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White House launches unprecedented personal attack on Trump

That's what I was looking - so, 96% of blacks hate Muslims and are racist?

Hillary doesn't stand a chance

They know what's up because they deal with Muslims in prison.
**** islam. Until i see the muslims standing up and rooting those the radicals out themselves. **** em. show me any good that ideology brings to this world? what does sharia do? death&oppression under an iron hand. just like the ******* commies.

Government researchers are notoriously slow. I'm sure NASA will be coming out soon with their results.
Lemme get this straight. The fact that we have a second ammendment for our citizens confuses you about our immigration laws? Wtf?

Refresh your memory on the 1st and 14th amendment. Also to put things into perspective here is a good story from someone who is much more qualified than you or I.


"Yes. A Muslim man blew me up, and I lost my leg," he wrote. "A Muslim man also lost his arm that day wearing a British Uniform.

"A Muslim medic was in the helicopter that took me from the field. A Muslim surgeon performed the surgery that saved my life.

"A Muslim Nurse was part of the team that helped me when I returned to the UK.

"A Muslim Healthcare Assistant was part of the team that sorted out my day to day needs in rehabilitation when I was learning to walk.

"A Muslim taxi driver gave me a free ride the first time I went for a beer with my Dad after I came home.

"A Muslim doctor offered my Dad comfort and advice in a pub, when he didn't know how to deal with my medicines and side effects."
Refresh your memory on the 1st and 14th amendment. Also to put things into perspective here is a good story from someone who is much more qualified than you or I.


"Yes. A Muslim man blew me up, and I lost my leg," he wrote. "A Muslim man also lost his arm that day wearing a British Uniform.

"A Muslim medic was in the helicopter that took me from the field. A Muslim surgeon performed the surgery that saved my life.

"A Muslim Nurse was part of the team that helped me when I returned to the UK.

"A Muslim Healthcare Assistant was part of the team that sorted out my day to day needs in rehabilitation when I was learning to walk.

"A Muslim taxi driver gave me a free ride the first time I went for a beer with my Dad after I came home.

"A Muslim doctor offered my Dad comfort and advice in a pub, when he didn't know how to deal with my medicines and side effects."

And they all secretly wanted him dead.
Ted wants in on the action....oh my

Ted Cruz: Carpet bomb Islamic State 'into oblivion'

CEDAR RAPIDS, Iowa — Republican presidential candidate Ted Cruz said Saturday he would "utterly destroy" Islamic State if he were elected.

"We will carpet bomb them into oblivion. I don’t know if sand can glow in the dark, but we’re going to find out"




How Christian of him.... Indiscriminately bombing " the Islamic State" into oblivion. What constitutes the "Islamic state"!in his mind? The entire Middle East? How many hundreds of thousands if not millions of innocent people would die if such a policy were ever implemented?
Government researchers are notoriously slow. I'm sure NASA will be coming out soon with their results.

the people interviewing the "refugees" should be the same quick-thinkers and action-efficient-oriented government employees who work at the DMV offices.

those ***** would be let in around the time my great great great great grandkids are heading off to help populate another ******* planet.
How Christian of him.... Indiscriminately bombing " the Islamic State" into oblivion. What constitutes the "Islamic state"!in his mind? The entire Middle East? How many hundreds of thousands if not millions of innocent people would die if such a policy were ever implemented?

probably the same area that your beloved dear leader refers to as ISIL.
How Christian of him.... Indiscriminately bombing " the Islamic State" into oblivion. What constitutes the "Islamic state"!in his mind? The entire Middle East? How many hundreds of thousands if not millions of innocent people would die if such a policy were ever implemented?

They indiscriminately bomb us. I don't see a problem with it.
Back to the .....White House launches unprecedented personal attack on Trump

Studies now show that the lefty loosey media is losing the battle for our minds and the interloper in the White House isn't going to be any more of a game changer than his buddy Michael Moore.

