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Washington Times article on Pittsburgh's tragic, self-inflicted devolution


They killed Kenny!
Apr 9, 2014
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The nearest Steelers bar.
Longtime Pittsburgh resident Salena Zito - whose lineage has lived in Pittsburgh since the 1750's - wrote a very good article about the city's decline. I was last in Pittsburgh in September of 2010 and found it to be one of the most beautiful cities east of the Mississippi, with its art-deco buildings and bridges, homes jumbled together on hills, and an area that was in general very clean and welcoming.

Not any more, due solely to the one-party (always (D), isn't that the case?) rule that has brought about an explosion of homelessness, dirt, filth, excrement, needles and crime. Those conditions have resulted in a 22.5% vacancy rate on retail buildings. No city can survive that and Pittsburgh isn't.

So what is the new left-wing mayor, Ed Gainey, doing about the drugs and crime and homelessness and filth and decay and flight out of the city taking place under his stewardship?

Six months ago, the last and only time Gainey addressed Pittsburgh’s slide in front of hundreds of downtown stakeholders, business owners, foundations, and downtown residents, Gainey attempted to use stats to tell everyone in attendance to basically not believe their lying eyes. As one downtown resident told former deputy mayor and well-regarded Democrat Joe Mistick in frustration after the meeting, “We live here. We’re here every day. We know that’s not true.”

There has been a complete lack of passion coming from Gainey, a gifted orator, on pulling the city stakeholders such as civic leaders, business leaders, foundations, and residents together to solve the problem of the city in the way that was done in 1984 when the city was on its knees economically.

The only passion he has shown has been standing on the picket line with the SEIU, the social justice organization no one including him will deny ensured his victory in November of 2021, or riling people up at campaign events for Sen. John Fetterman (D-PA), Rep. Summer Lee (D-PA), or for abortions rights.

Campaign finance filings show the SEIU spent over $350,000 to elect Gainey, more than all of the other contributors to his campaign combined.

Gainey has steadfastly refused to meet with the largest employer in the city, UPMC, unless they agree to allow the SEIU to represent hospital workers, according to a detailed report done by KDKA investigative reporter Andy Sheehan. It is a curious decision to refuse to meet with the largest employer in the city and makes you wonder if he is the mayor of Pittsburgh or the mayor of SEIU.

Always the case. (D)imbos seize control of a city or state made great under conservative (D) or (R) leadership (California), turn it into their left-wing utopia, ruin the place, and blame the people they villainized. The article:

The Fall of a Great American City
Longtime Pittsburgh resident Salena Zito - whose lineage has lived in Pittsburgh since the 1750's - wrote a very good article about the city's decline. I was last in Pittsburgh in September of 2010 and found it to be one of the most beautiful cities east of the Mississippi, with its art-deco buildings and bridges, homes jumbled together on hills, and an area that was in general very clean and welcoming.

Not any more, due solely to the one-party (always (D), isn't that the case?) rule that has brought about an explosion of homelessness, dirt, filth, excrement, needles and crime. Those conditions have resulted in a 22.5% vacancy rate on retail buildings. No city can survive that and Pittsburgh isn't.

So what is the new left-wing mayor, Ed Gainey, doing about the drugs and crime and homelessness and filth and decay and flight out of the city taking place under his stewardship?

Always the case. (D)imbos seize control of a city or state made great under conservative (D) or (R) leadership (California), turn it into their left-wing utopia, ruin the place, and blame the people they villainized. The article:

The Fall of a Great American City
Pittsburgh, like any major city in this country, it's best to be at least 40 miles outside it's center.
Pittsburgh, like any major city in this country, it's best to be at least 40 miles outside it's center.

You're correct. I grew up 44 miles northeast of Pittsburgh right up the Allegheny.
We are about 25 miles north of Atlanta and believe it or not, perhaps moving another 45 miles north into real country. Like Zona, I like having a LOT of room between me and my neighbor and a place that is very, very, VERY quiet.
We are about 25 miles north of Atlanta and believe it or not, perhaps moving another 45 miles north into real country. Like Zona, I like having a LOT of room between me and my neighbor and a place that is very, very, VERY quiet.
Is that because of your fear of guns? It puts you further away from their guns and you're less likely to see your neighbour carrying them.
Booted, you know guns scare me. Know what else scares me? Memes. Memes scare me.

Guns and memes TOGETHER? Like a 6-year old in bed at midnight, hearing the closet door creak open and seeing Joe Biden walking out, THAT'S the terror level.
Penn Twp. south of Butler. Haven't been back since my best friend died in 96. It was pretty rural back then. We spent all our time biking without helmets running around in the woods etc. My dad got me a shotgun and 22 for my 13th birthday. We even had a skeet range at Knoch H.S. and mandatory Safety Ed class that taught us gun care. You could bring your own gun into school for that class and to shoot skeet.

I now live 30 miles from downtown Cincinnati and Dayton equally in a rural/suburban town. No desire to be any closer than that to any city.
Libtards are too dumb to learn from the textbook example, Detroit.
Libtards are too dumb to learn from the textbook example, Detroit.

