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Trump's negativity rating and our best shot.


Well-known member
Jan 13, 2015
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Ladies and Gentleman,

As much as I like some of Trump's ideas, his negativity rating in the mid 60's is too high to win a general election. If you want Clinton to win ( her Negativity rating is 59 ) and 1 in 4 Sanders supporters said they'd never vote for her, Trump is a perfect choice.

When your negativity rating is high, it essentially means that people will NEVER vote for you

If Trump does not get the 1,237 delegates, a closed door meeting with him and whomever the establishment wants is needed. The way its trending, Trump will fall short about 100 delegates or so.

Clinton 49.6%
Trump 39%
Clinton + 10.6%

Kasich 48.0%
Clinton 41.4%
Kasich + 6.6%

In addion Kasich polls well in the electroial states needed to win.

Back to that closed door meeting. Deal making time.

Let Trump win the contract to build the wall. Give Curz his pet project, and possible VP pick. Let Kasich run for the general election. While Kasich has tilted to the left on some issues for political reasons in the primary, he's the Obi-Wan Kenobi in the race. Trump to be fair had some liberal positons before annoucning he was going to run.

So unless you want a third trem for Obama, with a feminist tilt to it, we have to back the horse that can win the race.
Reagan's negativity rating was through the roof and he won in a landslide.


Gasp! Have you seen Trump's negative ratings?

There’s something new for Donald Trump haters to be excited about.

The latest Gallup poll shows the GOP front-runner with higher negatives than any other nominated candidate of either party going back to 1992.

While 33 percent of Americans view Trump favorably on the first day of February 2016, according to the poll, a whopping 60 percent view him negatively.

By comparison, Hillary Clinton is viewed unfavorably by only 52 percent of Americans, says the survey.

Lots of media analysts are jumping on this, pronouncing doom for the Republican Party if Trump gets the nomination...

But is Gallup telling the whole story?

I don’t think so.

As I have written before, my own anecdotal experience suggests Trump has much more appeal than the polls show. In fact, I know many died-in-the-wool Democrats who plan to vote for Trump. Some of them, in fact, can’t wait...

The last Republican presidential candidate to win California and sweep the nation in a landslide was Ronald Reagan in 1980. Of course, he did it again in 1984 in his re-election bid. In fact, in 1980, Reagan lost only six states, plus the District of Columbia. They included Jimmy Carter’s home state of Georgia, Hawaii, Maryland, Minnesota, Rhode Island and West Virginia.

It’s interesting that the pollsters and the media analysts haven’t looked back at the 1980 race to see where Reagan was at this point in the campaign.

Remember, it’s February 2016. Trump hasn’t spent any money. He hasn’t had to do so to get to the top of the polls among Republican candidates. Yet he has a 33 percent approval ratings.


What did Reagan have in February 1980? Less than 30 percent approval ratings, as the chart on this page shows. It was his lowest point of the year. He didn’t catch up to Carter in favorability until June – still four months away. Reagan’s highest point was reached just before the Democratic Party Convention, but he never reached 50 percent favorability.

Why? Because there are just plain more Democrats than Republicans. It was true then as it is true now.

Yet, Reagan won a certifiable landslide.

Just for the record, back then I was a Democrat – and didn’t vote for him, at least not until 1984 when I did so with glee.

The pollsters didn’t track unfavorability ratings back in 1980, but the graph tells the story. And I can tell you as an eyewitness – Reagan was hated, every bit as much as Trump is today by so many Democrats.

Back then, though, they could muster no passion for re-electing Jimmy Carter. He was a failed president, and the economy and foreign policy were in shambles. Sound familiar? Worse for the Democrats this year is that their president isn’t even running. It’s going to be Hillary Clinton or Bernie Sanders.

I don’t care what the polls say today, Trump would annihilate either one of them – thus making the 2016 election one for the record books, a historical paradigm shift for the Republican party, just like 1980.
Reagan's negativity rating was through the roof and he won in a landslide.

Can I see that via a link that shows Reagan was nationally disliked?

I think you may be confusing that with the party not liking him initially.

Reagan nearly beat a sitting president ( Ford ) and game one heck of a speech at the 1976 convention.

One of Reagan's strenght's was his likability factor.
Can I see that via a link that shows Reagan was nationally disliked?

I think you may be confusing that with the party not liking him initially.

Reagan nearly beat a sitting president ( Ford ) and game one heck of a speech at the 1976 convention.

One of Reagan's strenght's was his likability factor.

Ahem....cough cough. See above.
There goes Coach, sniffin glue again...

It's wake up and smell the coffee time. Like I said, I like Trump, but this is his first political rodeo, and he's made too many errors. Donald has a poorly organised ground game. You have to pick a person who can win, not someone who appeals best to say 40% of the base in the party.

When your negative rating hits 60% or higher, you can't win a Presidential election. So says history. Trump isn't a smooth and warm wordsmith like Reagan can be. He is who he is, and by his nature will be a magnet for high negativity ratings, and catnip for the liberal press.

If Trump was going to win New York in a general election, that would be a different story.

Kasich is 12-0 in elections.
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It's wake up and smell the coffee time. Like I said, I like Trump, but this is his first political rodeo, and he's made too many errors. Donald has a poorly organised ground game. You have to pick a person who can win, not someone who appeals best to say 40% of the base in the party.

When your negative rating hits 60% or higher, you can't win a Presidential election. So says history.

Kasich is 12-0 in elections.
You lead a horse to the actual history, but you can't make him read it.
Kasich is a loser. Regardless of what your polls say, he would NOT win a "general" election even against Bernie. It just ain't happening.

