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Updates on some "mostly-peaceful" demonstrators and their contributions to America

these ******* are only targeting the older WHITE (or White or white) people they encounter on their "peaceful protest"
I've yet to see one where they target more able-bodied people.

oh, wait. yes. they ****** around and found about Kyle.
I saw some of these peaceful demonstrators yesterday. I saw one guy armed with a nightstick and machete and another guy with a AR-15 assault rifle. Looked peaceful to me.
I saw some of these peaceful demonstrators yesterday. I saw one guy armed with a nightstick and machete and another guy with a AR-15 assault rifle. Looked peaceful to me.

Likely just paid actors out there trying to influence an election. I want to know who all are the puppet masters and then they are brought to justice.
Newt Gingrich was shutdown on FOX News for bringing up Soros who is funding all this chaos. AG Barr has pointed to him, as well, but nothing is being done to shut him down.
Feel good protester moment of the day!!! This will warm your ever living soul.

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Woman had a TDS meltdown over a MAGA street corner rally then proceeded to hit the vehicle in front of her while police were behind her &#55358;&#56611;<a href="https://t.co/rEVEGeKNaj">pic.twitter.com/rEVEGeKNaj</a></p>— John D ● (@RedWingGrips) <a href="https://twitter.com/RedWingGrips/status/1308444868595912705?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">September 22, 2020</a></blockquote> <script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>
So this Holly person rented a truck and obviously played a role in getting together shields and signs for the protest before the grand jury returned its verdict. Huh, too bad America does not have laws against subverting the judicial system or the government.

18 U.S.C. § 2383 - U.S. Code - Unannotated Title 18. Crimes and Criminal Procedure § 2383. Rebellion or insurrection

Whoever incites, sets on foot, assists, or engages in any rebellion or insurrection against the authority of the United States or the laws thereof, or gives aid or comfort thereto, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than ten years, or both;  and shall be incapable of holding any office under the United States.

Look at that ... whoever "incites, assists or engages in any rebellion or insurrection against the authority of the United States or the laws thereof" should spend ten years in jail.

Make it so, DOJ.
More peaceful protesters updates:

Video: Rioters Celebrate Hospitalization Of Journalist They Attacked In Asheville, NC

Chad Nesbitt Is Currently Hospitalized With A Traumatic Brain Injury As A Result Of The Attack

In another bout of what seems to be left-wing violence, Skyline News reporter Chad Nesbitt was assaulted in Asheville, North Carolina tonight. Skyline News is an investigative news team that covers all of western North Carolina. Nesbitt, one of their reporters, was out covering a local demonstration in response to today’s announcement regarding Breonna Taylor. In Nesbitt’s clip of the altercation, he can be seen surrounded by protesters. Nesbitt tells them several times “not to touch” him but the agitators only crowd closer and tell him that “no one is touching” him.

Nesbitt details that the protesters had congregated in front of the Asheville police department, and pans his livestream around to the people mobbing around him as the protesters call him a “piece of ****” and tell Nesbitt to stop touching them. As Nesbitt tells a man near him, “no one is touching you, sir”, his camera suddenly jerks up and his livestream abruptly ends. Another video picks up where Nesbitt’s stream ends, showing BLM agitators pushing one of Nesbitt’s friends – with an excessive amount of force – backward into Chad. A Facebook comment describing the incident specifies:

“So as you see in the video, Chad Nesbitt’s friend was pushed into him. Chad fell backwards and cracked his skull on a parking meter and was unresponsive…” Despite the life threatening nature of Nesbitt’s fall, that hasn’t stopped people [i.e., leftists, non-people] rom celebrating the incident.

The person who was allegedly knocked out is a well-known local troll who collabs w/nazis and has been spreading conspiracy theories that have promoted violence against specific local lefists.
— UngovernAVL #NationalPrisonerGrievance #NPG (@UngovernAVL)

It's ok, it was RW chud fascist propaganda purveyor Chad Nesbitt. All good.
— TrixyKnitter (@TrixyKnitter) September 24, 2020

Poooooorrrr Chad Nesbitt … &#55357;&#56834;#poeticjustice
— HellbenderAVL (@HellbenderAVL) September 24, 2020


Oh those loving leftists. So brave. Attacking old men, old women, isolated individuals.

