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Turnover will happen soon in the Supreme Court.


Well-known member
Jan 13, 2015
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If Jeb Bush is the GOP nominee republicans who threaten to stay home better turn out and vote for him. If they don't they risk a more liberal supreme court. The next President will likely nominate two supreme court Justices from ( 2016-2020 ) and if he/she wins election perhaps as many as three to four more Justices, stacking the court.

Right now the conservatives appear to have a numbers advantage as three of the four oldest members are liberals. If Hillary Clinton wins, you can pretty much guarantee she's going to nominate a woman, likely one with a feminist / welfare agenda.

If Jeb were to win, he can pick a justice as conservative as he likes as the GOP likely owns the senate and the house in 2016. A conservative Latino would be the prefect play for him.

Ruth Bader Ginsburg age 82. ( And she's ill )

Antonin Scalia age 79

Anthony Kennedy age 78 ( 79 on july 23 )

Stephen Breyer age 76 ( 77 this August )

**** Bush #3. If he is the nomination, I will AGAIN vote 3rd party, and wait for the meltdown to come. Hopefully it will happen soon, so we can get to fixing things by hanging all the people responsible for this ****.
yeah, those guys that the last Bush put in office are really protecting the constitution....
If Jeb Bush is the GOP nominee republicans who threaten to stay home better turn out and vote for him. If they don't they risk a more liberal supreme court. The next President will likely nominate two supreme court Justices from ( 2016-2020 ) and if he/she wins election perhaps as many as three to four more Justices, stacking the court.

Right now the conservatives appear to have a numbers advantage as three of the four oldest members are liberals. If Hillary Clinton wins, you can pretty much guarantee she's going to nominate a woman, likely one with a feminist / welfare agenda.

If Jeb were to win, he can pick a justice as conservative as he likes as the GOP likely owns the senate and the house in 2016. A conservative Latino would be the prefect play for him.

Ruth Bader Ginsburg age 82. ( And she's ill )

Antonin Scalia age 79

Anthony Kennedy age 78 ( 79 on july 23 )

Stephen Breyer age 76 ( 77 this August )


Seriously? Do you even know who put these liberals on the court? YUP.. BUSHES. Another Bush would just put more liberals on there. Talk about a great reason NOT to vote for Bush. This is why you need to vote for a REAL conservative instead of a dem lite like Bush.
Ted Cruz On Supreme Court Rulings: ‘Some Of The Darkest 24 Hours In Our Nation’s History’

“Yesterday and today were both naked and shameless judicial activism,” Cruz said. “Neither decision — the decision yesterday rewriting Obamacare for the second time. Six justices joined the Obama administration. You now have President Obama, Kathleen Sebelius and six justices responsible for forcing this failed disaster of a law on millions of Americans, and simply rewriting the law in a way that is fundamentally contrary to their judicial oaths.”

“And then today, this radical decision purporting to strike down the marriage laws of every state. It has no connection to the United States Constitution. They are simply making it up,” Cruz said. “It is lawless, and in doing so, they have undermined the fundamentally legitimacy of the United States Supreme Court.”




It really bothers rednecks if two guys get married who cares
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Booosh is the one who put Roberts there.


Reagan picked Kennedy, and he's rather liberal.

The Bush presidents picked Thomas and Alito, two of the most conservative justices.

I say again, stay home if JEB is the GOP man, and Hillary Clinton will put more feminist / activate types on the court. Those are the stakes. Get out and vote.

Reagan picked Kennedy, and he's rather liberal.

The Bush presidents picked Thomas and Alito, two of the most conservative justices.

I say again, stay home if JEB is the GOP man, and Hillary Clinton will put more feminist / activate types on the court. Those are the stakes. Get out and vote.

Bush also put Souter on the court. Because they are moderate Reps they'll put on flakes like Souter and Roberts. This is why you need a conservative. Yes, Reagan picked Kennedy but he thought he was getting a conservative. People can fool you. However, when you go after moderates you aren't being fooled... you're showing your true colors.

Jeb would put on moderates like himself. He'd open the borders even more, have more federal government involvement in education (common core), put up liberal judges and spend just as much as BHO. So what ******* good is he? I know you think it doesn't matter what they believe as long as they can win but that doesn't cut it for me. Why elect a dem lite? Just to slow down the progressives for a term or two? Bullshit. We need someone who gives a **** about the country and is going to do something DIFFERENT than Hillary. Jeb isn't that guy. He is Hillary II.

