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Trump Will Have a Field Day With This


Owes Jimmy $50
Apr 23, 2014
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San Francisco (CNN)Kate Steinle was walking on a busy pier in San Francisco with her father when there was a single popping sound in the air.

She fell to the ground, struck by a bullet, the victim of what police say appears to be a random killing.

The man accused of firing the deadly shot -- 45-year-old Juan Francisco Lopez-Sanchez -- is an undocumented immigrant, a repeat felon who has been deported five times to Mexico, according to immigration officials.

It would have been six, a federal law enforcement source told CNN, except authorities in San Francisco wanted him on a drug-related warrant.

So U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement, which had Lopez-Sanchez in its custody in March after his release from federal prison, turned him over to San Francisco deputies. ICE said they requested an immigration detainer, asking that the agency be notified before Lopez-Sanchez was released.

But San Francisco is a city that doesn't honor such requests and the sheriff's department released him. Freya Horne, chief legal counsel to the San Francisco County Sheriff, told CNN that he was let go because there was no legal cause to detain the suspect.

On Wednesday evening, he shot the 31-year-old Steinle at Pier 14 once in her upper body, according to police. He was found about a mile away an hour later and arrested. CNN could not determine on Friday if he has an attorney.

She was loving, smart, beautiful

Steinle's father told the San Francisco Chronicle there was one pop and his daughter fell to the ground.

Video shows several people trying to help the young woman.

"She just kept saying, 'Dad, help me, help me,'" Liz Sullivan, the victim's mother, told CNN affiliate KRON.

Steinle, a medical device salesperson, died at San Francisco General Hospital. Sullivan said her heart stopped twice on the way to the hospital and she died during surgery.

"She fought for her life," Sullivan said. "They said how strong she was but they just couldn't save her."

Family members called her loving, smart and beautiful. Her cousin said she loved her mother and father "more than anything."

Several of the dozen or more people on the pedestrian pier took photos of the suspect and showed them to police.

Suspect had seven felony convictions

ICE said it turned Lopez-Sanchez over to San Francisco authorities on March 26 for an outstanding drug warrant. The agency requested an immigration detainer, but Horne said San Francisco officials believe that violates Fourth Amendment rights against unreasonable searches and seizures.

The sheriff's office said, "When Mr. Lopez-Sanchez was booked into the jail, there was no active Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) warrant or judicial order of removal for him."

The department would have returned Lopez-Sanchez if there had been a court order or warrant, it said.

Charges were dropped March 27 but Lopez-Sanchez was held until April 15 while the sheriff's office determined there were no other warrants for his arrest and he had completed his federal prison sentence.

According to KRON, San Francisco's policy on undocumented immigrants "states that a law enforcement official shall not detain an individual on the basis of a civil immigration detainer after that individual becomes eligible for release from custody."

The federal law enforcement source told CNN the sheriff's department "didn't even need to hold him. They simply could have notified that they were going to release him and we would have gotten him."

Police said Lopez-Sanchez last lived in Texas, where he was on probation. ICE said Lopez-Sanchez has seven felony convictions, four for drug offenses. His most recent deportation was in 2009.

He was released from federal prison in March after serving several years for felony re-entry after deportation.

Lopez-Sanchez is in San Francisco County Jail and faces a homicide charge. ICE has requested another immigration detainer.
I thought guns weren't allowed in San Francisco?
Somebody tell me again why it's not possible to round up all the illegals and deport them. Too expensive, too time consuming...what ? OK, then if it's too complicated to do their job, then at least start to punish the companies that hire them by expanding E-verify.

This was my main ***** with Bush and this current version of Karl Marx has taken illegal immigration to a whole new level.

Three times in the history of the United States US Presidents took what would today be considered a politically unpopular position by rounding up and deporting illegal aliens to create jobs for US Citizens.

