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Trump vs. Federal Judge in Seattle


Well-known member
Apr 20, 2014
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My money is on the President.

A federal judge in Seattle issued a temporary nationwide restraining order Friday stopping President Trump's executive order banning citizens of seven countries from entering the United States.

Judge James Robart, who was appointed by former President George Bush in 2003, ruled the executive order would be stopped nationwide, effective immediately.

“The Constitution prevailed today,” Washington Attorney General Bob Ferguson said in a statement after the ruling. “No one is above the law — not even the President.”


This points out the further significance of Trump's victory. He will clear out these ********. Executive Order, *******. Maybe this judge can go work for the Clinton Initiative - oh that's right, all that bullshit is dead. No place to go, *******.
Judge from Seattle, a sanctuary city. Defund them all. Pound it up their *****

House chairman to sanctuary cities: 'Your money is gone'

The House chairman who oversees Justice Department spending is telling so-called "sanctuary cities" that funding for police, jails and housing will end under President Trump's new executive orders tightening immigration control.

"It's real easy, their money disappears. There's no fight, their money is gone," said Texas Rep. John Culberson, chairman of the appropriations subcommittee that funds Justice.

Judges, judges, we don't need no stinking judges.
it's called checks and balances......Trump is no king...he can't just do whatever wants with a simple swipe of pen.

and for those who says "well obama did the same thing and not a peep"

bullshit...Obama never halted immigration....he slowed down and put in better vetting mechanism in place for immigrants coming out of Iraq....he didn't banned an entire religion.

I'm sure you're thinking we'll it's not all muslims...just some countries....bullshit that's how it starts...test the waters...see how far you can go then add more to the list.

To me it not even about banning Muslims but how many more ******* hundreds of thousands of people can one country take in and support?
it's called checks and balances......Trump is no king...he can't just do whatever wants with a simple swipe of pen.

and for those who says "well obama did the same thing and not a peep"

bullshit...Obama never halted immigration....he slowed down and put in better vetting mechanism in place for immigrants coming out of Iraq....he didn't banned an entire religion.

I'm sure you're thinking we'll it's not all muslims...just some countries....bullshit that's how it starts...test the waters...see how far you can go then add more to the list.


I'll just leave this right here. Is it even worth the trouble ?

".he didn't banned an entire religion."
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To me it not even about banning Muslims but how many more ******* hundreds of thousands of people can one country take in and support?

Not everyone was coming in to be a citizen. He banned everything....scientists, lawyers, corporate employees....people seeking medical help.

Get rid of this clown already....soon we'll either going to war with China or iran
it's called checks and balances......Trump is no king...he can't just do whatever wants with a simple swipe of pen.

and for those who says "well obama did the same thing and not a peep"

bullshit...Obama never halted immigration....he slowed down and put in better vetting mechanism in place for immigrants coming out of Iraq....he didn't banned an entire religion.

I'm sure you're thinking we'll it's not all muslims...just some countries....bullshit that's how it starts...test the waters...see how far you can go then add more to the list.


I'll just leave this right here. Is it even worth the trouble ?

".he didn't banned an entire religion."

Don't be shy.....bring whatever you got....let's hear it.
let me be clear....I'm a Republican, registered Republican, last time I vited, I voted twice for Bush....never for Obama.

what we have here is a disaster. I green with Trump and I liked the fact he pulled out of all these so called free trade agreement bullshit.

but to have so e lunatic like Steve Bannon have a seat at NSA ? Kellyanne Conway as a advisor ? these racist pricks who have caused more damage in two weeks than anyone in recent history ?

turning our backs on our allies ? that's suppose to make us safe ?

and who is gonna pay for that God damn wall? mexico?
....he didn't banned an entire religion.

There are thousands of Muslims coming and going every day to the US. They were not all banned. This was not a muslim ban. That term is media bullshit.
I think this action was poorly executed. It should not have effected people with existing visas....which was later amended. But I believe that the essence of the temporary ban was worthwhile.
FYI, no foreign national has a right to come to our country. We can choose who we allow in. Period.

The solution to the problem is not to resettle these people in a country that is so different culturally, but to help solve the problems that are causing them to move. And to also enlist the Gulf States to play a more active role in accomodating refugees.
It didn't go far enough....people are so used to ******* Obama's Muslim appeasement brainwashing that they call everything Islamophobia now....I warned you


Feds 'told to assume that they were qualified and not ask too many questions'

President Trump’s executive order on immigration is not a permanent ban, but it is necessary for America’s national security, thanks to the lax vetting practices applied by the Obama administration, according to a leading immigration policy expert.

Trump has issued a flurry of orders, but his executive order last week ordering an immediate and indefinite pause on travel to the United States from seven terrorism-prone nations is drawing by far the fiercest response. Protesters have clogged airports, and political critics are demanding Trump rescind the order.

Jessica Vaughan is director of policy studies at the Center for Immigration Studies.

“I think the most misunderstood part is that people are being permanently prevented from coming to the United States who had been approved before,” Vaughan explained. “This is not a permanent ban. It’s a temporary suspension. You can call it a ban if you want, but it’s a temporary ban. No one has been told that the benefit they were approved for has been taken away.”

And she said refugees in dire situations are still being processed from those countries even with the pause in place.

“I have to emphasize there is language in this executive order that anybody with a particularly emergency situation, compelling circumstances, in imminent danger, or in other categories can ask for a waiver,” Vaughan said. “From what I’ve heard in statements today, they’ve already granted more than a thousand waivers for people.”

But she said the pause on entry from the seven unstable nations is needed to recalibrate how the U.S. screens people entering the country.