Can there be any further doubt that we have now come to a time when the rightward half of the country perceives much of the mainstream media (the broadcast networks, big city newspapers, etc.) to be carriers of Democratic and/or left-leaning news and opinion?

Perhaps the most difficult theory is that, at a time when the very existence of newspapers and TV is threatened by the Internet and social media, the CEOs don't much care to spend a lot of time dealing with issues as thorny and intractable as the editorial slant of their news and opinion reporting.

Whatever the explanation, it's unlikely that this state of affairs will go on much longer without notable consequences for the mainstream media. The reasons: the explosive growth, courtesy of the Internet, of conservative and libertarian studies, investigative news reports and commentary; and the alignment, by the leadership of the Republican Party, with the claims of media bias being made by all the right-of-center media and conservative journalists within the mainstream media.

To be sure, it can be argued that the amount of coverage Trump has received in media of all kinds has enabled his dominance among Republicans polled, but this argument ignores the extraordinarily negative coverage the gentleman has received, even by (one might say especially by) conservatives.

At a time when so much of the mainstream media display a politically monochromatic view of the world, they are being ignored by large numbers of people who no longer see them as objective chroniclers of anything.

This is a tough one. On one hand you have people saying we cant ban guns because of the constitution and on the other hand this country was founded and built up by immigrants so is it un-american to not let people in? I realize the world has changed, but that argument can be made for any rights / laws / cases. Personally I feel that we let too many into the country as it regardless of country/race/religion. What do these people do when they come into the country especially if they can not speak english? I would definitely be for more surveillance I do not feel we have much of a choice, but as far totally banning people that is a tough call. Regardless I do not see it happening I do not see how Trump could realistically pull it off.

The country had to founded by somebody, and the immigrants that helped build this country entered legally without being promised social welfare programs or free health care. It is not un-American to protect this country from terrorism.
One of your heros Jimmy Carter, banned all Iranians from entering this country. Roosevelt rounded up all the Japs...not to mention that from1925 to 1965 ALL immigration to this country was stopped in order for this country to catch its breath so to speak.

What a novel idea in this day and age of Islamic terrorism.
If you want to really hit them where it counts, the pocket book, let's all solar power our homes and buy electric cars and
make their oil worthless. We certainly shouldn't keep buying their oil and indirectly funding terrorism.
If you want to really hit them where it counts, the pocket book, let's all solar power our homes and buy electric cars and
make their oil worthless. We certainly shouldn't keep buying their oil and indirectly funding terrorism.

Oil is a world commodity and essential to tons of goods. Most power in the U.S. isn't from oil dipshit. Natural gas, coal, nuclear, and hydroelectric. Less than 1% is from oil... and it is produced in the U.S. So your grand scheme is ignorant.

BTW do you have solar panels on your house? If not then why are you telling others to do it?

Poll: Nearly Two-Thirds Of Likely GOP Voters Back Trump’s Muslim Ban

Talking Points Memo

Republican presidential frontrunner Donald Trump’s recent proposal to ban all Muslims from entering the U.S. has far from hurt his poll numbers; in fact, a poll released Wednesday found that almost two-thirds of GOP primary voters back the plan.

37 percent of all likely general election voters said they support Trump’s plan while 65 percent of likely Republican primary voters said they back the ban.



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The irony is and Limbaugh said it best, they try and try to take Trump out and can't figure out how. His poll numbers after his ban the Muzzies statement jumped up. He knows how to talk to American people. He knows what they want to hear and he owns it whether people like it or not. That is honesty that people have not heard from a career politician. While the other candidates on both party tickets try to take him down, he just keeps plugging away at issues people want answers to. He's not going away folks. Ted Cruz understands this. A Trump/Cruz or Cruz/Trump ticket could be very very powerful and hard to beat. A theory of mine is the beltway gang is afraid Trump will expose them and their crookedness. The man knows how to play the system. He said it in the first debate. If he wants something done, he donates to a politician, regardless of party affiliation.
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Refresh your memory on the 1st and 14th amendment. Also to put things into perspective here is a good story from someone who is much more qualified than you or I.


