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Trump must not back down


Well-known member
Jan 13, 2015
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I hope he draws the " media " into a debate. In fact invite the Bill Maher's of the world to a debate, then own them. Bury them with facts, and USA polls then tell them they would feel different if it happened in their own back yard.

Much of the USA agrees with Trump's boarder politics. While I don't think Donald can beat Jeb Bush, he can win a very important debate for Republicans...one they tend to shy away from.
If he keeps speaking his mind, and not sugarcoat things, he will be in this race a lot longer than people think. Republican voters are dying for someone to fight back a little, instead of these milksops like McConnell and Boehner.
I might end up on board with the ******......hey if someone w/ NO ******* experience in international politics that scammed this liberal society for every penny he could squeeze out of it and is now a Trump-esque figure could run this country for 8 years who's to say someone who already has all the bucks he needs couldn't?

Bonus- he speaks truth to power.

I don't care of he ends up being the worst president ever because anyone would have to go some hard miles to trump (npi) the one in current power.

As long as the message that comes out of it is........**** the politically correct bullshit.....lets talk in real terms, recognize the real problems and work on real solutions.

Edit; The real problem's the Fed but.........baby steps, baby steps.
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I think Trump went a bit too far with his comments and will cause people to tune out. He seems to misread or interpreted some facts wrong which will hurt him. He can speak his mind, but he needs to be sure his facts are correct. If he had been more tactful the shooting in San Fran would have really boosted his support i believe. Now he is stuck having to defend himself and losing sponsors.
Thing is, he will force the other GOP candidates toward his positions or they risk being seen as Bomma Lite.
I love any kind of political incorrectness even if I don't agree with the opinion.

We live in a society where not offending people takes precedent over honesty. That is ******* tragic.

Brutal honesty is still honesty.
I think Trump went a bit too far with his comments and will cause people to tune out. He seems to misread or interpreted some facts wrong which will hurt him. He can speak his mind, but he needs to be sure his facts are correct. If he had been more tactful the shooting in San Fran would have really boosted his support i believe. Now he is stuck having to defend himself and losing sponsors.

Please, help me out here Jitter. What is misread or interpreted wrong in his statement.

Trump said, "They (Mexico) are not our friend, believe me. ... The U.S. has become a dumping ground for everybody else's problems. ... When Mexico sends its people, they are not sending their best. They are not sending you. They are sending people that have lots of problems, and they are bringing those problems to us. They are bringing drugs and they are bringing crime, and they're rapists."

He continued, "Some, I assume, are good people. But I speak to border guards and they tell us what we are getting. They are not sending us the right people. It's coming from all over South and Latin America, and it's coming probably from the Middle East, but we don't know because we have no protection and we have no competence. We don't know what is happening and it has got to stop and it has to stop fast."

I have reread this a dozen times and I can't see it. At first I thought it was the "Mexico is sending us" phrase but after thinking about it, if they didn't abrogate migration to the US by now then yes, by the absence of discountenance and lack of due diligence, they must be sending them. How else could that many people cross their borders without their knowledge and approval ?

I then went to the " They are bringing drugs and they are bringing crime, and they're rapists." comment. It didn't take a whole lot of research to find the truth in that statement. The part that so many LaRaza members object to ( and they're rapists ) is the one part that is the most shockingly true. He could have worded it more PC, like " a good number of them are" but do we really believe that would have made any difference in the backlash ?

The Violent Crimes Institute estimates that there are 240,000 illegal immigrant sex offenders, each responsible for four separate violent sexual assaults, roaming American neighborhoods. Many have never been charged or convicted of these crimes. Indiscriminate rape is now one of the many requirements for initiation into one of the thousands of America’s Hispanic and Latino gangs.

Then he said, ""Some, I assume, are good people". I'm assuming that wasn't one of the misinterpreted facts, but I will have to challenge anyone to dispute the " They are sending people that have lots of problems, and they are bringing those problems to us." comment. And I will add that it's costing us a **** ton of money and lowering our school production on top of it.

