is now becoming too obvious to deny, and its implications could not be clearer: we are entering the long-overdue lawsuit phase of the transgender movement, and it is in lawsuits that this movement ends.

That we have reached a turning point on the issue of gender ideology is beyond question, especially seeing the increasing numbers of detransitioners—those formerly identified as transgender who have now returned to identifying with their sex—publicly speak out against the medical repercussions of gender ideology and transgender healthcare. Chloe Cole was put on puberty blockers when she was just 13 years old after identifying as transgender when she was 12. At 15 she was given a double mastectomy; at 16, she became filled with regret. “I was failed by the system,” she told the New York Post in June of 2022. “I literally lost organs.” In 2019, there were over 5,000 members on the subreddit r/detrans; today, in 2022, there are over 37,000, nearly an eightfold increase in just three years.

Transgenderism is primarily driven by social contagion among younger generations, and especially among teenage girls—in the U.K. alone, for instance, there was a 4,400% increase over the last decade for girls seeking medical transition. In the U.S., a June 2022 report from the CDC found that while the 13 to 17 age group comprises only 7.6% of the population, it comprises 18.3% of all transgender-identified Americans. A remarkable 1.4% of this age group identifies as transgender, compared with 0.5% of all adults. In the near future, the number of detransitioners will grow as more young adults who were caught in social contagion begin to regret their immature decisions, cosigned and affirmed by the psycho-medico therapeutic complex—and court-ordered revelations will make clear what evils the transgender movement has wrought.

As Helena Kerschner, who identified as a transgender boy when she was a teenager, told Tucker Carlson, “we have this ideology that is especially prevalent online that says that if you have [feelings of discomfort with yourself or with your body], that means you’re trans…there are literally people who say if you don’t even like your voice on a recording…you need to go see a medical professional because you’re trans.” And of course, the medical professionals themselves are negligent at best. Without even seeing a medical doctor, Kerschner was prescribed testosterone just a few days after turning 18.

That she was just barely an adult when she began medical transition brings up an important, though often undiscussed issue regarding the difference between transgender-identified adults and transgender-identified youth. Much of the opposition to medical transition has focused on the harms done to children, and rightfully so given their vulnerability, but unfortunately, this seems to have led many opponents of gender ideology toward a somewhat libertarian attitude concerning adult transitioners: “Adults can have done on them whatever medical procedures they want; it’s children who should not be given hormones and surgeries because they do not understand the repercussions of their decisions.” But when we consider the future of transgender healthcare, we have to think beyond the consent-based ethics that has increasingly totalized and sterilized our moral discourse on everything from drug addiction to workplace relationships. In other words, consent is not enough: medically transitioning adults may in some ways be different from medically transitioning children, but the fundamental cruelty of medical transition remains the same regardless of age.

Indeed, for adults and children alike, today’s transgender healthcare violates the “do no harm” principle of medicine. If we believe, as we should, that our bodies are good and that needlessly altering their core functions is bad, then we should oppose a transgender-identified woman getting her healthy breasts hacked off by a surgeon for the same reasons that we would oppose her getting her right arm hacked off for no reason except delusion. The question as to whether or not she can consent to a breastless or to an armless existence should be meaningless to the surgeon, whose sole focus should be promoting her health and wellbeing.

A detransitioner from Massachusetts who goes by the name Shape Shifter, 32, told the YouTuber Blair White (a transgender-identified man) that he had received surgery in his twenties to have his penis removed and replaced by a neo-vagina, which his body perceives as a wound and tries to close up intermittently. He said, “I will never be able to get my penis back which is extremely traumatic for me. I want it back and I can’t. Sex is traumatic for me now because I’ve had botched surgeries.” His adult consent to medical transition means nothing: any sane society must acknowledge that butchering the human person is categorically wrong.

Transgender-identified people, like all suffering people, deserve compassion, which is found in truth, not in mass enabling. Going forward, medical transition and all its dangers should be banned unequivocally, and medical professionals should only be entrusted with treating transgender-identified people psychologically. Yet the problem doesn’t end there, because any medical establishment that stops butchering the bodies of healthy people only because lawsuits and laws prevent it from doing so is a medical establishment that cannot be trusted with anything at all, least of all human psychology.

In other words, exorcizing gender ideology from society will require a total divestment from the opinions of the so-called experts; it will require us to commit to the truth, beauty, and goodness that have allowed man to flourish, and the absence of which, as we see today, cause man to suffer needlessly. It may be lawyers that get us out of the most rampant excesses of gender ideology, especially with respect to children, but we will only be out of the woods, so to speak, when we address not just the medical malpractice of transgender healthcare but the spiritual malpractice that led to gender ideology gaining prominence in the first place.
I think a couple things;
1. Among some kids and their invariably Libtard parents, it's become the hip thing to do.
2. Kids are helped along by Libard teachers who view every kid they can transition as "a win".