“The point was to give our government the opportunity to take another look at these people who have been granted green cards, visas, refugee status,” Vaughan said. “We know that the vetting process under the Obama administration was not adequate.”

Vaughan, a former visa officer, said the Obama administration failed to do even basic screening much of the time, including waiving required interviews with those seeking to go to the U.S. But she said the problems didn’t end there.

“In other cases, officers were not allowed to look very deeply into the applications that they got,” Vaughan said. “The claims they made on their applications were not always verified. Officers were told to assume that they were qualified and not ask too many questions. [There was] not a lot of fraud prevention work taking place.”

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We have a solution! - ship all the Muslims to Hawaii

I think it's a great idea

Hawaii sues federal government to stop Trump’s travel ban

The state of Hawaii on Friday sued to stop President Donald Trump’s travel ban on people from seven majority-Muslim countries, joining a series of court challenges around the country.

Trump’s executive order keeps Hawaii families apart and keeps residents from traveling, state Attorney General Doug Chin said. It degrades values Hawaii has worked hard to protect, he said.

“This harms Hawaii’s identity. It harms Hawaii’s most basic values,” Chin said.

Judges, judges, we don't need no stinking judges.

Activist judges should be impeached/removed.

Federal judge declares ‘black lives matter’ during hearing over Seattle police reform

U.S. District Judge James Robart, pointedly reacting to the Seattle police union’s rejection of a tentative contract, said Monday he would not let the powerful labor group hold the city “hostage” by linking wages to constitutional policing.

“To hide behind a collective- bargaining agreement is not going to work,” Robart said during a dramatic court hearing he opened by laying out a path for police-accountability reform and closed with an emotional declaration that “black lives matter.”

I'll just leave this right here. Is it even worth the trouble ?

".he didn't banned an entire religion."

I've seen way worse here than this. There are a few posters here who post like they have third grade educations and you don't say **** because they're in your circle jerk.
let me be clear....I'm a Republican, registered Republican, last time I vited, I voted twice for Bush....never for Obama.

what we have here is a disaster. I green with Trump and I liked the fact he pulled out of all these so called free trade agreement bullshit.

but to have so e lunatic like Steve Bannon have a seat at NSA ? Kellyanne Conway as a advisor ? these racist pricks who have caused more damage in two weeks than anyone in recent history ?

turning our backs on our allies ? that's suppose to make us safe ?

and who is gonna pay for that God damn wall? mexico?

Thank you for your sanity.
There are thousands of Muslims coming and going every day to the US. They were not all banned. This was not a muslim ban. That term is media bullshit.
I think this action was poorly executed. It should not have effected people with existing visas....which was later amended. But I believe that the essence of the temporary ban was worthwhile.
FYI, no foreign national has a right to come to our country. We can choose who we allow in. Period.

The solution to the problem is not to resettle these people in a country that is so different culturally, but to help solve the problems that are causing them to move. And to also enlist the Gulf States to play a more active role in accomodating refugees.

The media blew the "ban" of proportion. And it's only 90 days. It's a process not to keep out muslims, but help identify terrorist. The 7 countries that are banned are terrorist harboring countries. It's not an outrage against muslims, but the left seems to think it is
Its injected hysterical propaganda intentionally to paint Trump as bigoted... its easy to see through if you aren't sheeple. 90% of the worlds muslim people are not affected by this ban. Let the morons wail... its just a big turn off to most of us...
now now, lets not be judgmental

LA County Is Telling Illegal Immigrants How to Get Free Money/Benefits Paid for by Working Americans

In Los Angeles County they are handing out information to illegal immigrants on how to get free money/benefits paid for by working Americans.

The flyer reads: New USCIS guidelines permit immigrants and their children to use certain non-cash benefits and special purpose cash benefits without affecting their immigration status including:

* Medi-Cal * Food Stamps * Healthy Families * Prenatal Care * Foster Care * Adoption assistance * Transportation vouchers * Housing assistance * Energy assistance
I've seen way worse here than this. There are a few posters here who post like they have third grade educations and you don't say **** because they're in your circle jerk.

His grammar proves he is a moron. And if he and I quote "banned a entire religion " how are people from Egypt largest Arab Muslim country in the world and from Indonesia largest Muslim country in the world still traveling to and from the USA ?

I know it sucks that what really is happening doesn't match the stupid left leaning talking points. Keep believing your FAKE news it already won us the White House.
Trump will win this case. The law is clear.
Why isn't this being mentioned?

Judge Finds Trump Immigration Ban Doesn't Discriminate Against Muslims

In a major blow to the ACLU, a federal judge in Boston refused to extend an order which temporarily put a stop to a portion of Trump’s controversial “extreme vetting” immigration order. Judge Nathaniel Gorton, a President George H.W. Bush appointee, decided not to renew the temporary restraining order which was set to expire on Sunday. This ruling is significant because it is the first time that the Trump administration has scored a victory after a series of orders nationwide slamming the ban.

The ACLU argued that the Executive Order violated the Establishment Clause of the United States Constitution because it favors Christians over Muslims. However, the judge found that nothing in the order “compels a finding that Christians are preferred to any other group.”

In addition, he found the plaintiffs lacked standing. “Plaintiffs are not, however, refugees seeking admission to the United States and consequently, any future implementation of Section 5 (b) would not personally affect them,” the judge wrote.

“The decision to prevent aliens from entering the country is a ‘fundamental sovereign attribute’ realized through the legislative and executive branches that is largely immune from judicial control,” the judge wrote. In other words, the President has the right to make immigration decisions, without interference from the courts.
