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Warren's promises to cancel student debt - @#$% you to those who paid for school


They killed Kenny!
Apr 9, 2014
Reaction score
The nearest Steelers bar.
I believe it beyond dispute that the supposed promise to "cancel" student debt is a travesty. The plan involves no "canceling," and could not actually consist of simply voiding a debt since the 5th amendment precludes the public taking of private property without "just compensation." Therefore, the plan is to have the government ... no, the TAXPAYER pay the student debt.

What about those who paid for their own education, every penny repaid on loans, and then paid for their kids' college - Mr. and Mrs. Steeltime included? Fauxcahontas responds in an answer to this very question from an Iowa voter, and the answer is, as always seems to be the case for (D)ims speaking to the taxpayers, "**** you."

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">&#55358;&#56650;OUCH&#55358;&#56650;&#55358;&#56611;<br>Lizzie is confronted by a father who worked double shifts to pay for his daughters education and wants to know if he gets his money back..<br>Lizzie smirks..<a href="https://twitter.com/realDonaldTrump?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">@realDonaldTrump</a> <a href="https://twitter.com/hashtag/IOWA?src=hash&ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">#IOWA</a> <a href="https://t.co/Jn2eeOWHwW">pic.twitter.com/Jn2eeOWHwW</a></p>— &#55356;&#56826;&#55356;&#56824;&#55356;&#56826;&#55356;&#56824; Miguelifornia &#55356;&#56826;&#55356;&#56824;&#55356;&#56826;&#55356;&#56824; (@michaelbeatty3) <a href="https://twitter.com/michaelbeatty3/status/1219420950732529669?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">January 21, 2020</a></blockquote> <script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>
Utopia will be free. You know this now, right?
Utopia will be free. You know this now, right?

I keep forgetting the universal economic theory (Ron will back me up on this), "Supply is limited, demand is infinite, but the demand for free **** is very, very, very limited and easily met."
She literally laughed at him and he called her out for it. This is not a good look for Warren but this needs to be shown since the press will not question her on these issues.
As a 40 plus year ol man who’s still sitting on a pile of school loan payments to go, **** that!!!

That said, school prices are ******* outrageous. You would be smarter now a days to do a trade school, little to no dept and have a much higher paying job out the gate. Now, in I’m sure the pay grade isn’t as nice as it can be in the Corp world futures but I donno. Sure as **** payed the last plumber a **** ton just to come to my home.
Go Liz!

While the Bernie Bros and the Biden bots tear each other to shreds she is going for the young women vote, something the grandpas can't scratch
Go Liz!

While the Bernie Bros and the Biden bots tear each other to shreds she is going for the young women vote, something the grandpas can't scratch

****. Just like last time the dim establishment is pulling and pushing for her, while sinking the others. The whole time using the media machine
****. Just like last time the dim establishment is pulling and pushing for her, while sinking the others. The whole time using the media machine

No no no, the Dem establishment is full on board with Creepy Uncle Joe

I want Liz to win the Dem primary
My bet is that Bernie gets the DNC nod.
I want a free McLaren 720s ! I want my free **** too. It's only fair.
my Granpa used to tell me that accepting things for free is like licking the sweat of a working mans back. I remember that every time Warren opens hear mouth
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My bet is that Bernie gets the DNC nod.

Biden has already been chosen by the DNC

Now you got Hillary try to kneecap Bernie?

HILLARY ON BERNIE: “He was in Congress for years. He had one senator support him. Nobody likes him, nobody wants to work with him, he got nothing done. He was a career politician. It's all just baloney and I feel so bad that people got sucked into it."


Don't take that **** Bernie bros! Fight back!

Trump: Democrats will 'never allow' Sanders to win

President Trump on Thursday declared that Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) had taken the lead in the race for the Democratic presidential nomination, but said he does not believe that the national party will “allow” Sanders to win.

"Crazy Bernie takes the lead in the Democrat Primaries, but it is looking more and more like the Dems will never allow him to win! Will Sleepy Joe be able to stumble across the finish line?"