Minus the advancement in Media coverage and social media, Trump seems to emote the same reactions in the Left that we saw when Reagan was running. The Dems hated him and those kids of voting age painted him as a Nuclear button pushing nut job.

We see how that all played out.
If Trump or Cruz is not the nominee, the GOP will be in full melt down and have no chance to win the general election, even if it were against Bernie. If the GOP establishment pulls some type of major bullshit at the convention, GOP votes will stay home and not vote. The party just has no clue what the **** they are doing and that is sad. It should be very easy to counter the negative, divisive rhetoric the Dems spew every day but they just don't do it. I quoted this before and here it is again, "the Dems lie better than the GOP tells the truth" and that is 100% fact.
Kasich is a loser. Regardless of what your polls say, he would NOT win a "general" election even against Bernie. It just ain't happening.

Minus the advancement in Media coverage and social media, Trump seems to emote the same reactions in the Left that we saw when Reagan was running. The Dems hated him and those kids of voting age painted him as a Nuclear button pushing nut job.

We see how that all played out.

See... http://www.thegatewaypundit.com/201...trump-unfavorable-rating-rivals-reagans-1980/
I honestly don't see any path for us to win this election.

This is really a systemic Republican problem as I see it. A hardcore right winger can't pick up any moderates, a moderate can't pick up any right-wingers or drive turnout. Kasich would be Romney/McCain v. 3.0. Cruz turns off a lot of the socially moderate people, and if it turns out he is a serial womanizer a lot of the religious folk too. Trump is flat out despised by almost every demographic, and stands a good chance of driving a lot of women, Hispanics etc. the the polls who don't even like Hillary, just because they fervently HATE him.

We're ******. Again.
You lead a horse to the actual history, but you can't make him read it.

Watch what happens if you salt the hay.

I think Trump who was baited by a hack like Chirs Matthews and his numerous mishaps hit a tipping point. If you want to stand on the deck of the Titanic, go for it. I'm telling you the ship already hit the iceberg and is taking on water.

I'm on board a battleship with a 12-0 record and a projected win over Clinton. You've got to be able to win the war.

Ohio and Florida are MUST haves for the 2016 election. With Kasich, we already won Ohio.

People need to get pragmatic. John's our best shot.
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Kasich is a loser. Regardless of what your polls say, he would NOT win a "general" election even against Bernie. It just ain't happening.

Minus the advancement in Media coverage and social media, Trump seems to emote the same reactions in the Left that we saw when Reagan was running. The Dems hated him and those kids of voting age painted him as a Nuclear button pushing nut job.

We see how that all played out.

This is where I'm country miles apart.

Trump is viewed as a hatemonger type among women, and minorities and his tell it like it is mouth has done too much damage. This is why his negativity rating is high. If the general electorate wasn't badly informed, this would be less of an issue. It is what it is. One or two bad headlines stick.

Trump is also a novice politician, able to be baited by the likes of Chris Matthews. Trump's organizational ground game is well behind Cruz's.

Reagan was a successful governor in the largest state of the Union. A smooth communicator, who was able to articulate his vision. Trump has the vision, the details however on the slim side, and he lacks Reagan's calm presence and voice. As such he'll generate a high reaction and negative reaction every time. It's not WHAT you say, its HOW you say it.

I would not compare Trump to Reagan as politicians. Not even close.
Watch what happens if you salt the hay.

I think Trump who was baited by a hack like Chirs Matthews and his numerous mishaps hit a tipping point. If you want to stand on the deck of the Titanic, go for it. I'm telling you the ship already hit the iceberg and is taking on water.

I'm on board a battleship with a 12-0 record and a projected win over Clinton. You've got to be able to win the war.

Ohio and Florida are MUST haves for the 2016 election. With Kasich, we already won Ohio.

People need to get pragmatic. John's our best shot.
You've got no credibility if you think Kasich can win anything but an Ohio race. When will "moderates" understand that democrats will always pick a democrat over a republican who sounds like a democrat, and republicans won't turn out to vote for republicans who sound like democrats. There is some delusional appeal to these losers for many in the wishy washy center, and regardless of how many times it is disproven, they keep coming up with same idea about them magically being the only chance.
Kasich has neither a clue nor a chance. He is a democrat.
I think Trump should pick sanders as VP just for fun...the crowds would be HUGE
If Trump gets the nominee I think his best bet would be to pick kaisch as VP. Both hillary and Trump are unliked so those negativity ratings are a wash. Trump will probably pull some sanders voters because they hate hillary. With kaisch he might be able to pull in a lot of moderate voters as well. If hillary becomes president I will probably vomit.
If Trump gets the nominee I think his best bet would be to pick kaisch as VP..

maybe if Kasich comes begging on his knees to Trump he can get the VP

Trump leads big in NY, PA

Trump poised to cross the 50% statewide threshold needed to capture all of New York's statewide Republican delegates

Trump has 54% of support to Ohio Gov. John Kasich's 22% and Texas Sen. Ted Cruz's 15%

Trump has a similar lead in Pennsylvania where he clinches 48% to Kasich's 22% and Cruz's 20%

jus like I perdicted...now's your chance John - get out and be VP

Trump Floats Rubio, Kasich, Walker as Vice President Picks

“Yes. I like Marco Rubio. Yeah. I could”

“There are people I have in mind in terms of vice president. I just haven’t told anybody names. … I do like Marco. I do like [John] Kasich. … I like [Scott] Walker actually in a lot of ways. I hit him very hard. … But I’ve always liked him. There are people I like, but I don’t think they like me because I have hit them hard”

In other words, "When I hit them hard, I was lying. Because now I like them."