So, so brave. I can hardly wait for about 1,000 of them to meet Alfred Charlie Peters, who is now .45 years old.
So this Holly person rented a truck and obviously played a role in getting together shields and signs for the protest before the grand jury returned its verdict. Huh, too bad America does not have laws against subverting the judicial system or the government.

Look at that ... whoever "incites, assists or engages in any rebellion or insurrection against the authority of the United States or the laws thereof" should spend ten years in jail.

Make it so, DOJ.

why do you hate women?
I just read Ann Coulter's Op Ed about Jake Gardner. Wtf?!? I'll find a link here in a bit. Hunger before posting.
In other related news the Portland Police Department has replaced all Sirens with the National Anthem to force suspects to stop running and take a knee.
I just read Ann Coulter's Op Ed about Jake Gardner. Wtf?!? I'll find a link here in a bit. Hunger before posting.

OMG she drops bombs. Well written. FIFY (Found it For You)

This **** is why people vote Trump.



During a BLM “peaceful protest” in Omaha, Nebraska, on May 30 (over George Floyd’s dying of a heart attack while in police custody in Minneapolis), James Scurlock was peacefully protesting by breaking into an architecture firm — hoisting an office chair and hurling it into two computer monitors, then ripping a phone from a desk and throwing it against the wall, as his friend shattered another monitor — all of which was captured on video.

Nearby, Jake Gardner, an Iraq War veteran and Trump supporter, was keeping watch over the two bars he owned, The Hive and The Gatsby, aided by his 68-year-old father and a security guard. The peaceful protesters soon made their way to Jake’s bar, where they hurled a street sign through The Hive’s plate-glass window. He and his father rushed outside to prevent the peaceful protesters from storming his bar.

Scurlock’s friend, catching his wind after smashing computer monitors, knocked Gardner’s father to the ground. (It’s on tape.) Or as CNN’s Madeline Holcombe put it: “An unidentified man can be seen pushing Gardner’s father.”Gardner rushed to help his father, then backed away toward the bar, lifting his shirt to show the protesters he was armed, and telling them to move along. Again, it’s all on tape. Murmurings can be heard from the crowd: “That (expletive) got a gun” and “It’s not worth it (expletive) you stu–,”

At that point, peaceful protester Alayna Melendez leapt on Gardner from behind (not subscribers to the Marquess of Queensberry rules, these peaceful protesters), knocking him down and into the street, whereupon yet another peaceful protester jumped on top of Gardner, who fired two warning shots in the air, scattering his first two assailants. Again: all on tape.

Three seconds later, as Gardner was trying to get up, Scurlock jumped on him from behind and put him in a chokehold — which I believe is considered definitive proof of intentional murder when performed by a police officer. In videos, Gardner can be heard yelling, “Get off me! Get off me!”

With his right arm pinned, and Scurlock choking him, Gardner moved the gun to his left hand and shot over his shoulder, hitting Scurlock in the collarbone, killing him.

Or as The New York Times’ Azi Paybarah explained it: “Mr. Gardner got into a fight with one man, James Scurlock, 22. The two scuffled before Mr. Gardner fired a shot that killed him.” They “scuffled.” It brings to mind the Times headline from Nov. 23, 1963: “President Kennedy Dies in Dallas After Scuffle — Albeit at Great Distance — With Lee Harvey Oswald.”

Let’s be fair, though. Maybe Scurlock jumped Gardner, or maybe Gardner jumped Scurlock. Who knows? It’s not like there are 4 million videos of the incident.

Gardner was immediately taken into police custody for questioning and held until 11 p.m. the next night.

The Democratic district attorney, Don Kleine, his chief deputy Brenda Beadle, and all the homicide detectives spent 12 hours that weekend reconstructing the incident with multiple videos. Their unanimous conclusion? That Gardner shot Scurlock in self-defense.

Despite the delusional claims posted on “social media” that Gardner used the N-word — which, as we all know, is grounds for summary execution by any black person — none of the videos substantiate that. To the contrary, Scurlock’s own friend denied that Gardner said anything racial at all. (Apparently, you can’t believe everything you read on the internet.)

At 22, Scurlock already had a rap sheet a mile long, including home invasion, assault and battery, domestic violence — and, of course, he was in the middle of a crime spree that very night. Methamphetamine and cocaine were found in his urine.

But “the community” erupted like COVID in April. Nebraska state Sen. Megan Hunt (bisexual, graduate of a now-defunct college) repeatedly called Gardner a “white supremacist.” Another Nebraska state senator, Kara Eastman (bisexual), called Gardner’s shooting of Spurlock a “cold-blooded murder.”