I'll finish with another part of his statement that I have to agree with..." it has got to stop and it has to stop fast "

I have reread this a dozen times and I can't see it. At first I thought it was the "Mexico is sending us" phrase but after thinking about it, if they didn't abrogate migration to the US by now then yes, by the absence of discountenance and lack of due diligence, they must be sending them. How else could that many people cross their borders without their knowledge and approval ?
Mexico is perfectly happy to export their unemployment to us with the added benefit that a lot of those people send money back to Mexico. That is much easier than actually fixing their problems.
He won't win the primary but if a Republican wins the White House they would do good to make him the Secretary of Commerce or head of Homeland Security. Paul and Cruz might be the only ones with enough stones to do that.
A few years back I had a pharmacy intern earning his required hours working for me. He was an older kid, about 30, who also happened to be Mormon. He did his mission in Mexico, not in the ghetto areas around the boarder, but closer to Mexico City.
He told me there was no question Mexico was encouraging their uneducated, aresst prone individuals to cross the boarder.
And they laughed at the US for allowing it to happen.
I know a doctor that has a large number of Dominican patients. They are very honest about not being here to assimilate, but are here for the "free ****". One even said "If you're dumb enough to give it to us, we're going to take it!". But if you even hint at taking any of the benefits away, well, that would be absolutel racism.
I think that Trump is a joke. That being said, the absurdity of the classic Rep candidates is going to make Rand Paul look like an attractive option. I can see the R's rebranding to a more libertarian party, in an attempt to still be conservative and shed some of the religious right's more outdated thoughts (abortion, gay marriage). One can dream at least.
I think that Trump is a joke. That being said, the absurdity of the classic Rep candidates is going to make Rand Paul look like an attractive option. I can see the R's rebranding to a more libertarian party, in an attempt to still be conservative and shed some of the religious right's more outdated thoughts (abortion, gay marriage). One can dream at least.

Why are Republican candidates absurd? Has anyone called the Democrat candidates absurd?

We have to stop accepting this premise that our candidates are absurd, because we are on the defensive immediately.

Defending the rights of the most innocent among us should never, ever become outdated. If it does, we are doomed as a country. As for gay marriage, the reason it bothers me is MARRIAGE should be between a man and a woman. Call it something else. Call it a civil union or whatever, and I could care less. A zebra is not a horse, for **** sake.
A few years back I had a pharmacy intern earning his required hours working for me. He was an older kid, about 30, who also happened to be Mormon. He did his mission in Mexico, not in the ghetto areas around the boarder, but closer to Mexico City.
He told me there was no question Mexico was encouraging their uneducated, aresst prone individuals to cross the boarder.
And they laughed at the US for allowing it to happen.

Right. Let's say Mexico is a NFL team. They are going to do whatever they can to keep their best players. Pay them, make life there as good as possible to keep them. They only hope there is another team that is stupid enough to take the players they don't want. Thank goodness for the USA, the Oakland Raiders of the world.
Please, help me out here Jitter. What is misread or interpreted wrong in his statement.

I have reread this a dozen times and I can't see it. At first I thought it was the "Mexico is sending us" phrase but after thinking about it, if they didn't abrogate migration to the US by now then yes, by the absence of discountenance and lack of due diligence, they must be sending them. How else could that many people cross their borders without their knowledge and approval ?

I then went to the " They are bringing drugs and they are bringing crime, and they're rapists." comment. It didn't take a whole lot of research to find the truth in that statement. The part that so many LaRaza members object to ( and they're rapists ) is the one part that is the most shockingly true. He could have worded it more PC, like " a good number of them are" but do we really believe that would have made any difference in the backlash ?

Then he said, ""Some, I assume, are good people". I'm assuming that wasn't one of the misinterpreted facts, but I will have to challenge anyone to dispute the " They are sending people that have lots of problems, and they are bringing those problems to us." comment. And I will add that it's costing us a **** ton of money and lowering our school production on top of it.

I'll finish with another part of his statement that I have to agree with..." it has got to stop and it has to stop fast "


The part that was not true was he used some "facts" and numbers from an article. The article stated that 80% of women and children get raped on the way to the united states. Trump says

"Trump, who has already sparked a minor diplomatic incident and lost business deals with five companies over his remarks about Mexicans, claimed that statistics show that Latino immigrants are more likely to perpetrate rape than the wider population. However, the Fusion article he referred to said 80% of women crossing the Mexican border are raped along the way, often by criminal gangs, traffickers or corrupt officials.

When CNN host Don Lemon pointed out that Trump had misread the article, the former Apprentice host said: “Well, somebody’s doing the raping, Don! I mean somebody’s doing it! Who’s doing the raping? Who’s doing the raping?”"