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Go Liz!

While the Bernie Bros and the Biden bots tear each other to shreds she is going for the young women vote, something the grandpas can't scratch

That and any other off the wall plan she can think of.

Democratic presidential candidate Elizabeth Warren pledged that if she's elected in November that she will fill at least half her Cabinet with women and "non binary people," according to her Medium post Wednesday.

OK...I had to look up wtf a non-binary person is, bein' the old clueless person I am....I didn't even know these critters even existed and Lizzy wants to fill the capital with them..

Non-binary people may identify as having two or more genders (being bigender or trigender); having no gender (agender, nongendered, genderless, genderfree or neutrois); moving between genders or having a fluctuating gender identity (genderfluid); being third gender or other-gendered (a category that includes those who ..


Really ?? Warren's gonna put circus freaks in the White House ?


That's it...she wins and I am drowning myself in Jack Daniels
My daughters both chose colleges that offered them scholarship money over more "prestigious" options that didn't. Of course it's perfectly logical that we should be forced to pay off the debt of dumbasses who borrowed 150,000 so they could get an art or women's studies degree from some exclusive liberal arts school.
My daughters both chose colleges that offered them scholarship money over more "prestigious" options that didn't. Of course it's perfectly logical that we should be forced to pay off the debt of dumbasses who borrowed 150,000 so they could get an art or women's studies degree from some exclusive liberal arts school.

Son #1 got academic scholarships to go to the school of his choice. Kid hasn't had a B since middle school (even in college). Scored lights out on the SAT. You can't get a whole lot better than that. He got two academic scholarships to Ohio State - the Buckeye Scholarship and another one. It totals up to $16,000+ a year. Tuition for out of state there is over $46K though. So I pay $30K annually. Will be over $120K easy by the time he's done with all the additives like books, parking tickets, frat dues haha.

Son #2 is working to get a basketball scholarship to help us. We will see how that goes. So far a DIII school wants him. He wants other interest. Regardless, I'm sure I'm paying out of pocket.

People make choices on education that are unique. Some take out a ton of loans because they want a particular school or a particular program. Others, like my niece, live at home, commute to a local college and graduate in 3 years while working her way through school because of finances.

If Liz says college tuition is going to be FREE, she's got a legitimate problem, because everyone, myself included, is going to demand a refund for our college investments. The points brought up are simple and accurate - why should my neighbor with 13 and 15 year olds get to send their kids to school for free and to keep $250K or more that I had to spend? I want muh damn money back.
Oddly enough, My son and I are heading to the University of Kentucky today for a campus visit on Saturday. I can't wait to see what this is going to cost me. My Daughter chose a state school, so I've been able to pay for her college fees outside of the federal loans. As nice as it sounds, tax dollars should never provide free college. As soon as that happens, tuition rates will skyrocket.
Oddly enough, My son and I are heading to the University of Kentucky today for a campus visit on Saturday. I can't wait to see what this is going to cost me. My Daughter chose a state school, so I've been able to pay for her college fees outside of the federal loans. As nice as it sounds, tax dollars should never provide free college. As soon as that happens, tuition rates will skyrocket.

A lot of the southern schools offer decent scholarships for out of state kids if they have good stats.
Son #1 got academic scholarships to go to the school of his choice. Kid hasn't had a B since middle school (even in college). Scored lights out on the SAT. You can't get a whole lot better than that. He got two academic scholarships to Ohio State - the Buckeye Scholarship and another one. It totals up to $16,000+ a year. Tuition for out of state there is over $46K though. So I pay $30K annually. Will be over $120K easy by the time he's done with all the additives like books, parking tickets, frat dues haha.

Son #2 is working to get a basketball scholarship to help us. We will see how that goes. So far a DIII school wants him. He wants other interest. Regardless, I'm sure I'm paying out of pocket.