There is a local gourmet coffee shop whose windows I've been cleaning for over 15 years. I clean the windows once a month and they pay me in coffee, it's really good stuff. The owner's son has decided he's a woman and wears women's clothes, bras, makeup, everything. Scary thing is he's getting to where he's reasonably passable as a woman if you didn't know.
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Just say no
I think a couple things;
1. Among some kids and their invariably Libtard parents, it's become the hip thing to do.
2. Kids are helped along by Libard teachers who view every kid they can transition as "a win".

There is a local gourmet coffee shop whose windows I've been cleaning for over 15 years. I clean the windows once a month and they pay me in coffee, two pounds of Black & Gold whole bean, it's really good stuff. The owner's son has decided he's a woman and wears women's clothes, bras, makeup, everything. Scary thing is he's getting to where he's reasonably passable as a woman if you didn't know.
These very nice people need to help their son with his mental illness.
These very nice people need to help their son with his mental illness.
Actually his parents are hard-core Right-wing and very religious. Dude has OD'd twice on heroin and once was in a coma for a month so he obviously has some issues. I suppose his parents figure if wearing a skirt makes him happy that's better than what he was doing before.
Actually his parents are hard-core Right-wing and very religious. Dude has OD'd twice on heroin and once was in a coma for a month so he obviously has some issues. I suppose his parents figure if wearing a skirt makes him happy that's better than what he was doing before.
I get all that. Not trying to be insensitive, but those issues are further evidence of his being mentally ill.

I have for years stood at the edge and tried to push folks back the other direction. It's why teaching in a prison is so clearly for me. At times, the person's condition is so critical that niceties are no longer effective or prudent.
A few years ago, I lived across the street from a woman and her son. She was divorced and her son was going between homes, like most kids whose parents divorced. Never knew the kid, and hardly ever saw him. A few months after he graduated high school - maybe a year - he came home wearing a skirt and high heels. I figured he was a cross-dresser. Then I saw him outside a few months after that with a set of breast implants. Some dude was hanging around him after that, and they'd go down to the pool (townhome community). The kid across the street would wear shorts and a bikini top. With a 5 o'clock shadow.
I didn't see this happen. But homosexuals are cutting ties with transgenders. They are eating their own. There comes a point when you can create too many victim groups. Here is the result.

Wow! Twitter Green Lights Anti-Trans Movement​

In the history of American social movements, September 11 may take on new significance. September 11, 2022, is the day the powers that be allowed LGBWithoutTheT to trend on Twitter. In broad daylight, lesbians and gays disassociated themselves from the transgender movement, and Twitter gave them a platform. This was a major turnaround. Just a month earlier Twitter had banned “Gays Against Groomers” for “hateful conduct.”

For those not familiar with Twitter, at a given time about five or six stories are prominently featured as “trending.” Twitter claims that trends are “tailored for you based on your location and who you follow,” but then adds a critical disclaimer: “There will be many world and local news events and conversations that will appear in your trends regardless of your personalization.”

If Twitter chose to let #LGBWithoutTheT trend for me, it trended for everyone. I suspect someone above the Twitter brass encouraged them to do just that. With the elections just two months away, the increasingly noisy and oppressive trans movement was becoming too much of a political liability.

In the past year or so, while the woke were storming the barricades on behalf of their oppressed comrades and the corporate suits were kowtowing to the transgender community’s every demand, only one group had the clout and cojones to speak out, and that was the “LGBs,” lesbians, gays, and bi-sexuals. The resistance among LGBs to the Ts has been brewing for some time. Sunday, it percolated to the surface.

The LGB resistance would seem to fall into two general categories, one shared by all thinking people. Said a bi-sexual woman,

“I have nothing in common with activists who are trying to sterilise children and invade sex specific places. It’s sad that I don’t even identify as someone within the LGBTQ community anymore because of one small group of extremists.”

Said a gay man,

“Wanting to cut your dick or boobs off is not LGB. Wanting to enter women's locker rooms as men is not LGB. Wanting to compete against women as a man is not LGB. Wanting to give puberty blockers and sex change hormones to children is not LGB.”

“Sasha” cut right to the chase:

“As a lesbian I have nothing in common with a movement that claims men can be lesbians, and is so determined to turn (mostly gay and autistic) kids into lifelong medical patients they drag opponents to court regularly. I want nothing to do with this lunacy.”

The second point of resistance was more personal and distinctive. LGBs are apparently weary of being called bigots for their collective failure to “date” trans people. Wrote one lesbian,

“We're better off without the homophobic trans idiots, i don't need men (transwomen) telling me who i'm allowed to be attracted too, being same sex attracted doesn't make you transphobic.”

Said another, “I am not sexually attracted to somebody with a penis - even if they dress up like a woman…. Being attracted based on sexual traits is now, uh, transphobic.” Said a gay man, “Gay ppl are assaulted & called bigots & pervs in need of conversion therapy - because they don't want to f**k someone of the opposite sex.”

Reversing course on the good ship “Trans” will be no easier than doing a quick 180 on an aircraft carrier. On August 22, for instance, the all-purpose British LGBT site PinkNews headlined an article, “Hate-fuelled ‘Gays Against Groomers’ invited on Fox News about being suspended from Twitter.” Until September 11, few in the gay media and no one in the mainstream media showed any sign of easing up on Trans critics.

