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Wake up, Libs: There will be no 2018 “blue wave,” no Dem majority and no impeachment

That's all well and good.....but like I said what would you do with the people who have no means to support themselves if Social Security didn't exist? I'm not saying I trust the government to manage the fund either but I REALLY don't trust people to take care of themselves in large enough numbers where there won't be a widespread crisis. We would inevitably get ****** even worse now because of the repercussions of that.

There are about a dozen workable plans to phase social security out while taking care of those already drawing it.
Love the title of this thread. The party is just starting and Spike thinks it's all over. Mueller is just getting started.
That's all well and good.....but like I said what would you do with the people who have no means to support themselves if Social Security didn't exist? .

Bulldoze them into landfills or use them as spackle on the boarder wall. They've already spent their fair share of OUR money.
BWAhahahahaha - Dems taking back control of govt!

A New Hope!

Democrats are pushing Jerry Springer to run for governor in Ohio

Influential Ohio Democrats are pushing former Cincinnati mayor and daytime-TV host Jerry Springer to run for Ohio governor in 2018, more than half a dozen Democrats familiar with the race told Business Insider.

Those discussing a possible run with the talk-show host include Ted Strickland, the former Ohio governor who ran for Senate last year, said Tim Burke, the Hamilton County Democratic Party chairman. And several Democrats said recent conversations with Springer, as well as his schedule, suggested he seemed to be more seriously interested in running this time than in years past.



Run Jerry Run!

Jerry Springer: Scandal: Patronizing a prostitute

While he was serving in Cincinnati's city council, a raid on a Fort Wright, Ky., brothel uncovered the check Springer had written for a prostitute's services. Springer admitted the dealing during a press conference and resigned his post in 1974.

Please explain to me how people can be pro life but not understand the need for welfare. Also, how can you be pro life and not promote birth control and safe sex. There's so many contridictions there. I could go on and on. Republicans are trying to fully privitize social security, openly hate the program and have been trying to get rid of it for years. Same with Medicare. I can do this all day. The thing is that there is nuance to this and it's not as easy as just picking a side and saying one side is right. This is were I think conservtives get it right to be honest. They want goverment out of the way unless it impedes on their ability to impose their religious views on people and then it's a different story. Younger generations are not going to go for this ****. There will be a massive change in the not to distant future.....in the next 10 years for sure. It's not about the marketablity of "liberal" and "conservative" propoganda at that point either. It's about who is goign to allow growth and who is going to provide stability and diginity.

I am pro-life and I think welfare is needed but certainly not in its current state. First of all I think everyone on welfare should be drug / alcohol tested and not get anything if they fail. Also welfare should not punish the people who are working. If someone on welfare now gets a full time job at say mcdonalds they will lose a lot of their benefits. If you are out there working / trying welfare should benefit these people more not the ones sitting around doing nothing. We had a lady that wanted to work at my place. I believe she had mild MS and was taking an expensive medication to control it. She had to turn down the job because she would have lost her benefits that allowed her to pay for her medicine. The system is ***-backwards Also young girls with no jobs are just pumping babies out left and right. I really dont know how you combat that other than handing out birth control. It would be a lot cheaper than having the govt raising the babies.
Love the title of this thread. The party is just starting and Spike thinks it's all over. Mueller is just getting started.

I wouldn't call it a party, I'd call it a wake. It's a sad point in American history right now. Thankfully the Republic is strong and will withstand Trump taking a sledgehammer to it.

I do agree that Mueller as independant counsel is no joke for Trump, regardless of how lightly he's taking it. He has no idea to what extent this will muddle the foreseeable future. Hopefully, at the end of the day we'll have some clarity. I doubt Trump sticks around long enough to see the curtain fall.
I wouldn't call it a party, I'd call it a wake. It's a sad point in American history right now. Thankfully the Republic is strong and will withstand Trump taking a sledgehammer to it.

I do agree that Mueller as independant counsel is no joke for Trump, regardless of how lightly he's taking it. He has no idea to what extent this will muddle the foreseeable future. Hopefully, at the end of the day we'll have some clarity. I doubt Trump sticks around long enough to see the curtain fall.

I wouldn't call it a party, I'd call it a wake. It's a sad point in American history right now. Thankfully the Republic is strong and will withstand Trump taking a sledgehammer to it.

I do agree that Mueller as independant counsel is no joke for Trump, regardless of how lightly he's taking it. He has no idea to what extent this will muddle the foreseeable future. Hopefully, at the end of the day we'll have some clarity. I doubt Trump sticks around long enough to see the curtain fall.

Until the Mueller investigation is complete, and charges are filed, you got nothing......................except a left wing media trying hard to become relevant again.
That's all well and good.....but like I said what would you do with the people who have no means to support themselves if Social Security didn't exist? I'm not saying I trust the government to manage the fund either but I REALLY don't trust people to take care of themselves in large enough numbers where there won't be a widespread crisis. We would inevitably get ****** even worse now because of the repercussions of that.

