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Trump needs a different strategy


Well-known member
Apr 20, 2014
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He's attacking conservatives in the republican party and talking about trying to work with democrats, which is the perpetually unrealized fantasy of RINOs. Somebody needs to help him get a grip.
It gets more obvious as time goes along. Trump just has this drive to get things done and he really isn't ideological so "any port in a storm" as long as the job gets done. He was a Republican before he was a Democrat before he ran as a Republican.

The Conservative base of the Republican Party elected him and without their continued support, he'll have a hard time getting along with anybody. Dangerous business playin' with the Freedom Caucus..yessiree.

It gets more obvious as time goes along. Trump just has this drive to get things done and he really isn't ideological so "any port in a storm" as long as the job gets done. He was a Republican before he was a Democrat before he ran as a Republican.

The Conservative base of the Republican Party elected him and without their continued support, he'll have a hard time getting along with anybody. Dangerous business playin' with the Freedom Caucus..yessiree.


Are you ******* kidding me with this? This guys got like 50 different scandals brewing and he's been president for like 15 minutes....
He's attacking conservatives in the republican party and talking about trying to work with democrats, which is the perpetually unrealized fantasy of RINOs. Somebody needs to help him get a grip.

My suspicion is that he's listening to Paul Ryan.
No he doesn't - **** the GOPe, especially insane McCain and Graham.

Take em all on, and don't listen to the bitter loser lying media
Until the RINO grip on the Republican party is broken, this "majority" is meaningless. I hope that they pay dearly for their selling out, scheming and obstruction of the will of America. I'm sick of them catering to the snowflakes. Get a ******* spine alread .
He's attacking conservatives in the republican party and talking about trying to work with democrats, which is the perpetually unrealized fantasy of RINOs. Somebody needs to help him get a grip.

I think most people do not understand Trump. He's prone to verbal overreactions, but he can be pragmatic behind the scenes when needed.

Obama care is an expensive lie, but politically speaking the Democrats own it. It might make sense to over turn this law in Trump's second term.

But for now at least Trump can say he tired. Obama care and it high premiums will get worse in time.....then the move can be made.

Until then, bringing jobs back here, building the wall, lowering taxes and re-negotiating bad trade deals are where Trump will focus. That and keeping ISIS and groups like them on the run.
The Conservative base of the Republican Party elected him

No they didn't!

"Conservatives" wanted Ted Cruz, Trump was too radical for them / Rush hated Trump, Fox News hated Trump. None of them mattered.

The Revolution happened in spite of them!

I don't think the majority people who voted for Trump feel much loyalty to either party in the current state of things, which was what his election was all about. It certainly won't hurt him in the eyes of his supporters to attack Republicans. It might even boost him up in their eyes. Established politicians are reviled in most of Trump supporters circles, myself personally included. He can rip them up one side and down the other for all I care. **** 'em.
The problem is trump acts like an adolescent girl. If he does not get his way he whines and pouts like a baby. This guy is the POTUS. He needs to act more professional both on scene and behind the scenes. Dems already hate him, now he is attacking republicans. I agree things need to change, but in order to do that he needs to work with these people not call them names like a 12 yr old. I know if my boss was constantly throwing childish insults at me I certainly would tune him out and have no respect. All these insults, quotes, tweets are going to bite trump in the ***. When hillarys aides wanted immunity both trump and flynn said why ask for imminity if your innocent. Now look where we are. Flynn is asking for immunity and trump is backing him up. For the good of the country trump needs to grow up.
Speaking of the Clintons

Bill Clinton With Accused Prostitute Acacia Friedman

The Twitter page of an accused high-priced college prostitute includes a profile photo of her posing cozily with President Bill Clinton. Bill is wearing a Hillary campaign pin on his lapel as he smiles beside Acacia Friedman.


Friedman was arrested March 29 alongside Samara Charlotin, 19, and Maury Noun, 21, in a prostitution sting that took place in a hotel in Coral Gables, Florida, just outside of Miami. Since her arrest, Friedman has deleted her Twitter profile.

It's unclear when exactly the Clinton photo was taken. It's reasonable to assume it happened during Hillary Clinton's presidential campaign between August 2015 and November 2016. In the lead-up to election day, Bill Clinton made numerous trips to Florida in support of his wife's campaign.

What Bill does or doesn't do is meaningless at this point and it certainly has nothing to do with trump. Trump and trump supporters need to stop deflecting or shifting blame to take the heat off. The whole administration is childish and this is coming from a trump voter. I thought once he got in he may start to act professional, but i guess not.
b b but



Russia's New Voicemail:

"You have reached the Russian embassy, your call is very important to us. To arrange a call from a Russian diplomat to your political opponent, press 1. To use the services of Russian hackers press 2. To request election interference, press 3 and wait until the next election campaign."
Trump is doing fine...the work is getting done

Trump Has Repealed These 7 Pieces Of Obama’s Environmental Legacy

1. Stopping The Clean Power Plan

Trump ordered the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to revisit Obama’s CPP. Rolling back these rules and regulations should get the U.S. closer to energy independence and spur job growth

2. Changing How The Government Interprets The National Environmental Policy Act

An executive order issued by Trump this week simplified a complex environmental permitting process implemented under Obama. The shift alters how the federal government interprets the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) to make it easier for companies, individuals and government entities to get environmental permits.

3. Removing Strict Coal Mining Regulations

Trump has already rolled back the Department of Interior’s Stream Protection Rule which was rushed onto the books shortly before Obama left office.

4. EPA Denying Green Requests To Have Agency Ban Major Pesticide

Trump-appointed EPA administrator Scott Pruitt formally rejected a petition to ban a pesticide called chlorpyrifos Wednesday, calling it crucial to U.S. agriculture.

