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Warren's promises to cancel student debt - @#$% you to those who paid for school

That said, school prices are ******* outrageous. You would be smarter now a days to do a trade school, little to no dept and have a much higher paying job out the gate. Now, in I’m sure the pay grade isn’t as nice as it can be in the Corp world futures but I donno. Sure as **** payed the last plumber a **** ton just to come to my home.

The schools have rigged the system to tap in to all the easy government money. Most colleges have open admissions, i.e. let everyone in, and you can major in whatever the hell you want. Whether you can earn a living at it or pay the loans back is not the colleges' concern. They got their money. If they can charge $40k a year for two people to major in puppeteering then a puppeteering department there will be.
Both of mine are in college right now. One graduates in April, and the other is a Sophomore. I hate college.

I remember when most of us were in our 30"s, now here we are with kids in college. time flies man.
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I remember when most of us were in our 30"s, now here we are with kids in college. time flies man.

No kidding. I was 37 with a toddler when I first joined this message board.
I remember when most of us were in our 30"s, now here we are with kids in college. time flies man.

I was just married in my early 20's with no kids for another 3 more years when i came here. My oldest is a Freshman in high school.
I have a 15 year old son. He's my only child. Wish I knew then what I know now and I would have had more. College isn't for everyone. Mostly it's a waste unless you know what you want to do and stick to it. I bounced around colleges for years. Which is why I have 5 degrees and 7 different majors but only 1 job (teacher). I've told my son that if he wants to go to college I'll take care of it. If not he can join the military or go to trade school. I don't have a preference because you can make money doing all sorts of things but he needs to enjoy what he does.

I told him the only thing I won't pay for is college for a degree in anything with "studies" at the end of it. It has to be a real degree that leads to a job.
Unless they strive to go into business, medicine or law, screw college. Start out working at UPS, FedEx, or Amazon delivery and they'll be doing well by the time they've put in 30 years. There will be no brick and mortar stores in another 15-20 years if not sooner, so the sky is the limit for those companies.

Plumber or electrician are two great trades. Heck I'm thinking about getting certified as an electrician. I'd rather do the occasional easy wiring job when I need a little extra after retirement rather than be a greeter at Walmart.
Plumber or electrician are two great trades. Heck I'm thinking about getting certified as an electrician. I'd rather do the occasional easy wiring job when I need a little extra after retirement rather than be a greeter at Walmart.

I do electrical odd jobs for for some of my friends. Been thinking about going and getting my HVAC certificate. I love what I do now, but it never changes, and being surrounded by a bunch of bitchy, whiny 50 year olds that worry about everything but themselves is kinda starting to get old.
being surrounded by a bunch of bitchy, whiny 50 year olds that worry about everything but themselves is kinda starting to get old.

i did not know you exchange texts with Steeltime, Ark and Tim
That and any other off the wall plan she can think of.

OK...I had to look up wtf a non-binary person is, bein' the old clueless person I am....I didn't even know these critters even existed and Lizzy wants to fill the capital with them..


Really ?? Warren's gonna put circus freaks in the White House ?


That's it...she wins and I am drowning myself in Jack Daniels

PASS-I don't roll that way
The schools have rigged the system to tap in to all the easy government money. Most colleges have open admissions, i.e. let everyone in, and you can major in whatever the hell you want. Whether you can earn a living at it or pay the loans back is not the colleges' concern. They got their money. If they can charge $40k a year for two people to major in puppeteering then a puppeteering department there will be.

As Dave Ramsey Says we have to stop giving 18 yearolds $100K loans to study left handed puppetry.
About 5 or 6 times a week I get phone calls from the wonderful Obama-initiated service wherein some automated-******* voice calls you and tells you "congratulations, you qualify for student loan forgiveness." (I paid my and my wife's student loans off around 15 years ago.) You CAN'T get off their ******* call list, no matter how hard you try, they auto-rotate the number they call from so you can't block them.

So, every now and then I accept and get connected with some idiot who wants to help me with my loans. I go along with them using vague language, like, "Yes, I'd love student loan forgiveness." And when it gets time for them to look up my carrier and determine what is left on my loan (I tell them they "were around 55 or 60k as I remember.") When they can't find my loan with any lender I say, "Oh no. I paid my loans off like 15 years ago. I figured it would be even more effective for you guys to repay people who paid OFF their loans so they could re-invest in the economy with stock or land purchases that produces new taxable income."

They say, "Uh, the program doesn't do that." and hang up.
we have to stop giving 18 yearolds $100K loans to study left handed puppetry.
The problem is, most young people truthfully can't comprehend that they will have to 'repay' the loans. The loans are simply an abstract concept to them that has no actual meaning. Until they graduate or drop out and get that letter that says, "You've been out of school for 6 months, we need you to make your $763 payment on your student loan." Then all of a sudden the ******* world is ending because they are working at Starbucks or some internet cafe and they make around $36 more than they need to survive each month... with roomates.
About 5 or 6 times a week I get phone calls from the wonderful Obama-initiated service wherein some automated-******* voice calls you and tells you "congratulations, you qualify for student loan forgiveness." (I paid my and my wife's student loans off around 15 years ago.) You CAN'T get off their ******* call list, no matter how hard you try, they auto-rotate the number they call from so you can't block them.

So, every now and then I accept and get connected with some idiot who wants to help me with my loans. I go along with them using vague language, like, "Yes, I'd love student loan forgiveness." And when it gets time for them to look up my carrier and determine what is left on my loan (I tell them they "were around 55 or 60k as I remember.") When they can't find my loan with any lender I say, "Oh no. I paid my loans off like 15 years ago. I figured it would be even more effective for you guys to repay people who paid OFF their loans so they could re-invest in the economy with stock or land purchases that produces new taxable income."