We are 20 trillion dollars in debt...what kind of "crisis" do you think will happen that will be worse than that?
Please explain to me how people can be pro life but not understand the need for welfare. Also, how can you be pro life and not promote birth control and safe sex. There's so many contridictions there. I could go on and on. Republicans are trying to fully privitize social security, openly hate the program and have been trying to get rid of it for years. Same with Medicare. I can do this all day. The thing is that there is nuance to this and it's not as easy as just picking a side and saying one side is right. This is were I think conservtives get it right to be honest. They want goverment out of the way unless it impedes on their ability to impose their religious views on people and then it's a different story. Younger generations are not going to go for this ****. There will be a massive change in the not to distant future.....in the next 10 years for sure. It's not about the marketablity of "liberal" and "conservative" propoganda at that point either. It's about who is goign to allow growth and who is going to provide stability and diginity.

Don't know where to start with all of this.

Yes I am pro-life and I also see the absolute devastation to entire swaths of society that have become a permanent welfare-dependent underclass with no hope of recovering.

Yes I would promote birth control but I also don't believe in forcing priests and nuns who believe it is wrong to promote it or pay for it.

No, the government should not impose its religious views on people nor should it force religious people to violate their deeply held beliefs.

Abortion is a human rights issue, not just a religious one, go take a look into any NICU at babies fighting for their lives, and then honestly tell me you think it's perfectly ok to tear them limb from limb or plunge scissors into their skulls without anesthesia, just because they happen to be on the other side of the birth canal. People who would be up in arms if we treated dogs or bunnies that way trying to say there is nothing wrong with that. Ok.
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Until the Mueller investigation is complete, and charges are filed, you got nothing..

Well we have plenty of bits and pieces of damning information, but in general I do agree with you. Let's see this investigation fulfill its mandate and let the chips fall where they may.

...except a left wing media trying hard to become relevant again
I'd argue the media is simply doing it's job.
Well we have plenty of bits and pieces of damning information, but in general I do agree with you. Let's see this investigation fulfill its mandate and let the chips fall where they may.

I'd argue the media is simply doing it's job.
Damning information? Show us one Damning FACT.
Bulldoze them into landfills or use them as spackle on the boarder wall. They've already spent their fair share of OUR money.
How would you kill them first? Would you shoot them? Gas them? Pay some of them minimum wage to bash the other's head's in with a pipe? Historically the Nazis found this to be quite a challenge. I assume you have some ideas about how you get them prepared for the bulldozing? I mean you DO realize the horrific nature of your flippant comment there, right? It's sort of sickening.

I'd argue the media is simply doing it's job.
That's ******* ridiculous almost beyond commenting on. The "media" is so far beyond their mandate and has been for some 20+ years that they likely don't even know what their ******* job is anymore. Today the "media" is fully agenda and propaganda driven. I can promise you that if the "media" was witch-hunting Obama or Clinton like they are Trump right now... Well **** I can't even continue because that's not even a rational possibility.

Is Trump an *******? Sure. Does the "media" really need to conjecture about what he ******* eats for breakfast? and whether or not the German leadership finds that offensive? Do we ******* CARE if Germany gives a **** what Melania Trump or Baron Trump eats for breakfast or when she wears a veil or not?

I was all for this election because I knew it was going to tear this country's political system apart. And it has. We will NEVER respect the position and authority of president again in this country. But it's not because of Trump. It's because of your precious "media" NOT doing its "job".
I wouldn't call it a party, I'd call it a wake. It's a sad point in American history right now. Thankfully the Republic is strong and will withstand Trump taking a sledgehammer to it.

I do agree that Mueller as independant counsel is no joke for Trump, regardless of how lightly he's taking it. He has no idea to what extent this will muddle the foreseeable future. Hopefully, at the end of the day we'll have some clarity. I doubt Trump sticks around long enough to see the curtain fall.

Actually what is sad is that the latent racism that I knew was just below the veneer of forced decency, reared it's head at the worst possible time with the election of the human joke named Donald Trump.

I say this because you are right in your assertion that the country can survive a disaster like Trump. The only problem is can the planet survive?

Not just because of the threat of nuclear holocaust brought on by the mental midget in the oval office, but because of the certainty of civilization's end since these people believe that climate change is a hoax.

I mean it has to be a hoax if Exxon says so right?
Actually what is sad is that the latent racism that I knew was just below the veneer of forced decency, reared it's head at the worst possible time with the election of the human joke named Donald Trump.

So it's racist to vote for white Donald Trump rather than white Hillary Clinton?

Genius, I tell 'ya.
So it's racist to vote for white Donald Trump rather than white Hillary Clinton?

Genius, I tell 'ya.

No, it was racist to vote for him because of all the racist/sexist things he espoused.

From saying most hispanics were rapists, drug dealers etc., to Megyn Kelly and her menstrual cycle, and of course his offensive comments toward African-Americans. Painting them as "living in war zones" and that "they struggle to get by on food stamps" As if that's all black people do.

Of course you agreed and loved when he said those things because you are a racist like many of your CONservative fellow travelers here.

If Hillary had won and appointed Sessions(King Racist himself) as A.G., then you might have some equivalency champ.....

So I would stick to ambulance chasing and settlements instead of trying to make an actual argument counselor.

It tends to work out for you much like Trump trying to put a complete sentence together works out for him.
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