"Yes. A Muslim man blew me up, and I lost my leg," he wrote. "A Muslim man also lost his arm that day wearing a British Uniform.

"A Muslim medic was in the helicopter that took me from the field. A Muslim surgeon performed the surgery that saved my life.

"A Muslim Nurse was part of the team that helped me when I returned to the UK.

"A Muslim Healthcare Assistant was part of the team that sorted out my day to day needs in rehabilitation when I was learning to walk.

"A Muslim taxi driver gave me a free ride the first time I went for a beer with my Dad after I came home.

"A Muslim doctor offered my Dad comfort and advice in a pub, when he didn't know how to deal with my medicines and side effects."

Dear Jesus.

So lets all hold hands and sing kumbaya

...and a white firefighter performed CPR on a black child.
...and a black brain surgeon in Detroit saved the life of a white child.
...and Jewish doctors care for Christian and Muslim patients every day.
...and a black guy in Cleveland rescued a white girl held prisoner for 10 yrs.
...and a Muslim OBGYN doc, Dr. Maliwanni delivered my first child, a white Christian
If you want to really hit them where it counts, the pocket book, let's all solar power our homes and buy electric cars and
make their oil worthless. We certainly shouldn't keep buying their oil and indirectly funding terrorism.

We should all ride unicorns to work. Problem solved.
The irony is and Limbaugh said it best, they try and try to take Trump out and can't figure out how. His poll numbers after his ban the Muzzies statement jumped up. He knows how to talk to American people. He knows what they want to hear and he owns it whether people like it or not. That is honesty that people have not heard from a career politician. While the other candidates on both party tickets try to take him down, he just keeps plugging away at issues people want answers to. He's not going away folks. Ted Cruz understands this. A Trump/Cruz or Cruz/Trump ticket could be very very powerful and hard to beat. A theory of mine is the beltway gang is afraid Trump will expose them and their crookedness. The man knows how to play the system. He said it in the first debate. If he wants something done, he donates to a politician, regardless of party affiliation.

Trump is fanning the fires of conspiracy. He is the first politician running to understand how the internet has affected the voting base. America is constantly a click down the rabbit hole of another conspiracy. You can follow them off of almost every site on the internet. The celebrity world was affected first, but it has creeped into everything we have interest in. The 2-3 minute website "top-10" or list of "biggest lies told" or "strangest animals" or "cameraman lets the camera roll when he should have stopped" or "sexy newscaster blunders". It's everywhere.

And the effectiveness of these type websites is astronomical.

Trump has tapped into that psychosis of America. We don't trust anyone. We don't trust our neighbors. We don't have big families anymore. The media is corrupt. Our politicians are corrupt. It's all a big conspiracy to keep us down or stay in power or make money.

And it's funny how the right/left have reacted to this. The conservatives in our midst have decided only VERY small government is the way to go. Leave us alone. We'll stockpile guns. We'll bunker down and wait it out. We'll be the last man standing.

The liberal wants more guarantees of a safety net. More socialism. More transparency. More forced social unity to make up for family unity.

But it still goes back to what I think is misguided fear of those in charge. I don't think bank CEO's sit around and laugh at the expense of America. I truly believe they are as much American and patriotic as we are. I don't think elected officials get taken to a secret room and indoctrinated into a secret club that says only listen to big money and ignore their constituents or moral conscience. I don't believe the media has a secret agenda to change elections. I have faith that most doctors, newscasters, CEO's, politicians, insurance salesman, contractors and whoever else are really making decisions they think are best and moral. That there might be some bending of moral codes, but it's not any worse now than that ever. When the chips are really in, most people are trying to do the right thing.