Reagan picked Kennedy, and he's rather liberal.

The Bush presidents picked Thomas and Alito, two of the most conservative justices.

I say again, stay home if JEB is the GOP man, and Hillary Clinton will put more feminist / activate types on the court. Those are the stakes. Get out and vote.

But, Bush DID put Roberts there.....and he's been a huge disappointment for someone who was supposed to be "conservative." The SC now legislates. There's no other way to see it. Every single one of them that voted for the aca, either time, should be IMPEACHED but our gutless, self serving legislature, most of which should also be impeached, won't do that.

So please don't tell me to vote for more of the same. Won't happen.
H.W. Boosh put Breyer on the court and he got fooled by that one too.
Bush also put Souter on the court. Because they are moderate Reps they'll put on flakes like Souter and Roberts. This is why you need a conservative. Yes, Reagan picked Kennedy but he thought he was getting a conservative. People can fool you. However, when you go after moderates you aren't being fooled... you're showing your true colors.

Jeb would put on moderates like himself. He'd open the borders even more, have more federal government involvement in education (common core), put up liberal judges and spend just as much as BHO. So what ******* good is he? I know you think it doesn't matter what they believe as long as they can win but that doesn't cut it for me. Why elect a dem lite? Just to slow down the progressives for a term or two? Bullshit. We need someone who gives a **** about the country and is going to do something DIFFERENT than Hillary. Jeb isn't that guy. He is Hillary II.


Jeb is a center right / moderate type of guy. Hillary is left. There is a difference, and keep in mind to win Florida you have to be more toward the center.

If conservatives won't support Jeb as the nominee, the liberals are going to win easy....and continue to stack the courts and move the nation loser to the tipping point of no return.

Jeb with a Republican Congress and Senate could pretty much do whatever he wishes, and become more conservative.
Put Eli Manning on the bench and we could see more turnovers...heey oh!!! Take my wife please
Jeb with a Republican Congress and Senate could pretty much do whatever he wishes, and become more conservative.
How did that work out with W? I don't see no Fair Tax or Flat Tax or smaller government.

Jeb is a center right / moderate type of guy. Hillary is left. There is a difference, and keep in mind to win Florida you have to be more toward the center.

If conservatives won't support Jeb as the nominee, the liberals are going to win easy....and continue to stack the courts and move the nation loser to the tipping point of no return.

Jeb with a Republican Congress and Senate could pretty much do whatever he wishes, and become more conservative.

Why won't you support a real conservative. I voted for two moderates in McCain and Romney. They can't win. Two Bushes have already stacked the courts the wrong way. How is Jeb going to be any different? He'll put another Souter on the court and everything goes to ****. A Bush vs. Hillary election appeals to nobody except dems. He's a hair away from being a democrat. WTF do I want with that? Liberal judges, common core, more spending and amnesty for millions of illegals. It just bullshit. Time for you people to step up. I've done my part with your guys.

Jeb is a center right / moderate type of guy. Hillary is left. There is a difference, and keep in mind to win Florida you have to be more toward the center.

If conservatives won't support Jeb as the nominee, the liberals are going to win easy....and continue to stack the courts and move the nation loser to the tipping point of no return.

Jeb with a Republican Congress and Senate could pretty much do whatever he wishes, and become more conservative.

Where do you get "center/right" for that guy? If conservatives support Jeb as the nominee, the liberals DO win.
Here's some analysis on the Republican's potential to get 270+ electoral votes needed for the presidency.


The problem is a republican HAS to get Florida. Because Hillary can win with getting all the states that have voted democrat since 1992 and just Florida. And even a Republican wins Florida that's just the first step because if they are too moderate (thus winning Florida), then the Ohio religious-right might not turn out enough to win Ohio.

It's a huge dilemma.

As stated somewhat in the article, what ticket might be the best bet for the Republicans is Bush and Rubio together. That almost single-handedly ensures Florida for the republican ticket and then they concentrate all their money into the other "gray states": Ohio, Virginia, Colorado, Iowa and Nevada.

It's still a tossup because each of those states has different conservative elements that value different things from the party. And when it comes to Colorado and Nevada they are "small government, pro-gun" but don't give a damn about religion or the moral value part. You get into Ohio and Virginia, you have to pander to the religious right and moral issues (freedom of religion, abortion, gay marriage) in order to mobilize the voter base.
To follow up.... if the Republicans do go "all-in" to win Florida, then it's a real crap shoot to the white house.

