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What do you like about Hillary?

I like that she completely silences her enemies.
I like that she doesnt forget nor forgive.
I like that she's cold-blooded.
I like that she dresses like she could walk into a Salvation Army or Wal-Mart at any moment.
I like that her cankles are not too swollen to keep her from walking on the graves and memories of those who have died to give her the ability to walk on their graves and memories.
This thread seems to be a bit more entertaining. Kudos to those of you who dislike her, yet still adhere to the guidelines!
Hillary Clinton has a lot of similarities to Richard Nixon and I mean that in both good and bad ways......mostly bad. When you consider that ideology-wise that Nixon was probably the last true liberal president as far as his policy goes it shows you just how much the country has polarized. There actually used to be progressives in the Republican party. What a concept! Nixon ****** all that up because he just couldn't help himself. But back to Hillary. Much like Nixon she is obsessed with getting the Presidency and has the type of personality that is relentless but very unpersonable and placid. She will stop at nothing to get what she wants. She has never really pandered herself as a woman and that is somehow almost a non issue with her taking the office. Which is good. Kind of. What is scary to me is that all the work that the Obama Administration has done creating a strong and growing coalition of voters can be decimated if Hillary (and Bill) get into office and start scandal-ing up the place. It was enough to put a stain on Al Gore campaign (although his campaign was run horribly enough on it's own.....Joe Lieberman.....ugh). I thought her DNC speech was way too pandering and overreaching and I still don't have a clear view of what she actually wants to do. She has a shady history in health care reform, finance reform, and prison reform. So overall. She's pragmatic (who tries to masquerade as progressive), and shes persistent (bordering and sometimes crossing over into outright corrupt).
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I know we have some Hillary supporters here. As an undecided voter, I'd like to know what is it about her policy or platform that you like?

The only rule is you can't mention Republicans, GOP, Trump, or conservatives.

Conversely, this isn't a bash Hillary thread, so Hillary haters, keep it in the other numerous threads.

Looking forward to your thoughts.

I had to think real hard, but I finally came up with something I like about her: nostalgia.

In hindsight the Clintons have always been dirty liars, and, frankly, evil. BUT, during the Bill Clinton years, things were great (but not necessarily because of him).

The 90's were good times for most. The economy was strong, the govt. had an actual SURPLUS of $. There were few wars that the US was in. You could actually make $ on your $.

The planet wasn't nearly as trashed. The govt. wasn't nearly as corrupt and controlled by the globalist bankers (it still was, but not as bad as today).

But other than that, there isn't a single thing I like about her. She brings lying to a new level. She had nothing but horrid intentions. She is 100% self-serving in every way.

She does NOTHING to help those who she claims to be for (poor, women, children). She is polar opposite of what she claims. I thought liberals were anti-war, anti big corporation and anti for the most wealthy.

She is 100% all about serving those entities.
I like that she's such a pathological liar that she even lies about unimportant things, like she was named after Sir Edmund Hillary, the first man to climb Mt. Everest. Except he climbed Everest years after she was born.

I like that she pretends to have 3 different home towns when it suits her. Chicago, New York, and Scranton.

I like she was essentially fired from the Watergate commission for stealing documents, being dishonest and being willing to manufacture evidence to take down Nixon.

It was so cute when Congress asked her if she "wiped" her hard drive and she pretended not to understand and asked "you mean with a cloth?".

It was very clever the way she made millions on bogus cattle futures deals. She is an expert on bull.

I like that it was Hillary's campaign that started the "birther" movement as she was the first to question O's place of birth, But the media covered that up for her.
I like the fact that she is a never ending source of amusement.




Hillary isn't likable, she is a type A personality, the type that sat in front of the class and raised her
hand at every question. The one everyone else in the class disliked.

As President she will be up by 5am and to bed at midnight 7 days a week, working to get things done.
What Republicans fear most is that they know this is true and she will get a lot done.

It's "what she is getting done" that bothers most.

Her agenda will be all pro-war, pro-Wall St, pro-Israel at the detriment of the American People.

She serves the wealthy global bankers over the American people. It's a sick joke. She takes $ from countries her murder gays and treat women like slaves. She has no principles other than personal greed, and **** anyone else.

No moral compass whatsoever.

She doesn't waste a lot of time clothes shopping like most women. She just orders the same Kin Jung Un pants suit in 75 different colors / patterns.

^^^yes^^^ this. I'll agree with this. I think she probably does foreign exchanges with Kim boy. His wardrobe for her hair products
She is scum of
The earth who should be behind bars with her husband
Zero, zilch, nada.

I can sincerely say that I hate her with every ounce of my being.