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VP's Office In Turmoil

Biden is forced to step down before the 2022 election (I still don't think he'll last that long) while the Dems control the House and Senate and thus the confirmation process since they already know they will lose both in 2022.
President Kneepads nominates Michelle Obama as VP and she is confirmed by the Dems.
Dems cream themselves now that the country is run by two Communist black women who hate America and white people.
President Kneepads proves to be incompetent on a daily basis and Mooshell quotes Bubby Brister and says "I don't mop up for nobody". Dem party quietly buys off Kneepads to go away and "spend more time with her family".
Dems know that they can't put Kneepads up to run for President in 2024 and nominate Moose, Dems and media are ecstatic that they are looking at the 4th and 5th terms of Black Jesus, everybody knows He's really running the government but they don't care.
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Biden is forced to step down before the 2022 election (I still don't think he'll last that long) while the Dems control the House and Senate and thus the confirmation process since they already know they will lose both in 2022.
President Kneepads nominates Michelle Obama as VP and she is confirmed by the Dems.
Dems cream themselves now that the country is run by two Communist black women who hate America and white people.
President Kneepads proves to be incompetent on a daily basis and Mooshell quotes Bubby Brister and says "I don't mop up for nobody". Dem party quietly buys off Kneepads to go away and "spend more time with her family".
Dems know that they can't put Kneepads up to run for President in 2024 and nominate Moose, Dems and media are ecstatic that they are looking at the 4th and 5th terms of Black Jesus, everybody knows He's really running the government but they don't care.
ConspiracyWig even nods at that
Sadly, she would be a slight upgrade from Joe. I mean, sending your wife to conduct foreign policy over the VP and Secretary of State? Says so much about the whole bullshit, illegitimate, presidency of today. Yes, I left the word "presidency" lower case on purpose.
I always do.
I am going to invest my massive savings in slightly less than 1/3 of a stamp. I asked USPS for a payment plan. At this rate, in approximately December of 2024, I will have saved enough and paid enough for the stamp.

I will then use that stamp to send a letter to Basement Boy, asking him to **** himself.
Um. You realize by 2024 the rate for postal stamps will have increased by about 98%...
Um. You realize by 2024 the rate for postal stamps will have increased by about 98%...
dont foncuse Jimmy with facts.
ConspiracyWig even nods at that
Truthfully, when trying to come up with a realistic scenario, you have to consider that A) Biden and Harris are ******* things up at an astounding rate. Even the most dedicated democrats can't deny **** looks BAD!

No, I see a couple really "out-there" possibilities. If the "fraud investigations" are ultimately quashed and the democrats are free to rig elections as they see fit, the mid-terms will see them gain in the house and Senate despite EVERY LOGICAL INDICATION that this simply can't happen. If it does happen, then you'll see democrats take enough of an advantage in the house and senate to essentially do whatever they want. Among those (on the really really far outside) may be removing presidential term limits. That would pave the way for "Hope n Change" to ride right back in to the white house to "fix" all the stuff that (cough cough) Trump broke.

I don't see the vice prostitute signing Michelle up as VP. It's way too much of a power-struggle. Ironically, if anyone could make the vice prostitute seem moderate, it's Michael er... Michelle Obama. No, better to just try to ride it out for the finality of the term and then simply recommend she NOT run for another term. Then they can put whomever they want in charge and follow whatever agenda they like while having a short-term scapegoat to blame for any public dissatisfaction that may be increasing.

As it is, after the current numbskulls in charge have completely destroyed the economy, the military, and race-relations in this country, they can be discarded while simultaneously being unofficially burdened with all the blame for failing to "free us from Trump's terrible aftermath."

Given the reports that the vice prostitute is basically following this very path in her own office, throwing people under the bus, treating them like hot garbage and blaming them for every fuckup that drips down from the top... It may just be part of the greater democratic strategy.

I don't see the vice prostitute signing Michelle up as VP. It's way too much of a power-struggle. Ironically, if anyone could make the vice prostitute seem moderate, it's Michael er... Michelle Obama.
Just in case you needed to see Mrs Obamas dick flopping around.

damn. i finally agree with the *********** *****.
