Huh, I forget where I said I speak for all women. Seems like you were the one doing that.
People settle lawsuits for all sorts of reasons. Ben originally countersued the Colorado woman for defamation, but then when the accusation from Georgia showed up I'm sure he was advised to settle the first one quickly and quietly to avoid any more media attention. The woman he settled with is documented to have been bragging about having sex with him and telling her friend she was hoping for a "little Roethlisberger".
The Georgia woman initially told police she had not been raped. Then she said she wasn't sure. Then gave conflicting stories of exactly what happened. In the current stories about the accusations you won't find the fact that she first claimed Ben had sex with her while she was sitting on a toilet. Ben is 6' 5" and the bathroom in question is tiny. A physical impossibility. Then she said she wasn't sure if she was sitting or standing, or if he had sex with her face to face or from behind. No DNA evidence was found. It is certainly possible that something happened between Ben and this woman. But given the fact that there was no physical evidence linking him to anything and her story changed numerous times you certainly cannot assume he raped her.
No I'm not a biased Steelers fan. When I first heard about the Georgia accusation I wanted Ben to rot in jail...until I took a minute to actually look at the facts. It's unfortunate that sometimes accusations get treated as proof before someone even has a chance to defend themselves.