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White House proposed releasing immigrant detainees in sanctuary cities


Regular Member
Apr 20, 2014
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4 more years!

4 more years!

**** those open borders commies up

White House proposed releasing immigrant detainees in sanctuary cities, targeting political foes


White House officials have tried to pressure U.S. immigration authorities to release detainees onto the streets of “sanctuary cities” to retaliate against President Trump’s political adversaries, according to Department of Homeland Security officials and email messages reviewed by The Washington Post.

Trump administration officials have proposed transporting detained immigrants to sanctuary cities at least twice in the past six months — once in November, as a migrant caravan approached the U.S. southern border, and again in February, amid a standoff with Democrats over funding for Trump’s border wall.

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s district in San Francisco was among those the White House wanted to target, according to DHS officials. The administration also considered releasing detainees in other Democratic strongholds



Punch all them ******* in the taco
Trump is a master of this kind of ****. He's probably bullshitting about doing it but he's putting the Democrats in a position where they either have to agree with him that illegal immigration is a problem and look like humongous, lying hypocrites or get they can overrun with illegal immigrants in their cities. Like I said, it's probably all for show but it does make me laugh that he keeps backing Liberals into a corner based on their own bullshit.
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...and let’s cut off federal funding for those cities!

At least disallow their votes in federal elections, since non-citizens are voting in them there.

“Excellent suggestion,” Heather Higgins, chairwoman of the conservative Independent Women's Forum, posted on Twitter. “Sanctuary Cities should walk their talk.”

But California Attorney General Xavier Becerra and other Democrats blasted the idea.

“Donald Trump’s use of government power to conduct corrupt, vindictive operations smells like Watergate,” said Becerra, a former congressman from California. “It’s a sobering reminder that our nation is only as strong as our democratic institutions and the rule of law.”

San Francisco Mayor London Breed dismissed the idea as “just another scare tactic” and insisted her city would continue “to put forward proposals to support our immigrant communities.”
You wouldn't want them to go to a non-sanctuary city where they might get deported, do you?

(Actually I get it, the Dems want to use illegals to flip red states. Shipping illegals who will vote Democrat to already blue states doesn't help anything.)
You know he's just yanking their chain....it's hilarious

He is so much better at politics than any of them it's funny
They should send them to the sanctuary cities. Right now they are sending them to various rural towns far away from where the elites live. These politicians and hollywood types love to talk a big game about inviting immigrants to the country knowing they won't live anywhere near them.

It won't be their mansion that goes down in value. It won't be their schools that have to deal with non English speaking students. It won't be anybody they know who loses a job because now there's a bunch of people who will work for less.