(Why do I mention their sexual orientations? A lot of the hate toward Gardner seems to come from the transgender community for his posting on Facebook that transgenders would be restricted to the unisex bathrooms because a man in a dress had attacked a female customer in the ladies’ room.)

Twitter was full of unattractive humans claiming that Gardner was a “white supremacist,” which were dutifully reprinted in local media, such as this one from @nostudavab (Twitter banner: “F*CK TRUMP”):

“Club owner Jake Gardner shot and killed a protestor in Omaha on video, yelling racial slurs. he is openly racist and homophobic. he murdered James Scurlock, he’s proud of it, and he’s not in jail.”

Protesters besieged Kleine’s neighborhood.

Kleine responded to the mob’s demand for “justice” by calling in a black prosecutor, Fred Franklin, to make damn sure the grand jury indicted Gardner — whom Kleine (the elected D.A.) had found to be innocent. As he was expected to do, Franklin produced a series of fanciful indictments, including for manslaughter and making a “terroristic threat.” (The “terroristic threat” was Gardner lifting his shirt to show the peaceful protesters that he was armed.)

The special prosecutor’s ALL NEW EVIDENCE THAT BLEW THE OTHER FACTS AWAY was this: The night of the BLM protest, Gardner had posted on Facebook: “Just when you think ‘what else could 2020 throw at me?’ Then you have to pull 48 hours of military style firewatch.”


Gardner’s landlord, Frank Vance, promptly evicted Jake’s bars from the building, and sent an anguished apology letter to Scurlock’s family (“deepest sympathy … the pain and suffering … losing a child to unnecessary violence … apologize for this horrible incident … time to heal … very deepest condolences”).

Gardner was facing 95 years in prison for shooting a career criminal who was choking him, and now he had lost his source of income. So naturally his friends tried to set up a GoFundMe account to help pay for his legal defense.

GoFundMe’s response? They instantly and repeatedly took down the page, based on their clearly stated policy: We don’t like you.

Here’s a thought, GoFundMe: Guaranteeing a fair trial for an individual accused of a crime isn’t the same as defending the thing he’s accused of. That’s the whole point! Gardner wanted to prove that he was innocent. Nope! No fair trial, no fair press, no livelihood, no GoFundMe. No chance.

Meanwhile, the family of the convicted criminal who jumped Gardner has already raised more than a quarter-million dollars on GoFundMe. (Funeral expenses can be costly!)

Poor Jake Gardner didn’t stand a chance against the raging, hate-filled multitude. Even those sworn to uphold the law, like Kleine and Franklin, leapt in with the mob. And a corporation whose business it is to enable people to raise money for just causes such as getting a fair trial refused to do business with him, not unlike the Memphis Woolworth’s treatment of black people in 1960.

Sadly, President Trump never said a word about his polite, cheerful supporter being railroaded in Omaha. Gardner had attended Trump’s inauguration with such high hopes. He had well wishes even for the (can we say “insane”?) protesters he encountered there.

Last weekend, facing death threats and a kangaroo court, and with no means to mount a defense, Gardner killed himself, rather than be killed by the mob waiting for him back in Omaha.

This is the part of the column where I make a clarion call for action. How about civil suits against the monsters in the prosecutor’s office, against the criminal-supporting GoFundMe and the Facebook and Twitter defamation mobs! Maybe a department of justice investigation or FCC action against biased social media companies. Antitrust suits. Boycotts!

I’ve got nothing. The country has gone mad. I always figured the first armed civilian who ever fought back would put an end to the violence exploding all over the country — the violence that police and prosecutors can’t or won’t stop. “We have the guns,” conservatives like to say. In fact, it’s even worse now.

It’s official: You can’t protect yourself. Not even a blameless ex-Marine could defend himself from being choked to death. The D.A. will call in a “special” prosecutor to throw you to the wolves, and they’ll both be praised for railroading an innocent man in the Omaha World Herald, while the national media defame you.
body cam footage of cop shot by Breonna's mostly peaceful boyfriend

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/CfmoRL2tOkI" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe>
Newt Gingrich was shutdown on FOX News for bringing up Soros who is funding all this chaos. AG Barr has pointed to him, as well, but nothing is being done to shut him down.

When money and people cross state lines it qualifies as a RICO suit.
The beat goes on. Now "peaceful" protests involve explosives.