When Eisenhower assumed the Oval Office, illegal alien migration was one of his top priorities. He attributed the lax attitude of Congress about illegal immigration with a relaxation of Congressional ethical standards. A Truman-initiated study on Mexican migratory labor in 1950 found that cotton growers in Texas paid migrant workers about half what a US citizen was paid to chop cotton. As Eisenhower met with current and retired border patrol agents he learned that the big ranchers and farmers who relied on the cheap migrant labor had friends "in high places" in government. Agents were subtlety warned not to arrest the workers employed by what turned out to be powerful campaign donors. When that didn't work, they were very bluntly told to back off, or they were simply transferred where they would become someone else's problem. The two most influential Senators who blocked the efforts of the INS to do their job were then Sen. Lyndon B. Johnson [D-TX] and Sen. Pat McCarran [D-NV].
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Our country is seriously broken. Unfortunately, It will take someone like Trump to reverse the trend. I say unfortunately because he has little chance of winning.
That is one of the most heart breaking things I've ever read. To watch your daughter lay dying and pleading for your help, which most would be completely incapable of and being able to do nothing?

SEVEN felony convictions? Legal or not why in the hell are these animals walking the streets? Three strike, right?

**** this animal.....death is too good for him. And **** California.
SEVEN felony convictions? Legal or not why in the hell are these animals walking the streets? Three strike, right?

That's what I was thinking.
I just got back from our little family picnic where the young generation profess to me what they know about the world around them. The first comment I heard was that Donald Trump was an idiot. I chuckled and said that he may be nuts and probably can't win but I like that he's not afraid to speak his mind. The next comment I hear is, " by saying that all Mexicans are rapists ?". So there you have it folks, if ya can't fight with facts, just make **** up.

They went on to compare him to Palin and her "bridge to nowhere". Even after I explained that it was not Palin's actions in any way that was responsible for that bridge, she in fact stopped the progress ( after she condoned it originally ) but regardless, she had nothing to do with the appropriation of the funds or the initiation of the project but it was all on her because that's what the NBC newsgroup said.

There's a double standard, media bias out there that will make up anything that helps their cause and bury anything that hurts it. Try tellin' them gov school, Bill Mayer watchin, latte drinkin' liberals that and they think you just fell off a turnup truck on your head.

Trump can say whatever he wants, the Libtards are going to paint it blue and call it racist whether it is or not.

I just got back from our little family picnic where the young generation profess to me what they know about the world around them. The first comment I heard was that Donald Trump was an idiot. I chuckled and said that he may be nuts and probably can't win but I like that he's not afraid to speak his mind. The next comment I hear is, " by saying that all Mexicans are rapists ?". So there you have it folks, if ya can't fight with facts, just make **** up.

They went on to compare him to Palin and her "bridge to nowhere". Even after I explained that it was not Palin's actions in any way that was responsible for that bridge, she in fact stopped the progress ( after she condoned it originally ) but regardless, she had nothing to do with the appropriation of the funds or the initiation of the project but it was all on her because that's what the NBC newsgroup said.

There's a double standard, media bias out there that will make up anything that helps their cause and bury anything that hurts it. Try tellin' them gov school, Bill Mayer watchin, latte drinkin' liberals that and they think you just fell off a turnup truck on your head.

Trump can say whatever he wants, the Libtards are going to paint it blue and call it racist whether it is or not.


Yebut........she can still see Russia from her house.

Chip- kudos brother for at least trying. I'm afraid I wouldn't have even been on the guest lit........young folk present? Check. Farva coming? Uncheck....he'll try to fill their heads with all that "reality" nonsense and probably start a fight. It's a cross I bear.
Maybe we should ban the Mexican flag? No, it won't bring this woman back, but somehow we'll all feel better about this.
Well, in fairness, while it is absolutely true that Reagan and Bush Sr. did negotiate the hostage release and that was undoubtedly much appreciated by all involved, they also delayed that release by weeks or even months so it could coincide with Reagan's election and inauguration. That was less awesome if you consider that the hostages had to spend a good deal of extra time imprisoned so Reagan could make Carter look bad.

Politics are ugly. Just ugly.
Well, in fairness, while it is absolutely true that Reagan and Bush Sr. did negotiate the hostage release and that was undoubtedly much appreciated by all involved, they also delayed that release by weeks or even months so it could coincide with Reagan's election and inauguration. That was less awesome if you consider that the hostages had to spend a good deal of extra time imprisoned so Reagan could make Carter look bad.

Politics are ugly. Just ugly.

I thought it was the Iranians trying to make Carter look bad.
I thought it was the Iranians trying to make Carter look bad.

I think it was just that they knew Reagan wasn't going to **** around and he'd blow their **** up. They had little to gain by holding the hostages from election day to inauguration day.