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Trump backs away from positions on taxes, mininum wage, large donors


Well-known member
Apr 8, 2014
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Just days into his new role as the presumptive Republican presidential nominee, Donald Trump is walking away from key positions that have defined his anti-establishment bid — including his pledge to keep wealthy donors at bay.

The New York real estate tycoon, who frequently boasted throughout the primary that he was financing his campaign, is setting up a national fundraising operation and taking a hands-off posture toward super PACs.

He is expressing openness to raising the minimum wage, a move he previously opposed, saying on CNN this week, “I mean, you have to have something that you can live on.”

And Trump is backing away from a tax plan he rolled out last fall that would give major cuts to the rich. “I am not necessarily a huge fan of that,” he told CNBC. “I am so much more into the middle class, who have just been absolutely forgotten in our country.”

The billionaire’s tendency to change his mind on policy matters is a hallmark of his unconventional campaign — a quality he casts as an asset, saying it shows he is open to new ideas. But even for a candidate who touts his willingness to change his mind, his latest reversals are striking — particularly when it comes to the financing of his presidential bid, a central part of his pitch to voters.
ho hum. nothing to see here. quite a big non-story.
1. Why should he fund the rest of his campaign? granted, he has the money, but why should he?
2. I don't particularly mind raising the minimum wage some - but NOT to $15/hr.
3. So you think the rich should continue to receive big tax cuts? keep in mind this refers to people in Trump's own tax bracket and ark. Not you or me.
1. Why should he fund the rest of his campaign? granted, he has the money, but why should he?
2. I don't particularly mind raising the minimum wage some - but NOT to $15/hr.
3. So you think the rich should continue to receive big tax cuts? keep in mind this refers to people in Trump's own tax bracket and ark. Not you or me.

Sounding like a Democrat there Supe...

I don't care how he funds his campaign, but wasn't Trump's big attraction to a lot of you that he was self funding and not beholden to large corporate donors? How is he any different from anyone else on this now?

If you don't care about a federally mandated minimum wage hike than you obviously understand nothing about wages, labor unions, economic growth, running a small business or who stands to lose and lose big if it's raised.

Yes, I think the rich should be receiving tax cuts...because I think the government should be much smaller and less costly and less powerful...and that more money should go into private enterprise and economic growth, not the big black hole that is our government, and because you can't really give large tax cuts to people who already don't pay taxes or even get money back in the form of tax credits they haven't earned (aka welfare).

Do you care that the tax plan Trump was touting all year is not what he actually believes? Do you have any idea at all what he actually believes? Do you even care or you just want some loudmouth who can hurl insults at people and call it leadership?
I doubt he's going to be as betrothed to contributors as others before him. Yes, I like how he paid for his campaign up to this point by himself. With the way he "backs away" as you like to say, he may even back away from any and all of these points.

I do understand the wage concept. I'd want to see precisely how he intends to do this before throwing him over in the Dem side.

The tax cuts, I'll wait and see what his plan is as well. I don't think the super rich should be paying any more than anyone else, nor should they get any more tax cuts than anyone else. Fair share, I guess.
Sounding like a Democrat there Supe...

I don't care how he funds his campaign, but wasn't Trump's big attraction to a lot of you that he was self funding and not beholden to large corporate donors? How is he any different from anyone else on this now?

If you don't care about a federally mandated minimum wage hike than you obviously understand nothing about wages, labor unions, economic growth, running a small business or who stands to lose and lose big if it's raised.

Yes, I think the rich should be receiving tax cuts...because I think the government should be much smaller and less costly and less powerful...and that more money should go into private enterprise and economic growth, not the big black hole that is our government, and because you can't really give large tax cuts to people who already don't pay taxes or even get money back in the form of tax credits they haven't earned (aka welfare).

Do you care that the tax plan Trump was touting all year is not what he actually believes? Do you have any idea at all what he actually believes? Do you even care or you just want some loudmouth who can hurl insults at people and call it leadership?

He self-funded through the entire primary and won. Unprecedented. Now he has to go up against Hillary's $ billion in lobbyists and special interest money. Why shouldn't see accept some donor money to compete? He's still won't be beholden to groups like Hitlery is.