Harry Potter author J.K. Rowling has felt the heat for years. Rowling first got scorched in December 2019 when she came out in defense of a British tax-specialist who was fired for a tweet that was judged “homophobic.” When Rowling friended a dying lesbian, also said to be homophobic, Rowling braced for the worst. “I must have been on my fourth or fifth cancellation by then,” said Rowling. “I expected the threats of violence, to be told I was literally killing trans people with my hate, to be called **** and ***** and, of course, for my books to be burned, although one particularly abusive man told me he’d composted them.”

What surprised Rowling was “the avalanche of emails and letters that came showering down upon me, the overwhelming majority of which were positive, grateful and supportive.” Until September 11, the media had largely succeeded in keeping the world from seeing that avalanche.

For Rowling and others like her, the media popularized a new slur, TERF, trans-exclusionary radical feminist. On the September 11 Twitter feed, several LGBs came to the TERFs’ defense. One woman posted a photo from an unnamed gay pride parade (possibly Dresden) of a large sign reading, “TERFS CAN SUCK MY HUGE TRANS ****,” adding the comment, “Way to win hearts and minds, by engaging in a bit of #rapeculture.”

As it happens on September 5, the feminist site Reduxx ran this photo over an article headlined, “Three Females Attacked, One Killed by Man at German Pride Parade—Activists Blame ‘TERFs’.”
These very nice people need to help their son with his mental illness.
The funny thing is...the left has spent 20 years celebrating mental illness and denying it exists, then have the audacity to act shocked when mass shootings increase. You promoted mental illness as being normal then act shocked when someone mentally ill commits a heinous crime. But yeah...guns are the problem.:rolleyes:
I have no problem with how grown adults decide to live, dress, surgically alter their body, whatever (though if I can't get my insurance or the government to pay for cosmetic surgery, they shouldn't be able to either). When you start pumping little kids full of hormones that sterilize them, change their genitalia and growth patterns, decrease their bone density, and alter their brain chemistry I just find it amazing that anyone could be in favor of that. Then you throw in lopping off their breasts and penises before they've even left home and tried to lived their lives the way they are...it's barbaric. One day we will look back on this as a bizarre, horrific episode in medical history, akin to bloodletting and lobotomies.
I have no problem with how grown adults decide to live, dress, surgically alter their body, whatever (though if I can't get my insurance or the government to pay for cosmetic surgery, they shouldn't be able to either). When you start pumping little kids full of hormones that sterilize them, change their genitalia and growth patterns, decrease their bone density, and alter their brain chemistry I just find it amazing that anyone could be in favor of that. Then you throw in lopping off their breasts and penises before they've even left home and tried to lived their lives the way they are...it's barbaric. One day we will look back on this as a bizarre, horrific episode in medical history, akin to bloodletting and lobotomies.
and then want to feign faux shock when these people have mental issues.
I have no problem with how grown adults decide to live, dress, surgically alter their body, whatever (though if I can't get my insurance or the government to pay for cosmetic surgery, they shouldn't be able to either). When you start pumping little kids full of hormones that sterilize them, change their genitalia and growth patterns, decrease their bone density, and alter their brain chemistry I just find it amazing that anyone could be in favor of that. Then you throw in lopping off their breasts and penises before they've even left home and tried to lived their lives the way they are...it's barbaric. One day we will look back on this as a bizarre, horrific episode in medical history, akin to bloodletting and lobotomies.
S’all good, it creates another victim group to vote Democrat for promises of rights and protection by the government.
S’all good, it creates another victim group to vote Democrat for promises of rights and protection by the government.
all hail the party!
Bravo to these folks:

Around 2014-2015 I had a part-time job in ground transportation at the Pittsburgh Airport. My supervisor was a 400 lb openly gay man who didn't mind telling you about gay sex. He had no use for child molesters though, he called them "kiddie touchers", and how they made the gay community look bad. This was around the time when a lot of Catholic priests were getting arrested. Then he'd go back to telling you the right lubes to use to put your **** in another man's ***.

Also at that time, sportswriter and sports talk show host Paul Zeise was making side money driving a cab. He would occasionally entertain the folks at the cab curb talking sports and is even funnier in real life than he is on his radio show.

Come to think, I suppose I've led an interesting life.
Around 2014-2015 I had a part-time job in ground transportation at the Pittsburgh Airport. My supervisor was a 400 lb openly gay man who didn't mind telling you about gay sex. He had no use for child molesters though, he called them "kiddie touchers", and how they made the gay community look bad. This was around the time when a lot of Catholic priests were getting arrested. Then he'd go back to telling you the right lubes to use to put your **** in another man's ***.

Also at that time, sportswriter and sports talk show host Paul Zeise was making side money driving a cab. He would occasionally entertain the folks at the cab curb talking sports and is even funnier in real life than he is on his radio show.

Come to think, I suppose I've led an interesting life.
Jfc Ron. I want to see you resume. Train yard, airport, morgue, strip club operator.
Jfc Ron. I want to see you resume. Train yard, airport, morgue, strip club operator.

You left out pimp. You should see RB's Facebook page. Family, friends, clients.