Hillary can't attack all the remaining "open areas" of the country with one particular running make.

She could push strongly for Colorado/Nevada with a running mate like Martin Heinrich (NM) or Brian Schweitzer (Montana) but those 15 EV's don't win.

She could push strongly for Virginia with Mark Warner or Tim Kaine but again just those 13 EV's don't win.

She could push for Iowa (and possibly Ohio) with a mid-western alliance like Tom Vilsack but I'm not sure that's a winnable endeavor.

If I was a betting man, I think Hillary's running mate will be one of the Virginia guys. I'm guessing the young Mark Warner. I think that's a strong duo for the Democrats.
Where do you get "center/right" for that guy? If conservatives support Jeb as the nominee, the liberals DO win.

No they will not, not over Clinton. Republicans will need to vote for whomever the nominee is. If the ***** about who won the party nomination and stay home, things will get worse.

Jeb is likely more conservative than his record suggests, and and afford to be that way as President! To win Florida who has voted for the Dem's in the past two elections, you have to be moderate on some issues.
No they will not, not over Clinton. Republicans will need to vote for whomever the nominee is. If the ***** about who won the party nomination and stay home, things will get worse.

Jeb is likely more conservative than his record suggests, and and afford to be that way as President! To win Florida who has voted for the Dem's in the past two elections, you have to be moderate on some issues.

That's the problem right now with the Republican party.

They are split. Some say the party isn't "middle" enough. Some say it isn't right-wing enough.

The problem is the same polarizing issues the Republicans keep throwing out there as reasons to support them also polarize their own base and thus they've been broken. Republicans can make gains this way on local and state elections (and even that is cyclical more than any "growing" movement), but they can't win the White House this way.
To follow up.... if the Republicans do go "all-in" to win Florida, then it's a real crap shoot to the white house.

Hillary can't attack all the remaining "open areas" of the country with one particular running make.

She could push strongly for Colorado/Nevada with a running mate like Martin Heinrich (NM) or Brian Schweitzer (Montana) but those 15 EV's don't win.

She could push strongly for Virginia with Mark Warner or Tim Kaine but again just those 13 EV's don't win.

She could push for Iowa (and possibly Ohio) with a mid-western alliance like Tom Vilsack but I'm not sure that's a winnable endeavor.

If I was a betting man, I think Hillary's running mate will be one of the Virginia guys. I'm guessing the young Mark Warner. I think that's a strong duo for the Democrats.

I agree with these points. Florida is a must have for the Rep's. If they win it, as I suspect they would with Bush or Rubio, they can focus on Ohio, VA, and CO.

I still say whomever wins two of these three states FL, OH, PA wins the election.

***One last prediction, the economic growth was just .7% last quarter, with record low Fed interest rates! Yikes. This suggests a sliding economy, which will play into the Republicans hands. By 2016 we could be in a Recession...again, and without BO's bail out stimulus money which in many cases cases poorly spent to be kind. I keep thinking the voters will get it, but their education level on ecconomics is rather low
That's the problem right now with the Republican party.

They are split. Some say the party isn't "middle" enough. Some say it isn't right-wing enough.

The problem is the same polarizing issues the Republicans keep throwing out there as reasons to support them also polarize their own base and thus they've been broken. Republicans can make gains this way on local and state elections (and even that is cyclical more than any "growing" movement), but they can't win the White House this way.
In 2008 the base wasn't crazy about McCain, his poll numbers went UP after putting Conservative Gov. Palin on the ticket, but I don't think any Republican would have won anyway. In 2012 Bomma should have got smoked but the base didn't turn out well enough because Romney was too Moderate. It didn't help that he didn't move in for the kill near the end of the campaign, as Trump noted yesterday, and overall ran a lousy campaign.

I still say whomever wins two of these three states FL, OH, PA wins the election.
Correct-a-mundo although I don't think a Republican candidate ever wins PA again.
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Winning doesn't mean ****. How the hell is Bush winning a win for conservatives? It just slows down the progressive agenda for a short time. I guess the Reps. could turn into socialist that way the dems don't have any issues to run on. Seriously how is that any worse? America is turning socialist every day. Might as well out flank the dems and just go hard core Bernie Sanders. Bush is just a slow walk to socialism while Clinton is a brisk walk.