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VP's Office In Turmoil


Absolutely Worthless
Jul 27, 2015
Reaction score
Barn in the Back
This deserves it's own thread.

“It all starts at the top,” said one of the administration officials, who like others requested anonymity to be able to speak candidly about a sensitive matter.

“People are thrown under the bus from the very top, there are short fuses and it’s an abusive environment,” said another person with direct knowledge of how Harris’ office is run. “It’s not a healthy environment and people often feel mistreated. It’s not a place where people feel supported but a place where people feel treated like ****.”

WTF? And the media source isn't exactly a right-wing outlet.
Are any of us surprised? She doesn't have a leadership bone in her body.

I was a little surprised by the abusive environment comment though. I knew they were slimy and incompetent, but apparently that isn't exclusive to just their political enemies and the American people.
Are any of us surprised? She doesn't have a leadership bone in her body.
Kamala bent over, and Joe came over, but couldn’t deceiver, but Michelle Obama gave them the bone. Ooooo
Are any of us surprised? She doesn't have a leadership bone in her body.
Ditto this. Joe had to have a woman of color, and couldn't have picked a worse one. Can you imagine this woman in the Presidency?
Ditto this. Joe had to have a woman of color, and couldn't have picked a worse one. Can you imagine this woman in the Presidency?
Sadly, she would be a slight upgrade from Joe. I mean, sending your wife to conduct foreign policy over the VP and Secretary of State? Says so much about the whole bullshit, illegitimate, presidency of today. Yes, I left the word "presidency" lower case on purpose.
Ditto this. Joe had to have a woman of color, and couldn't have picked a worse one. Can you imagine this woman in the Presidency?
well, if you lack an imagination, there's no worry. she'll be prezdint in 2023.
I've known for years that Harris is a narcissistic idiot. She graduated the middle of her class from a mediocre law school, flunked the bar, and has achieved her success via milking government jobs and blow jobs.

No surprise that she is a terrible boss. People who are stupid blame others for their failures. It's the very core of (D)imbo ideology.
I've known for years that Harris is a narcissistic idiot. She graduated the middle of her class from a mediocre law school, flunked the bar, and has achieved her success via milking government jobs and blow jobs.

No surprise that she is a terrible boss. People who are stupid blame others for their failures. It's the very core of (D)imbo ideology.
so she has always been the center of the gang?
She carried on an illicit affair with a married man who was old enough to be her father in order to get her first government job. She is a person of low moral character, people with poor moral character seldomly make good bosses.
No worries, some idiot will post a poll showing that Dementia Boy has a 52% approval rating so all is great in America, no matter the exploding crime rate in every major city, murders, shootings, stabbings in broad daylight, rapes, robberies, exploding government debt, small businesses failing, median income plummeting, opiods killing tens of thousands, suicides up, depression up, kids losing a year of their lives, labor participation falling, home ownership falling, infrastructure faltering, political greed and corruption at an all-time high, news sources blatant bootlickers for one party, distrust of the news media never higher, public optimism about the future of the country plummeting.

Those facts don't matter. Some guy named Weisselberg was indicted about an apartment and no more mean tweets!!
Not with "Dr" Jill at the controls.
Might be harder to get her out of the White House than Hildebeast. Gonna be an epic fight when Kamala wants to move in.
No worries, some idiot will post a poll showing that Dementia Boy has a 52% approval rating so all is great in America, no matter the exploding crime rate in every major city, murders, shootings, stabbings in broad daylight, rapes, robberies, exploding government debt, small businesses failing, median income plummeting, opiods killing tens of thousands, suicides up, depression up, kids losing a year of their lives, labor participation falling, home ownership falling, infrastructure faltering, political greed and corruption at an all-time high, news sources blatant bootlickers for one party, distrust of the news media never higher, public optimism about the future of the country plummeting.

And what are you going to do with your $.016 savings?!

They actually sent this out.
I am going to invest my massive savings in slightly less than 1/3 of a stamp. I asked USPS for a payment plan. At this rate, in approximately December of 2024, I will have saved enough and paid enough for the stamp.

I will then use that stamp to send a letter to Basement Boy, asking him to **** himself.
I am going to invest my massive savings in slightly less than 1/3 of a stamp. I asked USPS for a payment plan. At this rate, in approximately December of 2024, I will have saved enough and paid enough for the stamp.

I will then use that stamp to send a letter to Basement Boy, asking him to **** himself.

I'm going to get a little extra pork & beans & sliced cheese! Because that's what we usually eat on the 4th of July!
The Trump-Harris debates in 2024 are going to be gold.

Unless you want my tinfoil hat prediction.