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white privilege, y'all


You may worship me
Apr 8, 2014
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Trampa, FL
Suspect in deadly shove of man on Las Vegas bus freed on bail


The murder suspect in the death of a 74-year-old man who was pushed off a bus was free on bail Wednesday, court records show.

Cadesha Bishop, 25, posted bond on Friday and was placed on “high-level” electronic monitoring. It wasn’t clear from the records on what day she was released.

She was previously held at the Clark County Detention Center on $100,000 bail.

Bishop was arrested May 6 on a murder charge in the death of Serge Fournier, who was pronounced dead on April 23 from complications of blunt force injuries he suffered a month earlier, when he was pushed off a parked bus near Fremont and 13th streets.

Bishop, who police said had been yelling profanities on the bus, allegedly shoved Fournier about 4:50 p.m. on March 21 after he told her “to be nicer to the passengers,” according to her arrest report.

Fournier landed on his head about eight feet from the bus, and Bishop walked away without offering help, police said. She was on the bus with her son at the time.

Her preliminary hearing is set for May 23.

Contact Rio Lacanlale at rlacanlale@reviewjournal.com or 702-383-0381. Follow @riolacanlale on Twitter.

video at link
Clearly this woman had every right to shove that elderly man with a walker off the bus when he asked her "to be nicer." You're raciss for seeing it any other way.
Here's the *****.


And here's the poor old guy, with a ******* walker, that she killed.

I don't care about race in this case, but to shove ANYONE off a bus, let alone a 75 y.o. with a walker that caused his death is inhumane. Another time I believe in "eye for an eye". No trial. If you have no regard for life, there should be no regard for yours.
That ******* ***** should die. My Dad is 73 and if she did that to him, it would be the end of her.
Won't be 1st degree murder, but 2nd degree murder. But at least 30-40 years in prison would be about right.

She's not fit for society. Don't even bother with rehabilitation. Lock her up and maybe when she's 74 she can get out.
Won't be 1st degree murder, but 2nd degree murder. But at least 30-40 years in prison would be about right.

She's not fit for society. Don't even bother with rehabilitation. Lock her up and maybe when she's 74 she can get out.

When she is 75 release her by shoving her off a moving prison bus.
Won't be 1st degree murder, but 2nd degree murder.

Should be 1st degree murder. Murder is defined as homicide (the killing of one human being by another) with malice. Malice is defined as the intent, without justification, excuse or reason, to commit a wrongful act that will result in harm to another.

The malice necessary to support a charge of 1st degree murder is "that deliberate intention unlawfully to take the life of another human being which is manifested by external circumstances capable of proof." The malice for taking the life of another is proven where the act is so malicious, dangerous, and likely to cause harm that it proves a "malignant heart."

That describes the actions of this contemptible *** to a tee. She pushed an elderly man out of a bus, down several feet, onto concrete. That action is certain to cause injury, likely serious injury. The fact that she did not "intend" to cause death is simply irrelevant. She engaged in a pre-meditated, deliberate action known to cause very serious injury.

Unfortunately, the act does not qualify for felony-murder, a capital offense, since the underlying felony directly caused the death. This is known as "merger."

She should be charged with 1st degree murder. Let her lawyer argue for 2nd degree murder or manslaughter.
I don't care about race in this case, but to shove ANYONE off a bus, let alone a 75 y.o. with a walker that caused his death is inhumane. Another time I believe in "eye for an eye". No trial. If you have no regard for life, there should be no regard for yours.

swap the races in this.
if a white man pushed an elderly black woman off a bus, resulting in her death, would he be so easily released on bond with an ankle monitor? extremely doubtful.
swap the races in this.
if a white man pushed an elderly black woman off a bus, resulting in her death, would he be so easily released on bond with an ankle monitor? extremely doubtful.

I'm not disagreeing with you, but I would hope the outrage and severity would be equal, no matter who did this. She shouldn't be walking the streets.
I'm not disagreeing with you, but I would hope the outrage and severity would be equal, no matter who did this. She shouldn't be walking the streets.

No doubt. Like if a black man had thrown a white boy over the upstairs railing of a mall, the MSM would be all over it to no end.

oh. one happened, the other didnt.
swap the races in this.
if a white man pushed an elderly black woman off a bus, resulting in her death, would he be so easily released on bond with an ankle monitor? extremely doubtful.

****. Today, that’s a hate crime with riots and TVs for everyone
I've noticed a definite trend in the last few years of aggressive behavior by overweight African-American women, and not just on Jerry Springer and Maury Shows. I don't know why that is.
I've noticed a definite trend in the last few years of aggressive behavior by overweight African-American women, and not just on Jerry Springer and Maury Shows. I don't know why that is.

Because the ******* pieces of **** in government and in the media have been telling them for years that the White man hates them and wants to bring back slavery. No wonder they are angry. I just wish more people could see through the bullshit and realize who their real enemies are.
Like if a black man had thrown a white boy over the upstairs railing of a mall, the MSM would be all over it to no end.

I forgot about that. What the hell happened with him (as I can't find anything from the MSM)? He just randomly threw a boy over a railing 30 or so feet down onto a hard surface because? Is the boy alive? Is he in prison? Is the family in the process of suing the **** out of him?

Sadly, if you changed the color of the skin of the two involved, this would've been front page, world-wide news for weeks.
Yeah then they could all have a beer summit to smooth it over. Obummer was/is a tool.
swap the races in this.
if a white man pushed an elderly black woman off a bus, resulting in her death, would he be so easily released on bond with an ankle monitor? extremely doubtful.

Ooooooh, if the races were swapped this would be the headline in EVERY paper and the newstory that kicked off EVERY news telecast, both local and national, and there would be protests and calls for justice.

Subsequently, none of this is currently occurring.
And I whole-heartedly agree with the previous posts.
Race should have ZERO to do with this or any other crime and should have nothing to do with the outrage we as a society have for such senseless and cowardly crimes.
This isn't a mistake or victim-less crime. A human died as a direct result.
I don't believe in the death penalty. But this person should be locked up with the key sent to Mars with Elon Musk's next space visit.
Because the ******* pieces of **** in government and in the media have been telling them for years that the White man hates them and wants to bring back slavery. No wonder they are angry. I just wish more people could see through the bullshit and realize who their real enemies are.

Hostess?? Popeyes?
Don't care about race. That ***** needs a few swings upside her head with a baseball bat.