The minimum wage can go up a little. Throw the poor people a bone. Just not up to $15. I run a small business and we pay a lot more than minimum wage.

Under Trump's tax plan everyone and businesses will get a tax cut. So what if it's a little top-heavy on the upper 20% and he adjusts it down so the middle class get more of a break? Would you rather have your taxes raised, like Hitlery will surely do?

This is a non-story. In the big picture the difference between Trump and Hillary is night and day. You can spend the next six months nit-picking and nagging about every little thing, OR you can get on the TRUMP TRAIN, BABY!!!! WOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!
Sounds reasonable to me.

Facing a prospective tab of more than $1 billion to finance a general-election run for the White House, Donald Trump reversed course Wednesday and said he would actively raise money to ensure his campaign has the resources to compete with Hillary Clinton’s fundraising juggernaut.

His campaign also is beginning to work with the Republican National Committee to set up a joint fundraising committee after his last two rivals—Texas Sen. Ted Cruz and Ohio Gov. John Kasich—dropped out in the wake of Mr. Trump’s resounding Indiana win on Tuesday.

“I’ll be putting up money, but won’t be completely self-funding,” the presumptive Republican nominee said in an interview Wednesday. Mr. Trump, who had largely self-financed his successful primary run, added that he would create a “world-class finance organization.” The campaign will tap his expansive personal Rolodex and a new base of supporters who aren’t on party rolls, two Trump advisers said.
The money thing I understand. He loaned his campaign the money to go through the primary. Now to recoup that he has to raise more outside cash. The superpacs are the voice of the base, he has to listen to them and be responsive somewhat.

Everything else OFTB is correct on. Trump is a big government guy and the cure for our nations ills is Liberty and less FEDGOV INC.
Throw the poor people a bone. Just not up to $15. I run a small business and we pay a lot more than minimum wage.

Just a fundamental misunderstanding of the issue.

Under Trump's tax plan everyone and businesses will get a tax cut. So what if it's a little top-heavy on the upper 20% and he adjusts it down so the middle class get more of a break?

Again, a fundamental misunderstanding. This is Dem thinking...the upper 20% already pay the vast majority of the taxes in this country. You can't cut taxes on people who don't pay taxes. We don't need ways to shift money from the wealthy to the government, who then in turn are supposed to "help" the middle class. We need wealthy people spending and investing into the economy, growing the economy causing competition for workers that will drive wages up. This kind of stupid class warfare is classic Dem tactics. The politics of envy...and who wins? Not the middle class. The feds.

And you're falling for it.
Not to mention those upper 20% have means of avoiding the higher taxes that are not there for us lower income folks.

Get rid of the income tax completely and you don't need a gajillion definitions of "income" and what kind of income qualifies for this tax or that tax or whatthefuckever.
Just a fundamental misunderstanding of the issue.

Again, a fundamental misunderstanding. This is Dem thinking...the upper 20% already pay the vast majority of the taxes in this country. You can't cut taxes on people who don't pay taxes. We don't need ways to shift money from the wealthy to the government, who then in turn are supposed to "help" the middle class. We need wealthy people spending and investing into the economy, growing the economy causing competition for workers that will drive wages up. This kind of stupid class warfare is classic Dem tactics. The politics of envy...and who wins? Not the middle class. The feds.

And you're falling for it.
I believe this means "Everyone who pays taxes" not everyone who is in this country.

The Dems want a "YUGE" increase in minimum wage. I disagree with this. I've often said if you want more than min wage to become more marketable and valuable to a business. However, I also see that the min wage will never, ever go down. I'd believe a small increase in min wage may be beneficial, but absolutely NOT a significant sum more. Hell, in Massachusetts, min wage is expected to be $11/hr in 2017. THAT is absurd. Min wage when I started working was $3.35/hr. Making a pizza for $11/hr is ridiculous. Forcing a company to pay workers $11/hr to make a pizza is bizarre. Especially when the pizza itself is sold for $15. Small companies can not stay in business.