If we resist the idea that our country and business world are being run by completely amoral people, I think we can get back close enough to get good things done in this country. But if the conspiracy theorists continue to gain ground, we are only digging further into our bunkers of rigidity and stubbornness. And the more the radical extremists (or those that pander to the radical extremist ideals) will win these primaries.
Yes, basically from 1925 to 1965 we let very few immigrants into the country from anywhere. The 1965 immigration bill was championed by Ted Kennedy, who recently celebrated five years of sobriety. The 1965 bill was tilted to make it easier for unskilled laborers from third world shitholes to get in and educated white people from Europe, no so much.

Five years of sobriety ... I love it!
Just saw this thread. All I gotta say is what the WH said epitomizes the juvenile mentality it so espouses. We have a CIC who takes selfies, tweets, and uses social media like a 13 year old girl. That's about the level of intelligence I see coming out of this admin.

Ironic that the admin whose major slogan was "hope and change" and pretty vacuous is calling out Trump.
Trump is fanning the fires of conspiracy. It's everywhere.

Trump has tapped into that psychosis of America. We don't trust anyone. We don't trust our neighbors. We don't have big families anymore. The media is corrupt. Our politicians are corrupt. It's all a big conspiracy to keep us down or stay in power or make money.

And it's funny how the right/left have reacted to this. The conservatives in our midst have decided only VERY small government is the way to go. Leave us alone. We'll stockpile guns. We'll bunker down and wait it out. We'll be the last man standing.

The liberal wants more guarantees of a safety net. More socialism. More transparency. More forced social unity to make up for family unity.

But it still goes back to what I think is misguided fear of those in charge.

If we resist the idea that our country and business world are being run by completely amoral people, I think we can get back close enough to get good things done in this country. But if the conspiracy theorists continue to gain ground, we are only digging further into our bunkers of rigidity and stubbornness. And the more the radical extremists (or those that pander to the radical extremist ideals) will win these primaries.

Good read Del, and I agree with a lot of what you are professing ....but, at the same time there are a lot of mitigating factors that can not be ignored when it comes down to a corrupt govt system. People are people and our govt, since it's inception, has not fundamentally changed ...until lately. There have been Progressives in our past and there have been Hawks and conservatives but there hasn't been this level of seedy underhanded vitriol put together with the new expanded level of resources and available information, both of the informative and the blatantly bias kind.



If you don't believe there is massive corruption, just study the Global Climate movement and it's goals and plans.

The U.N. Climate Change Summit drew two hundred world leaders to Paris this past week. It's alarming. The scientists told the Climate Change Summit that global warming is worse than they originally predicted, which is pretty bad because they originally predicted it would destroy the planet.

The more we dig the seedier the whole operation gets and the end trail just keeps rolling up on a big pile of money.


Dig into this new trade agreement. Follow the backroom secret pages, the open ended deals that benefit parties to be identified at a later date and the questionable terms that no private firm would ever agree to, without coercion. It is definitely a different Country now than ever before and we will need new ideas to counter the ills you mentioned....

.or, just insist on enforcing the ones we were founded upon.

Here we go...maybe Bill Clinton did set all this up

Trump Goes On Offensive Against Cruz

Speaking in Iowa, Trump launched his first attack on Cruz by zeroing in on the senator's opposition to ethanol standards, an issue dear to Iowan hearts.

"He’s got to come a long way because he’s right now for the oil," Trump said at a rally in Des Moines. "I understand it. Oil pays him a lot of money. He’s got to be for oil, right? The oil companies give him a lot of money, but I’m with you.”

Here we go...maybe Bill Clinton did set all this up

Trump Goes On Offensive Against Cruz

Speaking in Iowa, Trump launched his first attack on Cruz by zeroing in on the senator's opposition to ethanol standards, an issue dear to Iowan hearts.

"He’s got to come a long way because he’s right now for the oil," Trump said at a rally in Des Moines. "I understand it. Oil pays him a lot of money. He’s got to be for oil, right? The oil companies give him a lot of money, but I’m with you.”


Point, Cruz! I'm against ethanol standards too......so Iowans have to find another market for their corn or plant something else.