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We can't afford a few billion for a wall, but...


You may worship me
Apr 8, 2014
Reaction score
Trampa, FL

Sanders unveils $2.5 trillion 'Housing for All' plan

White House hopeful Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) on Wednesday released a $2.5 trillion plan to guarantee housing for every American.

Sanders said the plan would "guarantee every American — regardless of income — a fundamental right to a safe, decent, accessible, and affordable home" and would be paid for by a wealth tax on the top one-tenth of 1 percent of income earners.

"There is virtually no place in America where a full-time minimum wage worker can afford a decent two bedroom apartment. At a time when half of our people are living paycheck to paycheck, this is unacceptable," he said. "For too long the federal government has ignored the extraordinary housing crisis in our country. That will end when I am president."

Sanders's plan seeks to invest $1.48 trillion over 10 years in the National Affordable Housing Trust Fund to build and maintain 7.4 million "quality, affordable and accessible housing units" that he says will eliminate the gap in affordable housing for the lowest-income renters. It would also invest another $400 billion to build 2 million mixed-income social housing units.

He also intends to use the plan to end homelessness by prioritizing 25,000 National Affordable Housing Trust Fund units to house the homeless in his first year in office and provide $500 million to state and local governments to help connect the homeless to case management and social services.
The Democratic socialist lambasted "corrupt real estate developers" for jacking up rent prices and President Trump for cutting federal housing programs. He says he would create an office within the Department of Housing and Urban Development to strengthen rent control and tenant protections and make data on evictions and rent increases available to the public.

Sanders's campaign, much like his 2016 bid, has made a benchmark issue of income and advantage disparities between upper-class and working-class Americans. The Vermont Independent first introduced legislation in 2001 to create the National Affordable Housing Trust Fund, which is now funded through a small percentage of revenues from Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, the government-sponsored housing agencies.

Sanders has consistently polled in the top tier of national and statewide surveys, though he is facing a stiff challenge from Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) for the crowded primary field's progressive mantle.
My mom, long since passed God rest her soul, was the nicest person I have ever known. However, she and my dad were from blue collar families in Pittsburgh. The kind that knew hard work yielded enough to get by, and harder work a little more.

Back in the early 1980's, some news show was broadcasting something about the homeless, because as we all know, Ronald Reagan caused homelessness. My mom, who would not say a bad word to a burglar, responded to the news story by saying, in a voice dripping with sarcasm and anger, "Oh, yeah, great. Where do I get my free home?"

Probably 90% of Americans over the age of 50 share that view. Americans under the age of 30 have unfortunately grown up spoiled and privileged, and are the biggest babies and charity hogs this great nation has ever known.

Oh, and **** Sanders. And if Kamala wants another nickel from me, she can suck my ****. I hear she does that for a living.
Yeah promising is easy, delivering is a bit harder.

Good that means they're going to pay my mortgage.
*************, i have to think of everything for you.

1. Allocate enough funding to build a huge dormitory. Homeless people can live there for free as can people with low incomes.

Due to the size of the dormitory needed, you'd need a pretty big open space to build it.

There is a big area between Mexico and the US. Plenty of room. Put solar panels on top to power the new low income housing and quite a bit of Southern US.

Reduces dependence on fossil fuels as the area receives plenty of sun, and reduces homelessness to ZERO.
Uh, Mr. Sanders?

There is virtually no place in America where a full-time minimum wage worker can afford a decent two bedroom apartment.

Welcome to lovely Butte, MT. Please, let's take a look at the apartment listings. My Daughter, a 'nearly full time' minimum wage worker pulls just about 1k a month. She can get an apartment for around 1/2 that. And if she decided to get a roommate... Well HELL!
Uh, Mr. Sanders?

There is virtually no place in America where a full-time minimum wage worker can afford a decent two bedroom apartment.

Welcome to lovely Butte, MT. Please, let's take a look at the apartment listings. My Daughter, a 'nearly full time' minimum wage worker pulls just about 1k a month. She can get an apartment for around 1/2 that. And if she decided to get a roommate... Well HELL!

Oh, come on, wig, Col. Sanders is talking about real places. You know, places with "people of color," and gun control, and lots of murders, and needles in the street, and mounds of human **** in the street, and homeless urinating in front of you.

You know, the real America, not some bucolic backwater where people respect each other, poop in a toilet, don't use drugs, and clean up after themselves!!
Oh, come on, wig, Col. Sanders is talking about real places. You know, places with "people of color," and gun control, and lots of murders, and needles in the street, and mounds of human **** in the street, and homeless urinating in front of you.

You know, the real America, not some bucolic backwater where people respect each other, poop in a toilet, don't use drugs, and clean up after themselves!!

Also where they protect illegal aliens who commit violent crimes.
White House hopeful Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) on Wednesday released a $2.5 trillion plan to guarantee housing for every American.

Sanders said the plan would "guarantee every American — regardless of income — a fundamental right to a safe, decent, accessible, and affordable home" and would be paid for by a wealth tax on the top one-tenth of 1 percent of income earners.

Already been done. Bernie's potential running mate.

I just want to make sure I have this. I should pay for:

  • Housing for other people - by the millions.
  • Housing for illegals.
  • Schooling for illegals.
  • Food stamps for ... whoever. Including illegals.
  • Medical care for everybody.
  • Medical care for illegals.
I'm going to go out on a limb here, and suggest that may cost a bit of money. So, (D)ims, including those commenting on this forum, HOW MUCH WILL THAT COST, AND WHERE THE **** IS ALL THAT MONEY GOING TO COME FROM?!?!?
I just want to make sure I have this. I should pay for:

  • Housing for other people - by the millions.
  • Housing for illegals.
  • Schooling for illegals.
  • Food stamps for ... whoever. Including illegals.
  • Medical care for everybody.
  • Medical care for illegals.
I'm going to go out on a limb here, and suggest that may cost a bit of money. So, (D)ims, including those commenting on this forum, HOW MUCH WILL THAT COST, AND WHERE THE **** IS ALL THAT MONEY GOING TO COME FROM?!?!?

Clearly, you do not understand the economic theory of Modern Monetary Policy. AOC is an expert.

I don't have the time to list the other things you don't understand.
Clearly, you do not understand the economic theory of Modern Monetary Policy. AOC is an expert.

AOC's "economic plan" involves taking trillions of dollars from productive people and companies and putting it into the blender of uselessness, known as the Federal government.

Dumb ***** can't pay her ******* student loans despite earning $178,000 per year at age 29. **** her and her stupid policies.

I don't have the time to list the other things you don't understand.

I will give you that one.
The government cannot give to anybody anything that the government does not first take from somebody else.

Free healthcare
Free tuition
Free housing

It's all theft.
Dumb ***** can't pay her ******* student loans despite earning $178,000 per year at age 29. **** her and her stupid policies.

Remember when she moved to D.C. she said her rent was too damn high.
I guess i DO have to educate you dumbshits on modern monetary policy.

The government can SPEND anything it wants. Spending and revenue are, apparently, unrelated. Debt and deficits
are irrelevant.

Jesus Christ, people. Open a book. Turn of Limbaugh, hannity, beck and faux news.