It's only a cautionary tale if you think the goal of government is to improve the lives of the people. To Dems, it's a great success because their goal is to consolidate power by increasing the number of people who rely on the government. When they see working people move away, they see it as a positive because those people weren't going to vote for them anyway. Just makes their elections easier.
My Son had an internship in Pittsburgh this summer so we rented a house for him in Shady Side. Pickens was slim for anything short term rental and the house was very nice but the neighborhood...ooof! Wife and I went to visit about a month ago and I **** you not, just driving down the road, buildings collapsing inward, vehicles in disrepair you know the deal, wife and I look at each other like "WTF?". We make a right turn onto his street and we're in trouble. like 50-60 People standing in the middle of the street having conversations, front porches filled with people and they're all staring at us as we slowly drive by like we're Aliens. Conditions got better as we got closer to the house but man did that make me pucker. We would face time him and hear sirens and he would say he hears ambulances all the time...nope...police...he didn't want us to worry. I grew up around the Burgh in the 80's and what I see now is far worse.
My Son had an internship in Pittsburgh this summer so we rented a house for him in Shady Side. Pickens was slim for anything short term rental and the house was very nice but the neighborhood...ooof! Wife and I went to visit about a month ago and I **** you not, just driving down the road, buildings collapsing inward, vehicles in disrepair you know the deal, wife and I look at each other like "WTF?". We make a right turn onto his street and we're in trouble. like 50-60 People standing in the middle of the street having conversations, front porches filled with people and they're all staring at us as we slowly drive by like we're Aliens. Conditions got better as we got closer to the house but man did that make me pucker. We would face time him and hear sirens and he would say he hears ambulances all the time...nope...police...he didn't want us to worry. I grew up around the Burgh in the 80's and what I see now is far worse.
Surprised to hear you were in Shady Side and it looked like that?!?
Used to be a very nice inner-city neighborhood...our family belonged to Sacred Heart parish (still one of the most beautiful churches I ever been in), and I worked on Walnut St. while in H.S>/college, which was a ritzy type shopping/dining area. Was there about 5 years ago last when my parents passed...still was pretty nice.

Sounds more that Homewood/East Liberty neighborhoods...or maybe some parts of Oakland?
Booted, you know guns scare me. Know what else scares me? Memes. Memes scare me.

Guns and memes TOGETHER? Like a 6-year old in bed at midnight, hearing the closet door creak open and seeing Joe Biden walking out, THAT'S the terror level.
Exit light enter night. We are off to never-never land.
Surprised to hear you were in Shady Side and it looked like that?!?
Used to be a very nice inner-city neighborhood...our family belonged to Sacred Heart parish (still one of the most beautiful churches I ever been in), and I worked on Walnut St. while in H.S>/college, which was a ritzy type shopping/dining area. Was there about 5 years ago last when my parents passed...still was pretty nice.

Sounds more that Homewood/East Liberty neighborhoods...or maybe some parts of Oakland?
Sorry, my bad, He was just South of Homewood West.
It's only a cautionary tale if you think the goal of government is to improve the lives of the people. To Dems, it's a great success because their goal is to consolidate power by increasing the number of people who rely on the government. When they see working people move away, they see it as a positive because those people weren't going to vote for them anyway. Just makes their elections easier.
Officially known as the Curly Effect. Named for a former mayor of Boston, not one of the Th
It's only a cautionary tale if you think the goal of government is to improve the lives of the people. To Dems, it's a great success because their goal is to consolidate power by increasing the number of people who rely on the government. When they see working people move away, they see it as a positive because those people weren't going to vote for them anyway. Just makes their elections easier.
officially known as the Curly Effect. Named fo a former mayor of Boston, not one of the Three Stooges.
It's only a cautionary tale if you think the goal of government is to improve the lives of the people. To Dems, it's a great success because their goal is to consolidate power by increasing the number of people who rely on the government. When they see working people move away, they see it as a positive because those people weren't going to vote for them anyway. Just makes their elections easier.
Officially known as the Curly Effect. Named for a former mayor of Boston
Libtards are too dumb to learn from the textbook example, Detroit.
About 10 years ago I visited a high school friend that lived in Grosse Point Woods. She took me on a drive of the area and literally a street divided Detroit from Grosse Point. One side was manicured lawns and single family homes, the other side a burnt out ghetto. I've never seen anything like this in my life.
I have been to Grosse Point, probably 30 years ago. It was an incredibly beautiful area. (D)imbos policies had not reached the outskirts at that point.

Let (D)imbo policies destroy (D)imbo neighborhoods. I no longer give a ****. Don't ******* care. Those blithering imbeciles want to live in Soviet-style public housing, stacked on top of each other? **** 'em, have at it.

Just stay out of my neck of the woods.
About 10 years ago I visited a high school friend that lived in Grosse Point Woods. She took me on a drive of the area and literally a street divided Detroit from Grosse Point. One side was manicured lawns and single family homes, the other side a burnt out ghetto. I've never seen anything like this in my life.
I've been there. Really odd. I couldn't figure out why the bangers didn't cross the street.