During the Obama administration, heavy environmentalist pressure caused the EPA to consider banning chlorpyrifos over concerns that it contaminates drinking water and food. However, the EPA’s own analysis found that “there do not appear to be risks from exposure to chlorpyrifos in food.”

5. Simplifying How Public Lands Are Managed

Trump signed legislation Monday repealing the Bureau of Land Management’s (BLM) Planning 2.0 rule.

“The BLM Planning 2.0 rule would have layered on more redundant environmental analysis under the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA), resulting in more multi-year delays to projects”

6. Approving Keystone XL

The Trump administration approved the final stages of the Keystone XL oil pipeline earlier this month, only 16 months after the Obama administration rejected the project over concerns it would tarnish the U.S.’s environmentalist reputation.

7. Returning Environmental Regulation To The States

Trump signed legislation earlier this month repealing a major last minute Obama-era regulation limiting hunting and fishing in Alaska.

The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS) issued a rule towards the end of the Obama administration called “Non-Subsistence Take of Wildlife, and Public Participation and Closure Procedures, on National Wildlife Refuges (NWR) in Alaska.”

I'd pump her full of......
I honestly don't think Trump has a clue what he's talking about most of the time. I have yet to hear him say anything intelligent that wasn't written for him by somebody else.
I don't think the majority people who voted for Trump feel much loyalty to either party in the current state of things, which was what his election was all about. It certainly won't hurt him in the eyes of his supporters to attack Republicans. It might even boost him up in their eyes. Established politicians are reviled in most of Trump supporters circles, myself personally included. He can rip them up one side and down the other for all I care. **** 'em.

Well honestly it's pretty stupid to like him for being "anti-establishment"...he wholeheartedly supported the establishment-created dog and pony show that was Obamacare Lite. He got right in line behind Ryan and I don't believe had any real idea of what he was actually supporting. All he cares about is getting a "win"...he doesn't seem to care if that win makes things better, worse or keeps them the same. He doesn't even seem to be aware really. Al he can say about it is stuff like "It's great. It's beautiful, You're going to love it." Not once has he personally explained to anyone what the pros and cons of this plan were, or what in his opinion was so great about it.

In my opinion that's because he actually doesn't know.
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Im ok with the policies, but i am not crazy about all the environment stuff without looking into it further. I do not want to turn into China where you can't see out your window through the smog. I would rather see some tax reforms and a better health plan
I think Trump is in the process of figuring out the Deep State, and how he can get things done within it. At this point, he doesn't know who he can trust, and what allies he needs to help with passing of various legislation. This is why we see him bringing in his family members.......to get other eyes, and counsel, that he can trust. He is being attacked from all sides, and we are beginning to see how entrenched the Deep State is, and how threatened they are by this outsider. Sure, President Trump has done some things that hasn't helped his cause, . but it also shows that he isn't willing to take a beating without fighting back. He has a real opportunity to shake up the corrupt Washington establishment, and pull back the veil of deception. One can expect much of the same constant crisis du jour from the mainstream propoganda machine. Get used to it. I just hope a major, legitimate scandal doesn't derail the Trump Train.
Well honestly it's pretty stupid to like him for being "anti-establishment"

You obviously hold politicians in pretty high regard. Good for you,hope that works out for ya. I do not share that feeling. The current political system simply needed to be exploded like a bomb. It was. There needed to be a complete and total repudiation of everything Washington was offering. It happened also. I think as a result, you may actually see future politicians who look out for Americans instead of themselves. It was a necessary step in that process to demonstrate that people aren't ignorant and stupid any more. They caught on.
Washington, D.C. has become Imperial Rome, run by the GOPe and the Marxist left, and the hardcore leftist media backing them

No wonder Trump is at war with them, only he can save the Republic now
I think Trump is in the process of figuring out the Deep State, and how he can get things done within it. At this point, he doesn't know who he can trust, and what allies he needs to help with passing of various legislation. This is why we see him bringing in his family members.......to get other eyes, and counsel, that he can trust. He is being attacked from all sides, and we are beginning to see how entrenched the Deep State is, and how threatened they are by this outsider. Sure, President Trump has done some things that hasn't helped his cause, . but it also shows that he isn't willing to take a beating without fighting back. He has a real opportunity to shake up the corrupt Washington establishment, and pull back the veil of deception. One can expect much of the same constant crisis du jour from the mainstream propoganda machine. Get used to it. I just hope a major, legitimate scandal doesn't derail the Trump Train.

He's going to shake up the corrupt.........? HE IS THE KING OF ALL CORRUPTION! MASTER OF THE SWAMP HE SURVEYS!

In what universe does a Trumptard exist in??? I mean really..... He is lining his and his family's pockets and throwing crumbs at you idiots, and you contort and create fantasies where he is " going to shake things up"

Bwahahahahahahah! The only thing shaking will be Donnie when the subpoenas are delivered.....oh wait maybe not, the orange idiot is dumb enough to hang around and not worry at all till they pull him out of his hole like Saddam, then reality will set in.
The problem is trump acts like an adolescent girl. If he does not get his way he whines and pouts like a baby. This guy is the POTUS. He needs to act more professional both on scene and behind the scenes. Dems already hate him, now he is attacking republicans. I agree things need to change, but in order to do that he needs to work with these people not call them names like a 12 yr old. I know if my boss was constantly throwing childish insults at me I certainly would tune him out and have no respect. All these insults, quotes, tweets are going to bite trump in the ***. When hillarys aides wanted immunity both trump and flynn said why ask for imminity if your innocent. Now look where we are. Flynn is asking for immunity and trump is backing him up. For the good of the country trump needs to grow up.

Will he is king of the true snowflakes.....he sounds just about right to me.