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Trump must not back down

Trump need to draw people in to this debate. The left puts crap on facebook of some hard working Mexican citizen making little money. Okay, but how does this make what Trump said untrue about many who cross the boarder illegally? It doesn't!!!!

An example of what I saw on facebook. Yes-- I have a mix of very liberal to very conservative friends.

"A Mexican laborer had a few choice words for Donald Trump in a video uploaded to YouTube June 30 by Rafael Rivero, a co-founder of Occupy Democrats living in Philadelphia. The man was responding to derogatory comments Trump made about immigrants from Latin America during his announcement for the 2016 GOP presidential nomination last month.

"When Mexico sends its people, they're not sending their best," Trump said. "They're not sending you. They're not sending you. They're sending people that have lots of problems, and they're bringing those problems with us. They're bringing drugs. They're bringing crime. They're rapists. And some, I assume, are good people."

In the 57-second clip, the man, who was building a home in 107-degree heat, challenged Trump's bigoted misconceptions about Mexicans.

"We work ourselves to death just to eat," he said, pointing to his fellow laborers "busting their butts in the sun." He added that $350 of his $1,100-per-week salary goes "to feed your lazy, unemployed drug addicts."

Occupy Democrats is an advocacy group founded in 2012 in response to the Tea Party to push for progressive reforms. Rivero was not immediately available for further comment.

Trump could well be one of the largest employers of illegals in the United States. Construction workers and office cleaning staffs
are two occupations with the highest % of illegals and those are the two categories his companies highly employ.

If Republican businessmen were not using illegals, Congress would pass the mandatory e-verify portion of the immigration bill.
I think we should empty our prisons and send them all to Mexico.
Trump could well be one of the largest employers of illegals in the United States. Construction workers and office cleaning staffs
are two occupations with the highest % of illegals and those are the two categories his companies highly employ.

Possibly, except that 1) I think Trump is smart enough not to do that and 2) If he was, the Dems would have found it by now. Of course there are no Democrat candidates who have ever run a business and needed to hire people.
You need to read the article I attached, The Washington Post went on site at his construction project and found illegals
working. The way people like Trump get away with it is they don't directly hire the illegals. They hire contractors to do
the work, knowing they will hire illegals to meet their bid.

That's how office cleaning works in DC. The buildings put out for bid the cleaning service. Contractors bid for the building,
getting a fixed monthly price. Then the contractors source for the lowest cost workers (illegals) who go in at night and clean the
offices. I've worked in DC offices for 30 years and never met a cleaning person who speaks English.

My brother ten years ago worked for a company that set-up playground equipment at schools, parks, etc... He was on a crew
of 12 and he was the only legal one. On payday he got a check and the others got cash. He said they were all good workers
and one of their wives made him a burrito every day. Many Americans are making a lot of money off cheap illegal workers.
It's an unfortunate reality that many of the jobs illegal (and legal) immigrants do, citizens of this country refuse to do even half as well.

Construction, landscaping and housekeeping (maids, janitorial services) are sectors of our economy filled with Mexican immigrants. And most work extremely hard and efficient. I'm actually not against finding ways to let more good, legal Mexicans into our country.

We just need to find a way to clean up the paperwork, find a better way to send the bad apples and freeloaders back to Mexico and reward the good people (through citizenship and perks) that are doing things the right way.

Closing the border isn't the answer. It's throwing transparency on the issue and understand we need cheap, efficient labor now as much as ever and rewarding those that follow the rules and punishing those that are cheating the system severely.
It's an unfortunate reality that many of the jobs illegal (and legal) immigrants do, citizens of this country refuse to do even half as well.

Construction, landscaping and housekeeping (maids, janitorial services) are sectors of our economy filled with Mexican immigrants. And most work extremely hard and efficient. I'm actually not against finding ways to let more good, legal Mexicans into our country.

We just need to find a way to clean up the paperwork, find a better way to send the bad apples and freeloaders back to Mexico and reward the good people (through citizenship and perks) that are doing things the right way.

Closing the border isn't the answer. It's throwing transparency on the issue and understand we need cheap, efficient labor now as much as ever and rewarding those that follow the rules and punishing those that are cheating the system severely.

Let the USA choose who gets in for work, and who can not. There is nothing wrong with cheap labor when needed being returned to their nation of origin.

The USA has gigantic tunnel boring machine, some of which are over 30 feet wide. If such a machine wanted to dig a large ditch between the USA and Mexico, it could act as a deterrent to stop people from walking over and ground based vehicles from driving over for sure. These giant machines can drill several miles per day. In reality, a large ditch can be made across the 1,954 mile boarder in less than two years.

