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Well That Certainly Didn't Take Too Long; Burfict Returns, Makes His Mark

All you need to read about the Bengals to realize how stupid they are as a team is the ESPN article on Burfict from a few weeks ago when he was making his return. The article was basically about how his over the line play has cost them games......most specifically that he and Pacman single handedly lost the playoff game for them last year with the hit on Brown and the aftermath of it because they can't keep their cool. So the reporter asks a bunch of Bengals players about it and puts forth the idea that you sometimes you have to temper your rage for the betterment of the team. To a man, every single Bengal quoted said, "We love it when he plays like that. We feed off it and hope he doesn't change a thing. He's our leader and we all want to play like him"

My first thought after reading the story was, Ok awesome, so you would rather your team and Burfict keep on "Keeping it realz" than win a playoff game. My next thought was that stupid teams get stupid results.
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Extremely cheap shot, but the NFL has decided these types of "cheap shots" are more acceptable than anything around the head.

I would have suspended him a game.
The NFL condones this behavior then wonders why the ratings are down.

But AB is threatened with expulsion because they don't like his choice of footwear.

*EDIT* Sorry didn't see the other post here on page 2.

The question is - how much more will he need to do before he is just flat out suspended indefinitely? Clearly this dude is a stain on the new "player safety" obsessed shield

At least we're not the only team who has a problem with him. It's everybody.
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So far these are just rumors, but word on the twitterverse is that Blount went after Burfict for going after Bell as much as going after Bennett...
So far these are just rumors, but word on the twitterverse is that Blount went after Burfict for going after Bell as much as going after Bennett...

Hmmmm, yeah I forgot they were tight. A little too tight actually.
I can't believe a player hasn't just said eff it and ended it for him. The league front office is a joke. He should be done. It's obvious he has no regard for the careers of any other players on the field by his antics. If and when someone finally has enough and ends his career I won't feel one bit sad about it.
thugs be thugs...what gang is burfict associated with? different then the players hes targeting? or is it just him being a solo thug?
I might bring a guy off the practice squad for a couple plays just to get him off the field. If the league won't protect the players from an obvious hazard, I'm not waiting around for him to take liberties on my guys again. It's a ****** way to think, and I hate that I even feel that way. It's just time for that particular guy.
Burfict constantly tries to hurt people yet the NFL allows him to continue to play. Ridiculous.
I can't believe a player hasn't just said eff it and ended it for him. The league front office is a joke. He should be done. It's obvious he has no regard for the careers of any other players on the field by his antics. If and when someone finally has enough and ends his career I won't feel one bit sad about it.

It's kinda too bad that Ritchie Incognito cleaned up his act. Be poetic justice.
He should be tossed for the year, he's nothing but a piece of garbage.
Lol once again, the bengal board "jungle noise" are all up in arms about how the NFL is soooo unfaaaiir, and how they're just picking on burfict because the bengals arent a sweetheart team for the league. Pathetic. Hilarious, but pathetic
Lol once again, the bengal board "jungle noise" are all up in arms about how the NFL is soooo unfaaaiir, and how they're just picking on burfict because the bengals arent a sweetheart team for the league. Pathetic. Hilarious, but pathetic

Are they near MASShole mentality??? It's funny how so many teams have eccentric fans, INCLUDING the STEELERS. What separates us from other teams fans is I think the "hard working roots" of the fan base are of way back when. The steel mills formed the base of our fanship. That was REAL hard work but fair work for pay. Our team LOST and lost big time for many of many a year's. Some of the old timers told me of the old days. They'd actually go to games knowing the STEELERS were going to loose>COM, but went anyways to see how physically beat up the other team would be. That's no myth, the STEELERS physically beat the hell out of opponents quite often. The steelers have always been a physical team, that is until of late. So in conclusion, I feel our fan base has been overall a better fan base than most other teams. We as fans need to carry that decentce with us wherever we go as we represent the greatest team of all time. REMEMBER that. The Germans geography was way off as they tried to deliver a demoralizing to blow to the great united State by bombing Pearl Harbor when they actually were targeting Pittsburgh.

Salute the nation