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Trump: Persecuted Christian refugees will get priority


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Apr 20, 2014
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Trump: Persecuted Christian refugees will get priority

“They’ve been horribly treated,” Trump said in an interview with Christian Broadcasting Network anchor David Brody. “Do you know if you were a Christian in Syria it was impossible, at least very tough, to get into the United States?”

“If you were a Muslim you could come in, but if you were a Christian, it was almost impossible and the reason that was so unfair, everybody was persecuted in all fairness, but they were chopping off the heads of everybody but more so the Christians. And I thought it was very, very unfair. So we are going to help them.”

When asked by Brody if he saw helping persecuted Christians abroad as a “priority,” Trump promptly replied, “yes.”



Fantastic! (as liberal heads all over the world asplode)
Thank you, Mr President. It is about time we take care of our own.
It is about time. The most persecuted minority in most of the ME kingdoms and we choose to mass import the ones who agree/go along/condone/cheer/perpetrate these actions against Christians. All while the Christians are still being persecuted. Leaving them to be slaughtered. Is that not criminal in some way?
The last president could care less about christians being raped,brutalized and murdered by the religion of peace followers. He did nothing. He may as well cut the heads off of them himself. Just as he left the people of Chicago to die by the thousands in the streets while trying to disarm law abiding citizens.
Gonna take a while to work out the bumps in the road. Policy was just changed this week.

Please remember the never-ending patience you had with train wrecks like Obamacare (that is still a complete disaster).

Also, remember that you have to pass the laws first, before you can find out what is in them.
Gonna take a while to work out the bumps in the road. Policy was just changed this week.

Please remember the never-ending patience you had with train wrecks like Obamacare (that is still a complete disaster).

Yeah do you remember all of the excuse-making that Libs did that only foretold of worse to come...

"All of the provisions aren't in place yet. It's going to work."
"Look at all of the uninsureable that have coverage."
"The Republicans blocked the good parts."

And my favorite.

"We need single payer."

This simple statement horrified me when I grasped that people were eager, over eager, to turn all of our health care over to government. What about people like me who want the government to have as little as possible to do with their health care? Too bad. It will help the poor. Help the poor but don't expect me to work my *** off for government level care.
as long as THE most violent funders and perpetrators of Muslim terrah, our good friends the Saudi's, are still allowed in, it's all good, right Muricans?

you remember them, right?

funded Osama, flew some jets on 9/11?

all good, right Trumpies?
The Saudis are evil as hell. They should be banned too IMO.
Agree. Frankly I'd adopt Japan's immigration policy which is no Muslims, period.
I would put KSA right at the top of that list. And throw in Pakistan, for good measure.
Agree. Frankly I'd adopt Japan's immigration policy which is no Muslims, period.

There is no such thing. Stop listening to Alex Jones, Infowars, Breitbart. It rots the brain. Of course IndySteel liked your post, proving once again, he is the lowest common denominator.
There is no such thing. Stop listening to Alex Jones, Infowars, Breitbart. It rots the brain. Of course IndySteel liked your post, proving once again, he is the lowest common denominator.

So much butthurt. So, so much.
Here is how true Christians are reacting, feel free to take notes.

Christian Leaders Nearly Unanimous in Opposing Trump’s Muslim Ban

Once again, the response from religious leaders, including Christians, has been emphatic. More than 2,000 faith leaders, many of them Christian, have signed a letter first drafted last year to urge Congress not to ban refugees according to religion or nationality; signatories include representatives of the humanitarian relief group Church World Service, whose leader called Friday, coincidentally also Holocaust Remembrance Day, a “shameful day.” Some of the outcry took the shape of general support for refugees—as opposed to opposition to Trump's singling out of Muslims—but it has still been notable. Moore sent out a tweet against the policy on Saturday morning. Ed Stetzer, executive director of the Billy Graham Center for Evangelism, pleaded with fellow evangelicals—who voted for Trump overwhelmingly—to not let “alternative facts” drive refugee policy. The president of World Relief, a humanitarian organization affiliated with the National Association of Evangelicals, said, “Any limitation against any vulnerable population is to fly in the face of human dignity, of people made in the image of God.” World Relief says it has assembled 12,000 signatures from evangelical Christians opposing Trump’s order. As Emma Green wrote in the Atlantic, “From religious leaders’ perspectives, backlash against Trump’s immigration policy may be the most ecumenical issue in America right now.”

This moral consistency is refreshing, especially in contrast to the shameful silence and kowtowing of many Republican lawmakers. But it shouldn’t be surprising. The majority of refugee resettlement agencies are religious. Refugee issues in particular have been a longtime focus of many Christian ministries. In explaining their concern for asylum-seekers, many cite the words of Jesus when he condemned those who failed to treat “the least of these” with the same respect they would give him:

I was hungry and you gave me nothing to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me nothing to drink, I was a stranger and you did not invite me in, I needed clothes and you did not clothe me, I was sick and in prison and you did not look after me.

As the Syrian crisis has escalated, the issue has taken on new prominence in many churches and Christian organizations. We Welcome Refugees, a coalition that includes the Illinois evangelical megachurch Willow Creek Community Church, has earned more than 16,000 signatories to its petition calling on elected officials to help refugees in “tangible and practical ways.” (The hashtag #wewelcomerefugees currently offers a snapshot of Christian opposition to Trump’s policy.) A poll of 1,000 Protestant pastors taken a year ago by the evangelical research firm LifeWay found that 86 percent consider it a privilege to care for refugees. Last summer, the Southern Baptist Convention adopted a resolution urging members to welcome refugees in their homes and churches—though it also said the government should adopt “the strictest security measures possible” in the screening process. (The U.S. screening process for refugees is currently more extensive than its screening for any other group.)

Meanwhile, even conservative Christian leaders and institutions traditionally allied with Republican causes have largely declined to defend Trump’s policy. Focus on the Family President Jim Daly told the Atlantic that he believes the U.S. should welcome refugees: “Yazidis and Christians and even Muslims who are persecuted—if we can verify their sincerity, and their story, as we’ve done for centuries, I think it would be wise to be open to a healthy immigration policy that allows people to flee.”
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It's at least comforting to know that clusterfuck implementations of government programs has no party affiliation.