Currently, min wage is $7.25/hr in most states. Without going into the full economics of it, a min wage increase to 7.35 or 7.50 may not be that harmful to businesses. I understand that prices will go up and be passed on to the consumer. I understand that not everyone's wages will go up as well. I also believe that min wage jobs shouldn't be full-time careers, either. But I don't agree in any way that min wage should be bumped $5/hr, either.
Without going into the full economics of it, a min wage increase to 7.35 or 7.50 may not be that harmful to businesses.

He said "You have to be able to live". As has been discussed here ad nauseum, the minimum wage was never intended to be a living wage. It's called "the minimum" for a reason. The number of people who work full time and year round for any length of time and still earn minimum wage is infinitesimal. The problem with raising it is all other wages have to go up too.
and I get that. I want to see wtf he's talking about before putting him in a pantsuit.
He said "You have to be able to live". As has been discussed here ad nauseum, the minimum wage was never intended to be a living wage. It's called "the minimum" for a reason. The number of people who work full time and year round for any length of time and still earn minimum wage is infinitesimal. The problem with raising it is all other wages have to go up too.

I guess my question is, if $7.35 isn't enough, is that extra $0.15 going to make a real difference? That is, over a year $312 BEFORE the SS/Medicare withholding. Something less than $200 after. Why stop at $7.50? Why not $8.00, why not $10.00, etc.

maybe going to $7.50 isn't "harmful" to the overall economy, but the point is, when you go to $7.50, you've given ground on the basic premise and there is no reason to not give up ground the next time.
and the Dems want to make it $15 min wage.
it's going to go up. no ifs ands or buts about it. It has and always will.
ho hum. nothing to see here. quite a big non-story.

They are desparate

meanwhile, in actual news

West Virginia Coal Association endorses Trump over Clinton

"The West Virginia Coal Association is putting its weight behind Donald Trump for president."

During the debates, Hillary Clinton somewhat famously told that nation, “we’re going to put a lot of coal miners and coal companies out of business.” Do you suppose the people in West Virginia noticed? Even if they missed the live coverage of the event, they’ve been reminded of it plenty of times since then, and only a few days before the primary on Tuesday the powerful West Virginia Coal Association has jumped in with an endorsement of her opponent.


Large Protests Outside of Clinton’s Cinco de Mayo Rally


ABC reports that hundreds of protesters came to the rally at East Los Angeles College to protest against Clinton. The reasons ran the gauntlet, ranging from issues of trust, accusations of pandering to Hispanics, Wall Street ties and involvement in the 2009 coup in Honduras.

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and the Dems want to make it $15 min wage.
it's going to go up. no ifs ands or buts about it. It has and always will.

Whatever one thinks about the minimum wage and what should happen to it, does it give you no pause that he says one thing one week and then the complete opposite another? On a wide variety of issues?
I love it!

another attention ***** starting another Trump thread

not that there's anything wrong with that Coach

carry on
Jews for Trump news!

Sheldon Adelson Supports Donald Trump: He "Will Be Good For Israel"

Adelson told reporters he had spoken to Trump recently, and he thinks that the candidate “will be good for Israel.”

Adelson, who invested at least $100 million in the 2012 election, starting ahead of the primaries (he backed Newt Gingrich), told the NY Times, “Yes, I’m a Republican, he’s a Republican. He’s our nominee. Whoever the nominee would turn out to be, any one of the 17 — he was one of the 17. He won fair and square.”

As long as he gets that wall built and keeps Muslims out of the country. Priorities.
Trump is changing a few things. since this race started 2 things that bugged me is how Cruz said the ayatollah khomeini . and Trump said evangelicals (evangelicos) last 2 times Trump actually said evangelicals. that's change. hope and change.
The issue is going to be as Trump move back to his natural position as a Liberal with some conservative fiscal agendas and Clinton swings back right as the Bern Burns out, its going to be harder for actual slightly left wing democrats, especially blue collar ones, to vote Clinton over Trump... its why I've been saying he will win for eons now.
Latest is Trump wants to raise taxes on the rich.