The writer of the article said Trump misinterpreted it which will hurt him. The people doing the raping are Mexican, but they seem to be staying in Mexico. There is no doubt that some people coming into the country are bad news, but he needs to watch his facts and back them up with hard numbers or people will not take it seriously.
Why are Republican candidates absurd? Has anyone called the Democrat candidates absurd?

We have to stop accepting this premise that our candidates are absurd, because we are on the defensive immediately.

Defending the rights of the most innocent among us should never, ever become outdated. If it does, we are doomed as a country. As for gay marriage, the reason it bothers me is MARRIAGE should be between a man and a woman. Call it something else. Call it a civil union or whatever, and I could care less. A zebra is not a horse, for **** sake.

I will. The Dem candidates are mostly absurd. They are running a straight up socialist and Hillary. As far as abortion, I feel that passing down genes should be a privilege, not a right. If you are able to recognize that you can't raise your offspring get an abortion. You're really doing society a favor. ****, I'd do a buy one get one free special. I don't understand the animosity towards the word marriage in gay marriage. Who gives a ****? You could call all marriages another name tomorrow and it would impact me not one bit (yep, I'm happily married, hetero civil unioned, whatever).

The one thing we should be focused on is socialism vs capitalism. That's the only battle that means squat. The rest is absurd.
I stand corrected Jitter. I had not heard the 80% thing. If he's going that far out on the limb, he indeed needs to be able to back it up. Keep the argument real world, there are plenty of "real" numbers out there implicating our Mexican problems.

On another note there are plenty of hard working, honest legal immigrants that need to be recognized also and they too are upset about the illegals. Down in Texas, they found out that the Republican Party line was not based on any facts but more of the appeasement mentality.

Texas GOP Candidates: Immigration Stance Can Win Votes

Candidates for Texas governor, lieutenant governor and attorney general responded to an Associated Press questionnaire on the subject, their answers highlighting a growing philosophical rift between Texas Republicans and the national party's more moderate policies intended to attract more minorities.

But campaign consultants say illegal immigration is a top issue for Republican voters in Texas, who want their candidates to implement tough policies, including placing state police on the border. Candidates are distancing themselves from past policies that Gov. Rick Perry once defended, such as in-state tuition for the children of immigrants in the country illegally, and taking a far more militant approach.

That includes a segment of the legal immigrants who say; "We went through all that just to see a group of freeloaders get it for nothing. We cant let it pass."
I will. The Dem candidates are mostly absurd. They are running a straight up socialist and Hillary. As far as abortion, I feel that passing down genes should be a privilege, not a right. If you are able to recognize that you can't raise your offspring get an abortion. You're really doing society a favor. ****, I'd do a buy one get one free special. I don't understand the animosity towards the word marriage in gay marriage. Who gives a ****? You could call all marriages another name tomorrow and it would impact me not one bit (yep, I'm happily married, hetero civil unioned, whatever).

The one thing we should be focused on is socialism vs capitalism. That's the only battle that means squat. The rest is absurd.

So the answer is abortion? Why not do something before it gets to that point? Some of these people should be sterilized.

My big problem with the abortion issue is calling it choice. Gimme a break. Choice happens when someone makes the choice to have sex. What it should be called is freedom of refusal to accept responsibility.

As for marriage, again marriage is defined as between a man and a woman. That is how the **** it is defined. So call it something else. Maybe it won't impact you or me. But at some point we have to stand for something, or we fall for anything, and that is exactly what is happening. Ah, let's fight a different battle. Then when that comes, we'll lay up and say, we'll fight a different one down the line. This is what the Repubs are doing all the time. We gotta stop it.
How many illegal Mexicans do you think have worked on Trump construction projects? Construction is the leading
industry for illegals. If Trump wants credibility, he should be demanding immediate passage of the e-verify portion
of the immigration bill and announcing immediate implementation and audit of all his businesses. I'll bet if you audit
the cleaning staff in his office buildings, it's 90% illegals.

The leading fact on immigration is that if Americans would not employ them and they were prevented from accessing
medical care, they would not come.
How many illegal Mexicans do you think have worked on Trump construction projects? Construction is the leading
industry for illegals. If Trump wants credibility, he should be demanding immediate passage of the e-verify portion
of the immigration bill and announcing immediate implementation and audit of all his businesses. I'll bet if you audit
the cleaning staff in his office buildings, it's 90% illegals.