Trump would be best served communicating the cost of illegals, along with governmental statics on crime that the left has no reply for. Then he should say with a better tunnel or fence, the money illegals cost in billions can be share shifted to the USA citizens. That would make America " Greater ".

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It's not Trump's responsibility to verify the citizenship of other company's employees.

We'll need to keep some Mexicans around to bury all the bodies after the election when Libtards commit mass suicides.
I've always said we need to make it easier to come in legally and harder to come in illegally.

The Libtards are all atwitter now that gay marriage is forced on the states but that's a precedent to arrest the mayors and councils of "sanctuary cities" now too for disobeying the law.

There are a number of simple solutions

1. ANY business hires illegal workers is fined 1 MILLION dollars for the first offense. 2nd offense is 5 Million as well as 1 year of work release prison term for EVERYONE in the chain above them.
2. If you are not a US CITIZEN you qualify for ZERO aide. Illegal's can be refused any and all services at any time. If you want to be charitable as an individual, go right ahead, Uncle Sugar will not be able to assist any NON US CITIZEN.
3. Any deportees caught here after the fact lose a foot before being deported again.
4. Those here now who are hard workers and not causing trouble can apply for citizenship. 5 year wait, pay taxes as well as a 20% penalty, learn English and pass the test. Those who are here for the right reasons will not object too much about this.
So if Trump can make more money by accepting lower bids from contractors that he knows will use illegal workers to get the work done,
that's OK? Sounds more like your part of the problem.

Canada has illegals but they don't have the problem the USA has because they enforce their labor laws and make medical care expensive and hard to get.
I am aware of a temp agency around Toronto that was mainly hiring people from the Caribbean that overstayed their visas. The temp agency was raided,
audited, shutdown and as many workers that could be found were rounded up and deported. Pretty simple. If people know they can't get away with it, they
won't come.
<div style="background-color:#000000;width:520px;"><div style="padding:4px;"><iframe src="http://media.mtvnservices.com/embed/mgid:arc:video:thedailyshow.com:9a3c7a57-23af-43e8-816d-f28135e2d395" width="512" height="288" frameborder="0"></iframe><p style="text-align:left;background-color:#FFFFFF;padding:4px;margin-top:4px;margin-bottom:0px;font-family:Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;font-size:12px;"><b><a href="http://thedailyshow.cc.com/">The Daily Show</a></b><br/>Get More: <a href="http://thedailyshow.cc.com/full-episodes/">Daily Show Full Episodes</a>,<a href="http://www.facebook.com/thedailyshow">The Daily Show on Facebook</a>,<a href="http://thedailyshow.cc.com/videos">Daily Show Video Archive</a></p></div></div>

Stewart nails it, as he always does. LOL The fact Trump's poll numbers are up among Republicans tells you everything you need to know about the party.
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So if Trump can make more money by accepting lower bids from contractors that he knows will use illegal workers to get the work done,
that's OK? Sounds more like your part of the problem.

How do you KNOW that Trump hires contractors who hire illegals? Besides, I'd guess that he probably has language in his contracts that specify that they abide by all immigration laws (not that our govt does) and if they violate that then it's on them.
Remember Bill Clinton had to hire a bull dyke for AG because he couldn't find any other women who didn't hire illegals as nannies.
How do you KNOW that Trump hires contractors who hire illegals?

At Trump hotel site, immigrant workers wary

“It’s something ironic,” said Ivan Arellano, 29, who is from Mexico and obtained legal status through marriage. He now works as a mason laying the stonework for the lobby floor and walls of what will become the Trump International Hotel.

“The majority of us are Hispanics, many who came illegally,” Arellano said in Spanish. “And we’re all here working very hard to build a better life for our families.”

Interviews with about 15 laborers helping renovate the Old Post Office Pavilion revealed that many of them had crossed the U.S-Mexico border illegally before they eventually settled in the Washington region to build new lives.