People make choices on education that are unique. Some take out a ton of loans because they want a particular school or a particular program. Others, like my niece, live at home, commute to a local college and graduate in 3 years while working her way through school because of finances.

If Liz says college tuition is going to be FREE, she's got a legitimate problem, because everyone, myself included, is going to demand a refund for our college investments. The points brought up are simple and accurate - why should my neighbor with 13 and 15 year olds get to send their kids to school for free and to keep $250K or more that I had to spend? I want muh damn money back.

Mine weren't offered full rides by any means. But they rejected a few 60-70000/year schools in favor of good out of state schools that came in with scholarships around 30 and 40000. Granted they did not take their cheaper options which would have been Pitt or Penn State. But if I had to borrow the full amount they damn sure would have.

In two years we will have all 3 in college. Lord have mercy.
In two years we will have all 3 in college. Lord have mercy.

Ouch. My two kids are the best. Both very smart and athletic, both played Division 1 college sports. Both went to very good schools ... daughter from 2005-2009, son 2010-2014. Eight consecutive years, kid in very good (i.e., expensive) schools.

I feel your pain.

So we paid for kids' college. We paid A LOT for their college. Kids paid for their own post-graduation education expenses. Kids now working, doing well, daughter married, son engaged.

So my wife, son, daughter and me ALL incurred considerable education expenses in our lives, ALL paid our school debts in full, ALL working full-time, ALL paying taxes.

And we should ******* pay the school debt for some chump who majored in lesbian dance theory and can't find a job?!?
You all need to count your blessings. I have one finish school years ago on her own dime. One more got the money from his very rich mom. My oldest son has severe learning disorders and will never go to college. The youngest is by far the most intelligent, but is trying to level the playing field by smoking weed constantly. Breaks our hearts.
I have 1 graduated- She is a nurse. Son is in 3rd year of Pharmacy school, youngest daughter has partial scholarship for cheer next year. Then I have 2 more boys after that , but the other 2 should be done before they start. I feel your pain.
You all need to count your blessings. I have one finish school years ago on her own dime. One more got the money from his very rich mom. My oldest son has severe learning disorders and will never go to college. The youngest is by far the most intelligent, but is trying to level the playing field by smoking weed constantly. Breaks our hearts.

Too bad about your oldest, life sucks sometimes, and too bad about your youngest as well. Smoking weed before age 22 changes brain function.

And believe me, I count my blessings every day. Like every person on earth, I have had tough times, events I would never want to re-live. However, I am indescribably lucky - I was born in America to an intact, loving family, worked through school, graduated, have worked my entire life, saved money, have a great wife, two healthy and happy kids, live in a great place. I avoid self-pity. Families live through babies dying, toddlers suffering cancer, poverty, disease - if I whined about my life, God would punch me in the sack.
You all need to count your blessings. I have one finish school years ago on her own dime. One more got the money from his very rich mom. My oldest son has severe learning disorders and will never go to college. The youngest is by far the most intelligent, but is trying to level the playing field by smoking weed constantly. Breaks our hearts.

I'm sorry about your sons. We are in a pretty good place now overall but it has not been without any struggles, particularly with our one daughter who is incredibly bright but a hot mess in the organization and attention departments. She is finding she can't coast through college the way she did through most of high school and that has been a lot of stress on all of us. Also a challenge for us to know how much to let her fail and learn from her mistakes and how much to stay on top of her so it doesn't all go to ****, particularly when it's a 10s of thousands of dollars investment.

Parenting is not for the faint of heart.

That said, we are very fortunate. They are all basically really good kids.
Hang in there with the kids in college. I know very bright kid who flunked out of his first year at a very good in-state school with tons of lottery funded assistance for good students.. Turns out he was getting up and playing video games all day. Never went to class. Got his **** together after they moved him to a different college (out of state and a lot more expensive) and now he has great job in data analytics and is moving up the management path.

I'm convinced that a couple of years in the military after high school would help a lot of kids. A lot just are not ready for the responsibility. It's a ******* expensive deep end of the pool to find out.