The leading fact on immigration is that if Americans would not employ them and they were prevented from accessing
medical care, they would not come.

If you are accusing him then you should provide the proof. Where's the article ( you know it's been looked into).

Also, just because some people (very very very few) hire illegals that doesn't mean anything. It's the federal governments responsibility to protect the border. They aren't all coming for work. Many of them are on public assistance. My wife is from California and I know damn good and well what is happening. Dems keep giving away money and free stuff to illegals (like drivers licenses, welfare etc.) so they keep coming. It isn't just business like you want to portray.
How many illegal Mexicans do you think have worked on Trump construction projects? Construction is the leading
industry for illegals. If Trump wants credibility, he should be demanding immediate passage of the e-verify portion
of the immigration bill and announcing immediate implementation and audit of all his businesses. I'll bet if you audit
the cleaning staff in his office buildings, it's 90% illegals.

The leading fact on immigration is that if Americans would not employ them and they were prevented from accessing
medical care, they would not come.

I am in mild shock that for once I agree with something 21 said. I don't know about Trump and his workers, just as I'm sure Trump doesn't know about his workers because I doubt that he actually gets anywhere close to hiring but I am a definite supporter of E-Verify.

Vader's right, they don't all want to get a job but most of that needs to be stopped at the local level but there are millions of illegals working in this country, somebody's hiring them.

The number of illegal immigrants in the U.S. is actually closer to 20 million, according to former Border Patrol agents who issued a letter this weekend disputing the count of 11 million that the government and most top private demographers use.

The Dems don't want to use it because if it's implemented correctly illegals can't get the federal identification needed to get hired. If they went 100% E-verify across the board, there would also be a lot of chances to arrest employers for hiring an illegal without an ID. I think that's the reason the Chamber of Commerce isn't pushing for a bill thru Congress to make it mandatory...too hard to get our own businesses to back it.

Yeh, institute E-Verify, make sure the national register is set up correctly, print the ID cards and make all employers run new hires thru the system before they can be hired and send every employer that hires an illegal a summons to appear....and to bring their business license with them.

Don't pamper them, don't hire them and eventually they will get the idea and go home.... Easy peaz !

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How many illegal Mexicans do you think have worked on Trump construction projects? Construction is the leading
industry for illegals. If Trump wants credibility, he should be demanding immediate passage of the e-verify portion
of the immigration bill and announcing immediate implementation and audit of all his businesses. I'll bet if you audit
the cleaning staff in his office buildings, it's 90% illegals.

The leading fact on immigration is that if Americans would not employ them and they were prevented from accessing
medical care, they would not come.

Illegal Mexicans? I think you mean "undocumented workers", cool it with the hate speech comrade.
I am in mild shock that for once I agree with something 21 said. I don't know about Trump and his workers, just as I'm sure Trump doesn't know about his workers because I doubt that he actually gets anywhere close to hiring but I am a definite supporter of E-Verify.

Vader's right, they don't all want to get a job but most of that needs to be stopped at the local level but there are millions of illegals working in this country, somebody's hiring them.

The Dems don't want to use it because if it's implemented correctly illegals can't get the federal identification needed to get hired. If they went 100% E-verify across the board, there would also be a lot of chances to arrest employers for hiring an illegal without an ID. I think that's the reason the Chamber of Commerce isn't pushing for a bill thru Congress to make it mandatory...too hard to get our own businesses to back it.

Yeh, institute E-Verify, make sure the national register is set up correctly, print the ID cards and make all employers run new hires thru the system before they can be hired and send every employer that hires an illegal a summons to appear....and to bring their business license with them.

Don't pamper them, don't hire them and eventually they will get the idea and go home.... Easy peaz !

I have said for years that they need to us the RICO laws to go after businesses that hire illegals. The only way they will leave is if the work dries up.
I have said for years that they need to us the RICO laws to go after businesses that hire illegals. The only way they will leave is if the work dries up.
The recession did have the effect of making some of them move home. Still, it's extra paperwork for me as an employer even though I'm in a place where there are virtually no illegals. Filling out and properly filing I-9 forms is a pain in the ***. The govt doesn't do jack **** about it, not just because the Hispanic vote is in play, but because it's too much work for too little or no reward.

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