And Ron, I'm presuming your response will be that these workers currently have legal status. While that may be factual, it completely ignores the much wider point that many if not most of them entered the country illegally at some point. If you read the article you'll get a pretty good sense of how these people feel about Trump and his comments. Probably not the best way for the GOP to reach out for the Latino vote that it supposedly so desperately needs to win an election. But that doesn't really matter, does it, as Trump and the other GOP candidates seem perfectly happy preaching to the converted, its hardcore base. Which makes for a lot of fun and giggles I'm sure, but will most likely not help push the needle in a general election. At least not push the needle in the direction they need to win. But who cares, who wants a Republican president anyway? ;)
<div style="background-color:#000000;width:520px;"><div style="padding:4px;"><iframe src="http://media.mtvnservices.com/embed/mgid:arc:video:thedailyshow.com:9a3c7a57-23af-43e8-816d-f28135e2d395" width="512" height="288" frameborder="0"></iframe><p style="text-align:left;background-color:#FFFFFF;padding:4px;margin-top:4px;margin-bottom:0px;font-family:Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;font-size:12px;"><b><a href="http://thedailyshow.cc.com/">The Daily Show</a></b><br/>Get More: <a href="http://thedailyshow.cc.com/full-episodes/">Daily Show Full Episodes</a>,<a href="http://www.facebook.com/thedailyshow">The Daily Show on Facebook</a>,<a href="http://thedailyshow.cc.com/videos">Daily Show Video Archive</a></p></div></div>

Stewart nails it, as he always does. LOL The fact Trump's poll numbers are up among Republicans tells you everything you need to know about the party.

The fact that Bernie Sanders polls numbers are up tells us everything we need to know about the dem party. They are pure socialists and want to do away with the constitution.
We just need to find a way to clean up the paperwork, find a better way to send the bad apples and freeloaders back to Mexico and reward the good people (through citizenship and perks) that are doing things the right way.

Closing the border isn't the answer. It's throwing transparency on the issue and understand we need cheap, efficient labor now as much as ever and rewarding those that follow the rules and punishing those that are cheating the system severely.

I beg to differ Del, We have immigration policies already in place and we increase the numbers every year from all over the world. The southern border is a gateway for exactly what Trump said. Drugs, criminals and there has even been purported that scores of pregnant women cross weekly to birth their babies in America to purposely circumvent immigration laws to qualify for entitlements.

If we continue to leave that border open, the costs will continue to rise, the crimes will continue to increase and the working poor will continue to lose jobs to those that are in this Country illegally. It's too easy to just walk across the border for us to rely on a " only honest people please" attitude. Kinda like a gun free zone, it's just easier to rob.
Everyone is attacking Trump because they're afraid the GOP may not nominate another RINO loser who'll concede graciously to Hillary.
Trump asks embarrassing questions - can't have that

DHS dodges 'sanctuary city' question after illegal immigrant kills Calif. woman

Homeland Security Secretary Jeh Johnson declined to say Monday whether cities offering "sanctuary" to dangerous illegal immigrants are posing a safety threat in the United States, just days after a criminal alien who was given sanctuary in San Francisco shot and killed a California woman.

Johnson was asked if the death of Kathryn Steinle last Thursday proved that sanctuary cities were part of the problem when it comes to removing dangerous immigrants. But Johnson didn't answer directly, and instead said generally that the federal government is slowly starting to work more effectively with state and local governments on deportation matters.

At Trump hotel site, immigrant workers wary

And Ron, I'm presuming your response will be that these workers currently have legal status. While that may be factual, it completely ignores the much wider point that many if not most of them entered the country illegally at some point. If you read the article you'll get a pretty good sense of how these people feel about Trump and his comments. Probably not the best way for the GOP to reach out for the Latino vote that it supposedly so desperately needs to win an election. But that doesn't really matter, does it, as Trump and the other GOP candidates seem perfectly happy preaching to the converted, its hardcore base. Which makes for a lot of fun and giggles I'm sure, but will most likely not help push the needle in a general election. At least not push the needle in the direction they need to win. But who cares, who wants a Republican president anyway? ;)
Exactly. If they were legal when they were hired then I don't have a problem. Like I said, I'm all in favor of making it easier to enter the country legally and harder to get in illegally. But everyone is still ignoring the question of why they want to leave Mexico and Central America and come here in the first place.
Exactly. If they were legal when they were hired then I don't have a problem. Like I said, I'm all in favor of making it easier to enter the country legally and harder to get in illegally. But everyone is still ignoring the question of why they want to leave Mexico and Central America and come here in the first place.

I have to agree we have pretty much rolled over on foreign diplomacy in our hemisphere for a while. Mexico's government is a joke and is probably as corrupt and in debt as Greece if it wasn't getting so many kickbacks from the drug cartels. Someone needs to shake them up a bit.
Trump has a chance to take back the microphone on issues the left currently controls thanks to the media. Its too late for Trump to cut his losses. He needs to a better speech writer, and to invite his critics to debate him. Then he can really score some points.
All immigration should be shut down for a while. Illegal forever, but even legal immigration. Give us a chance to get a handle on what is here, see if what is here can assimilate.