They say, "Uh, the program doesn't do that." and hang up.

Can I get their number. Still got a way to go. ;-)
The problem is, most young people truthfully can't comprehend that they will have to 'repay' the loans. The loans are simply an abstract concept to them that has no actual meaning. Until they graduate or drop out and get that letter that says, "You've been out of school for 6 months, we need you to make your $763 payment on your student loan." Then all of a sudden the ******* world is ending because they are working at Starbucks or some internet cafe and they make around $36 more than they need to survive each month... with roomates.

**** my wife doesn’t comprehend she has to pay her credit card bill. She thinks Kohl’s will handle it.
Unless they strive to go into business, medicine or law, screw college. Start out working at UPS, FedEx, or Amazon delivery and they'll be doing well by the time they've put in 30 years. There will be no brick and mortar stores in another 15-20 years if not sooner, so the sky is the limit for those companies.

Plumber or electrician are two great trades. Heck I'm thinking about getting certified as an electrician. I'd rather do the occasional easy wiring job when I need a little extra after retirement rather than be a greeter at Walmart.

The wealthiest person I know personally is (or was) a plumber. Now he owned the company, sold it last year for $6 million, same age as me and set for life. Two-year business degree but he's a smart guy and worked hard, but just started out by himself in a van with a toolbox. His boat has two full bathrooms in it.
The problem is, most young people truthfully can't comprehend that they will have to 'repay' the loans. The loans are simply an abstract concept to them that has no actual meaning. Until they graduate or drop out and get that letter that says, "You've been out of school for 6 months, we need you to make your $763 payment on your student loan." Then all of a sudden the ******* world is ending because they are working at Starbucks or some internet cafe and they make around $36 more than they need to survive each month... with roomates.

This is precisely why we need to end taxpayer guaranteed student loans,
or at the very least have MUCH more stringent entrance requirements for college & university.
Taking out a student loan is a fools game....unless your kid is really smart enough and dedicated enough to finish. Then he ir she has to be assertive enough to get hired somewhere. Most kids don't fit that bill.
Taking out a student loan is a fools game....unless your kid is really smart enough and dedicated enough to finish. Then he ir she has to be assertive enough to get hired somewhere. Most kids don't fit that bill.

If you have any plans at all of going to a 4 year college you are almost certainly going to have to take out loans. Unless you are academically like in the top 5% of students in the country or a division I athlete with a full ride, you are going to be expected to cover many thousands of dollars even after any grants and academic scholarships are figured in. They typically cover about 25%-50% of the cost or a 4 year university at best. Usually less than that. It's just the way it is. Colleges are way too expensive to pay for with just a small to moderate scholarship package.

It's a big part of the reason why community colleges and trade schools are growing fast. A lot of extremely smart kids are bypassing the traditional colleges and universities because they don't want to have loans for the rest of their lives. Can't say I blame them.....as someone who will have loans for the rest of my life.
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If you have any plans at all of going to a 4 year college you are almost certainly going to have to take out loans. Unless you are academically like in the top 5% of students in the country or a division I athlete with a full ride, you are going to be expected to cover many thousands of dollars even after any grants and academic scholarships are figured in. They typically cover about 25%-50% of the cost or a 4 year university at best. Usually less than that. It's just the way it is. Colleges are way too expensive to pay for with just a small to moderate scholarship package.

It's a big part of the reason why community colleges and trade schools are growing fast. A lot of extremely smart kids are bypassing the traditional colleges and universities because they don't want to have loans for the rest of their lives. Can't say I blame them.....as someone who will have loans for the rest of my life.

I disagree with the first part. If you go to a community college for 2 or so years, apply for grants, do instate tuition, and work as you go you don't need loans. You can also go to college in the summer while you work. I did it and probably millions have done it. People want everything right now. Maybe it takes 5 or 6 years instead of 4? So what? You're better off without the debt.

College enrollment is down and if it continues to go down maybe they'll start dropping tuition rates? Maybe they'll get rid of ignorant and useless degrees like African American studies, Women's Studies, and Gender Studies. They need to focus on real degrees with real jobs associated with them.
I disagree with the first part. If you go to a community college for 2 or so years, apply for grants, do instate tuition, and work as you go you don't need loans. You can also go to college in the summer while you work. I did it and probably millions have done it. People want everything right now. Maybe it takes 5 or 6 years instead of 4? So what? You're better off without the debt.

College enrollment is down and if it continues to go down maybe they'll start dropping tuition rates? Maybe they'll get rid of ignorant and useless degrees like African American studies, Women's Studies, and Gender Studies. They need to focus on real degrees with real jobs associated with them.

Oh definitely if you go to a community college for the first 2 years you can eliminate a huge chunk of the cost. I was referring to attending a university all 4 years. You can work your *** off all through college and you aren't paying 4 years at 30K a year university by working during the summers without loans.
I remember when most of us were in our 30"s, now here we are with kids in college. time flies man.

I remember way back when before Justin had chlamydia.
And just so you guys understand...

Elizabeth Warren wants to nullify all student debt. She is just going to tell lenders and the govt. to move on and accept that the debt never happened.

And going forward, she's going to force colleges and universities to educate people for free.There will be no need for loans as all education will be completely free.

And she's going to give everyone in America a puppy.
what kind of puppy?
Oh i have a cousin out in Arizona that must love her. He's been going to school his whole damn life. A whole bunch of credits for nothing. A Doctorate in Nutrition and a **** ton of cedits that amount to nadda. Could never get into medical school and kept going to school so he wouldn't have to pay back his hundreds of thousands in student loans. He's 41 now. Think he works part time as a Assistant professor or some bs.

No ******* way he should be off the hook for being a professional student.