Riots Break Out Again In Seattle: Starbucks, Cops Attacked With ‘Explosives,’ Police Say

Riots broke out again in the Democratic-controlled city of Seattle on Saturday night, leading to more than a dozen people being arrested for a litany of alleged crimes.

Photos taken by the Seattle Police Department showed graffiti spray painted on various buildings calling for police officers to be murdered.

Law enforcement officials “arrested 16 individuals after various acts of property destruction, assault, and vandalism” that occurred during the riot, according to the police department. “A group of protestors left Cal Anderson Park shortly after 9 PM Saturday heading North. A few members of the group were seen committing acts of vandalism and property damage along the way. The group slowly made their way to the 1600 block of East Olive Way where they shattered windows and threw explosives into a coffee shop.”

The police department said that arrests were also made for failure to disperse and rendering criminal assistance after the rioters attacked police officers with what officials said was an “explosive.”

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">HAPPENING NOW: Antifa Militants and Black Lives Matter Rioters break into and launch fireworks inside Starbucks.<a href="https://twitter.com/SeattlePD?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">@SeattlePD</a> declared this protest a riot and issued an order to disperse. <a href="https://twitter.com/hashtag/seattleprotests?src=hash&ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">#seattleprotests</a> <a href="https://t.co/lrFguvqRBX">pic.twitter.com/lrFguvqRBX</a></p>— Katie Daviscourt&#55356;&#56826;&#55356;&#56824; (@KatieDaviscourt) <a href="https://twitter.com/KatieDaviscourt/status/1312612207662829568?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">October 4, 2020</a></blockquote> <script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>

Seattle has seen its fair share of anti-police riots this summer and, in response to the city’s Democratic leaders not responding in a strong manner to the violence, the U.S. Department of Justice has designated the city an “anarchist jurisdiction.”
the U.S. Department of Justice has designated the city an “anarchist jurisdiction.”

Say, maybe we can get Trey Gowdy to come back to congress and give them stern looks. It would be about as effective.
The left has found a way around that 2nd amendment inconvenience: simply charge any citizen who uses a firearm to defend himself. Jake Gardner, Mark McCloskey and Patricia McCloskey, Kyle Rittenhouse.

The left has figured out that owning firearms to defend yourself doesn't do much good if using a firearm to defend yourself leads to a loss of your freedom, your business, your life.

Can't prevent people from owning guns, ammo and using them to protect themselves? No worries. Just make using them to protect yourself impossible.

P.S. **** the left. **** them.
The beat goes on. Now "peaceful" protests involve explosives.

Riots Break Out Again In Seattle: Starbucks, Cops Attacked With ‘Explosives,’ Police Say

Riots broke out again in the Democratic-controlled city of Seattle on Saturday night, leading to more than a dozen people being arrested for a litany of alleged crimes.

Photos taken by the Seattle Police Department showed graffiti spray painted on various buildings calling for police officers to be murdered.

Law enforcement officials “arrested 16 individuals after various acts of property destruction, assault, and vandalism” that occurred during the riot, according to the police department. “A group of protestors left Cal Anderson Park shortly after 9 PM Saturday heading North. A few members of the group were seen committing acts of vandalism and property damage along the way. The group slowly made their way to the 1600 block of East Olive Way where they shattered windows and threw explosives into a coffee shop.”

The police department said that arrests were also made for failure to disperse and rendering criminal assistance after the rioters attacked police officers with what officials said was an “explosive.”

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">HAPPENING NOW: Antifa Militants and Black Lives Matter Rioters break into and launch fireworks inside Starbucks.<a href="https://twitter.com/SeattlePD?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">@SeattlePD</a> declared this protest a riot and issued an order to disperse. <a href="https://twitter.com/hashtag/seattleprotests?src=hash&ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">#seattleprotests</a> <a href="https://t.co/lrFguvqRBX">pic.twitter.com/lrFguvqRBX</a></p>— Katie Daviscourt���� (@KatieDaviscourt) <a href="https://twitter.com/KatieDaviscourt/status/1312612207662829568?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">October 4, 2020</a></blockquote> <script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>

Seattle has seen its fair share of anti-police riots this summer and, in response to the city’s Democratic leaders not responding in a strong manner to the violence, the U.S. Department of Justice has designated the city an “anarchist jurisdiction.”

What did Starbucks do to them? My question is sarcasm.